- Download MSCOCO 2014 Images from https://cocodataset.org/#download (train2014, val2014, test2014) and extract to
. - Download VQA-X data from Google drive.
- Generate .tsv files according to OFA documentation by
running the
script. This will generate three .tsv files containing the dataset info in the format:
question_id img_id question conf|!+answer explanation [empty] base64_encoded_image
79459 79459 is this person wearing shorts? 0.6|!+no their pants are long "" /9j/4AAQS...tigZ/9k=
Note that there will be more dataset rows generated than there are samples in the VQA-X files. We choose to create a separate datapoint for each possible answer option, following OFA documentation.
python vqa_json_to_tsv.py \
--path_to_json ./train_x.json ./val_x.json ./test_x.json \
--path_to_dataset ./data_raw/coco2014/train2014 ./data_raw/coco2014/val2014 ./data_raw/coco2014/test2014 \
--output_dir ../data/vqax
- Download Flickr30k Images from https://www.kaggle.com/hsankesara/flickr-image-dataset.
- Download e-SNLI-VE data according e-ViL GitHub.
- Generate .tsv files according to OFA documentation by
running the
script. This will generate three .tsv files containing the dataset info in the format:
question_id img_id base64_encoded_image statement explanation answer
4465359505.jpg#2r1c flickr30k_004465359505.npz /9j/4AAQS...tigZ/9k= The old man is chopping down a tree in his yard. hair and tree are two different things contradiction
Run the script:
python esnlive_json_to_tsv.py \
--path_to_json ./esnlive_train.json ./esnlive_dev.json ./esnlive_test.json \
--path_to_dataset ./data_raw/esnlive/flickr30k_images/flickr30k_images ./data_raw/esnlive/flickr30k_images/flickr30k_images ./data_raw/esnlive/flickr30k_images/flickr30k_images \
--output_dir ../data/esnlive
- Download VCR Images and annotations from https://visualcommonsense.com/download.html.
- Generate .tsv files according to in the same format as e-SNLI-VE by
running the
script. This will generate three .tsv files containing the dataset info in the format:
question_id img_id base64_encoded_image statement explanation answer
- Split the dataset into train, val and test sets according to the split used by the e-ViL authors by first
downloading the split files from e-ViL GitHub and then running
python vcr_json_to_tsv.py \
--path_to_json ./data_raw/vcr/train.jsonl ./data_raw/vcr/val.jsonl ./data_raw/vcr/test.jsonl \
--path_to_dataset ./data_raw/vcr/vcr1images ./data_raw/vcr/vcr1images ./data_raw/vcr/vcr1images \
--output_dir ../data/vcr
cd utils
python apply_vcr_splits.py
To train our model on the unified task of all three datasets, we need to combine the .tsv files into one file. For this,
we first need to reshape the VQA-X dataset to match the format of the other two datasets. This is done by running
Afterwards, we must create a single .tsv file containing all the data from all three datasets. This is done by running
. This will generate three .tsv files containing the dataset info in the format of e-SNLI-VE and VCR.
Optionally shuffle the data by running utils/shuffle_dataset.py
. Adjust these files according to where your data is located.