/** * collectd - src/varnish.c * Copyright (C) 2010 Jérôme Renard * Copyright (C) 2010 Marc Fournier * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Florian Forster * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: * Jérôme Renard <jerome.renard at gmail.com> * Marc Fournier <marc.fournier at camptocamp.com> * Florian octo Forster <octo at collectd.org> * Denes Matetelki <dmatetelki at varnish-software.com> **/ #include "collectd.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "utils/common/common.h" #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 #include <vapi/vsc.h> #include <vapi/vsm.h> typedef struct VSC_C_main c_varnish_stats_t; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 #include <varnishapi.h> #include <vsc.h> typedef struct VSC_C_main c_varnish_stats_t; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 #include <varnishapi.h> typedef struct varnish_stats c_varnish_stats_t; #endif /* {{{ user_config_s */ struct user_config_s { char *instance; bool collect_cache; bool collect_connections; bool collect_esi; bool collect_backend; #ifdef HAVE_VARNISH_V3 bool collect_dirdns; #endif bool collect_fetch; bool collect_hcb; bool collect_objects; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 bool collect_purge; #else bool collect_ban; #endif bool collect_session; bool collect_shm; bool collect_sms; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 bool collect_sm; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 bool collect_sma; #endif bool collect_struct; bool collect_totals; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 bool collect_uptime; #endif bool collect_vcl; bool collect_workers; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 bool collect_vsm; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 bool collect_lck; bool collect_mempool; bool collect_mgt; bool collect_smf; bool collect_vbe; bool collect_mse; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 bool collect_goto; #endif }; typedef struct user_config_s user_config_t; /* }}} */ static bool have_instance; static int varnish_submit(const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */ const char *category, const char *target, const char *type, const char *type_instance, value_t value) { value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT; vl.values = &value; vl.values_len = 1; sstrncpy(vl.plugin, "varnish", sizeof(vl.plugin)); if (plugin_instance == NULL) plugin_instance = "default"; if (target != NULL) { ssnprintf(vl.plugin_instance, sizeof(vl.plugin_instance), "%s-%s-%s", plugin_instance, category, target); } else { ssnprintf(vl.plugin_instance, sizeof(vl.plugin_instance), "%s-%s", plugin_instance, category); } sstrncpy(vl.type, type, sizeof(vl.type)); if (type_instance != NULL) sstrncpy(vl.type_instance, type_instance, sizeof(vl.type_instance)); return plugin_dispatch_values(&vl); } /* }}} int varnish_submit */ static int varnish_submit_gauge(const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */ const char *category, const char *type, const char *type_instance, uint64_t gauge_value) { return varnish_submit(plugin_instance, category, NULL, type, type_instance, (value_t){ .gauge = (gauge_t)gauge_value, }); } /* }}} int varnish_submit_gauge */ #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 static int varnish_submit_gauge_with_target(const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */ const char *category, const char *target, const char *type, const char *type_instance, uint64_t gauge_value) { return varnish_submit(plugin_instance, category, target, type, type_instance, (value_t){ .gauge = (gauge_t)gauge_value, }); } /* }}} int varnish_submit_gauge_with_target */ #endif static int varnish_submit_derive(const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */ const char *category, const char *type, const char *type_instance, uint64_t derive_value) { return varnish_submit(plugin_instance, category, NULL, type, type_instance, (value_t){ .derive = (derive_t)derive_value, }); } /* }}} int varnish_submit_derive */ #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 static int varnish_submit_derive_with_target(const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */ const char *category, const char *target, const char *type, const char *type_instance, uint64_t derive_value) { return varnish_submit(plugin_instance, category, target, type, type_instance, (value_t){ .derive = (derive_t)derive_value, }); } /* }}} int varnish_submit_derive_with_target */ #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 static int varnish_monitor(void *priv, const struct VSC_point *const pt) /* {{{ */ { uint64_t val; const user_config_t *conf; const char *name; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 const char *stat_target = NULL; #endif if (pt == NULL) return 0; conf = priv; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 /* stats examples: MAIN.threads => name=threads SMA.s0.c_req => name=c_req, stat_target=s0 SMA.Transient.c_req => name=c_req, stat_target=Transient VBE.vclName.backendName.req => name=req, stat_target=backendName */ char namebuff[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char targetbuff[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char *buffer = strdup(pt->name); char *tokens[4] = {NULL}; size_t tokens_num = 0; char *ptr = buffer; char *saveptr = NULL; char *token = NULL; while ((token = strtok_r(ptr, ".", &saveptr)) != NULL) { ptr = NULL; if (tokens_num < STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(tokens)) { tokens[tokens_num] = token; } tokens_num++; } if ((tokens_num < 2) || (tokens_num > STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(tokens))) { free(buffer); return EINVAL; } sstrncpy(namebuff, tokens[tokens_num - 1], sizeof(namebuff)); name = namebuff; if (tokens_num >= 3) { sstrncpy(targetbuff, tokens[tokens_num - 2], sizeof(targetbuff)); stat_target = targetbuff; } free(buffer); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 char namebuff[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char const *c = strrchr(pt->name, '.'); if (c == NULL) { return EINVAL; } sstrncpy(namebuff, c + 1, sizeof(namebuff)); name = namebuff; #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V4 if (strcmp(pt->section->fantom->type, "MAIN") != 0) return 0; name = pt->desc->name; #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V3 if (strcmp(pt->class, "") != 0) return 0; name = pt->name; #endif val = *(const volatile uint64_t *)pt->ptr; if (conf->collect_cache) { if (strcmp(name, "cache_hit") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hit", val); else if (strcmp(name, "cache_miss") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "miss", val); else if (strcmp(name, "cache_hitpass") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hitpass", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "cache_hit_grace") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hit_grace", val); else if (strcmp(name, "cache_hitmiss") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hitmiss", val); #endif } if (conf->collect_connections) { if (strcmp(name, "client_conn") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "accepted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "client_drop") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "dropped", val); else if (strcmp(name, "client_req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "received", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "client_req_400") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "error_400", val); else if (strcmp(name, "client_req_417") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "error_417", val); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_VARNISH_V3 if (conf->collect_dirdns) { if (strcmp(name, "dir_dns_lookups") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_operation", "lookups", val); else