diff --git a/.buildbot/LLVM-Watch-Docker-Build.xml b/.buildbot/LLVM-Watch-Docker-Build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb0a7ec2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildbot/LLVM-Watch-Docker-Build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ This job is triggered periodically. It's used to build the ONNX-MLIR main branch against the LLVM main branch from time to time to check if updates in LLVM break ONNX-MLIR. This catches the breakage early and makes updating LLVM for ONNX-MLIR easier.
+ false
+ https://github.com/onnx/onnx-mlir/
+ 2
+ https://github.com/onnx/onnx-mlir.git
+ */main
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ @hourly
+ false
+ watch llvm-project commits
+ ${WORKSPACE}/.buildbot/jenkins-watch-llvm-project.py
+ LLVM Watch Report
+ watch_report
+ watch-llvm.html
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ **/*
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ jenkins-buildbot-access-token
+ Jenkins-REST-API-Token
diff --git a/.buildbot/jenkins-watch-llvm-project.py b/.buildbot/jenkins-watch-llvm-project.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..cbf8bb7281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildbot/jenkins-watch-llvm-project.py
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import copy
+import docker
+import git
+import jenkins
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import platform
+import random
+import re
+import requests
+import shutil
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+ level = logging.INFO, format = '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+# Set parallel jobs based on both CPU count and memory size.
+# Because using CPU count alone can result in out of memory
+# and get Jenkins killed. For example, we may have 64 CPUs
+# (128 threads) and only 32GB memory. So spawning off 128
+# cc/c++ processes is going to quickly exhaust the memory.
+# Algorithm: NPROC = min(2, # of CPUs) if memory < 8GB, otherwise
+# NPROC = min(memory / 4, # of CPUs)
+MEMORY_IN_GB = (os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') *
+ os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') / (1024.**3))
+NPROC = str(math.ceil(min(max(2, MEMORY_IN_GB/4), os.cpu_count())))
+CPU_ARCH = platform.uname().machine.replace('x86_64', 'amd64')
+EPOCH0 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0).isoformat() + 'Z'
+DOCKER_DAEMON_SOCKET = 'unix://var/run/docker.sock'
+docker_api = docker.APIClient(base_url=DOCKER_DAEMON_SOCKET)
+jenkins_home = os.getenv('JENKINS_HOME')
+job_name = os.getenv('JOB_NAME')
+build_number = os.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER')
+workspace_dir = os.getenv('WORKSPACE')
+job_dir = os.path.join(jenkins_home, 'jobs', job_name)
+publish_dir = os.path.join(job_dir, 'htmlreports', 'LLVM_20Watch_20Report')
+report_dir = os.path.join(workspace_dir, 'llvm_watch_report')
+jenkins_rest_api_user = 'jenkins'
+jenkins_rest_api_url = { 's390x': 'http://localhost:8080/jenkins',
+ 'amd64': 'http://localhost:8080/jenkinx',
+ 'ppc64le': 'http://localhost:8080/jenkinp' }[CPU_ARCH]
+github_repo_access_token = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN')
+jenkins_rest_api_token = os.getenv('JENKINS_REST_API_TOKEN')
+LLVM_PROJECT_BASE_IMAGE = 'ubuntu:focal'
+LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_IMAGE = 'llvm-project-watch'
+LLVM_PROJECT_GITHUB_URL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/llvm/llvm-project'
+LLVM_PROJECT_SHA1_REGEX = 'git checkout ([0-9a-f]+)'
+LLVM_PROJECT_DOCKERFILE = os.path.join(workspace_dir,
+ 'docker', 'Dockerfile.llvm-project')
+LLVM_PROJECT_SHA1_FILE = os.path.join(workspace_dir, 'utils', 'clone-mlir.sh')
+LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_STATE = 'llvm-watch-state.json'
+LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_LOGDATA = 'llvm-watch-logdata.js'
+LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_HTML = 'llvm-watch.html'
+ONNX_MLIR_WATCH_IMAGE = 'onnx-mlir-watch'
+ONNX_MLIR_DOCKERFILE = os.path.join(workspace_dir,
+ 'docker', 'Dockerfile.onnx-mlir-dev')
+ONNX_MLIR_JOB_NAME = 'ONNX-MLIR-Pipeline-Docker-Build'
+AMCHARTS_URL = 'https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/'
+AMCHARTS_INDEX_JS = 'index.js'
+AMCHARTS_XY_JS = 'xy.js'
+AMCHARTS_PREFIX = 'amcharts-'
+# Download remote URL and save to local file
+def urlretrieve(remote_url, local_file):
+ req = requests.get(remote_url)
+ with open(local_file, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(req.content)
+# Extract text matching regex from file
+def extract_pattern_from_file(file_name, regex_pattern):
+ try:
+ for line in open(file_name):
+ matched = re.search(re.compile(regex_pattern), line)
+ if matched:
+ return matched.group(1)
+ except:
+ return ''
+# Get the author commit date of a commit sha
+def get_repo_sha1_date(github_repo, access_token, commit_sha1):
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(
+ url = github_repo + '/commits/' + commit_sha1,
+ headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': 'token ' + access_token
+ })
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ return resp.json()['commit']['committer']['date']
+ except:
+ logging.info(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ return ''
+# Retrieve llvm-project main branch commit history from the latest
+# until specified commit_sha1.
