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GitHub App toolset for Node.js

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@octokit/app is not meant for browser usage.


Install with npm install @octokit/app

const { App, createNodeMiddleware } = require("@octokit/app");


As we use conditional exports, you will need to adapt your tsconfig.json by setting "moduleResolution": "node16", "module": "node16".

See the TypeScript docs on package.json "exports".
See this helpful guide on transitioning to ESM from @sindresorhus

const app = new App({
  appId: 123,
  privateKey: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...",
  oauth: {
    clientId: "0123",
    clientSecret: "0123secret",
  webhooks: {
    secret: "secret",

const { data } = await app.octokit.request("/app");
console.log("authenticated as %s",;
for await (const { installation } of app.eachInstallation.iterator()) {
  for await (const { octokit, repository } of app.eachRepository.iterator({
  })) {
    await octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dispatches", {
      owner: repository.owner.login,
      event_type: "my_event",

app.webhooks.on("issues.opened", async ({ octokit, payload }) => {
  await octokit.request(
    "POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments",
      owner: payload.repository.owner.login,
      issue_number: payload.issue.number,
      body: "Hello World!",

app.oauth.on("token", async ({ token, octokit }) => {
  const { data } = await octokit.request("GET /user");
  console.log(`Token retrieved for ${data.login}`);

// can now receive requests at /api/github/*


Create a new App with custom defaults for the constructor options

const MyApp = App.defaults({
  Octokit: MyOctokit,
const app = new MyApp({ clientId, clientSecret });
// app.octokit is now an instance of MyOctokit


name type description
appId number Required. Find the App ID on the app’s about page in settings.
privateKey string Required. Content of the *.pem file you downloaded from the app’s about page. You can generate a new private key if needed.
Octokit Constructor

You can pass in your own Octokit constructor with custom defaults and plugins. Note that authStrategy will be always be set to createAppAuth from @octokit/auth-app.

For usage with enterprise, set baseUrl to the hostname + /api/v3. Example:

const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/core");
new App({
  appId: 123,
  privateKey: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...",
  oauth: {
    clientId: 123,
    clientSecret: "secret",
  webhooks: {
    secret: "secret",
  Octokit: Octokit.defaults({
    baseUrl: "",

Defaults to @octokit/core.

log object Used for internal logging. Defaults to console.
webhooks.secret string Required. Secret as configured in the GitHub App's settings.
webhooks.transform function Only relevant for `app.webhooks.on`. Transform emitted event before calling handlers. Can be asynchronous.
oauth.clientId number Find the OAuth Client ID on the app’s about page in settings.
oauth.clientSecret number Find the OAuth Client Secret on the app’s about page in settings.
oauth.allowSignup boolean Sets the default value for app.oauth.getAuthorizationUrl(options).



Octokit instance. Uses the Octokit constructor option if passed.


See Customize using the log constructor option.


const octokit = await app.getInstallationOctokit(123);


for await (const { octokit, installation } of app.eachInstallation.iterator()) { /* ... */ }
await app.eachInstallation(({ octokit, installation }) => /* ... */)


for await (const { octokit, repository } of app.eachRepository.iterator()) { /* ... */ }
await app.eachRepository(({ octokit, repository }) => /* ... */)

Optionally pass installation ID to iterate through all repositories in one installation

for await (const { octokit, repository } of app.eachRepository.iterator({ installationId })) { /* ... */ }
await app.eachRepository({ installationId }, ({ octokit, repository }) => /* ... */)


const installationUrl = await app.getInstallationUrl();
return res.redirect(installationUrl);

Optionally pass the ID of a GitHub organization or user to request installation on that specific target.

If the user will be sent to a redirect URL after installation (such as if you request user authorization during installation), you can also supply a state string that will be included in the query of the post-install redirect.

const installationUrl = await app.getInstallationUrl({ state, target_id });
return res.redirect(installationUrl);


An @octokit/webhooks instance


An @octokit/oauth-app instance


A middleware is a method or set of methods to handle requests for common environments.

By default, all middlewares expose the following routes

Route Route Description
POST /api/github/webhooks Endpoint to receive GitHub Webhook Event requests
GET /api/github/oauth/login Redirects to GitHub's authorization endpoint. Accepts optional ?state query parameter.
GET /api/github/oauth/callback The client's redirect endpoint. This is where the token event gets triggered
POST /api/github/oauth/token Exchange an authorization code for an OAuth Access token. If successful, the token event gets triggered.
GET /api/github/oauth/token Check if token is valid. Must authenticate using token in Authorization header. Uses GitHub's POST /applications/{client_id}/token endpoint
PATCH /api/github/oauth/token Resets a token (invalidates current one, returns new token). Must authenticate using token in Authorization header. Uses GitHub's PATCH /applications/{client_id}/token endpoint.
DELETE /api/github/oauth/token Invalidates current token, basically the equivalent of a logout. Must authenticate using token in Authorization header.
DELETE /api/github/oauth/grant Revokes the user's grant, basically the equivalent of an uninstall. must authenticate using token in Authorization header.

createNodeMiddleware(app, options)

Middleware for Node's built in http server or express.

const { App, createNodeMiddleware } = require("@octokit/app");

const app = new App({
  appId: 123,
  privateKey: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...",
  oauth: {
    clientId: "0123",
    clientSecret: "0123secret",
  webhooks: {
    secret: "secret",

const middleware = createNodeMiddleware(app);
  .createServer(async (req, res) => {
    // `middleware` returns `false` when `req` is unhandled (beyond `/api/github`)
    if (await middleware(req, res)) return;
// can now receive user authorization callbacks at /api/github/*

The middleware returned from createNodeMiddleware can also serve as an Express.js middleware directly.

name type description
app App instance Required.
options.pathPrefix string

All exposed paths will be prefixed with the provided prefix. Defaults to "/api/github"

log object

Used for internal logging. Defaults to console with debug and info doing nothing.



