diff --git a/people/Toka_ls/page.en.md b/people/Toka_ls/page.en.md index 98243c736..bb7c9c66a 100644 --- a/people/Toka_ls/page.en.md +++ b/people/Toka_ls/page.en.md @@ -12,47 +12,45 @@ info: > > —— Toka Sakyo, 2024/10/07 -In the instant she opened her eyes, a fantastical world blossomed before her. +The moment she opened her eyes, a magical world blossomed before her. -The starry sky has sent this daughter of the sky, and she is willing to become an earthly companion from now on. +The starry sky brought the daughter of the heavens, who desires to become a companion in the mortal world henceforth -The morning sun lit up a ray of morning light, and then turned into her two wings. +The morning sun lights up a streak of dawn, transforming into her two wings from then on -The clouds veiled the day’s splendor, then quietly left behind her resplendent gown. +The clouds and mists paints the scenery of the day, then silently leaves behind her iridescent robe -The Big Dipper is long and narrow, turning into a twinkling tassel +The narrow and long Big Dipper transforms into a shimmering tassel -The stream twists and turns, turning into a lively musical note +The meandering stream transforms into dynamic musical notes -The flawless girl walks through the crowd, catching all the splendor in her eyes +The flawless young girl moves through the crowd, taking in the splendor with her eyes -However, under the cloudy day and night on the surface, what is hidden is the darkness +Like a spirit in a dream, she silently moves among all things + +However, deep within the shadows where the day and night cycle on the surface of the earth alternates, darkness always lurks. -When the sun shining on the earth has dispersed, +As the sun that lights up the earth sets, and the bright moonlight fades away, she stands alone in the silent cold. -When the gentle, bright and quiet moon drifts away, +She caressed the rock, feeling its icy coldness like frost. There was no wind in her ears, only the gentle glow of warmth in her heart that never faded. -At this moment when there is no time to take care of her +At this moment, the light has moved away from her, but the inner spark has not been extinguished. -She stroked the ice-cold rock, +At this moment, life may be temporarily absent, but the seeds of waiting will eventually sprout and bloom. -The light is far away from her at this moment, but if there is light in the soul, it will be illuminated +At this moment, thorns are growing, but the greenery will surely spread with the arrival of spring. + +As the last warm sunset fades behind the horizon, she remains steadfast in the depths of the cold night. -Life is far away from her now, but the seeds will sprout in spring +In her anticipation, she saw the light piercing through the shadows, gradually warming the cold rock. -At this moment, thorns surround her, but the greenery will spread when we meet again +In the deepest recesses of the soul, those tiny hopes burn like flickering flames, -When the warm sun leaves