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ember-cli-onedata-common is an EmberJS in-repo addon that contains components, services, styles and other EmberJS application resources as well as static resources (images, fonts) for building Onedata web applications:

  • op-gui-default
  • oz-gui-default
  • oz-gui-homepage

Usage in projects

Use this repo as a subtree in Ember application lib directory, which in case of Onedata apps is placed in: src/lib/. If you want to modify this addon from specific Onedata project, do from project's root:

  • add a remote: git remote add ember-cli-onedata-common ssh://[email protected]:7999/vfs/ember-cli-onedata-common.git
  • pull recent changes: git subtree pull --squash --prefix=src/lib/ember-cli-onedata-common ember-cli-onedata-common develop (you can use other branch name than develop)
  • make changes in src/lib/ember-cli-onedata-common and commit them
  • push changes to project's repo: git push
  • push changes to addon repo: git subtree push --squash --prefix=src/lib/ember-cli-onedata-common ember-cli-onedata-common <branch_name>

Organisation of files

The project has structure of standard Ember CLI in-repo addon. See:

Provided functionality overview

The addon provides common Onedata web application components, helpers, services, etc. Visit their standard addon directories to see their documentation.

One of the important parts of the addon is integration with GUI backend, which can be presented as a chain of dependent modules:

authenticator:basic -> service:session -> service:session-core -> service:server -> adapter:onedata-socket

These modules and other interesting parts of the addon are described in more details below.

WebSocket adapter

Onedata front-end appliactions communicate with Onedata GUI backend via WebSockets using JSON messages. The adapter:onedata-websocket provides:

  • Ember adapter implementation (model handling),
  • RPC calls (specific to Onedata, see RPC method and service:server's privateRPC and publicRPC).

Currently adapter:onedata-websocket performs all "low-level" communication using WebSocket object.

Server (communication with backend)

Currently is an facade for backend (WebSocket and RPC) and for "low-level" WebSocket operations uses adapter:onedata-websocket.


A session implementation for ember-simple-auth. It consists of two modules:

  • service:session-core - implements most of ember-simple-auth's session and stores main information about session; uses service:server
  • service:session - handles session events like connection started or connection lost; informs user about WS connection issues

Ember Authenticator for ember-simple-auth

All Onedata Ember web applications use ember-simple-auth ( This addon provides authenticator:basic which uses session state (see: service:session) to resolve or reject session.

Oneicons font

The oneicon font provides a set of icons used in Onedata front-end. It is generated using Icomoon web application ( Source files are in SVG format, with size 128x128px, using only black color. They are currently not published in any repository.

To use icons, you can import a onedata-common (all common onedata styles) SCSS file to your main SCSS or oneicons for only icons.

Settings of Icomoon for generating icons are:

  • Font name: oneicons
  • Class prefix: icon-
  • Support IE8
  • Generate stylesheet variables for: Sass
  • CSS Selector: Use attribute selector
  • Em square height: 1024
  • Baseline height: 0
  • Whitespace width: 0

Package generated with Icomoon is placed in public/assets/fonts/oneicon directory. The directory contains also demo.html file for browsing icons.

Icons can be used with one-icon component (included in gui) or icon helper (only in op-gui-default). They can be also used in pure HTML:

<span class="oneicon oneicon-(icon-name)"></span>


Tests are in test-support directory - they are merged with tests tree of the project that uses this addon. Start specific project tests to start tests.