- Bump to Bio-Formats 7.3.1 (#104)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 7.1.0 (#97)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 7.0.0 (#95)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 6.14.0 (#91)
- Bump to TestNG 7.5 (#88)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 6.11.1 (#87)
- Fix link to PostgreSQL documentation (#86)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 6.10.1 (#85)
- Use release 5.5.4 of org.openmicroscopy.project plugin (#84)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 6.10.0 (#82)
- Add configuration to override floating-point pixel data behavior (#81)
- Add Gradle publication workflow (#83)
- Bump to Bio-Formats 6.9.1 (#79)
- Add support for Gradle 6 (#66)
- Use mavenCentral (#67)
- Link to external documentation about quartz-scheduler CronExpression.html (#67)
- New properties to configure JDBC (#60)
- Provide SQL means of fetching users' pretty name and e-mail (#51)
- Display unit test output instead of caching it (#48)
- Security vulnerability fixes for 2019-SV3 and 2019-SV5
- Add
to dependency stack (#134)
- Adjust combined_fields annotations for search.
- Include Bio-Formats 6.1.0.
- Add omero.pixeldata.memoizer.dir to set BioFormatsCache.
- Note current deprecations in model mapping files.
- Add @Deprecation annotations to ome.model.* classes.
- Replace http by https when suitable.
- Reduce the number of declarations for Bio-Formats dependencies.
- Convert Unicode in properties file to non-literal.
- Use Java's CascadeType.DETACH instead of Hibernate's EVICT.
- Partially migrate Properties file from the openmicroscopy repository.
- Deprecate fields.
- Update Hibernate DTD URL to current recommendation.
- Add License file.
- Provide configurable indexer for text fields.
- Fix Enumeration generation.
- Improve SqlAction Exception handling.
- Run units test in Travis.
- Fix Javadoc warnings.
- Use new Gradle build system.
- Extract omero-model from the openmicroscopy repository.