EasyJob keep and execute your PowerShell scripts from one interface
Configuration could be done from config.json file located with the app executable.
Here is an example:
"default_powershell_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
"console_background": "Black",
"console_foreground": "White",
"clear_events_when_reload": true,
"tabs": [
"header": "Common actions",
"buttons": [
"text": "test01",
"description": "Some test script",
"script": "scripts\\common\\test01.ps1",
"scriptpathtype": "relative",
"arguments": []
"text": "test04",
"description": "Some test 04 script with arguments",
"script": "scripts\\common\\test04.ps1",
"scriptpathtype": "relative",
"arguments": [
"argument_question": "What is your name?",
"argument_answer": ""
"argument_question": "What is your surname",
"argument_answer": ""
"argument_question": "No, really what is your name?",
"argument_answer": ""
"header": "Second Tab",
"buttons": [
"text": "Some button",
"description": "no description",
"script": "scripts\\some_button_script.ps1",
"scriptpathtype": "relative",
"arguments": []
Note: Do not specify argument_answer value, since it will be ignored when executing script
CTRL+Left Mouse Click on the button will open location of the script attached to the button
SHIFT+Left Mouse Click on the button will open the script attached to the button with your default ps1 text editor
Contribution is very much appreciated. Hope that this tool might be useful for you!