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Mixins, Pt. 2; Generics, Pt. 2

Mixins, part two.

Last week, we showed how we can use default methods in interfaces to augment classes by certain functionality:

interface Escalatable {
	String text();

	default String escalate() {
		return text().toUpperCase();
class Message implements Escalatable {
	private String t;
	Message(String t) { this.t = t; }

	public String text() { 
		return t; 

Conceptually, the difference between inheritance and mixins is that the latter are meaningless on its own and can be attached to otherwise unrelated classes. On the other hand, inheritance is used if there is a strong relation between the classes.

The main issue with the above realization of mixins is the lack of state: since the interfaces cannot have attributes, the only way to read/write data would be through (public) setters/getters.

Let's get back to the above example; let's say, you want to gradually escalate your shouting. For example:

Message m = new Message("hey");

m.escalate();  // "HEY"
m.escalate();  // "HEY!"
m.escalate();  // "HEY!!"
m.escalate();  // "HEY!!!"

This would require your escalate method to remember how often it was called, and add more bangs each time. Well fair enough, we'll use the same mechanics as for the text:

interface Escalatable {
	String text();   // to get the string
	int howOften();  // implementing class must handle counting!
	default String escalate() {
		int n = howOften();

		// n bangs in a row
		String bangs = Stream.generate(() -> "!")
				.reduce("", (a, b) -> a + b);

		return text().toUpperCase() + bangs;
class Message implements Escalatable {
	private String t;
	Message(String t) { this.t = t; }

	public String text() { return t; }

	// counter
	private int n = 0;
	public int howOften() {
		return n++;
class App {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Message m = new Message("Hey");

		m.escalate();  // "HEY"
		m.escalate();  // "HEY!"
		m.escalate();  // "HEY!!"
		m.escalate();  // "HEY!!!"

Sweet! But unfortunately, we require the implementation (and logic) of the howOften in the class although it belongs to the mixin. What we need is a way for the mixin to store and retrieve its state with the object. This is where we can make use of inheritance and interfaces as well as generic methods.

First, we specify an interface Stateful, that specifies generic methods to store and retrieve the state. We use the Class object as key to store the state information and provide an initial value for the get method. The generic method allows us to avoid casts from Object to our actual state object.

interface Stateful {
	<T> T getState(Class clazz, T initial);
	<T> void setState(Class clazz, T state);

Next, we create a StatefulObject that implements the Stateful interface, marking the methods final (since the mechanism is to be kept fixed).

class StatefulObject implements Stateful {
	// note: we store the state for each mixin as Object!
	private HashMap<Class, Object> states
			= new HashMap<>();

	public final <T> T getState(Class clazz, T initial) {
		// cast necessary, since internally we store Object!
		return (T) states.getOrDefault(clazz, initial);

	public final <T> void setState(Class clazz, T s) {
		states.put(clazz, s);

For our mixin, we now extend the Stateful interface to access the state:

interface Escalatable extends Stateful {
	String text();

	default String escalated() {
		// generics magic!
		int n = getState(Escalatable.class, 0);
		setState(Escalatable.class, n+1);

		// generate n bangs, or empty strings for n=0
		String bangs = Stream.generate(() -> "!")
				.reduce("", (a, b) -> a + b);

		return text().toUpperCase() + bangs;

For the actual class to attach the mixin to, we extend StatefulObject, since the mechanism to store and retrieve state is the same.

public class StatefulMessage 
		extends StatefulObject    // manages state
		implements Escalatable {  // uses state
	private String m;

	public StatefulMessage(String m) { this.m = m; }

	public String text() { return m; }
class App {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StatefulMessage m1 = new StatefulMessage("Hans");
		StatefulMessage m2 = new StatefulMessage("Dampf");

		System.out.println(m1.escalated());  // HANS
		System.out.println(m1.escalated());  // HANS!
		System.out.println(m1.escalated());  // HANS!!
		System.out.println(m2.escalated());  // DAMPF
		System.out.println(m2.escalated());  // DAMPF!
		System.out.println(m2.escalated());  // DAMPF!!

This way, we utilize inheritance of classes (and interfaces) and generic methods, with relatively little impact on the overall class hierarchy:

Mixin Stateful

Generics and Inheritance

Speaking of inheritance and generics. Recall a principal property of inheritance: an instance of a subclass (e.g. java.lang.Integer) can be assigned to a reference of the base class (e.g. java.lang.Number); the same holds for arrays:

Number n;
Integer i = 5;
n = i;  // since Integer extends Number

Number[] na;
Integer[] ia = {1, 2, 3, 4};
na = ia;  // ditto

Similarly, one would expect that the following works:

ArrayList<Number> as;
ArrayList<Integer> is = new ArrayList<>();
as = is;  // compiler error: incompatible types!

Which yields a compiler error, even if you try to type-cast it:

Incompatible types, required ArrayList<Number>, found ArrayList<Integer>.

In other words: two instances of the same generic classes are unrelated, even if their type arguments are related. The relation does however hold, if two generic classes are related and use the same type argument:

List<Integer> li;
ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>();
li = al;  // ok, since ArrayList implements List!

generics and inheritance

Note that as a side effect of this relation, the following code compiles, but fails at runtime:

ArrayList rawL;  // raw type
ArrayList<Integer> intL = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> strL = new ArrayList<>();
rawL = intL;   // ok, since raw type is base (type erasure)
strL = rawL;  // compiler warning: unchecked assignment; raw to parameterized

System.out.println(strL.get(0));  // exception: cannot cast Integer to String

The rules to remember are:

  1. The type hierarchy works for generic classes if the type argument is the same, e.g. List<Integer> is super type of ArrayList<Integer>.
  2. Types with different type arguments are not related, even if the type arguments are, e.g. List<Number> is not a super type of ArrayList<Integer>.

Read more about generics and inheritance in the Java docs.

Bounds on Type Arguments

In the previous class, we implemented a very basic map, by storing the key-value tuples in an unordered linked list. Obviously, looking for a certain key in an unordered list is fairly inefficient-- the worst case is to check the whole list, resulting in a complexity that is linear in terms of the stored entries.

A better way to organize the entries is to use a binary tree that stores the current key as well as links to subtrees with elements that are smaller ("left") and larger ("right").

public class SortedMapImpl<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
	class Entry {
		public Entry(K key, V value) {
			this.key = key;
			this.value = value;
		K key;
		V value;
		Entry left, right;  // two successors!

	Entry root;

	public void put(K key, V value) {
		if (root == null) {
			root = new Entry(key, value);

		Entry it = root;
		while (it != null) {
			// unchecked cast, runtime hazard: ClassCastException
			int c = ((Comparable<K>) key).compareTo(it.key);

			if (c == 0) {
				it.value = value;
			} else if (c < 0) {
				if (it.left == null) {
					it.left = new Entry(key, value);
				} else {
					it = it.left;
			} else {
				if (it.right == null) {
					it.right = new Entry(key, value);
				} else {
					it = it.right;

	public V get(K key) {
		Entry it = root;
		while (it != null) {
			// unchecked cast, runtime hazard: ClassCastException
			int c = ((Comparable<K>) key).compareTo(it.key);

			if (c == 0) return it.value;
			else if (c < 0) it = it.left;
			else it = it.right;

		return null;

Note: This (unbalanced) binary tree has a worst case of O(n). Can you think of such a degenerate case? To make this implementation more efficient, use an AVL tree.

The explicit cast of the K type to a Comparable<K> results in a warning (unchecked cast) which can result in a ClassCastException at runtime.

To enforce that a certain class is either a subclass or implements a certain interface, use the following syntax with extends:

class SortedMapImpl<K extends Comparable<K>, V> implements Map<K, V> {
	// ...

This has two effects: First, the type to be used for K is checked at compile time if it implements Comparable<K>. Second, since K implements the interface, you can call any method inherited from Comparable on a reference of K without an explicit cast.

class SortedMapImpl<K extends Comparable<K>, V> implements Map<K, V> {
	// ...
	public V get(K key) {
		Entry it = root;
		while (it != null) {
			// no cast necessary!
			int c = key.compareTo(it.key);

			if (c == 0) return it.value;
			else if (c < 0) it = it.left;
			else it = it.right;

If you need to enforce more than one class or interface, use the & symbol (since the , is already reserved for multiple type arguments). For example: <T extends Comparable<T> & Serializable>. As you can see in the example above, you may set these bounds on type variables also when extending an interface or class.

Read more on type bounds in the Java docs.

Wildcards and Bounds

Let's come back go generics. Consider this routine that prints out all elements of a java.util.Collection.

void print(Collection c) {
	for (Object o : c)

Using the raw type is not advised, so we change the signature to

void print(Collection<Object> c) {
	// ...

Which, as shown above, is not the supertype for all kinds of Collections. So what is the supertype of all Collections? It is a Collection with unknown type, which is denoted using the wildcard ?:

void print(Collection<?> c) {
	for (Object o : c)

Note: The equivalent could also be achieved with a generic type parameter:

static <T> void print(Collection<T> c) {
	for (T o : c)

Note that inside print(), we can read the objects, but we cannot add to the collection:

void print(Collection<?> c) {
	for (Object o : c) {
	c.add(new Object());  // compile time error: type error

Since we don't know what the element type of c stands for, we cannot add objects to it. The add() method takes arguments of type the collection is bound to. Any parameter we pass to add would have to be a subtype of this now unknown (?) type. Since we don't know what type that is, we cannot pass anything in. The sole exception is null, which is a member of every type.

