Returns array of new groups created by the function (for leftover units).
Scope: Any
Environment: Any
@@ -29,53 +29,87 @@ params ["_group", "_position", "_radius"];
private _units = units _group;
private _buildings = [];
private _newGroups = [];
+private _minimumUnits = 2; // Minimum units per building.
-if (count _units == 0) exitwith {};
+if (count _units == 0) exitwith {
+ Debug_1("PATCOM | No units found in group (%1). Exiting", _group);
+ _newGroups;
_group lockWP true;
-_buildings = nearestObjects [_position, keys PATCOM_Garrison_Positions, _radius];
+_buildings = [_position, _radius] call A3A_fnc_patrolEnterableBuildings;
-if (count _buildings == 0) then {
- _buildings = [_position, _radius] call A3A_fnc_patrolEnterableBuildings;
+if (count _buildings == 0) exitWith {
+ Debug_1("PATCOM | No Valid Garrison buildings found near group: %1 | Defaulting to Defend.", _group);
+ [_group, "Patrol_Defend", 0, 100, -1, true, _position, false] call A3A_fnc_patrolLoop;
+ _newGroups;
-// don't place units on destroyed buildings
+// Don't place units in destroyed buildings
_buildings = _buildings select { damage _x < 1 && !isObjectHidden _x };
_buildings = _buildings call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle;
+// Figure out how many units should be put in each building.
+private _unitsPerBuilding = ceil(count _units / count _buildings);
+if (_unitsPerBuilding < _minimumUnits) then {_unitsPerBuilding = _minimumUnits};
if (count _units == 0) exitWith {};
private _building = _x;
private _class = typeOf _building;
private _buildingPositions = [];
+ private _unitsPlaced = 0;
- if (_class in PATCOM_Garrison_Positions) then {
+ // Check to see if building is in whitelist first for better unit positions.
+ if (_class in PATCOM_Garrison_Positions_Whitelist) then {
- private _buildingPos = _building buildingPos _x;
- if !(_buildingPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
- _buildingPositions pushBack _buildingPos;
- };
- } forEach (PATCOM_Garrison_Positions get _class);
+ _buildingPositions pushBack (_building buildingPos _x);
+ } forEach (PATCOM_Garrison_Positions_Whitelist get _class);
} else {
+ // If no pre-defined building positions are found. We default to a random one.
_buildingPositions = _building buildingPos -1;
+ // Mix up the building positions for better randomization.
+ _buildingPositions = _buildingPositions call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle;
- if (count _units == 0) exitWith {};
- private _unit = _units select 0;
- private _position = _x;
- _unit setposATL _position;
+ // Exit if no more units are available to be placed.
+ if (count _units == 0) exitWith {
+ Trace("PATCOM | No more garrison units available to place. Exiting");
+ };
+ // Exit if we have already placed max amount of units in building.
+ if (_unitsPlaced >= _unitsPerBuilding) exitWith {
+ Trace("PATCOM | Max garrison units placed in building. Moving to next building");
+ };
+ // Move to next position if current one is invalid.
+ if (_x isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
+ Debug_1("PATCOM | Position invalid in (%1), moving to next position", _class);
+ continue;
+ };
+ // Continue to next building position if current position is too close to a static weapon.
+ if ((count (_x nearEntities ["StaticWeapon", 3])) > 0) then {
+ Debug_1("PATCOM | Position (%1) too close to StaticWeapon, moving to next position.", _x);
+ continue;
+ };
+ // Move the unit and set them up in position.
+ private _unit = _units deleteAt 0;
+ _unit setPosATL _x;
_unit setdir ((_unit getRelDir _building)-180);
- _unit disableAI "PATH";
_unit setUnitPos "UP";
dostop _unit;
+ // Add 1 to unit placed counter for max units per building limit. (_minimumUnits)
+ _unitsPlaced = _unitsPlaced + 1;
- _units deleteAt 0;
- } foreach _buildingPositions;
+ } forEach _buildingPositions;
} forEach _buildings;
-// Splits Garrison AI into an additional defense group if not enough buildings/positions were found.
