- Classic
- Streaming (audio/video apps)
- 79 channels (1 MHz spacing)
- High Data Rate (1Mb/s - 3Mb/s)
- High power consumption
- Point-to-Point network topology
- Strandard Bluetooth Profiles (SPP, DUN, PAN)
- Short bursts (sensor apps)
- 40 channels (2MHz spacing)
- Low data rate (125Kb/s - 2Mb/s)
- Low power consumption
- Point-to-point, Broadcast, Mesh network topologies
- GATT (Generic attribute) profile
A device can support multiple LE GAP roles (e.g. a mobile phone)
- Broadcaster - send data only (no connection)
- Observer - receive data only (no connection)
- Peripheral - 1 to 1 connection
- Central - 1 to X connections