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:trigger/emit not working with :onyx.triggers/watermark #839

neverfox opened this issue Jan 12, 2018 · 5 comments

:trigger/emit not working with :onyx.triggers/watermark #839

neverfox opened this issue Jan 12, 2018 · 5 comments


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When using a watermark trigger, emitted segments don't flow downstream (as they do with a segment-based trigger, for instance). Perhaps it's unsupported for that trigger type, though I cannot imagine why that would be the case since I confirmed that the emit function is firing as expected. Here's a runnable example:

(ns traffic-events.core
   [clojure.core.async :refer [chan >!! <!! close!]]
   [onyx.plugin.core-async :refer [take-segments!]])

(def id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))

(def env-config
  {:zookeeper/address     ""
   :zookeeper/server?     true
   :zookeeper.server/port 2188
   :onyx/tenancy-id       id})

(def peer-config
  {:zookeeper/address        ""
   :onyx/tenancy-id          id
   :onyx.peer/job-scheduler  :onyx.job-scheduler/balanced
   :onyx.messaging/impl      :aeron
   :onyx.messaging/peer-port 40200
   :onyx.messaging/bind-addr "localhost"})

(def batch-size 10)

(def workflow
  [[:in :count]
   [:count :out]])

(defn watermark-fn [segment]
  (.getTime (:event-time segment)))

(def catalog
  [{:onyx/name                :in
    :onyx/plugin              :onyx.plugin.core-async/input
    :onyx/type                :input
    :onyx/medium              :core.async
    :onyx/assign-watermark-fn ::watermark-fn
    :onyx/batch-size          batch-size
    :onyx/max-peers           1
    :onyx/doc                 "Reads segments from a core.async channel"}

   {:onyx/name         :count
    :onyx/type         :reduce
    :onyx/group-by-key :url
    :onyx/flux-policy  :continue
    :onyx/batch-size   batch-size}

   {:onyx/name       :out
    :onyx/plugin     :onyx.plugin.core-async/output
    :onyx/type       :output
    :onyx/medium     :core.async
    :onyx/max-peers  1
    :onyx/batch-size batch-size
    :onyx/doc        "Writes segments to a core.async channel"}])

(def capacity 1000)

(def input-chan (chan capacity))
(def input-buffer (atom {}))

(def output-chan (chan capacity))

(def input-segments
  [{:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:00:00.829-00:00"}
   {:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:02:00.829-00:00"}
   {:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:03:00.829-00:00"}
   {:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:07:00.829-00:00"}
   {:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:11:00.829-00:00"}
   {:url "" :event-time #inst "2015-09-13T03:15:00.829-00:00"}])

(doseq [segment input-segments]
  (>!! input-chan segment))

(def env (onyx.api/start-env env-config))

(def peer-group (onyx.api/start-peer-group peer-config))

(def n-peers (count (set (mapcat identity workflow))))

(def v-peers (onyx.api/start-peers n-peers peer-group))

(defn inject-in-ch [event lifecycle]
  {:core.async/buffer input-buffer
   :core.async/chan   input-chan})

(defn inject-out-ch [event lifecycle]
  {:core.async/chan output-chan})

(def in-calls
  {:lifecycle/before-task-start inject-in-ch})

(def out-calls
  {:lifecycle/before-task-start inject-out-ch})

(def lifecycles
  [{:lifecycle/task  :in
    :lifecycle/calls ::in-calls}
   {:lifecycle/task  :in
    :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.core-async/reader-calls}
   {:lifecycle/task  :out
    :lifecycle/calls ::out-calls}
   {:lifecycle/task  :out
    :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.core-async/writer-calls}])

(def windows
  [{:window/id          :count-events
    :window/task        :count
    :window/type        :sliding
    :window/aggregation :onyx.windowing.aggregation/count
    :window/window-key  :event-time
    :window/range       [5 :minutes]
    :window/slide       [1 :minute]}])

(def triggers
  [{:trigger/window-id     :count-events
    :trigger/id            :sync
    :trigger/on            :onyx.triggers/watermark
    :trigger/state-context [:window-state]
    :trigger/emit          ::emit-window!}])

(defn print-window!
  [event window trigger {:keys [lower-bound upper-bound group-key] :as window-data} state]
  (println (format "Window extent [%s - %s] contents: %s: %s"
                   lower-bound upper-bound group-key state)))

(defn emit-window!
  [event window trigger {:keys [lower-bound upper-bound group-key] :as window-data} state]
  {:url   group-key
   :count state})

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (let [submission (onyx.api/submit-job peer-config
                                        {:workflow       workflow
                                         :catalog        catalog
                                         :lifecycles     lifecycles
                                         :windows        windows
                                         :triggers       triggers
                                         :task-scheduler :onyx.task-scheduler/balanced})
        _          (close! input-chan)]
    (onyx.api/await-job-completion peer-config (:job-id submission)))

  (clojure.pprint/pprint (take-segments! output-chan 50))

  (doseq [v-peer v-peers]
    (onyx.api/shutdown-peer v-peer))

  (onyx.api/shutdown-peer-group peer-group)

  (onyx.api/shutdown-env env))
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Is this the same problem as #840?

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neverfox commented Jan 21, 2018

I don't believe so as there's no Kafka involved. Here I was trying to implement the new emit capability but couldn't get it to work with a watermark trigger. It's possible that it's just something else I don't understand about watermarks. The trigger fires if I use sync, but nothing goes to the output-ch if I use emit instead.

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lbradstreet commented Jan 21, 2018 via email

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wehu commented Feb 1, 2018

I am meeting the same issue and :trigger/emit used to be working with :onyx.triggers/watermark in 0.12.2, but seems it's broken in recent releases.

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wehu commented Feb 1, 2018

looks like I have to set batch-size=1 to get all outputs when playing with trigger. If I set batch size > size of input data, I get nothing. If I set batch size > 1 and < size of input data, I missed some data in the end.

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