Releases: open-atmos/PyMPDATA
Releases · open-atmos/PyMPDATA
PyMPDATA v1.0.4
- fixing version indicators for dependencies in files (regression introduced when automating package uploads)
PyMPDATA v1.0.3
- enable CI with Python 3.10
- fix timers documentation (cpu/wall time mismatch)
- JOSS paper updates
PyMPDATA v1.0.2
added PyPI release automation through GitHub Actions
PyMPDATA v1.0.1
including JOSS paper draft folder into the main branch
Merge pull request #319 from atmos-cloud-sim-uj/slayoo-patch-8 bump PyMPDATA-examples test-time requirement
PyMPDATA v0.12
- addressing compatibility with Numba 0.55 (incl. elimination of read-only globals for null arrays)
- refactor around passing arrays & boundary conditions in Stepper (using namedtuple)
PyMPDATA v0.11
- docstring updates
- fixes in Julia and Matlab snippets in README
- switch from exdown to pytest-codeblocks in CI workflows (package renamed)
- indicate incompatibility with Numba 0.55 in
PyMPDATA v0.10
- cleanups & refactors: first release for which pylint report zero issues
- pylint check is now part of CI workflow (failure is any issue raised)
- docstring updated (also checked by pylint)
- figures in README: grid layout in 2D and wireframe pltos inspired by Fig. in Arabas et al. 2014 (Sci. Prog.)
- 3d timing tests
- smoke tests for the 3D example against libmpdata++ reference data
- asserts vs. analytic solution in shallow-water smoke test
- new smoke test based on the shallow-water example