From 3e5bf77103d0f5624c4908222ff59f44c0175b03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: linmin <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 16:36:37 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] implement onnx ops for SpaceToBatchND and BatchToSpaceND

 tests/    | 25 ++++++++++++++
 tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f09fe59b7..985b3b400 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -2016,5 +2016,30 @@ def test_softsign(self):
         _ = tf.identity(x_, name=_TFOUTPUT)
         self._run_test_case([_OUTPUT], {_INPUT: x_val})
+    def test_batch_to_spacend(self):
+        block_size = [2, 2]
+        crop = [[0, 1], [2, 1]]
+        input_val = np.random.random_sample([40, 3, 5, 100]).astype(np.float32)
+        input_x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_val.shape, name=_TFINPUT)  # NHWC
+        _ = tf.batch_to_space_nd(input_x, block_size, crop, name=_TFOUTPUT)
+        self._run_test_case([_OUTPUT], {_INPUT: input_val})
+    def test_space_to_batchnd(self):
+        block_size = [2, 2]
+        pad = [[0, 1], [2, 1]]
+        input_val = np.random.random_sample([40, 5, 7, 66]).astype(np.float32)
+        input_x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_val.shape, name=_TFINPUT)  # NHWC
+        _ = tf.space_to_batch_nd(input_x, block_size, pad, name=_TFOUTPUT)
+        self._run_test_case([_OUTPUT], {_INPUT: input_val})
+        tf.reset_default_graph()
+        pad = [[0, 0], [1, 2]]
+        input_val = np.random.random_sample([10, 6, 7, 66]).astype(np.float32)
+        input_x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_val.shape, name=_TFINPUT)  # NHWC
+        _ = tf.space_to_batch_nd(input_x, block_size, pad, name=_TFOUTPUT)
+        self._run_test_case([_OUTPUT], {_INPUT: input_val})
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
index b5e311d45..986ecad46 100644
--- a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
+++ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
@@ -441,6 +441,80 @@ def version_7(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
         conv_convert_inputs(ctx, node, with_kernel=False)
+@tf_op("BatchToSpaceND", onnx_op="DepthToSpace")
+class BatchToSpace:
+    @classmethod
+    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
+        #
+        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
+        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
+        # onnx op "DepthToSpace" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
+        # and it only supports NCHW
+        # T out = BatchToSpaceND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
+        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
+        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
+        crops = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
+        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
+        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
+                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
+        ctx.remove_node(
+        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
+        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", input_tensor.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
+        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
+        trans2 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]})
+        # implement crop logic, the data format is NHWC
+        slice_axis = [1, 2]
+        top, bottom = crops[0]
+        left, right = crops[1]
+        starts = [top, left]
+        ends = []
+        for end in [bottom, right]:
+            if end != 0:
+                ends.append(-end)
+            else:
+                ends.append(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
+        ctx.make_node("Slice", trans2.output, attr={"axes": slice_axis, "ends": ends, "starts": starts},
+            , outputs=node.output)
+@tf_op("SpaceToBatchND", onnx_op="SpaceToDepth")
+class SpaceToBatch:
+    @classmethod
+    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
+        #
+        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
+        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
+        # onnx op "SpaceToDepth" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
+        # and it only supports NCHW
+        # T out = SpaceToBatchND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
+        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
+        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
+        paddings = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
+        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
+        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
+                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
+        ctx.remove_node(
+        # implement pads logic, the data format is NHWC
+        top, bottom = paddings[0]
+        left, right = paddings[1]
+        pads = [0, top, left, 0,
+                0, bottom, right, 0]
+        pad_op = ctx.make_node("Pad", input_tensor.output, attr={"pads": pads})
+        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
+        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", pad_op.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
+        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
+        ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]},, outputs=node.output)
 @tf_op(["ResizeBilinear", "ResizeNearestNeighbor"])
 class ResizeX:

From 97cd27567a7e68e682b3b17b0d358cec342dd75f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: linmin <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 10:45:14 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] move op defs to