+def get_remote_repo_sha1_history(github_repo, access_token,
+ commit_sha1_oldest, commit_sha1_newest=None):
+ sha1_history = []
+ date_history = []
+ stat_history = []
+ mesg_history = []
+ try:
+ # Keep retrieving if we don't see commit_sha1 in sha1_history
+ while not (commit_sha1_oldest in sha1_history):
+ # Retrieve 100 commits at a time and keep going backwards
+ # from the last commit we retrieved the last time.
+ resp = requests.get(
+ url = (github_repo + '/commits?per_page=100' +
+ ('&sha=' + sha1_history[-1] if sha1_history else '')),
+ headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': 'token ' + access_token })
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ # Go through the returned json array and add commit sha
+ # to sha1_history. The first returned commit will be the
+ # last commit in sha1_history we started from, so skip it.
+ for commit in resp.json():
+ if sha1_history and commit['sha'] == sha1_history[-1]:
+ continue
+ sha1_history += [ commit['sha'] ]
+ date_history += [ commit['commit']['committer']['date'] ]
+ resp = requests.get(
+ url = github_repo + '/commits/' + commit['sha'],
+ headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': 'token ' + access_token })
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ stat_history += [ resp.json()['stats'] ]
+ mesg_history += [ resp.json()['commit']['message'] ]
+ # Return the sublist from the beginning until commit_sha1_oldest
+ # (not including commit_sha1 since we know onnx-mlir builds
+ # against commit_sha1 fine).
+ #
+ # start index inclusive, end index exclusive
+ index_newest = (sha1_history.index(commit_sha1_newest) if commit_sha1_newest else 0)
+ index_oldest = sha1_history.index(commit_sha1_oldest)
+ # Construct an array of
+ # [ { 'sha1': ..., 'date': ..., 'stat': ..., 'mesg': ... }, ... ]
+ # And because we need to know the index of an item given the sha1,
+ # we add sha1->index mapping to the dict.
+ hist = { 'index': {}, 'history': [] }
+ for (i, (sha1, date, stat, mesg)) in enumerate(
+ zip(sha1_history[index_newest:index_oldest],
+ date_history[index_newest:index_oldest],
+ stat_history[index_newest:index_oldest],
+ mesg_history[index_newest:index_oldest])):
+ hist['index'][sha1] = i
+ hist['history'] += [ {
+ 'sha1': sha1, 'date': date, 'stat': stat, 'mesg': mesg } ]
+ return hist
+ except:
+ logging.info(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ return {}
+def get_local_repo_sha1_date(local_repo):
+ repo = git.Repo(local_repo)
+ repo_sha1 = repo.head.commit.hexsha
+ repo_sha1_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+ repo.head.commit.committed_date).isoformat() + 'Z'
+ return { 'sha1': repo_sha1, 'date': repo_sha1_date }
+# Set new range to search
+# head: new head
+# head_adjust: +1/-1 to head depending on situation
+# tail: new tail
+# tail_adjust: +1/-1 to tail depending on situation
+# history: commit history between [head_index, tail_index]
+def set_range(head, head_adjust, tail, tail_adjust, history):
+ history_head = history['history'][0]
+ history_tail = history['history'][-1]
+ head_index = history['index'][head['sha1']] + head_adjust
+ tail_index = history['index'][tail['sha1']] + tail_adjust
+ # no commit left in the list
+ if head_index > tail_index:
+ return {}, {}, { 'index': {}, 'history': [] }
+ next_head = history['history'][head_index]
+ next_tail = history['history'][tail_index]
+ next_history = { 'index': {}, 'history': [] }
+ for (i, hist) in enumerate(history['history'][head_index:tail_index+1]):
+ next_history['index'][hist['sha1']] = i
+ next_history['history'] += [ hist ]
+ return next_head, next_tail, next_history
+# Remove all the containers depending on an (dangling) image.
