This part has been written in order to get statistics for a presentation. Statistics Visualization is not part of the main command yet.
The data must currently be retrieved manually from the server: Each checker run writes a run directory: in there a csv directory that includes also files for statistical data. From there the data for each month was added manually:
- a Month column has been added
- the Column names have been adjusted
- the numbers column reflects the original data and are stored in the column 'Fehleranzahl'
- the orginal message column has been transformed to beeter describe the "Fehlertyp" or "DCAT-Property"
Sample input data is available at data/links.csv and data/shacl.csv
Once the data has been imported, run
source p3venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_stat.txt
Sample plot for the provided sample data can be found at plots/links.png and plots/shacl.png