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I built the Hot Cocoa Lisp language on top of Hot Cocoa. Its project is hosted at and it can be installed using npm with:

$ npm -g install hot-cocoa-lisp

the documentation for programming in Hot Cocoa Lisp can be found in the file. What follows is the documentation and discussion of my implementation of the language.

Generating abstract syntax trees

The first step in compiling Hot Cocoa Lisp is generating an abstract syntax tree. The abstract syntax tree is a data structure that mimics the structure of the Lisp syntax. In a language like Scheme this is what would result if the entire program were quoted. The abstract syntax tree is generated entirely by the tools in Hot Cocoa. First, the text is scanned and tokenized using the token type list defined in lib/tokenTypes.js. It is worth noting that tokens like -1, which could be interpreted as a number or an identifier, end up being numbers for the simple reason that the number token type is defined earlier in the type list. Next, the tokens are arranged into a parse tree using the grammar in lib/parseGrammer.json to give structure to the code and guarantee that there are no syntax errors. Finally, the parse tree is converted into an abstract syntax tree using the node transformations defined in lib/attributeGrammer.js. This final stage also makes use of lib/types.js to build wrapped abstract syntax nodes that, among other things, know how to print themselves. The result of the whole process is that some text like

(console.log "Hello World!")

is converted into a JavaScript object somewhat like

    { type: 'identifier', value: '.' },
    { type: 'identifier', value: 'console' },
    { type: 'identifier', value: 'log }
  { type: 'string' value: '"Hello World!"' }

It should be noted that because a program can be made up of multiple top-level Lisp expressions, the first step of compilation actually produces a list of abstract syntax trees as opposed to a single tree.

Generating JavaScript code from abstract syntax trees

After the abstract syntax tree is generated, it can be converted to JavaScript code using a recursive algorithm in lib/compile.js to traverse the tree and do the following at each node:

  • If the node is a list expression, check to see whether its first element is in the function map in lib/functions.js.
  • If the first element is not in the function map, compile all of the other elements and output a JavaScript function call in the form:
    element_1(element_2_compiled, element_3_compiled, ...)
  • If the first element is in the function map, check to see whether that function has the lazy property set to true. If it does, pass the remaining elements to the function to determine the JavaScript that should be generated. If it doesn’t, first compile each of the remaining elements, then pass them to the function to determine the JavaScript that should be generated.
  • If the node is not a list expression, simply output its value. If it is an identifier, run it through the mangling function first to escape any characters not normally allowed in JavaScript identifiers.

Some built-in functions can be accessed as primitives in the language without being called. For example:

(map [ 1 2 3 ] *2) ; [ 2 4 6 ]

This feature is implemented using the mapping between function names and implementations in lib/builtins.js. Any function names that are mentioned in a position other than the beginning of a list expression are defined at the top of the compiled JavaScript, so the above Hot Cocoa Lisp Program would compile to

var _times_2 = function(x){return x*2;};
map([1, 2, 3], _times_2); // [2, 4, 6]

Dependency management

The implementation also contains some tools for dependency management. A problem can arise in developing a Node.js project with Hot Cocoa Lisp components in separate files linked using require and the Node.js module system. If changes have been made to multiple files the command to compile and re-run the program can get prohibitively long, for example:

$ hcl dependency1.hcl && hcl dependency2.hcl && hcl -n main_program.hcl

As dependency chains get longer and more complex, the developer may need to either keep track of which dependencies have changed or have an exceedingly long and cumbersome compile command. To alleviate this problem somewhat, I have created a compile function in Hot Cocoa Lisp that takes a path to a .hcl file, compiles that file to a .js file and returns the path to the .js file. For example:

(var my-cool-library (require (compile "./path/to/library.hcl")))

The implementation is complicated somewhat by the fact that Node’s module system allows for cyclic dependencies. This is dealt with using the module defined in lib/file2js.js which keeps track of every .hcl file that has been compiled in this compilation and does the compilation only if that file has yet to be compiled.

External JavaScript libraries

The project makes use of a few external JavaScript libraries. The language’s REPL (read-evaluate-print loop, sometimes also called an interactive prompt) is powered by Node.js’s built-in REPL library, which provides the necessary hooks to override the evaluate part of the loop so that input is interpreted as Hot Cocoa Lisp instead of JavaScript. It also provides an output hook that allowed me to remove commas and colons from the returned values so that output arrays and objects match the Hot Cocoa Lisp convention of whitespace delimiters. I used the optimist Node.js library to parse command line options and the Uglify.js library to provide an automatic minification option. I used underscore.js extensively throughout my implementation to facilitate a functional style, and I also provided a mechanism for having underscore 1.4.3 automatically exposed to Hot Cocoa Lisp. When the -u flag is supplied, the minified version of underscore 1.4.3 in etc/underscore.js that has been slightly modified to avoid a particular interaction with Node.js’s module system is included at the top of the compiled JavaScript and a bit of code is added to expose all of the methods in underscore at the top level so that the functional tools from underscore can be used without referencing underscore. For example, the -u flag allows:

(filter [ 0 1 2 0 3 ] zero?) ; [ 0 0 ]

instead of needing

(var _ (require "underscore"))
(_.filter [ 0 1 2 0 3 ] zero?) ; [ 0 0 ]


I used the Hot Cocoa test system to make sure everything was still working while I added features and changed code. My tests fall into three categories:

  • The parse tests in tests/text2ast.js and tests/text2astRD.js make sure that my parser is generating abstract syntax trees the way I expect it to using both parsing algorithms.
  • The compile tests in tests/compile.js check that a variety of short sample code fragments compile and run properly. This is more like a sanity check to make sure that the language is still doing what it should.
  • tests/full.js recompiles and runs all of the .hcl files in the examples directory and compares their output to the associated .out file in the examples directory.

Between tests/compile.js and tests/full.js, all of the basic features of the language are tested.