PyPartMC is a Python interface to PartMC, a particle-resolved Monte-Carlo code for atmospheric aerosol simulation. PyPartMC is implemented in C++ and it also constitutes a C++ API to the PartMC Fortran internals. The Python API can facilitate using PartMC from other environments - see, e.g., Julia and Matlab examples below.
For an outline of the project, rationale, architecture, and features, refer to: D'Aquino et al., 2023 (arXiv) (please cite if PyPartMC is used in your research). For a list of talks and other relevant resources, please see project Wiki.
! pip install PyPartMC
import PyPartMC
- Urban plume scenario demo (as in PartMC):
- Dry-Wet Particle Size Equilibration with PartMC and PySDM:
- Simulation output processing example (loading from netCDF files using PyPartMC):
- Optical properties calculation using external Python package (PyMieScatt):
- works on Linux, macOS and Windows (compatibility assured with CI builds)
- hassle-free installation using
(prior PartMC installation not needed) - works out of the box on, Google Colab and alike
- ships with a set of examples maintained in a form of Jupyter notebooks
- Pythonic API (but retaining PartMC jargon) incl. Python GC deallocation of Fortran objects
- specification of parameters using native Python datatypes (lists, dicts) in place of PartMC spec files
- code snippets in README depicting how to use PyPartMC from Julia and Matlab (also executed on CI)
- auto-generated API docs on the web
- support for [de]serialization of selected wrapped structures using JSON
- based on unmodified PartMC code
- does not use or require shell or any pre-installed libraries
- aiming at 100% unit test coverage
The listings below depict how the identical task of randomly sampling particles from an aerosol size distribution in PartMC can be done in different programming languages.
For a Fortran equivalent of the Python, Julia and Matlab programs below, see the readme_fortran
import numpy as np
import PyPartMC as ppmc
from PyPartMC import si
aero_data = ppmc.AeroData((
# [density, ions in solution, molecular weight, kappa]
{"OC": [1000 ***3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0.001]},
{"BC": [1800 ***3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0]},
aero_dist = ppmc.AeroDist(
"cooking": {
"mass_frac": [{"OC": [1]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 3200 /**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 8.64 * si.nm,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.28,
"diesel": {
"mass_frac": [{"OC": [0.3]}, {"BC": [0.7]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 2900 /**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 50 * si.nm,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.24,
n_part = 100
aero_state = ppmc.AeroState(aero_data, n_part, "nummass_source")
print(, aero_state.num_concs), "# kg/m3")
Julia (using PyCall.jl)
using Pkg
using PyCall
ppmc = pyimport("PyPartMC")
si = ppmc["si"]
aero_data = ppmc.AeroData((
# (density, ions in solution, molecular weight, kappa)
Dict("OC"=>(1000 *^3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0.001)),
Dict("BC"=>(1800 *^3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0))
aero_dist = ppmc.AeroDist(aero_data, (
"cooking" => Dict(
"mass_frac" => (Dict("OC" => (1,)),),
"diam_type" => "geometric",
"mode_type" => "log_normal",
"num_conc" => 3200 /^3,
"geom_mean_diam" => 8.64 * si.nm,
"log10_geom_std_dev" => .28,
"diesel" => Dict(
"mass_frac" => (Dict("OC" => (.3,)), Dict("BC" => (.7,))),
"diam_type" => "geometric",
"mode_type" => "log_normal",
"num_conc" => 2900 /^3,
"geom_mean_diam" => 50 * si.nm,
"log10_geom_std_dev" => .24,
n_part = 100
aero_state = ppmc.AeroState(aero_data, n_part, "nummass_source")
print(aero_state.masses()'aero_state.num_concs, "# kg/m3")
Matlab (using Matlab's built-in Python interface)
notes (see the PyPartMC Matlab CI workflow for an example on how to achieve it on Ubuntu 20):
- Matlab ships with convenience copies of C, C++ and Fortran runtime libraries which are
by default; one way to make PyPartMC OK with it is to [pip-]install by compiling from source using the very same version of GCC that Matlab borrowed these libraries from (e.g., GCC 9 for Matlab R2022a, etc); - Matlab needs to use the same Python interpretter/venv as the pip invocation used to install PyPartMC;
- a single-line
file with justpybind11_type=type
inside needs to be placed within Matlab'sPYTHONPATH
to sort out a Matlab-pybind11 incompatibility.
ppmc = py.importlib.import_module('PyPartMC');
si = py.importlib.import_module('PyPartMC').si;
aero_data = ppmc.AeroData(py.tuple({ ...
py.dict(pyargs("OC", py.tuple({1000 *^3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0.001}))), ...
py.dict(pyargs("BC", py.tuple({1800 *^3, 0, 1e-3 *, 0}))) ...
aero_dist = ppmc.AeroDist(aero_data, py.tuple({ ...
py.dict(pyargs( ...
"cooking", py.dict(pyargs( ...
"mass_frac", py.tuple({py.dict(pyargs("OC", py.tuple({1})))}), ...
"diam_type", "geometric", ...
"mode_type", "log_normal", ...
"num_conc", 3200 /^3, ...
"geom_mean_diam", 8.64 * si.nm, ...
"log10_geom_std_dev", .28 ...
)) ...
)), ...
py.dict(pyargs( ...
