.PHONY: quality style test test-common test-tf test-torch docs-single-version docs # this target runs checks on all files quality: ruff check . mypy doctr/ # this target runs checks on all files and potentially modifies some of them style: ruff format . ruff check --fix . # Run tests for the library test: coverage run -m pytest tests/common/ -rs USE_TF='1' coverage run -m pytest tests/tensorflow/ -rs USE_TORCH='1' coverage run -m pytest tests/pytorch/ -rs test-common: coverage run -m pytest tests/common/ -rs test-tf: USE_TF='1' coverage run -m pytest tests/tensorflow/ -rs test-torch: USE_TORCH='1' coverage run -m pytest tests/pytorch/ -rs # Check that docs can build docs-single-version: sphinx-build docs/source docs/_build -a # Check that docs can build docs: cd docs && bash build.sh