+def remove_dependent_containers(image):
+ containers = docker_api.containers(
+ filters = { 'ancestor': image }, all=True, quiet=True)
+ for container in containers:
+ try:
+ container_info = docker_api.inspect_container(container['Id'])
+ logging.info('Removing Id:%s', container['Id'])
+ logging.info(' Image %s', container_info['Image'])
+ logging.info(' Cmd %s', str(container_info['Config']['Cmd']))
+ logging.info(' Labels %s', str(container_info['Config']['Labels']))
+ docker_api.remove_container(container['Id'], v=True, force=True)
+ except:
+ logging.info(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ logging.info('errors ignored while removing dependent containers')
+# Remove all the images in the list
+def remove_docker_images(images):
+ for image in images:
+ try:
+ image_info = docker_api.inspect_image(image)
+ logging.info('Removing %s', image_full)
+ logging.info('RepoTags %s', str(image_info['RepoTags']))
+ logging.info(' Cmd %s', str(image_info['Config']['Cmd']))
+ logging.info(' Labels %s', str(image_info['Config']['Labels']))
+ docker_api.remove_image(image, force = True)
+ except:
+ logging.info(sys.exc_info()[1])
+# Remove all dangling images associated with a build
+def remove_dangling_images(build):
+ # Find all the danglig images associated with the build
+ filters = { 'dangling': True,
+ 'label': [ 'onnx_mlir_pr_number=' + build ] }
+ images = docker_api.images(filters = filters, quiet = True)
+ # For each dangling image found, find and remove all the dependant
+ # containers
+ for image in images:
+ remove_dependent_containers(image)
+ # Remove all the images
+ remove_docker_images(images)
+# Build watch image
+def build_watch_image(repo, commit, dockerfile, base_image, image_repo, image_tag):
+ image_full = image_repo + ':' + image_tag
+ layer_sha256 = ''
+ for line in docker_api.build(
+ path = '.',
+ dockerfile = dockerfile,
+ tag = image_full,
+ decode = True,
+ rm = True,
+ buildargs = {
+ 'BASE_IMAGE': base_image,
+ repo + '_SHA1': commit['sha1'],
+ repo + '_SHA1_DATE': commit['date'],
+ # set both the same to avoid git fetch --unshallow
+ 'ONNX_MLIR_PR_NUMBER': image_tag,
+ 'ONNX_MLIR_PR_NUMBER2': image_tag,
+ }):
+ if 'stream' in line:
+ # Keep track of the latest successful image layer
+ m = re.match('^\s*---> ([0-9a-f]+)$', line['stream'])
+ if m:
+ layer_sha256 = m.group(1)
+ print(line['stream'], end='', flush=True)
+ if 'error' in line:
+ # Tag the latest successful image layer for easier debugging.
+ if layer_sha256:
+ image_layer = 'sha256:' + layer_sha256
+ remove_dependent_containers(image_layer)
+ logging.info('tagging %s -> %s for debugging', image_layer, image_full)
+ docker_api.tag(image_layer, image_repo, image_tag, force=True)
+ else:
+ logging.info('no successful image layer for tagging')
+ return False
+ id = docker_api.images(name=image_full, all=False, quiet=True)
+ logging.info('image %s (%s) built', image_full, id[0][0:19])
+ return True
+# Check if an ONNX-MLIR build is running
+def check_running_job():
+ jenkins_server = jenkins.Jenkins(url = jenkins_rest_api_url,
+ username = jenkins_rest_api_user,
+ password = jenkins_rest_api_token)
+ running_builds = jenkins_server.get_running_builds()
+ for build in running_builds:
+ if build['name'] == ONNX_MLIR_JOB_NAME:
+ logging.info('Active build(s) find in {}, skip this run'.format(
+ return True
+ return False
+# Workhorse function to compute and build the next llvm-project commit
+def compute_range_build_next():
+ # Get current llvm-project commit onnx-mlir is built against.
