- Updated
NS discovery to pick correct Datomic driver against modern datomic-pro releases
- Fix bug in read-log recovery, where start tx would jump forward by 1 on recovery.
are both deprecated in favour of 0.10.0's resume-points feature.
- Defensively reduce chances of deadlock.
- Switch written key in event map from onyx.core/written? to datomic/written?
- Fix shutdown issue that could cause input tasks to not stop cleanly
- IMPORTANT FIX: producer threads now feedback exceptions to read-batch rather than just getting stuck
- written tx data is now included in the event map under :datomic/written
- Add a read-log input plugin to read the datomic log.
- commit-tx :datomic/partition is now optional.
- commit-tx will now allow transaction data in vector as well as map form
- improved validation of task-map data
- New index-range catalog type
- read-datoms can now supply components to datoms via :datomic/datoms-components