From 9972653b537e0c823e7ba200e126e4d62411bf23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 13:55:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] update documentation [skip ci]

---                            | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 oqs-template/ |  8 ++++++--
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4c16855a..6945c94a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,10 +33,15 @@ Algorithms
 This implementation makes available the following quantum safe algorithms:
+### KEM algorithms
 - **BIKE**: `bikel1`, `p256_bikel1`, `x25519_bikel1`, `bikel3`, `p384_bikel3`, `x448_bikel3`, `bikel5`, `p521_bikel5`
 - **CRYSTALS-Kyber**: `kyber512`, `p256_kyber512`, `x25519_kyber512`, `kyber768`, `p384_kyber768`, `x448_kyber768`, `x25519_kyber768`, `p256_kyber768`, `kyber1024`, `p521_kyber1024`
 - **FrodoKEM**: `frodo640aes`, `p256_frodo640aes`, `x25519_frodo640aes`, `frodo640shake`, `p256_frodo640shake`, `x25519_frodo640shake`, `frodo976aes`, `p384_frodo976aes`, `x448_frodo976aes`, `frodo976shake`, `p384_frodo976shake`, `x448_frodo976shake`, `frodo1344aes`, `p521_frodo1344aes`, `frodo1344shake`, `p521_frodo1344shake`
 - **HQC**: `hqc128`, `p256_hqc128`, `x25519_hqc128`, `hqc192`, `p384_hqc192`, `x448_hqc192`, `hqc256`, `p521_hqc256`†
+### Signature algorithms
 - **CRYSTALS-Dilithium**:`dilithium2`\*, `p256_dilithium2`\*, `rsa3072_dilithium2`\*, `dilithium3`\*, `p384_dilithium3`\*, `dilithium5`\*, `p521_dilithium5`\*
 - **Falcon**:`falcon512`\*, `p256_falcon512`\*, `rsa3072_falcon512`\*, `falcon1024`\*, `p521_falcon1024`\*
@@ -206,6 +211,12 @@ One way to do this is to enable it in the OpenSSL config file. Detailed
 explanations can be found for example
+An example file activating `oqsprovider` by default is `scripts/openssl-ca.cnf`.
+This can be activated for example by setting the standard OpenSSl environment
+variable "OPENSSL_CONF" to this file before using `openssl`, e.g. in UNIX notation:
+    setenv OPENSSL_CONF=scripts/openssl-ca.cnf
 Another alternative is to explicitly request its use on the command line.
 The following examples use that option. All examples below assume openssl (3.0)
 to be located in a folder `.local` in the local directory as per the
@@ -216,18 +227,23 @@ eliminates the need for specific PATH setting as showcased below.
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl list -providers -verbose -provider-path _build/lib -provider oqsprovider 
-## Creating (classic) keys and certificates
+## Creating keys and certificates
-This can be facilitated for example by running
+This can be facilitated for example by using the usual `openssl` commands:
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl req -x509 -new -newkey rsa -keyout rsa_CA.key -out rsa_CA.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=test CA" -days 365 -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl genpkey -algorithm rsa -out rsa_srv.key
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl req -new -newkey rsa -keyout rsa_srv.key -out rsa_srv.csr -nodes -subj "/CN=test server" -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl x509 -req -in rsa_srv.csr -out rsa_srv.crt -CA rsa_CA.crt -CAkey rsa_CA.key -CAcreateserial -days 365
+These examples create classic RSA keys but the very same commands can be used
+to create PQ certificates replacing the key type "rsa" with any of the PQ
+signature algorithms [listed above](#Signature_algorithms).
 ## Setting up a (quantum-safe) test server
-This can be facilitated for example by running
+A simple server utilizing PQ/quantum-safe KEM algorithms and classic RSA
+certicates can be set up for example by running
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl s_server -cert rsa_srv.crt -key rsa_srv.key -www -tls1_3 -groups kyber768:frodo640shake -provider-path _build/lib  -provider default -provider oqsprovider
@@ -240,7 +256,7 @@ This can be facilitated for example by running
 By issuing the command `GET /` the quantum-safe crypto enabled OpenSSL3
 server returns details about the established connection.
-Any [available KEM algorithm]( can be selected by passing it in the `-groups` option.
+Any [available quantum-safe/PQ KEM algorithm](#KEM_algorithms) can be selected by passing it in the `-groups` option.
 ## S/MIME message signing -- Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
@@ -258,7 +274,7 @@ Step 1: Create quantum-safe key pair and self-signed certificate:
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl req -x509 -new -newkey dilithium3 -keyout qsc.key -out qsc.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest" -days 365 -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf -provider-path _build/lib -provider oqsprovider -provider default
 By changing the `-newkey` parameter algorithm name [any of the 
-supported quantum-safe or hybrid algorithms](
+supported quantum-safe or hybrid algorithms](#Signature_algorithms)
 can be utilized instead of the sample algorithm `dilithium3`.
 Step 2: Sign data:
diff --git a/oqs-template/ b/oqs-template/
index f900d930..17e0785c 100644
--- a/oqs-template/
+++ b/oqs-template/
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-{%- for family, kems in config['kems'] | groupby('family') %}
+### KEM algorithms
+{% for family, kems in config['kems'] | groupby('family') %}
 - **{{ family }}**: {% for kem in kems -%} `{{ kem['name_group'] }}` {%- for hybrid in kem['hybrids'] -%}, `{{ hybrid['hybrid_group']}}_{{ kem['name_group'] }}`{%- endfor -%}{%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}{%- if loop.last and family == 'HQC' -%}†{%- endif -%}{%- endfor -%}
 {%- endfor %}
-{%- for sig in config['sigs'] %}
+### Signature algorithms
+{% for sig in config['sigs'] %}
 {% if sig['variants']|length > 0 -%}
 - **{{ sig['family'] }}**:
     {%- for variant in sig['variants'] -%}

From 188a913513b61c6223ceda3377e98186e371a4c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 13:59:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] correct links [skip ci]

--- | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 6945c94a..38e8bcf0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ This can be facilitated for example by using the usual `openssl` commands:
 These examples create classic RSA keys but the very same commands can be used
 to create PQ certificates replacing the key type "rsa" with any of the PQ
-signature algorithms [listed above](#Signature_algorithms).
+signature algorithms [listed above](#signature-algorithms).
 ## Setting up a (quantum-safe) test server
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ This can be facilitated for example by running
 By issuing the command `GET /` the quantum-safe crypto enabled OpenSSL3
 server returns details about the established connection.
-Any [available quantum-safe/PQ KEM algorithm](#KEM_algorithms) can be selected by passing it in the `-groups` option.
+Any [available quantum-safe/PQ KEM algorithm](#kem-algorithms) can be selected by passing it in the `-groups` option.
 ## S/MIME message signing -- Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Step 1: Create quantum-safe key pair and self-signed certificate:
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.local/lib64 .local/bin/openssl req -x509 -new -newkey dilithium3 -keyout qsc.key -out qsc.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest" -days 365 -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf -provider-path _build/lib -provider oqsprovider -provider default
 By changing the `-newkey` parameter algorithm name [any of the 
-supported quantum-safe or hybrid algorithms](#Signature_algorithms)
+supported quantum-safe or hybrid algorithms](#signature-algorithms)
 can be utilized instead of the sample algorithm `dilithium3`.
 Step 2: Sign data: