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- What are the repeat-masking methods computationally less expensive than RepeatModler + RepeatMasker, when the goal is masking repeats to facilitate genome alignments (i.e. no need for repeat classification and a bit of "over-masking" acceptable)? See potentially relevant readings.
What are example stories of using multiple whole genome alignment (mWGA) or graph genomes in a research?
What are example stories of using ortholog group/pair information in a research, especially out of the plant kingdom? See potentially relavent readings.
What will be the best way (i.e. data type, structure, UI, etc.) to deliver ortholog group/pair information to researchers? What do we want to use ortholog information for?
Many tools for inference of ortholog groups (and other applications) prefer or require a set of one 'primary' or representative gene model (=isoform) per each protein-coding gene locus, as input, to make the computation, and the interpretation of results, easier or feasible.
What will be the best way to choose a 'primary' gene model? Among isoforms, people often choose the one gives the longest ORF - is this the practice in all domains?
How often will the choice of isoforms affect the ortholog pair/group? Can we calculate the effect of each isoform to the ortholog network structure (e.g. no change, changes in only certain neighboring orthologs, or changes also in ortholog groups)?
Eventually, can there be an ortholog pair/group inference that does not require 'primary' gene models, or even benefit from isoforms?
What currently available ortholog group inference tools are "scalable," i.e. do not require running entire process again when a new genome added and the new addition does not change the existing ortholog grouping?
- How much are trans-acting enhancers responsible for regulating widely conserved functions (e.g. essential and house-keeping)? In a species with a recent expansion of TEs (and a larger genome size), will such enhancer regions still conserved in sequences but regulating from a longer distance? See potentially relevant readings.
What are the better measures of conservation or modification in gene regulation between sets of ortholog pairs, that account for complex expression datasets such as time-series or tissue/cell type-specific expression? See potentially relevant readings.
How to identify significant (e.g. adaptive) GRN modifications from background divergence derived from genetic drift.
How to identify significant (e.g. adaptive) GRN modifications in recent polyploids (e.g. Camelina sativa) compared to their diploid relatives. Or is it even doable/useful?
How to compare GRNs among multiple species effectively without relying on "reciprocal 1-vs-1 best-hit" ortholog pairs, including all lineage(s)-specific duplicates?
A reference genome can be a chimera of haplotypes and whatnot, if the source is not only heterozygous but also heterogeneous (e.g. ecological samples). Would it be more useful as a reference to allow "wobble" nucleotides (then how about SVs ...)?
How would the (epi-)genome of a Tolkienian elf (e.g. Legolas) be different from human? #ElvenGenomics{:target="_blank"}
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