Create a dataset to investigate the prevalence of Open Science practices in European patent literature by
- extracting scholarly publications cited in patents (NPL) issued by European Patent Offices
- identifing the OA status of NPLs
- linking to other sources with rich scholarly data
This repository keep tracks of the work, using dynamic notebooks (R Markdown, Jupyter Notebook).
Source code supplement: ON-MERRIT D4.3 Quantifying the influence of Open Access on innovation and patents
Source code supplement for
Jahn, Najko, Klebel, Thomas, Pride, David, & Ross-Hellauer, Tony. (2021). ON-MERRIT D4.3 Quantifying the influence of Open Access on innovation and patents (1.0). Zenodo.
- d4.3.Rmd contains code used for presenting results in the deliverable. Resulting plots can be found in figure/.
- Done via Google BigQuery Patent datasets. See sql/ for corresponding SQL code. SQL statements were run in d4.3.Rmd.
- Script; resulting datasets attached to GitHub release because of data file size. We used a local snapshot from Unpaywall. See sql/enrich_oa_with_patent_md.sql as well as corresponding code in d4.3.Rmd.
- [analysis/extract_ids.R] demonstrates how we extracted IDs from the repositories PMC and arxiv as further OA evidence source
- [analysis/extract_ids.R] demonstrates how we extracted IDs from the arxiv inclduing DOI to published version, if available
- cr_prepints.R shows how preprint information were gathered from Crossref.
- Created a random sample of 10,000 NPLs
- Extraction NPL
- Pre-Evaluation
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