A Data Access Objects generator for Snowflake.
This is a highly experimental prototype in its earliest stages of development.
Snowpark provides a flexible Python abstraction over Snowflake, enabling a variety of data engineering/analytics workloads over any set of tables.
When building data applications on Snowflake, it will become more common for a set of pre-defined tables to hold application data and for more simpler transactional queries to be needed.
When working this way, you really want:
- Less Snowpark boilerplate for things like fetching records by primary key
- Intellisense/Pylance to be fully enabled for things like related record lookups
I may yet still, especially when version 2 is released if the typing support is good.
Right now I just wanted something simple and self-contained.
Right now there's no PyPi package, so:
pip install build
python3 -m build
pip install dist/snowflake_dao-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall
After running the above command, you can do stuff like this:
import getpass
import snowflake_tables
snowflake_connection_parameters = {
'password':getpass.getpass() # This should prompt for a password
from snowflake.snowpark import Session
session = Session.builder.configs(snowflake_connection_parameters).create()
cc_record = snowflake_tables.CALL_CENTER.lookup_by_cc_call_center_sk(session,2)
date_dim = cc_record.get_related_date_dim_for_cc_open_date_sk()
You can also create a file named python_types.yaml
and use it to override the python class for a particular column.
This is intended to be used with OBJECT/ARRAY columns to designate pydantic classes extended from BaseModel. In doing this, you can enforce a schema inside semi-structured columns.
The file should look like this:
imports: |
from my_module import MyClass