This SBT plugin aims to standardize and simplify configuration of all Scala and Java era7/ohnosequences/bio4j sbt-based projects.
- Git-based version management
- Automated release process with
- various checks:
- TODO/FIXME notes
- dependencies updates
- release notes
- custom artifacts publishing (to Amazon S3)
- release-only tests
- Github release publishing
- API documentation publishing
- various checks:
This plugin is based on the following ones:
- sbt-s3-resolver
- sbt-github-release
- sbt-assembly
- sbt-updates
- sbt-taglist
- wartremover
- plus add a couple of new ones: for git-versioning and releases
In project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
resolvers += "Github-API" at ""
resolvers += "Era7 maven releases" at ""
addSbtPlugin("ohnosequences" % "nice-sbt-settings" % "<version>")
Note: Since v0.9.0 this plugin is published only for sbt 1.+