Similar to type variables, wildcards can be bound.

class Klass {
	void method() { /* ... */ }
void apply(Collection<? extends KlassA> c) {
	for (Klass k : c) {

This is an upper bound, defining that the class is unknown, but at least satisfies a certain class or interface. For example, List<Integer> fits as a List<? extends Number>.

So what is the difference between a wildcard bound and a type parameter bound?

  • In some cases, type parameters can be replaced by wild cards (see above).
  • A wildcard can have only one bound, while a type parameter can have several bounds (using the & notation).
  • A wildcard can have a lower or an upper bound, while there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.

So what are lower bounds? A lower bounded wildcard restricts the unknown type to be a specific type or a supertype of that type.

In the previous examples with upper bounds, we were able to read (get()) from a collection, but not write (add()) to a collection. If you want to be able to write to a collection, use a lower bound:

void augment(List<? super Klass> list) {
	for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
		list.add(new Klass());  // this works

	Klass k = list.iterator().next();  // compile time error: can't resolve type
	Klass k = (Klass) list.iterator().next();  // runtime hazard: ClassCastException

The drawback is now, that we can't (safely) read from the collection anymore, since the compiler is unable to resolve the type to be used: The actual instance could be Klass or any supertype (up to Object), thus a forced cast could lead to a ClassCastException.

This is where generics reach their limits: you can specify an upper bound for a wildcard, or you can specify a lower bound, but you cannot specify both.

Languages supporting generics (such as Java or Scala, and to some extent C++), feature covariance and contravariance, which are best described in the following diagram by Oleg Shelajev at RebelLabs (based on a diagram by Andrey Tyukin available under the CC-BY-SA).


The combination of the two principles (contravariance and covariance) is known as PECS -- producer extends, consumer super. The mnemonic is seen from the collection's point of view. If you are retrieving items from a generic collection, it is a producer and you should use extends. If you are adding items, it is a consumer and you should use super. If you do both with the same collection, you shouldn't use either extends or super (but a type variable, with bounds if needed).

The classic example for PECS is a function that reads from one collection and stores them in another, e.g. copy:

static <T> void copy(Collection<? extends T> source, Collection<? super T> dest) {
	for(T n : source) {

As you can see, it combines a type variable (T) with bounded wildcards to be as flexible as possible while maintaining type safety.

Here is another example, adapted from a stackoverflow post. Consider this function that adds a Number to a list of Numbers.

static <T extends Number> void includeIfEven(List<T> evens, T n) {
	if (n.intValue() % 2 == 0) {
List<Number> numbers = new LinkedList<>();
List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<>();
List<Object> objects = new LinkedList<>();
includeIfEven(numbers, new Integer(4));  // OK, Integer extends Number
includeIfEven(numbers, new Double(4.0)); // OK, Double extends Number
includeIfEven(ints, new Double(4.0));    // type error!
includeIfEven(objects, new Integer(4));  // type error!

As you can see, if the bounds for the type variable (extends Number) is satisfied, the same type is used for both arguments. But the container would actually be more flexible, e.g. a List<Object> could also hold those numbers. This is where the bounds come in:

static <T extends Number> void includeIfEven(List<? super T> evens, T n) {
	// ...

By using the wildcard with a lower bound on T, we can now safely call

includeIfEven(objects, new Integer(4));
includeIfEven(objects, new Double(4.0));

Summary of Bounds and Wildcards

A wildcard can have only one (upper or lower) bound, while a type parameter can have several bounds (using the & operator). A wildcard can have either a lower or an upper bound, while a type variable can only have an upper bound.

Wildcard bounds and type parameter bounds are often confused, because they are both called bounds and have in part similar syntax:

  • type parameter bound: T extends Class & Interface1 & … & InterfaceN
  • wildcard bound: ? extends SuperType (upper) or ? super SubType (lower)

A wildcard can have only one bound, either a lower or an upper bound. A list of wildcard bounds is not permitted.

Type parameters, in contrast, can have several bounds, but there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.

Use upper and lower bounds on wildcards to allow type safe reading and writing to collections.

Effective Java (2nd Edition), Item 28, summarizes what wildcards should be used for:

Use bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility. […]

For maximum flexibility, use wildcard types on input parameters that represent producers or consumers. […]

Do not use wildcard types as return types. Rather than providing additional flexibility for your users, it would force them to use wildcard types in client code. Properly used, wildcard types are nearly invisible to users of a class. They cause methods to accept the parameters they should accept and reject those they should reject. If the user of the class has to think about wildcard types, there is probably something wrong with the class's API.

Read more on wildcards in the Java docs.