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Elasticsearch Exporter

Stability beta: traces, logs
Distributions contrib
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @JaredTan95, @ycombinator, @carsonip

This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry logs and traces to Elasticsearch.

Configuration options

Exactly one of the following settings is required:

  • endpoint (no default): The target Elasticsearch URL to which data will be sent (e.g. https://elasticsearch:9200)
  • endpoints (no default): A list of Elasticsearch URLs to which data will be sent, attempted in round-robin order
  • cloudid (no default): The Elastic Cloud ID of the Elastic Cloud Cluster to which data will be sent (e.g. foo:YmFyLmNsb3VkLmVzLmlvJGFiYzEyMyRkZWY0NTY=)

When the above settings are missing, endpoints will default to the comma-separated ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable.

Elasticsearch credentials may be configured via Authentication configuration settings. As a shortcut, the following settings are also supported:

  • user (optional): Username used for HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • password (optional): Password used for HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • api_key (optional): Elasticsearch API Key in "encoded" format.


      authenticator: basicauth

    username: elastic
    password: changeme


  extensions: [basicauth]
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [elasticsearch]
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [elasticsearch]

Advanced configuration

HTTP settings

The Elasticsearch exporter supports common HTTP Configuration Settings, except for compression (all requests are uncompressed). As a consequence of supporting confighttp, the Elasticsearch exporter also supports common TLS Configuration Settings.

The Elasticsearch exporter sets timeout (HTTP request timeout) to 90s by default. All other defaults are as defined by confighttp.


The Elasticsearch exporter supports the common sending_queue settings. However, the sending queue is currently disabled by default.

Elasticsearch document routing

Telemetry data will be written to signal specific data streams by default: logs to logs-generic-default, and traces to traces-generic-default. This can be customised through the following settings:

  • index (DEPRECATED, please use logs_index for logs, traces_index for traces): The index or data stream name to publish events to. The default value is logs-generic-default.
  • logs_index: The index or data stream name to publish events to. The default value is logs-generic-default
  • logs_dynamic_index (optional): takes resource or log record attribute named elasticsearch.index.prefix and elasticsearch.index.suffix resulting dynamically prefixed / suffixed indexing based on logs_index. (priority: resource attribute > log record attribute)
    • enabled(default=false): Enable/Disable dynamic index for log records
  • traces_index: The index or data stream name to publish traces to. The default value is traces-generic-default.
  • traces_dynamic_index (optional): takes resource or span attribute named elasticsearch.index.prefix and elasticsearch.index.suffix resulting dynamically prefixed / suffixed indexing based on traces_index. (priority: resource attribute > span attribute)
    • enabled(default=false): Enable/Disable dynamic index for trace spans
  • logstash_format (optional): Logstash format compatibility. Traces or Logs data can be written into an index in logstash format.
    • enabled(default=false): Enable/Disable Logstash format compatibility. When logstash_format.enabled is true, the index name is composed using traces/logs_index or traces/logs_dynamic_index as prefix and the date, e.g: If traces/logs_index or traces/logs_dynamic_index is equals to otlp-generic-default your index will become otlp-generic-default-YYYY.MM.DD. The last string appended belongs to the date when the data is being generated.
    • prefix_separator(default=-): Set a separator between logstash_prefix and date.
    • date_format(default=%Y.%m.%d): Time format (based on strftime) to generate the second part of the Index name.

Elasticsearch document mapping

The Elasticsearch exporter supports several document schemas and preprocessing behaviours, which may be configured throug the following settings:

  • mapping: Events are encoded to JSON. The mapping allows users to configure additional mapping rules.
    • mode (default=none): The fields naming mode. valid modes are:
      • none: Use original fields and event structure from the OTLP event.
      • ecs: Try to map fields to Elastic Common Schema (ECS)
      • raw: Omit the Attributes. string prefixed to field names for log and span attributes as well as omit the Events. string prefixed to field names for span events.
    • fields (optional): Configure additional fields mappings.
    • file (optional): Read additional field mappings from the provided YAML file.
    • dedup (default=true): Try to find and remove duplicate fields/attributes from events before publishing to Elasticsearch. Some structured logging libraries can produce duplicate fields (for example zap). Elasticsearch will reject documents that have duplicate fields.
    • dedot (default=true): When enabled attributes with . will be split into proper json objects.

ECS mapping mode


The ECS mode mapping mode is currently undergoing changes, and its behaviour is unstable.

In ECS mapping mode, the Elastisearch Exporter attempts to map fields from OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions (version 1.22.0) to Elastic Common Schema. This mode may be used for compatibility with existing dashboards that work with with ECS.

Elasticsearch ingest pipeline

Documents may be optionally passed through an Elasticsearch Ingest pipeline prior to indexing. This can be configured through the following settings:

Elasticsearch bulk indexing

The Elasticsearch exporter uses the Elasticsearch Bulk API for indexing documents. The behaviour of this bulk indexing can be configured with the following settings:

  • num_workers (default=runtime.NumCPU()): Number of workers publishing bulk requests concurrently.
  • flush: Event bulk indexer buffer flush settings
    • bytes (default=5000000): Write buffer flush size limit.
    • interval (default=30s): Write buffer flush time limit.
  • retry: Elasticsearch bulk request retry settings
    • enabled (default=true): Enable/Disable request retry on error. Failed requests are retried with exponential backoff.
    • max_requests (default=3): Number of HTTP request retries.
    • initial_interval (default=100ms): Initial waiting time if a HTTP request failed.
    • max_interval (default=1m): Max waiting time if a HTTP request failed.
    • retry_on_status (default=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504]): Status codes that trigger request or document level retries. Request level retry and document level retry status codes are shared and cannot be configured separately. To avoid duplicates, it is recommended to set it to [429]. WARNING: The default will be changed to [429] in the future.

Elasticsearch node discovery

The Elasticsearch Exporter will regularly check Elasticsearch for available nodes. Newly discovered nodes will automatically be used for load balancing. Settings related to node discovery are:

  • discover:
    • on_start (optional): If enabled the exporter queries Elasticsearch for all known nodes in the cluster on startup.
    • interval (optional): Interval to update the list of Elasticsearch nodes.

Node discovery can be disabled by setting discover.interval to 0.