if (strcmp(name, "dir_dns_failed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "failed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "dir_dns_hit") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "hits", val); else if (strcmp(name, "dir_dns_cache_full") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "cache_full", val); } #endif if (conf->collect_esi) { if (strcmp(name, "esi_errors") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "error", val); else if (strcmp(name, "esi_parse") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "parsed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "esi_warnings") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "warning", val); else if (strcmp(name, "esi_maxdepth") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "max_depth", val); } if (conf->collect_backend) { if (strcmp(name, "backend_conn") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "success", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_unhealthy") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "not-attempted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_busy") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "too-many", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_fail") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "failures", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_reuse") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "reuses", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_toolate") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "was-closed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_recycle") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "recycled", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_unused") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "unused", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_retry") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "retries", val); else if (strcmp(name, "backend_req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "http_requests", "requests", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_backend") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "backend", "backends", "n_backends", val); } if (conf->collect_fetch) { if (strcmp(name, "fetch_head") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "head", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_length") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "length", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_chunked") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "chunked", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_eof") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "eof", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_bad") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "bad_headers", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_close") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "close", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_oldhttp") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "oldhttp", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_zero") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "zero", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_failed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "failed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_1xx") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_1xx", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_204") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_204", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_304") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_304", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_no_thread") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_thread", val); else if (strcmp(name, "fetch_none") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "none", val); else if (strcmp(name, "busy_sleep") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "busy_sleep", val); else if (strcmp(name, "busy_wakeup") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "busy_wakeup", val); #endif } if (conf->collect_hcb) { if (strcmp(name, "hcb_nolock") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_nolock", val); else if (strcmp(name, "hcb_lock") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_lock", val); else if (strcmp(name, "hcb_insert") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "insert", val); } if (conf->collect_objects) { if (strcmp(name, "n_expired") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "expired", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_nuked") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_nuked", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_saved") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_saved", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_moved") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_moved", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_limited") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_limited", val); #endif else if (strcmp(name, "n_deathrow") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "deathrow", val); else if (strcmp(name, "losthdr") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "header_overflow", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_obj_purged") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "purged", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_objsendfile") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_sendfile", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_objwrite") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_write", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_objoverflow") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "workspace_overflow", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "exp_mailed") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "exp_mailed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "exp_received") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "exp_received", val); #endif } #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 if (conf->collect_ban) { if (strcmp(name, "n_ban") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "total", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_ban_add") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "added", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_ban_retire") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "deleted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_ban_obj_test") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "objects_tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_ban_re_test") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "regexps_tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_ban_dups") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "duplicate", val); } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 if (conf->collect_ban) { if (strcmp(name, "bans") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "total", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_added") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "added", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_obj") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "obj", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "req", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_completed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "completed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_deleted") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "deleted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_tested") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_dups") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "duplicate", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_tested") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_lurker_contention") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "lurker_contention", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_lurker_obj_killed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "lurker_obj_killed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_lurker_tested") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "lurker_tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_lurker_tests_tested") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "lurker_tests_tested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_obj_killed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "obj_killed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_persisted_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_bytes", "persisted_bytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_persisted_fragmentation") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_bytes", "persisted_fragmentation", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bans_tests_tested") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "tests_tested", val); } #endif if (conf->collect_session) { if (strcmp(name, "sess_closed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "closed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_pipeline") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "pipeline", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_readahead") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "readahead", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_conn") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "accepted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_drop") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "dropped", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_econnaborted") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_econnaborted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_eintr") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_eintr", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_emfile") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_emfile", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_ebadf") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_ebadf", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_enomem") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_enomem", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_fail_other") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "failed_other", val); #endif else if (strcmp(name, "sess_pipe_overflow") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "overflow", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_queued") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "queued", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_linger") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "linger", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_herd") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "herd", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "sess_closed_err") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "closed_err", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sess_dropped") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "dropped_for_thread", val); #endif } if (conf->collect_shm) { if (strcmp(name, "shm_records") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "records", val); else if (strcmp(name, "shm_writes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "writes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "shm_flushes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "flushes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "shm_cont") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "contention", val); else if (strcmp(name, "shm_cycles") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "cycles", val); } if (conf->collect_sms) { if (strcmp(name, "sms_nreq") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_requests", "allocator", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sms_nobj") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sms", "requests", "outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sms_nbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sms", "bytes", "outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sms_balloc") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_bytes", "allocated", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sms_bfree") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_bytes", "free", val); } if (conf->collect_struct) { if (strcmp(name, "n_sess_mem") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess_mem", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_sess") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_object") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "object", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_vampireobject") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "vampireobject", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_objectcore") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "objectcore", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_waitinglist") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "waitinglist", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_objecthead") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "objecthead", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_smf") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_smf_frag") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_frag", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_smf_large") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_large", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_vbe_conn") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "vbe_conn", val); } if (conf->collect_totals) { if (strcmp(name, "s_sess") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_sessions", "sessions", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_requests", "requests", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_pipe") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "pipe", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_pass") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "pass", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_fetch") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "fetches", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_synth") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "synth", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_req_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "req_header", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_req_bodybytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "req_body", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_req_protobytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "req_proto", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_resp_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "resp_header", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_resp_bodybytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "resp_body", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_resp_protobytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "resp_proto", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_pipe_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "pipe_header", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_pipe_in") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "pipe_in", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_pipe_out") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "pipe_out", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_purges") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "purges", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "header-bytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "s_bodybytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "body-bytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_gzip") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "gzip", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_gunzip") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "gunzip", val); } if (conf->collect_uptime) { if (strcmp(name, "uptime") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "uptime", "uptime", "client_uptime", val); } if (conf->collect_vcl) { if (strcmp(name, "n_vcl") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "total_vcl", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_vcl_avail") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "avail_vcl", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_vcl_discard") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "discarded_vcl", val); else if (strcmp(name, "vmods") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "objects", "vmod", val); } if (conf->collect_workers) { if (strcmp(name, "threads") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "workers", "threads", "worker", val); else if (strcmp(name, "threads_created") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "created", val); else if (strcmp(name, "threads_failed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "failed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "threads_limited") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "limited", val); else if (strcmp(name, "threads_destroyed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "dropped", val); else if (strcmp(name, "thread_queue_len") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "workers", "queue_length", "threads", val); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 || HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "workers", "threads", "worker", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_create") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "created", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_failed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "failed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_max") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "limited", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_drop") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "dropped", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_queue") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queued", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_overflow") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "overflowed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_queued") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queued", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_wrk_lqueue") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queue_length", val); #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 else if (strcmp(name, "pools") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "workers", "pools", "pools", val); else if (strcmp(name, "busy_killed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "http_requests", "busy_killed", val); #endif } #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 if (conf->collect_vsm) { if (strcmp(name, "vsm_free") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vsm", "bytes", "free", val); else if (strcmp(name, "vsm_used") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vsm", "bytes", "used", val); else if (strcmp(name, "vsm_cooling") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vsm", "bytes", "cooling", val); else if (strcmp(name, "vsm_overflow") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vsm", "bytes", "overflow", val); else if (strcmp(name, "vsm_overflowed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "vsm", "total_bytes", "overflowed", val); } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 if (conf->collect_vbe) { /* @TODO figure out the collectd type for bitmap if (strcmp(name, "happy") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "vbe", "bitmap", "happy_hprobes", val); */ if (strcmp(name, "bereq_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "bereq_hdrbytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bereq_bodybytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "bereq_bodybytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "bereq_protobytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "bereq_protobytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "beresp_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "beresp_hdrbytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "beresp_bodybytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "beresp_bodybytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "beresp_protobytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "beresp_protobytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "pipe_hdrbytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "pipe_hdrbytes", val); else if (strcmp(name, "pipe_out") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target( conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "pipe_out", val); else if (strcmp(name, "pipe_in") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target( conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "total_bytes", "pipe_in", val); else if (strcmp(name, "conn") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target( conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "connections", "c_conns", val); else if (strcmp(name, "req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target( conf->instance, "vbe", stat_target, "http_requests", "b_reqs", val); } /* All Stevedores support these counters */ if (conf->collect_sma || conf->collect_smf || conf->collect_mse) { char category[4]; if (conf->collect_sma) strncpy(category, "sma", 4); else if (conf->collect_smf) strncpy(category, "smf", 4); else strncpy(category, "mse", 4); if (strcmp(name, "c_req") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "total_operations", "alloc_req", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_fail") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "total_operations", "alloc_fail", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "total_bytes", "bytes_allocated", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_freed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "total_bytes", "bytes_freed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_alloc") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "total_operations", "alloc_outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "bytes", "bytes_outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_space") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge_with_target(conf->instance, category, stat_target, "bytes", "bytes_available", val); } #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 /* No SMA specific counters */ if (conf->collect_mse) { if (strcmp(name, "c_fail_malloc") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "alloc_fail_malloc", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_nuked") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_objects", "lru_nuked", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_lru_moved") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_objects", "lru_moved", val); else if (strcmp(name, "n_vary") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_objects", "vary_headers", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_memcache_hit") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "memcache_hit", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_memcache_miss") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "memcache_miss", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_ykey_keys") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "objects", "ykey", val); } #endif /* No SMA specific counters */ if (conf->collect_smf) { if (strcmp(name, "g_smf") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "smf", "objects", "n_struct_smf", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_smf_frag") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "smf", "objects", "n_small_free_smf", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_smf_large") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "smf", "objects", "n_large_free_smf", val); } if (conf->collect_mgt) { if (strcmp(name, "uptime") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mgt", "uptime", "mgt_proc_uptime", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_start") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_start", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_exit") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_exit", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_stop") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_stop", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_died") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_died", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_dump") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_dump", val); else if (strcmp(name, "child_panic") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mgt", "total_operations", "child_panic", val); } if (conf->collect_lck) { if (strcmp(name, "creat") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "lck", "objects", "created", val); else if (strcmp(name, "destroy") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "lck", "objects", "destroyed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "locks") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "lck", "total_operations", "lock_ops", val); } if (conf->collect_mempool) { if (strcmp(name, "live") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "in_use", val); else if (strcmp(name, "pool") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "in_pool", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sz_wanted") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "bytes", "size_requested", val); else if (strcmp(name, "sz_actual") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "bytes", "size_allocated", val); else if (strcmp(name, "allocs") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mempool", "total_operations", "allocations", val); else if (strcmp(name, "frees") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mempool", "total_operations", "frees", val); else if (strcmp(name, "recycle") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "recycled", val); else if (strcmp(name, "timeout") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "timed_out", val); else if (strcmp(name, "toosmall") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "too_small", val); else if (strcmp(name, "surplus") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "surplus", val); else if (strcmp(name, "randry") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mempool", "objects", "ran_dry", val); } if (conf->collect_mse) { if (strcmp(name, "c_full") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "full_allocs", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_truncated") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "truncated_allocs", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_expanded") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "expanded_allocs", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_failed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "failed_allocs", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_bytes", "bytes_allocated", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_freed") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_bytes", "bytes_freed", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_fo_alloc") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "fo_allocs_outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_fo_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "bytes", "fo_bytes_outstanding", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_membuf_alloc") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "objects", "membufs_allocated", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_membuf_inuse") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "objects", "membufs_inuse", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bans_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "bytes", "persisted_banspace_used", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bans_space") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse", "bytes", "persisted_banspace_available", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bans_persisted") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "bans_persisted", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bans_lost") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse", "total_operations", "bans_lost", val); /* mse seg */ else if (strcmp(name, "g_journal_bytes") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_reg", "bytes", "journal_bytes_used", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_journal_space") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_reg", "bytes", "journal_bytes_free", val); /* mse segagg */ else if (strcmp(name, "g_bigspace") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "bytes", "big_extents_bytes_available", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_extfree") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "objects", "free_extents", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_sparenode") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "objects", "spare_nodes_available", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_objnode") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "objects", "object_nodes_in_use", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_extnode") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "objects", "extent_nodes_in_use", val); else if (strcmp(name, "g_bigextfree") == 0) return varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "objects", "free_big_extents", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_pruneloop") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_operations", "prune_loops", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_pruned") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_objects", "pruned_objects", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_spared") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_operations", "spared_objects", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_skipped") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_operations", "missed_objects", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_nuked") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_operations", "nuked_objects", val); else if (strcmp(name, "c_sniped") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "mse_segagg", "total_operations", "sniped_objects", val); } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 if (conf->collect_goto) { if (strcmp(name, "goto_dns_cache_hits") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "goto", "total_operations", "dns_cache_hits", val); else if (strcmp(name, "goto_dns_lookups") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "goto", "total_operations", "dns_lookups", val); else if (strcmp(name, "goto_dns_lookup_fails") == 0) return varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "goto", "total_operations", "dns_lookup_fails", val); } #endif return 0; } /* }}} static int varnish_monitor */ #else /* if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 */ static void varnish_monitor(const user_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */ const c_varnish_stats_t *stats) { if (conf->collect_cache) { /* Cache hits */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hit", stats->cache_hit); /* Cache misses */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "miss", stats->cache_miss); /* Cache hits for pass */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hitpass", stats->cache_hitpass); } if (conf->collect_connections) { /* Client connections accepted */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "accepted", stats->client_conn); /* Connection dropped, no sess */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "dropped", stats->client_drop); /* Client requests received */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "received", stats->client_req); } if (conf->collect_esi) { /* ESI parse errors (unlock) */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "error", stats->esi_errors); /* Objects ESI parsed (unlock) */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "parsed", stats->esi_parse); } if (conf->collect_backend) { /* Backend conn. success */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "success", stats->backend_conn); /* Backend conn. not attempted */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "not-attempted", stats->backend_unhealthy); /* Backend conn. too many */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "too-many", stats->backend_busy); /* Backend conn. failures */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "failures", stats->backend_fail); /* Backend conn. reuses */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "reuses", stats->backend_reuse); /* Backend conn. was closed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "was-closed", stats->backend_toolate); /* Backend conn. recycles */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "recycled", stats->backend_recycle); /* Backend conn. unused */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "unused", stats->backend_unused); /* Backend requests mades */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "backend", "http_requests", "requests", stats->backend_req); /* N backends */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "backend", "backends", "n_backends", stats->n_backend); } if (conf->collect_fetch) { /* Fetch head */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "head", stats->fetch_head); /* Fetch with length */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "length", stats->fetch_length); /* Fetch chunked */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "chunked", stats->fetch_chunked); /* Fetch EOF */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "eof", stats->fetch_eof); /* Fetch bad headers */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "bad_headers", stats->fetch_bad); /* Fetch wanted close */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "close", stats->fetch_close); /* Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "oldhttp", stats->fetch_oldhttp); /* Fetch zero len */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "zero", stats->fetch_zero); /* Fetch failed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "failed", stats->fetch_failed); } if (conf->collect_hcb) { /* HCB Lookups without lock */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_nolock", stats->hcb_nolock); /* HCB Lookups with lock */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_lock", stats->hcb_lock); /* HCB Inserts */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "insert", stats->hcb_insert); } if (conf->collect_objects) { /* N expired objects */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "expired", stats->n_expired); /* N LRU nuked objects */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_nuked", stats->n_lru_nuked); /* N LRU saved objects */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_saved", stats->n_lru_saved); /* N LRU moved objects */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_moved", stats->n_lru_moved); /* N objects on deathrow */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "deathrow", stats->n_deathrow); /* HTTP header overflows */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "header_overflow", stats->losthdr); /* Objects sent with sendfile */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_sendfile", stats->n_objsendfile); /* Objects sent with write */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_write", stats->n_objwrite); /* Objects overflowing workspace */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "workspace_overflow", stats->n_objoverflow); } if (conf->collect_purge) { /* N total active purges */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "total", stats->n_purge); /* N new purges added */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "added", stats->n_purge_add); /* N old purges deleted */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "deleted", stats->n_purge_retire); /* N objects tested */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "objects_tested", stats->n_purge_obj_test); /* N regexps tested against */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "regexps_tested", stats->n_purge_re_test); /* N duplicate purges removed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "duplicate", stats->n_purge_dups); } if (conf->collect_session) { /* Session Closed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "closed", stats->sess_closed); /* Session Pipeline */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "pipeline", stats->sess_pipeline); /* Session Read Ahead */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "readahead", stats->sess_readahead); /* Session Linger */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "linger", stats->sess_linger); /* Session herd */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "herd", stats->sess_herd); } if (conf->collect_shm) { /* SHM records */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "records", stats->shm_records); /* SHM writes */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "writes", stats->shm_writes); /* SHM flushes due to overflow */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "flushes", stats->shm_flushes); /* SHM MTX contention */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "contention", stats->shm_cont); /* SHM cycles through buffer */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "cycles", stats->shm_cycles); } if (conf->collect_sm) { /* allocator requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sm", "total_requests", "nreq", stats->sm_nreq); /* outstanding allocations */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sm", "requests", "outstanding", stats->sm_nobj); /* bytes allocated */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sm", "total_bytes", "allocated", stats->sm_balloc); /* bytes free */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sm", "total_bytes", "free", stats->sm_bfree); } if (conf->collect_sma) { /* SMA allocator requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sma", "total_requests", "nreq", stats->sma_nreq); /* SMA outstanding allocations */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sma", "requests", "outstanding", stats->sma_nobj); /* SMA outstanding bytes */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sma", "bytes", "outstanding", stats->sma_nbytes); /* SMA bytes allocated */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sma", "total_bytes", "allocated", stats->sma_balloc); /* SMA bytes free */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sma", "total_bytes", "free", stats->sma_bfree); } if (conf->collect_sms) { /* SMS allocator requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_requests", "allocator", stats->sms_nreq); /* SMS