 tf2onnx/onnx_opset/     | 74 ------------------------------------
 tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
index 986ecad46..b5e311d45 100644
--- a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
+++ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
@@ -441,80 +441,6 @@ def version_7(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
         conv_convert_inputs(ctx, node, with_kernel=False)
-@tf_op("BatchToSpaceND", onnx_op="DepthToSpace")
-class BatchToSpace:
-    @classmethod
-    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
-        #
-        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
-        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
-        # onnx op "DepthToSpace" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
-        # and it only supports NCHW
-        # T out = BatchToSpaceND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
-        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
-        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
-        crops = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
-        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
-        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
-                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
-        ctx.remove_node(
-        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
-        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", input_tensor.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
-        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
-        trans2 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]})
-        # implement crop logic, the data format is NHWC
-        slice_axis = [1, 2]
-        top, bottom = crops[0]
-        left, right = crops[1]
-        starts = [top, left]
-        ends = []
-        for end in [bottom, right]:
-            if end != 0:
-                ends.append(-end)
-            else:
-                ends.append(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
-        ctx.make_node("Slice", trans2.output, attr={"axes": slice_axis, "ends": ends, "starts": starts},
-            , outputs=node.output)
-@tf_op("SpaceToBatchND", onnx_op="SpaceToDepth")
-class SpaceToBatch:
-    @classmethod
-    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
-        #
-        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
-        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
-        # onnx op "SpaceToDepth" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
-        # and it only supports NCHW
-        # T out = SpaceToBatchND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
-        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
-        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
-        paddings = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
-        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
-        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
-                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
-        ctx.remove_node(
-        # implement pads logic, the data format is NHWC
-        top, bottom = paddings[0]
-        left, right = paddings[1]
-        pads = [0, top, left, 0,
-                0, bottom, right, 0]
-        pad_op = ctx.make_node("Pad", input_tensor.output, attr={"pads": pads})
-        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
-        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", pad_op.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
-        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
-        ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]},, outputs=node.output)
 @tf_op(["ResizeBilinear", "ResizeNearestNeighbor"])
 class ResizeX:
diff --git a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
index 90424cb8a..eba41b9a6 100644
--- a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
+++ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
@@ -793,3 +793,77 @@ class IsNan:
     def version_9(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
+@tf_op("BatchToSpaceND", onnx_op="DepthToSpace")
+class BatchToSpace:
+    @classmethod
+    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
+        #
+        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
+        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
+        # onnx op "DepthToSpace" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
+        # and it only supports NCHW
+        # T out = BatchToSpaceND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
+        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
+        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
+        crops = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
+        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
+        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
+                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
+        ctx.remove_node(
+        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
+        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", input_tensor.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
+        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
+        trans2 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]})
+        # implement crop logic, the data format is NHWC
+        slice_axis = [1, 2]
+        top, bottom = crops[0]
+        left, right = crops[1]
+        starts = [top, left]
+        ends = []
+        for end in [bottom, right]:
+            if end != 0:
+                ends.append(-end)
+            else:
+                ends.append(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
+        ctx.make_node("Slice", trans2.output, attr={"axes": slice_axis, "ends": ends, "starts": starts},
+            , outputs=node.output)
+@tf_op("SpaceToBatchND", onnx_op="SpaceToDepth")
+class SpaceToBatch:
+    @classmethod
+    def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
+        #
+        # the above link says the data format of input tensor should be (batch, spatial_shape, remaining_shape)
+        # and we only support 4D here, so the data format is NHWC
+        # onnx op "SpaceToDepth" does the same work on input tensor except that it works on "C",
+        # and it only supports NCHW
+        # T out = SpaceToBatchND(T input, int32 block_shape, int32 crops)
+        input_tensor = node.inputs[0]
+        blocksize = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
+        paddings = node.inputs[2].get_tensor_value()
+        utils.make_sure(len(ctx.get_shape(input_tensor.output[0])) == 4, "only supports 4D for now")
+        utils.make_sure(len(blocksize) == 2 and blocksize[0] == blocksize[1],
+                        "only support same blocksize at different dims")
+        ctx.remove_node(
+        # implement pads logic, the data format is NHWC
+        top, bottom = paddings[0]
+        left, right = paddings[1]
+        pads = [0, top, left, 0,
+                0, bottom, right, 0]
+        pad_op = ctx.make_node("Pad", input_tensor.output, attr={"pads": pads})
+        # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
+        trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", pad_op.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
+        reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
+        ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]},, outputs=node.output)
\ No newline at end of file

From 96ff4fb8354f764ec1c2e516b51f875fb44ef29f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: linmin <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 12:13:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix pylint

 tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
index eba41b9a6..ae4b27124 100644
--- a/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
+++ b/tf2onnx/onnx_opset/
@@ -866,4 +866,4 @@ def version_4(cls, ctx, node, **kwargs):
         # NHWC TO CNHW, so onnx op will work on "N" which is the same as tensorflow
         trans1 = ctx.make_node("Transpose", pad_op.output, {"perm": [3, 0, 1, 2]})
         reorganize_node = ctx.make_node(node.type, trans1.output, attr={"blocksize": blocksize[0]})
-        ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]},, outputs=node.output)
\ No newline at end of file
+        ctx.make_node("Transpose", reorganize_node.output, {"perm": [1, 2, 3, 0]},, outputs=node.output)