This document describes how to evaluate an arbitrary smooth function on a ciphertext in CKKS using Chebyshev approximation. The Chebyshev approximation is a method of approximating a smooth function using polynomials.
The example for this code is located in function-evaluation.cpp. The file gives examples on how to run EvalLogistic
, the logistic function EvalChebyshevFunction
. We use the square root function in our example for EvalChebyshevFunction
: This is the ciphertext we wish to operate on.a
: This is the lower bound of underlying plaintext values we could have.b
: This is the upper bound of underlying plaintext values we could
: This is the polynomial degree of the Chebyshev approximation. A higher degree gives a more precise estimate, but takes longer to run.
Each run of EvalChebyshevFunction requires a certain number of multiplications which depends on the input polynomial degree. We give a table below to map polynomial degrees to multiplicative depths.
Degree | Multiplicative Depth |
3-5 | 4 |
6-13 | 5 |
14-27 | 6 |
28-59 | 7 |
60-119 | 8 |
120-247 | 9 |
248-495 | 10 |
496-1007 | 11 |
1008-2031 | 12 |
Note that if we use a range