outstanding allocations */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sms", "requests", "outstanding", stats->sms_nobj); /* SMS outstanding bytes */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "sms", "bytes", "outstanding", stats->sms_nbytes); /* SMS bytes allocated */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_bytes", "allocated", stats->sms_balloc); /* SMS bytes freed */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "sms", "total_bytes", "free", stats->sms_bfree); } if (conf->collect_struct) { /* N struct sess_mem */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess_mem", stats->n_sess_mem); /* N struct sess */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess", stats->n_sess); /* N struct object */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "object", stats->n_object); /* N struct objecthead */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "objecthead", stats->n_objecthead); /* N struct smf */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf", stats->n_smf); /* N small free smf */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_frag", stats->n_smf_frag); /* N large free smf */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_large", stats->n_smf_large); /* N struct vbe_conn */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "vbe_conn", stats->n_vbe_conn); } if (conf->collect_totals) { /* Total Sessions */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_sessions", "sessions", stats->s_sess); /* Total Requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_requests", "requests", stats->s_req); /* Total pipe */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "pipe", stats->s_pipe); /* Total pass */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "pass", stats->s_pass); /* Total fetch */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_operations", "fetches", stats->s_fetch); /* Total header bytes */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "header-bytes", stats->s_hdrbytes); /* Total body byte */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "body-bytes", stats->s_bodybytes); } if (conf->collect_vcl) { /* N vcl total */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "total_vcl", stats->n_vcl); /* N vcl available */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "avail_vcl", stats->n_vcl_avail); /* N vcl discarded */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "discarded_vcl", stats->n_vcl_discard); } if (conf->collect_workers) { /* worker threads */ varnish_submit_gauge(conf->instance, "workers", "threads", "worker", stats->n_wrk); /* worker threads created */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "created", stats->n_wrk_create); /* worker threads not created */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "failed", stats->n_wrk_failed); /* worker threads limited */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "limited", stats->n_wrk_max); /* dropped work requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_threads", "dropped", stats->n_wrk_drop); /* queued work requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queued", stats->n_wrk_queue); /* overflowed work requests */ varnish_submit_derive(conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "overflowed", stats->n_wrk_overflow); } } /* }}} void varnish_monitor */ #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 static int varnish_read(user_data_t *ud) /* {{{ */ { #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 struct VSM_data *vd; bool ok; const c_varnish_stats_t *stats; #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 struct vsm *vd; struct vsc *vsc; int vsm_status; #endif user_config_t *conf; if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL)) return EINVAL; conf = ud->data; vd = VSM_New(); #if HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 vsc = VSC_New(); #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 VSC_Setup(vd); #endif if (conf->instance != NULL) { int status; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 status = VSM_n_Arg(vd, conf->instance); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 status = VSM_Arg(vd, 'n', conf->instance); #endif if (status < 0) { #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 VSM_Delete(vd); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 VSC_Destroy(&vsc, vd); VSM_Destroy(&vd); #endif ERROR("varnish plugin: VSM_Arg (\"%s\") failed " "with status %i.", conf->instance, status); return -1; } } #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 ok = (VSC_Open(vd, /* diag = */ 1) == 0); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V4 ok = (VSM_Open(vd) == 0); #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 if (!ok) { VSM_Delete(vd); ERROR("varnish plugin: Unable to open connection."); return -1; } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 stats = VSC_Main(vd); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V4 stats = VSC_Main(vd, NULL); #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 if (!stats) { VSM_Delete(vd); ERROR("varnish plugin: Unable to get statistics."); return -1; } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 if (VSM_Attach(vd, STDERR_FILENO)) { ERROR("varnish plugin: Cannot attach to varnish. %s", VSM_Error(vd)); VSC_Destroy(&vsc, vd); VSM_Destroy(&vd); return -1; } vsm_status = VSM_Status(vd); if (vsm_status & ~(VSM_MGT_RUNNING | VSM_WRK_RUNNING)) { ERROR("varnish plugin: Unable to get statistics."); VSC_Destroy(&vsc, vd); VSM_Destroy(&vd); return -1; } #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 VSC_Iter(vd, varnish_monitor, conf); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V4 VSC_Iter(vd, NULL, varnish_monitor, conf); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 VSC_Iter(vsc, vd, varnish_monitor, conf); #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 VSM_Delete(vd); #elif HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 VSC_Destroy(&vsc, vd); VSM_Destroy(&vd); #endif return 0; } /* }}} */ #else /* if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 */ static int varnish_read(user_data_t *ud) /* {{{ */ { const c_varnish_stats_t *stats; user_config_t *conf; if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL)) return EINVAL; conf = ud->data; stats = VSL_OpenStats(conf->instance); if (stats == NULL) { ERROR("Varnish plugin : unable to load statistics"); return -1; } varnish_monitor(conf, stats); return 0; } /* }}} */ #endif static void varnish_config_free(void *ptr) /* {{{ */ { user_config_t *conf = ptr; if (conf == NULL) return; sfree(conf->instance); sfree(conf); } /* }}} */ static int varnish_config_apply_default(user_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */ { if (conf == NULL) return EINVAL; conf->collect_backend = true; conf->collect_cache = true; conf->collect_connections = true; #ifdef HAVE_VARNISH_V3 conf->collect_dirdns = false; #endif conf->collect_esi = false; conf->collect_fetch = false; conf->collect_hcb = false; conf->collect_objects = false; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 conf->collect_purge = false; #else conf->collect_ban = false; #endif conf->collect_session = false; conf->collect_shm = true; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 conf->collect_sm = false; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 conf->collect_sma = false; #endif conf->collect_sms = false; conf->collect_struct = false; conf->collect_totals = false; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 conf->collect_uptime = false; #endif conf->collect_vcl = false; conf->collect_workers = false; #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 conf->collect_vsm = false; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 conf->collect_lck = false; conf->collect_mempool = false; conf->collect_mgt = false; conf->collect_smf = false; conf->collect_vbe = false; conf->collect_mse = false; #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 conf->collect_goto = false; #endif return 0; } /* }}} int varnish_config_apply_default */ static int varnish_init(void) /* {{{ */ { user_config_t *conf; if (have_instance) return 0; conf = calloc(1, sizeof(*conf)); if (conf == NULL) return ENOMEM; /* Default settings: */ conf->instance = NULL; varnish_config_apply_default(conf); plugin_register_complex_read( /* group = */ "varnish", /* name = */ "varnish/localhost", /* callback = */ varnish_read, /* interval = */ 0, &(user_data_t){ .data = conf, .free_func = varnish_config_free, }); return 0; } /* }}} int varnish_init */ static int varnish_config_instance(const oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */ { user_config_t *conf; char callback_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; conf = calloc(1, sizeof(*conf)); if (conf == NULL) return ENOMEM; conf->instance = NULL; varnish_config_apply_default(conf); if (ci->values_num == 1) { int status; status = cf_util_get_string(ci, &conf->instance); if (status != 0) { sfree(conf); return status; } assert(conf->instance != NULL); if (strcmp("localhost", conf->instance) == 0) { sfree(conf->instance); conf->instance = NULL; } } else if (ci->values_num > 1) { WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"Instance\" blocks accept only " "one argument."); sfree(conf); return EINVAL; } for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (strcasecmp("CollectCache", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_cache); else if (strcasecmp("CollectConnections", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_connections); else if (strcasecmp("CollectESI", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_esi); else if (strcasecmp("CollectDirectorDNS", child->key) == 0) #ifdef HAVE_VARNISH_V3 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_dirdns); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v3"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectBackend", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_backend); else if (strcasecmp("CollectFetch", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_fetch); else if (strcasecmp("CollectHCB", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_hcb); else if (strcasecmp("CollectObjects", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_objects); else if (strcasecmp("CollectPurge", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_purge); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v2"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectBan", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is not available for Varnish %s.", child->key, "v2"); #else cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_ban); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectSession", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_session); else if (strcasecmp("CollectSHM", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_shm); else if (strcasecmp("CollectSMS", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_sms); else if (strcasecmp("CollectSMA", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_sma); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v2 and v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectSM", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_sm); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v2"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectStruct", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_struct); else if (strcasecmp("CollectTotals", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_totals); else if (strcasecmp("CollectUptime", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_uptime); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v3 and v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectVCL", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_vcl); else if (strcasecmp("CollectWorkers", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_workers); else if (strcasecmp("CollectVSM", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_vsm); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4 or v5"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectLock", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_lck); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectMempool", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_mempool); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectManagement", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_mgt); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectSMF", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_smf); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectSMF", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_smf); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectVBE", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_vbe); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectMSE", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_mse); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "Plus v4"); #endif else if (strcasecmp("CollectGOTO", child->key) == 0) #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->collect_goto); #else WARNING("Varnish plugin: \"%s\" is available for Varnish %s only.", child->key, "v6"); #endif else { WARNING("Varnish plugin: Ignoring unknown " "configuration option: \"%s\". Did " "you forget to add an <Instance /> " "block around the configuration?", child->key); } } if (!conf->collect_cache && !conf->collect_connections && !conf->collect_esi && !conf->collect_backend #ifdef HAVE_VARNISH_V3 && !conf->collect_dirdns #endif && !conf->collect_fetch && !conf->collect_hcb && !conf->collect_objects #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 && !conf->collect_purge #else && !conf->collect_ban #endif && !conf->collect_session && !conf->collect_shm && !conf->collect_sms #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 && !conf->collect_sm #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V2 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 && !conf->collect_sma #endif && !conf->collect_struct && !conf->collect_totals #if HAVE_VARNISH_V3 || HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 && !conf->collect_uptime #endif && !conf->collect_vcl && !conf->collect_workers #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 && !conf->collect_vsm #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V4 || HAVE_VARNISH_V5 || HAVE_VARNISH_V6 && !conf->collect_vbe && !conf->collect_smf && !conf->collect_mgt && !conf->collect_lck && !conf->collect_mempool && !conf->collect_mse #endif #if HAVE_VARNISH_V6 && !conf->collect_goto #endif ) { WARNING("Varnish plugin: No metric has been configured for " "instance \"%s\". Disabling this instance.", (conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance); sfree(conf); return EINVAL; } ssnprintf(callback_name, sizeof(callback_name), "varnish/%s", (conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance); plugin_register_complex_read( /* group = */ "varnish", /* name = */ callback_name, /* callback = */ varnish_read, /* interval = */ 0, &(user_data_t){ .data = conf, .free_func = varnish_config_free, }); have_instance = true; return 0; } /* }}} int varnish_config_instance */ static int varnish_config(oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */ { for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (strcasecmp("Instance", child->key) == 0) varnish_config_instance(child); else { WARNING("Varnish plugin: Ignoring unknown " "configuration option: \"%s\"", child->key); } } return 0; } /* }}} int varnish_config */ void module_register(void) /* {{{ */ { plugin_register_complex_config("varnish", varnish_config); plugin_register_init("varnish", varnish_init); } /* }}} */