+ # This is the oldest commit known to be good.
+ #
+ # llvm_history does NOT include llvm_onnx_mlir.
+ #
+ # llvm_history = [llvm_head, ..., llvm_onnx_mlir-1]
+ #
+ llvm_onnx_mlir = extract_pattern_from_file(LLVM_PROJECT_SHA1_FILE,
+ logging.info('Fetch llvm-project commit history until ' + llvm_onnx_mlir)
+ llvm_history = get_remote_repo_sha1_history(LLVM_PROJECT_GITHUB_URL,
+ github_repo_access_token,
+ llvm_onnx_mlir)
+ llvm_head = llvm_history['history'][0]
+ llvm_tail = llvm_history['history'][-1]
+ llvm_head_index = llvm_history['index'][llvm_head['sha1']]
+ llvm_tail_index = llvm_history['index'][llvm_tail['sha1']]
+ # Load previous build state json to decide how we should proceed
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(job_dir, LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_STATE), 'r') as f:
+ watch_state = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ watch_state = {
+ 'converged': False,
+ 'recent': {
+ 'failed': [ { 'sha1': '', 'date': EPOCH0, 'stat': {}, 'mesg': '' }, '' ],
+ 'succeeded': [ { 'sha1': '', 'date': EPOCH0, 'stat': {}, 'mesg': '' }, '' ] },
+ 'history': []
+ }
+ curr_history = [ { 'head': { 'sha1': '', 'date': EPOCH0, 'stat': {}, 'mesg': '' },
+ 'middle': { 'sha1': '', 'date': EPOCH0, 'stat': {}, 'mesg': '' },
+ 'tail': { 'sha1': '', 'date': EPOCH0, 'stat': {}, 'mesg': '' },
+ 'size': 0,
+ 'status': False,
+ 'build': [] } ]
+ # logging.info('watch state:\n{}\nllvm range:\n{}'.format(
+ # json.dumps(watch_state, indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT),
+ # json.dumps([ { 'index': llvm_head_index, 'head': llvm_head },
+ # { 'index': llvm_tail_index, 'tail': llvm_tail } ],
+ # indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Initial states before the next build
+ curr_state = copy.deepcopy(watch_state)
+ curr_converged = curr_state['converged']
+ # Most recent failed and succeeded build
+ curr_recent = curr_state['recent']
+ curr_failed = curr_recent['failed'][0]
+ curr_failed_build = curr_recent['failed'][1]
+ curr_succeeded = curr_recent['succeeded'][0]
+ curr_succeeded_build = curr_recent['succeeded'][1]
+ if curr_state['history']:
+ curr_history = curr_state['history']
+ else:
+ curr_state['history'] = curr_history
+ curr = curr_history[-1]
+ curr_head = curr['head']
+ curr_middle = curr['middle']
+ curr_tail = curr['tail']
+ curr_status = curr['status']
+ curr_build = curr['build']
+ # llvm_head
+ # |
+ # |
+ # <---- llvm_tail (1)
+ # |
+ # +---> curr_head |
+ # | | |
+ # next | | <---- llvm_tail (2)
+ # | | |
+ # +---< curr_middle |
+ # (curr_succeeded) |
+ # | |
+ # | <---- llvm_tail (3)
+ # | |
+ # curr_tail |
+ # |
+ # <---- llvm_tail (4)
+ #
+ # curr_middle build is successful, we are about to traverse upwards
+ #
+ # [curr_head, curr_middle)
+ #
+ # Note that if a failure was found before, curr_head will always be
+ # set to the curr_failed.
+ #
+ if curr_status:
+ # Case (1)
+ #
+ # If llvm_tail has moved above curr_head/failed, llvm_tail+1
+ # (which is what onnx-mlir uses and is known to work) is >=
+ # curr_failed. We know that onnx-mlir now works with everything
+ # between [curr_failed, llvm_tail+1]. So we can start traverse
+ # upwards again between [llvm_head, llvm_tail].
+ #
+ if llvm_tail['date'] > curr_head['date']:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ llvm_head, 0, llvm_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} > curr_head/failed {}\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_head),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Case (2)
+ #
+ # If llvm_tail has moved above curr_middle, we can set our range to
+ #
+ # [?, llvm_tail]
+ #
+ # For the head, if we haven't found a failure yet (curr_failed
+ # doesn't exist), we can move head to llvm_head. However, if
+ # we did have a failure, we cannot move above curr_failed.
