The operator implements controllers for the Carbon Black Container custom resources definitions:
This is the CR you'll need to deploy in order to trigger the operator to deploy the data plane components.
Parameter | Description |
spec.account |
Carbon Black Container org key |
spec.clusterName |
Carbon Black Container cluster name (<cluster_group:cluster_name>) |
spec.version |
Carbon Black Container agent version | |
Carbon Black Container api host | |
Carbon Black Container core events host (e.g Health Checks) | |
Carbon Black Container hardening events host (e.g applied, deleted, validated & blocked resources) | |
Carbon Black Container runtime events host (e.g traffic events) |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.apiGateway.port |
Carbon Black Container api port | 443 |
spec.accessTokenSecretName |
Carbon Black Container api access token secret name | cbcontainers-access-token |
spec.gateways.coreEventsGateway.port |
Carbon Black Container core events port | 443 |
spec.gateways.hardeningEventsGateway.port |
Carbon Black Container hardening events port | 443 |
spec.gateways.runtimeEventsGateway.port |
Carbon Black Container runtime events port | 443 |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.components.basic.enforcer.replicasCount |
Carbon Black Container Hardening Enforcer number of replicas | 1 |
spec.components.basic.monitor.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Monitor image repository | cbartifactory/monitor |
spec.components.basic.enforcer.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Hardening Enforcer image repository | cbartifactory/guardrails-enforcer |
spec.components.basic.stateReporter.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Hardening State Reporter image repository | cbartifactory/guardrails-state-reporter |
spec.components.basic.monitor.resources |
Carbon Black Container Monitor resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "30m"}, limits: {memory: "256Mi", cpu: "200m"}} |
spec.components.basic.enforcer.resources |
Carbon Black Container Hardening Enforcer resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "30m"}, limits: {memory: "256Mi", cpu: "200m"}} |
spec.components.basic.stateReporter.resources |
Carbon Black Container Hardening State Reporter resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "30m"}, limits: {memory: "256Mi", cpu: "200m"}} |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.enabled |
Carbon Black Container flag to control Runtime components deployment | true |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.resolver.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Resolver image repository | cbartifactory/runtime-kubernetes-resolver |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.sensor.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Sensor image repository | cbartifactory/runtime-kubernetes-sensor |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.internalGrpcPort |
Carbon Black Container Runtime gRPC port the resolver exposes for the sensor | 443 |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.resolver.logLevel |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Resolver log level | "panic", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace" (default info) |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.resolver.resources |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Resolver resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "200m"}, limits: {memory: "1024Mi", cpu: "900m"}} |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.sensor.logLevel |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Sensor log level | "panic", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace" (default info) |
spec.components.runtimeProtection.sensor.resources |
Carbon Black Container Runtime Sensor resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "30m"}, limits: {memory: "1024Mi", cpu: "500m"}} |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.components.clusterScanning.enabled |
Carbon Black Container flag to control Cluster Scanning components deployment | true |
spec.components.clusterScanning.imageScanningReporter.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Image Scanning Reporter image repository | cbartifactory/image-scanning-reporter |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.image.repository |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner Agent image repository | cbartifactory/cluster-scanner |
spec.components.clusterScanning.imageScanningReporter.resources |
Carbon Black Container Image Scanning Reporter resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "200m"}, limits: {memory: "1024Mi", cpu: "900m"}} |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.resources |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner resources | {requests: {memory: "64Mi", cpu: "30m"}, limits: {memory: "1024Mi", cpu: "500m"}} |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.k8sContainerEngine.engineType |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner k8s container engine type. One of the options: containerd /docker-daemon /cri-o |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.k8sContainerEngine.endpoint |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner k8s container engine endpoint path | |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.k8sContainerEngine.CRIO.storagePath |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner override default image storage path (CRI-O only) | |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.k8sContainerEngine.CRIO.storageConfigPath |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner override default image storage config path (CRI-O only) | |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.k8sContainerEngine.CRIO.configPath |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner override default CRI-O config path (CRI-O only) | |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.cliFlags.enableSecretDetection |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner flag of whether the scan should scan for secrets | false |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.cliFlags.skipDirsOrFiles |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner flag of files or directories to not scan for secrets | |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.cliFlags.scanBaseLayers |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner flag of whether the scan should scan the base layers for secrets | false |
spec.components.clusterScanning.clusterScanner.cliFlags.ignoreBuildInRegex |
Carbon Black Container Cluster Scanner flag of whether the scan should ignore the build-in regexes of files to skip secret detection | false |
Parameter | Description | Default |
labels |
Carbon Black Container Component Deployment & Pod labels | Empty map |
deploymentAnnotations |
Carbon Black Container Component Deployment annotations | Empty map |
podTemplateAnnotations |
Carbon Black Container Component Pod annotations | {} |
env |
Carbon Black Container Component Pod environment vars | Empty map |
image.tag |
Carbon Black Container Component image tag | The agent version |
image.pullPolicy |
Carbon Black Container Component pull policy | IfNotPresent |
probes.port |
Carbon Black Container Component probes port | 8181 |
probes.scheme |
Carbon Black Container Component probes scheme | HTTP |
probes.initialDelaySeconds |
Carbon Black Container Component probes initial delay seconds | 3 |
probes.timeoutSeconds |
Carbon Black Container Component probes timeout seconds | 1 |
probes.periodSeconds |
Carbon Black Container Component probes period seconds | 30 |
probes.successThreshold |
Carbon Black Container Component probes success threshold | 1 |
probes.failureThreshold |
Carbon Black Container Component probes failure threshold | 3 |
prometheus.enabled |
Carbon Black Container Component enable Prometheus scraping | false |
prometheus.port |
Carbon Black Container Component Prometheus server port | 7071 |
nodeSelector |
Carbon Black Container Component node selector | {} |
affinity |
Carbon Black Container Component affinity | {} |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.components.settings.proxy.enabled |
Enables applying the centralized proxy settings to all components | false |
spec.components.settings.proxy.httpProxy |
The HTTP proxy server address to be used | Empty string |
spec.components.settings.proxy.httpProxy |
The HTTPS proxy server address to be used | Empty string |
spec.components.settings.proxy.noProxy |
A comma separated list of hosts to which to connect without a proxy | Empty string |
spec.components.settings.proxy.noProxySuffix |
A comma separated list of hosts which to append to the noProxy list of values |
The API server IP addresses, followed by cbcontainers-dataplane.svc.cluster.local |
Parameter | Description | Default |
spec.components.settings.daemonSetsTolerations |
Carbon Black DaemonSet Component Tolerations | Empty array |
spec.components.settings.remoteConfiguration.enabledForAgent |
Enables applying custom resource changes remotely via the Carbon Black Console | True |