Add OmFileFormat
as a dependency to your Package.swift
. Note: Unsafe compiler flags are required for SIMD instructions and this does not work if semantic versioning is used. Therefore, the git revision needs to be specified manually.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", revision: "63b93c313dc5d29893f3aabccd616c3047b3fa87")
targets: [
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: [.product(name: "OmFileFormat", package: "om-file-format")])
Assuming the file
directly contains a floating point array with 3 dimensions
import OmFileFormat
let file = ""
let fn = try FileHandle.openFileReading(file: file)
let mmap = try MmapFile(fn: fn)
let read = try OmFileReader2(fn: mmap).asArray(of: Float.self)!
let data = try [50..<51, 20..<21, 10..<200])