the distant horizon and shines on the cold and hard rocks, +Despite the thorns that litter the path ahead, she still believes that the gentle green will spread to every inch of darkness. + +Perhaps in her world, the light is no more than a tiny candle flame. -She was frozen by the cold, hoping that the spring light could penetrate the darkness, - -There is hope burning deep in my heart, expecting the seeds to break through the ground and sprout, - -Even if the road is full of thorns, she still firmly believes that the soft green will eventually spread. - -It wasn't until the end that we discovered that the light in her world was only the size of a candle. - -But what she wrote to us is a bright light +But it is this glimmer of light that illuminates her brushstrokes, bringing warmth to the world. ## Description diff --git a/people/Toka_ls/page.md b/people/Toka_ls/page.md index f503d8d13..4ac7e1584 100644 --- a/people/Toka_ls/page.md +++ b/people/Toka_ls/page.md @@ -13,45 +13,43 @@ info: 她睁开双眼的那一瞬间,奇幻世界便为她绽放。 -星空送来了这位天空的女儿,她愿从此成为尘世的伴侣 +星空送来了天空的女儿,她愿从此成为尘世的伴侣。 -朝阳点亮了一线晨曦,便从此化作了她的两道翅膀 +朝阳点亮了一线晨曦,便从此化作了她的两道翅; -云霞明灭了一日的风景,然后悄悄留下了她的霓裳 +云霞明灭了一日的风景,然后悄悄留下了她的霓裳。 -北斗狭长,化作了闪烁的流苏 +北斗狭长,化作了闪烁的流苏; -溪流曲折,化作了灵动的音符 +溪流曲折,化作了灵动的音符; -无瑕的少女自人群间穿行,将绚烂尽收在眼底 +无瑕的少女自人群间穿行,将绚烂尽收在眼底; -然而地表的昼夜阴晴之下,隐藏的是暗无天日 +如同梦境中的精灵,静静穿行于万物间。 -当普照大地的日曜散去之时, +然而,地表昼夜轮替的阴影深处,黑暗始终潜伏。 -当温和明静的皎月飘散之时, +当照亮大地的日曜西沉,当皎洁的月光隐去,她独自面对这无声的寒冷。 -在这来不及关照她的时刻 +她抚摸着岩石,冰冷如霜,耳畔无风,唯有心中的微光温存不灭。 -她抚摸着冰冷若冰霜的岩石, +此刻,光远离了她,但内心的星火不曾熄灭。 -此刻光明远离了她,但心灵若有光就会被照耀 +此刻,生命暂时远去,但等待的种子终将破土萌发。 -此刻生命远离了她,但种子待到春日就会萌发 +此刻,荆棘丛生,但绿意待到春日定会蔓延。 -此刻荆棘包围了她,但绿意待到相逢就会蔓延 +最后的暖阳隐退于地平,她仍坚守寒夜深处。 -当暖阳离开远方的地平,照射寒冷而坚硬的岩石, +期盼中,她看见光穿透暗影,将寒岩慢慢温热。 -被寒冷重重着冰封的她,期待春光可以穿透黑暗, +在心灵最深处,那些渺小的希望如同灯火般燃烧, -在内心深处燃烧着希望,期待种子可以破土发芽, +尽管前路漫布荆棘,她仍然相信柔软的绿意将会延展至每一寸黑暗。 -即使路途满布荆棘,她依然坚信,柔软的绿意终将蔓延。 +或许她的世界里,光芒不过一支小小的烛火。 -直到最后我们才发现,她的世界里的光芒,不过是一支蜡烛大小。 - -但她在笔下书写给予我们的 却是一片光明 +但正是这微光,让她的笔触绽放光明,温暖世间。 ## 简介 diff --git a/people/Toka_ls/page.zh_hant.md b/people/Toka_ls/page.zh_hant.md index d9292ba51..ed7dd52f7 100644 --- a/people/Toka_ls/page.zh_hant.md +++ b/people/Toka_ls/page.zh_hant.md @@ -13,45 +13,43 @@ info: 她睜開雙眼的那一瞬間,奇幻世界便為她綻放。 -星空送來了這位天空的女兒,她願從此成為塵世的伴侶 +星空送來了天空的女兒,她願從此成為塵世的伴侶。 -朝陽點亮了一線晨曦,便從此化作了她的兩道翅膀 +朝陽點亮了一線晨曦,便從此化作了她的兩道翅; -雲霞明滅了一日的風景,然後悄悄留下了她的霓裳 +雲霞明滅了一日的風景,然後悄悄留下了她的霓裳。 -北斗狹長,化作了閃爍的流蘇 +北斗狹長,化作了閃爍的流蘇; -溪流曲折,化作了靈動的音符 +溪流曲折,化作了靈動的音符; -無瑕的少女自人群間穿行,將絢爛盡收在眼底 +無瑕的少女自人群間穿行,將絢爛盡收在眼底; -然而地表的晝夜陰晴之下,隱藏的是暗無天日 +如同夢境中的精靈,靜靜穿行於萬物間。 -當普照大地的日曜散去之時, +然而,地表晝夜輪替的陰影深處,黑暗始終潛伏。 -當溫和明靜的皎月飄散之時, +當照亮大地的日曜西沉,當皎潔的月光隱去,她獨自面對這無聲的寒冷。 -在這來不及關照她的時刻 +她撫摸著岩石,冰冷如霜,耳畔無風,唯有心中的微光溫存不滅。 -她撫摸著冰冷若冰霜的岩石, +此刻,光遠離了她,但內心的星火不曾熄滅。 -此刻光明遠離了她,但心靈若有光就會被照耀 +此刻,生命暫時遠去,但等待的種子終將破土萌發。 -此刻生命遠離了她,但種子待到春日就會萌發 +此刻,荊棘叢生,但綠意待到春日定會蔓延。 -此刻荊棘包圍了她,但綠意待到相逢就會蔓延 +最後的暖陽隱退於地平,她仍堅守寒夜深處。 -當暖陽離開遠方的地平,照射寒冷而堅硬的岩石, +期盼中,她看見光穿透暗影,將寒巖慢慢溫熱。 -被寒冷重重冰封的她,期待春光可以穿透黑暗, +在心靈最深處,那些渺小的希望如同燈火般燃燒, -在內心深處燃燒著希望,期待種子可以破土發芽, +儘管前路漫布荊棘,她仍然相信柔軟的綠意將會延展至每一寸黑暗。 -即使路途滿布荊棘,她依然堅信,柔軟的綠意終將蔓延。 +或許在她的世界裡,光芒不過是一支小小的燭火。 -直到最後我們才發現,她的世界裡的光芒,只是一支蠟燭大小。 - -但她在筆下書寫給我們的 卻是一片光明 +但正是這微光,讓她的筆觸綻放光明,溫暖世間。 ## 简介