+ #
+ elif llvm_tail['date'] > curr_middle['date']:
+ # failure exists: (curr_failed, llvm_tail]
+ if curr_failed['sha1']:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ curr_failed, 1, llvm_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} > curr_middle {}, w/ failure\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_middle),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # no failure yet: [llvm_head, llvm_tail]
+ else:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ llvm_head, 0, llvm_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} > curr_middle {}, no failure\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_middle),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Case (3) and (4)
+ #
+ # llvm_tail has not moved above curr_middle, we can set our range to
+ #
+ # [?, curr_middle)
+ #
+ # For the head, it's the same as in case (2).
+ else:
+ # failure exists: (curr_failed, curr_middle)
+ if curr_failed['sha1']:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ curr_failed, 1, curr_middle, -1, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} <= curr_middle {}, w/ failure\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_middle),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # no failure yet: [llvm_head, curr_middle)
+ else:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ llvm_head, 0, curr_middle, -1, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} <= curr_middle {}, no failure\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_middle),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # After computing the new range, compute the next_middle we will build.
+ # Note that the middle index is now within the new next_history starting
+ # from 0, not the index within the llvm_history.
+ next_size = len(next_history['history'])
+ if next_size:
+ next_middle = next_history['history'][(next_size-1) // 2]
+ converged = False
+ logging.info('converged: {}\nnext middle:\n{}'.format(
+ converged,
+ json.dumps({ 'index': next_history['index'][next_middle['sha1']],
+ 'middle': next_middle,
+ 'size': next_size }, indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ else:
+ converged = True
+ # llvm_head
+ # |
+ # |
+ # <---- llvm_tail (1)
+ # |
+ # curr_head |
+ # | |
+ # | <---- llvm_tail (2)
+ # | |
+ # +---< curr_middle |
+ # | (curr_failed) |
+ # | | |
+ # next | | <---- llvm_tail (3)
+ # | | |
+ # +---> curr_tail |
+ # |
+ # <---- llvm_tail (4)
+ #
+ # curr_middle build is a failure, we are about to traverse downwaards
+ #
+ # (curr_middle, curr_tail]
+ #
+ # Note that if a failure was found before, curr_head will always be
+ # set to the curr_failed.
+ #
+ else:
+ # Case (1) and (2)
+ #
+ # If llvm_tail has moved above curr_middle/failed, llvm_tail+1
+ # (which is what onnx-mlir uses and is known to work) is >=
+ # curr_failed. We know that onnx-mlir now works with everything
+ # between [curr_failed, llvm_tail+1]. So we can start traverse
+ # upwards again between [llvm_head, llvm_tail].
+ #
+ if llvm_tail['date'] > curr_middle['date']:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ llvm_head, 0, llvm_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} > curr_middle/failed {}\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_middle),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Case (3)
+ #
+ # llvm_tail has moved above curr_tail, we can set our range to
+ #
+ # (curr_middle, llvm_tail]
+ #
+ elif llvm_tail['date'] > curr_tail['date']:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ curr_middle, 1, llvm_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} > curr_tail {}\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_tail),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Case (4)
+ #
+ # llvm_tail has not moved above curr_tail, we can set our range to
+ #
+ # (curr_middle, curr_tail]
+ else:
+ next_head, next_tail, next_history = set_range(
+ curr_middle, 1, curr_tail, 0, llvm_history)
+ logging.info(('curr: {}, llvm_tail {} <= curr_tail {}\n' +
+ 'next range:\n{}').format(
+ 'success' if curr_status else 'failure',
+ json.dumps(llvm_tail),
+ json.dumps(curr_tail),
+ json.dumps([ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_head['sha1']]
+ if next_head else -1),
+ 'head': next_head },
+ { 'index': (llvm_history['index'][next_tail['sha1']]
+ if next_tail else -1),
+ 'tail': next_tail } ], indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # After computing the new range, compute the next_middle we will build.
+ # Note that the middle index is now within the new next_history starting
+ # from 0, not the index within the llvm_history.