"diesel", py.dict(pyargs( ...
"mass_frac", py.tuple({ ...
py.dict(pyargs("OC", py.tuple({.3}))), ...
py.dict(pyargs("BC", py.tuple({.7}))), ...
}), ...
"diam_type", "geometric", ...
"mode_type", "log_normal", ...
"num_conc", 2900 /^3, ...
"geom_mean_diam", 50 * si.nm, ...
"log10_geom_std_dev", .24 ...
)) ...
)) ...
n_part = 100;
aero_state = ppmc.AeroState(aero_data, n_part, "nummass_source");
masses = cell(aero_state.masses());
num_concs = cell(aero_state.num_concs);
fprintf('%g # kg/m3\n', dot([masses{:}], [num_concs{:}]))
PyPartMC is used within the test workflow of the PySDM project.
- PyPartMC is written in C++, Fortran and uses pybind11 and CMake.
- JSON support is handled with nlohmann::json and pybind11_json
- PartMC and selected parts of SUNDIALS are statically linked (and compiled in during
pip install
orpython -m build
) - C (SUNDIALS, netCDF), C++ (pybind11, ...) and Fortran (PartMC, CAMP, netCDF-fortran) dependencies are linked through git submodules
- MOSAIC dependency is optionally linked through setting the environmental variable
- a drop-in replacement of the PartMC spec file routines is used for i/o from/to JSON
flowchart TD
subgraph J ["Julia"]
julia_user_code["Julia user code"] --> PyCall.jl
subgraph M ["Matlab"]
matlab_user_code["Matlab user code"] --> matlab_python["Matlab built-in\nPython interface"]
subgraph P ["Python"]
python_user_code -.-> NumPy
python_user_code["Python user code"] ---> PyPartMC["pubind11-generated\nPyPartMC module"]
matlab_python --> PyPartMC
PyCall.jl --> PyPartMC
subgraph Cpp ["C++"]
cpp_user_code["C++ user code"] ----> ppmc_cpp
PyPartMC --> ppmc_cpp["PyPartMC-C++"]
ppmc_cpp --> pybind11_json
pybind11_json ---> nlohmann::JSON
fake_spec_file_cpp --> nlohmann::JSON
subgraph C ["C"]
fake_spec_file_c --> fake_spec_file_cpp["SpecFile-C++"]
ppmc_cpp --> ppmc_c["PyPartMC-C"]
camp_c["CAMP C code"]
subgraph Fortran ["Fortran"]
PartMC -....-> MOSAIC
ppmc_c --> ppmc_f["PyPartMC-F"]
ppmc_f ---> PartMC
PartMC --> netCDF-F
netCDF-F --> netCDF-C
PartMC ---> camp_f
camp_f["CAMP"] --> camp_c
PartMC ----> fake_spec_file_f[SpecFile-F]
fake_spec_file_f --> fake_spec_file_c["SpecFile-C"]
style PartMC fill:#7ae7ff,stroke-width:2px,color:#2B2B2B
Q: Why
pip install PyPartMC
triggers compilation on my brand new Apple machine, while it quickly downloads and installs binary packages when executed on older Macs, Windows or Linux?
A: We are not yet providing binary wheels on PyPI for Apple-silicon (arm64) machines. Cross-compilation with gfortran is only supported with experimental unofficial builds and is tricky, while Github Actions ARM64 virtual machines are costly. -
Q: Why some of the constructors expect data to be passed as lists of single-entry dictionaries instead of multi-element dictionaries?
A: This is intentional and related with PartMC relying on the order of elements within spec-file input; while Python dictionaries preserve ordering (insertion order), JSON format does not, and we intend to make these data structures safe to be [de]serialized using JSON. -
Q: How to check the version of PartMC that PyPartMC was compiled against?
A: Version numbers of compile-time dependencies of PyPartMC, including PartMC, can be accessed as follows:
import PyPartMC
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'cmake'
Try rerunning after installing CMake, e.g., using apt-get install cmake
(Ubuntu/Debian), brew install cmake
(homebrew on macOS) or using MSYS2 on Windows.
No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found.
Try installing a Fortran compiler (e.g., brew reinstall gcc
with Homebrew on macOS or using MSYS2 on Windows).
Could not find NC_M4 using the following names: m4, m4.exe
Try installing m4
(e.g., using MSYS2 on Windows).
git clone --recursive git+
cd PyPartMC
DEBUG=1 VERBOSE=1 pip --verbose install -e .
gdb python
(gdb) run -m pytest -s -vv -We -p no:unraisableexception tests
PyPartMC codebase benefits from Pylint, Black and isort code analysis (which are all part of the CI workflows where we also use pre-commit hooks. The pre-commit hooks can be run locally, and then the resultant changes need to be staged before committing. To set up the hooks locally, install pre-commit via pip install pre-commit
and set up the git hooks via pre-commit install
(this needs to be done every time you clone the project). To run all pre-commit hooks, run pre-commit run --all-files
. The .pre-commit-config.yaml
file can be modified in case new hooks are to be added or existing ones need to be altered.
authors: PyPartMC developers
funding: US Department of Energy Atmospheric System Research programme
copyright: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
licence: GPL v3
authors: Nicole Riemer, Matthew West, Jeff Curtis et al.
licence: GPL v2 or later