Kubernetes 1.18+ is supported.
export OPERATOR_VERSION=v6.1.0
export OPERATOR_SCRIPT_URL=https://setup.containers.carbonblack.io/$OPERATOR_VERSION/operator-apply.sh
curl -s $OPERATOR_SCRIPT_URL | bash
{OPERATOR_VERSION} is of the format "v{VERSION}"
Versions list: Releases
Clone the git project and deploy the operator from the source code
By default, the operator utilizes CustomResourceDefinitions v1, which requires Kubernetes 1.16+. Deploying an operator with CustomResourceDefinitions v1beta1 (deprecated in Kubernetes 1.16, removed in Kubernetes 1.22) can be done - see the relevant section below.
make docker-build docker-push IMG={IMAGE_NAME}
make deploy IMG={IMAGE_NAME}
- View Developer Guide to see how deploy the operator without using an image