function problem = dynamic_rrt_star_fn(map, max_iter, max_nodes, is_benchmark, rand_seed, variant) % %%% Configuration block if nargin < 6 clear all; close all; clc; % load conf RAND_SEED = 1; MAX_ITER = 30e3; MAX_NODES = 4001; % here you can specify what class to use, each class represent % different model. % FNSimple2D provides RRT and RRT* for 2D mobile robot represented as a dot % FNRedundantManipulator represents redundant robotic manipulator, DOF is % defined in configuration files. variant = 'FNSimple2D'; MAP = struct('name', 'bench_june1.mat', 'start_point', [-12.5 -5.5], 'goal_point', [7 -3.65]); % variant = 'FNRedundantManipulator'; % MAP = struct('name', 'bench_redundant_3.mat', 'start_point', [0 0], 'goal_point', [35 35]); % variant = 'GridBased2Dimrotate'; % MAP = struct('name', 'grid_map.mat', 'start_point', [150 150], 'goal_point', [250 50]); %[180 284] % do we have to benchmark? is_benchmark = false; else MAX_NODES = max_nodes; MAX_ITER = max_iter; RAND_SEED = rand_seed; MAP = map; end addpath(genpath(pwd)); %%% loading configuration file with object model specific options if exist(['configure_' variant '.m'], 'file') run([ pwd '/configure_' variant '.m']); CONF = conf; else disp('ERROR: There is no configuration file!') return end ALGORITHM = 'RRTSFN'; problem = eval([variant '(RAND_SEED, MAX_NODES, MAP, CONF);']); %problem = FNRedundantManipulator(RAND_SEED, MAX_NODES, MAP, CONF); max_nodes_reached = false; if(is_benchmark) benchmark_record_step = 250; benchmark_states = cell(MAX_ITER / benchmark_record_step, 1); timestamp = zeros(MAX_ITER / benchmark_record_step, 1); iterstamp = zeros(MAX_ITER / benchmark_record_step, 1); end %%% Starting a timer tic; for ind = 1:MAX_ITER if is_benchmark && max_nodes_reached == false && problem.nodes_added == MAX_NODES max_nodes_reached = true; before_removal_state = problem.copyobj(); end problem.update_obstacles(); new_node = problem.sample(); nearest_node_ind = problem.nearest(new_node); new_node = problem.steer(nearest_node_ind, new_node); % if new node is very distant from the nearest node we go from the nearest node in the direction of a new node if(~problem.obstacle_collision(new_node, nearest_node_ind)) neighbors = problem.neighbors(new_node, nearest_node_ind); if numel(neighbors) == 0 %this expression will show us that something is completely wrong %disp([' no neighbors detected at ' num2str(ind)]); end min_node = problem.chooseParent(neighbors, nearest_node_ind, new_node); if (problem.nodes_added == MAX_NODES) new_node_ind = problem.reuse_node(min_node, new_node); else new_node_ind = problem.insert_node(min_node, new_node); end problem.rewire(new_node_ind, neighbors, min_node); if (problem.nodes_added == MAX_NODES) problem.best_path_evaluate(); problem.forced_removal(); end end if is_benchmark && (mod(ind, benchmark_record_step) == 0) benchmark_states{ind/benchmark_record_step} = problem.copyobj(); timestamp(ind/benchmark_record_step) = toc; iterstamp(ind/benchmark_record_step) = ind; end % display progress each 100 iterations if(mod(ind, 100) == 0) disp([num2str(ind) ' iterations ' num2str(problem.nodes_added-1) ' nodes in ' num2str(toc) ' rewired ' num2str(problem.num_rewired)]); end end if (is_benchmark) if strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') == true result_dir = '/home/olzhas/june_results/'; else result_dir = 'C:\june_results\'; end dir_name = [result_dir datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd')]; mkdir(dir_name); save([dir_name '/' ALGORITHM '_' '_' num2str(MAX_NODES) '_of_' num2str(MAX_ITER) '_' datestr(now, 'HH-MM-SS') '.mat']); set(gcf,'Visible','off'); % problem.plot(); % saveas(gcf, [dir_name '\' ALGORITHM '_' '_' num2str(MAX_NODES) '_of_' num2str(MAX_ITER) '_' datestr(now, 'HH-MM-SS') '.fig']); else problem.plot(); end save('some.mat', '-v7.3'); % free memory clear all; clear('rrt_star_fn.m');