+ next_size = len(next_history['history'])
+ if next_size:
+ next_middle = next_history['history'][next_size // 2]
+ converged = False
+ logging.info('converged: {}\nnext middle:\n{}'.format(
+ converged,
+ json.dumps({ 'index': next_history['index'][next_middle['sha1']],
+ 'middle': next_middle,
+ 'size': next_size }, indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ else:
+ converged = True
+ logging.info('converged: {}'.format(converged))
+ # If we converged, we don't add a new watch state but simply add
+ # our build number to the last watch state history. Otherwise,
+ # we try the next build and add the result to the watch state history.
+ if converged:
+ logging.info('nothing to do')
+ if not watch_state['history']:
+ watch_state['history'] = curr_history
+ if len(watch_state['history'][-1]['build']) < 2:
+ watch_state['history'][-1]['build'] += [ build_number ]
+ else:
+ watch_state['history'][-1]['build'][-1] = build_number
+ else:
+ # next_status = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
+ # next_status = False
+ # logging.info('simulated build: {}'.format(
+ # 'success' if next_status else 'failure'))
+ next_status = (build_watch_image('LLVM_PROJECT',
+ next_middle,
+ build_number) and
+ build_watch_image('ONNX_MLIR',
+ get_local_repo_sha1_date('.'),
+ build_number))
+ remove_dangling_images(build_number)
+ if next_status:
+ # clean up previous succeeded image
+ if curr_succeeded_build:
+ remove_docker_images([ LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_IMAGE + ':' + curr_succeeded_build,
+ ONNX_MLIR_WATCH_IMAGE + ':' + curr_succeeded_build ])
+ watch_state['recent']['succeeded'] = [ next_middle, build_number ]
+ else:
+ # clean up previous failed image
+ if curr_failed_build:
+ remove_docker_images([ LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_IMAGE + ':' + curr_failed_build,
+ ONNX_MLIR_WATCH_IMAGE + ':' + curr_failed_build ])
+ watch_state['recent']['failed'] = [ next_middle, build_number ]
+ watch_state['history'] += [ { 'head': next_head,
+ 'middle': next_middle,
+ 'tail': next_tail,
+ 'size': next_size,
+ 'status': next_status,
+ 'build': [ build_number ] } ]
+ # Update watch state and write watch history
+ watch_state['converged'] = converged
+ # Keep the last 24 records (one day's worth) of history
+ watch_state['history'] = watch_state['history'][-24:]
+ # logging.info('watch state:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(watch_state,
+ # indent=JSON_DUMPS_INDENT)))
+ # Write global watch state
+ with open(os.path.join(job_dir, LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_STATE), 'w') as state:
+ json.dump(watch_state, state)
+ # Write per build watch log data
+ os.makedirs(report_dir)
+ with open(os.path.join(report_dir, LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_LOGDATA), 'w') as logdata:
+ logdata.write('var logdata = ' +
+ json.dumps({ 'curr_state': curr_state,
+ 'next_state': watch_state,
+ 'llvm_history': llvm_history,
+ 'next_history': next_history },
+ # Copy llvm-watch.html
+ shutil.copy(os.path.join(workspace_dir, '.buildbot', LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_HTML),
+ os.path.join(report_dir, LLVM_PROJECT_WATCH_HTML))
+ # Download amcharts
+ os.path.join(report_dir, AMCHARTS_PREFIX + AMCHARTS_INDEX_JS))
+ os.path.join(report_dir, AMCHARTS_PREFIX + AMCHARTS_XY_JS))
+ os.path.join(report_dir, AMCHARTS_PREFIX + AMCHARTS_ANIMATED_JS))
+def main():
+ try:
+ if not check_running_job():
+ compute_range_build_next()
+ else:
+ raise
+ except:
+ logging.info(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ # Copy from publish_dir to report_dir in case
+ # - we got skipped since an ONNX-MLIR build is running, or
+ # - compute_range_build_next fails somehow
+ # so that everything gets re-published.
+ shutil.copytree(publish_dir, report_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/.buildbot/llvm-watch.html b/.buildbot/llvm-watch.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10be9734c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildbot/llvm-watch.html
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
diff --git a/utils/RunONNXModelZoo.py b/utils/RunONNXModelZoo.py
index 16f75b1554..c8ae1791cf 100755
--- a/utils/RunONNXModelZoo.py
+++ b/utils/RunONNXModelZoo.py
@@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ def main():
'}\n' +
'\n' +
'\n' +
+ '\n' +
t = [ 'Skipped', 'Passed', 'Failed' ]
for i, s in enumerate([ skipped_models,