+// Splits Garrison AI into additional defense groups if not enough buildings/positions were found.
if (count _units > 0) then {
private _groupSplit = createGroup (side _group);
_newGroups pushBack _groupSplit;
diff --git a/A3A/addons/patcom/functions/Patcom/fn_patrolInit.sqf b/A3A/addons/patcom/functions/Patcom/fn_patrolInit.sqf
index fa39656c7e..f2e2a2eb79 100644
--- a/A3A/addons/patcom/functions/Patcom/fn_patrolInit.sqf
+++ b/A3A/addons/patcom/functions/Patcom/fn_patrolInit.sqf
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ PATCOM_Building_Blacklist = createHashMap;
} forEach A3A_buildingBlacklist;
// This HashMap contains a list of valid garrison positions.
-PATCOM_Garrison_Positions = createHashMapFromArray [
+PATCOM_Garrison_Positions_Whitelist = createHashMapFromArray [
["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", [6,7,8]],
["Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F", [6,7,8]],
["Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F", [6,7,8]],
diff --git a/ b/
index 79ee1b2b2d..de8b6c6b88 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
diff --git a/Tools/antistasi_translation_sync-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl b/Tools/antistasi_translation_sync-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..305345b292
Binary files /dev/null and b/Tools/antistasi_translation_sync-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/changelog.rst b/changelog.rst
index 9d956fd801..29a0c83aef 100644
--- a/changelog.rst
+++ b/changelog.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,157 @@ Changelog
+Version 3.4.1
+.. note::
+ 03rd December 2023
+.. admonition:: Minor
+ * :issue:`3061` & :issue:`3078` Added additional params options for the Friendly Fire Punishment System
+ * :issue:`3058` Updated default values of some parameters to give a better experience when starting a mission without any params adjustment
+ .. admonition:: Template updates
+ * :issue:`3018` Adds Kozlice 12G rebel equipment when Contact DLC is loaded
+.. admonition:: Bugfixes
+ * :issue:`3068` Fixed magazine for RHS 2S1 Artillery which caused it simply not firing
+ * :issue:`3066` Fixed multiple minor template issues, mostly incorrect scopes, nothing critical
+ * :issue:`3064` Fixed multiple Assassination missions related issues where hints where not displayed correctly
+ * :issue:`3063` Fixed minor issues with multiple hints where titles where not displayed correclty
+ * :issue:`3059` Fixed revive system being disabled after a player was killed by damage when downed
+ * :issue:`3055` Added missing condition check on Vanilla CSAT templates leading to marksmen dlc content not being loaded
+ * :issue:`3051` Fixed multiple strings in regard to typos, wording and such
+ * :issue:`3041` Fixed SFIA faction name in relevant files
+ * :issue:`3044` Fixed units continuing revive attempts after their target was revived by someone else.
+ * :issue:`3043` Fixed issue with garrison spawning when no buildings are present which led to garrisons being broken/deleted
+ * :issue:`3042` Fixed issue where autoloading an old save with a newer version could break respawns
+ * :issue:`3031` Fixed patrol starting locations being too close to players by implementing min distance check
+.. admonition:: Localization
+ * [Multiple PRs] - Multiple hundred new translations accumulative for all the supported languages
+.. warning::
+ * Please note that this changelog may contain both spelling/grammatical errors and/or factual errors. Should any factual errors exist, we apologise but with the sheer number of changes made per version it can be easy to lose or mistake a change when writing up the changelog.
+Version 3.4.0
+.. note::
+ 05th November 2023
+.. admonition:: Major
+ .. rubric:: :issue:`2384` Added Base Building Tool "Teamleader Base Placer"
+ * Buyable and transportable boxes which allow building of assets in a set radius
+ * Can be set to Teamleader only, Engineer only or available for both
+ * Different sets of buildable assets based on the map
+ * System also allows to repair already existing buildings
+ * Variable build time based on asset
+ * Allows to deconstruct built assets
+ .. rubric:: :issue:`2890` Added Self-Revive Feature and modified damage system
+ * Self-revive option for when playing without ACE
+ * Uses first aid kit and has 5 minute cooldown
+ * During 5min timeout, adds desaturation effect and increased sway
+ * Multiple modifications to Antistasi damage system which allows this system to work properly
+ .. rubric:: Western Sahara Templates
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2935` WS Civs and Tura Rebels
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2939` WS ION AI template
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2938` WS SFIA AI template
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2937` WS Arganian Defence Force template
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2936` WS North African CSAT template
+ * [Added] - :issue:`2934` WS NATO-Desert template
+.. admonition:: Minor
+ * :issue:`3027` Updated Arma version checking
+ * :issue:`3012` & :issue:`3011` & :issue:`2978` Updated Antistasi based on ACE 3.16.0 / 3.16.1 updates
+ * :issue:`2997` Fixed SPE Panterfaust and mortyAI issues
+ * :issue:`2975` Fixed High Command Squad Icons being visible in 3D Display
+ * :issue:`2956` Moved Headless Clients with HQ to theoretically improve AI responses
+ * :issue:`2930` Adds Global Mobilization radiotowers to be compatible with Antistasi
+ * :issue:`2899` Enabled rebel AI to utilize rifle+muzzle combo grenade launchers
+ * :issue:`2876` PATCOM Garrison adjustments and minor fixes
+ * :issue:`2860` Improved Garage source checking
+ * :issue:`2842` Moved ACE Init and added ACE event handling for especially grenade throwing and injection
+ * :issue:`2829` Added member & guest lock limits to garage
+ * :issue:`2804` Unit names are being set according to their factions
+ * :issue:`2686` Added ACE ropes to starting Arsenal
+.. admonition:: Template updates
+ * :issue:`2933` Militia offroads and Civilian CH-49 config entries and additions for Vanilla templates
+ * :issue:`2811` Added new 3CB AAF Desert/Brown template
+ * :issue:`2960` Added vehiclesLightTanks template category
+ * :issue:`2955` Updated RHS ChDKZ AI template with adjusted vehicle lineup and some gear changes
+ * :issue:`2953` Updated 3CB FIA and TKM rebel templates with starting Enfields
+ * :issue:`2951` Updated 3CB CNM rebel template with starting Mosin and Shotgun
+ * :issue:`2928` Updated RHS ChDKZ AI template with retextured Mi8s
+ * :issue:`2919` Added CUP Civilian Vehicles Pack
+ * :issue:`2916` Added transport planes to Enoch and Arid CSAT templates
+ * :issue:`2910` Added APEX Jets and UAVs to CSAT and NATO templates
+ * :issue:`2932` Added Marksmen DLC rifles and MGs to Vanilla templates when enabled
+ * :issue:`2931` Added different DLC and WS CDLC assets to Vanilla templates when enabled
+ * :issue:`2885` Updated RHS ChDKZ templates with retextured tanks
+.. admonition:: Localization
+ * [Multiple PRs] - Multiple hundreds of hard coded strings converted into strings
+ * [Multiple PRs] - Multiple thousand new translations accumulative for all the supported languages
+.. admonition:: Bugfixes
+ * :issue:`3026` Fixed logistics JIP bugs
+ * :issue:`3021` Improved createSupport logging
+ * :issue:`3016` Fixed broken UI config dependencies
+ * :issue:`3013` Fixed basic/medical gear missing in SPE/IFA templates
+ * :issue:`3008` & :issue:`3004` Fixed config errors for Vanilla/Mod assets
+ * :issue:`3001` Map Fixes - Fixed vehicle markers on Livonia, removed seaport_6 on Malden and moved outposts _1 and _14 on Malden
+ * :issue:`2994` Fixed spam in Zeus Logging
+ * :issue:`2987` Fixed theBoss var not being published in Autostart case
+ * :issue:`2979` Fixed non-basic backpack in SPE rebel template
+ * :issue:`2959` Fixed RPT error when admin disconnects
+ * :issue:`2947` Fixed Huron not using gear on combat landing
+ * :issue:`2945` Added missing Land_Cargo_HQ_V4_F building to array of static spawners
+ * :issue:`2942` Autumn Cleaning - removed dead IFA templates, fixed a typo and small map issues on Anizay and Malden
+ * :issue:`2922` Multiple Bug Fixes found by LordGolias using his sqf-analyzer
+ * :issue:`2917` Fixed AI not being able to use light helis in QRFs
+ * [Multiple PRs] small typos, in-production fixes for new systems and such
+.. warning::
+ * Please note that this changelog may contain both spelling/grammatical errors and/or factual errors. Should any factual errors exist, we apologise but with the sheer number of changes made per version it can be easy to lose or mistake a change when writing up the changelog.
Version 3.3.3