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OCI Landing Zones IAM Policy Module

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This module manages Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. It supports explicitly provided policies as well as a pre-configured implementation of Separation of Duties (SoD) through template policies. With template policies, the Least Privilege security principle is enforced, as recommended by CIS (Center for Internet Security) OCI Foundations Benchmark.

The module operates over a single policies_configuration input variable.

Check module specification for a full description of module requirements, supported variables, managed resources and outputs.

Check the examples folder for actual module usage.

Terraform Version >= 1.3.0

This module requires Terraform binary version 1.3.0 or greater, as it relies on Optional Object Type Attributes feature. The feature shortens the amount of input values in complex object types, by having Terraform automatically inserting a default value for any missing optional attributes.

IAM Permissions

This module requires the following OCI IAM permissions in the top-most compartment that policies get attached to.

Allow group <group> to manage policies in compartment <compartment_name>

If the top-most compartment is the root compartment, the permission becomes:

Allow group <group> to manage policies in tenancy

Terraform modules can be invoked locally or remotely.

For invoking the module locally, just set the module source attribute to the module file path (relative path works). The following example assumes the module is two folders up in the file system.

module "policies" {
  source = "../.."
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
  policies_configuration = var.policies_configuration


For invoking the module remotely, set the module source attribute to the policies module folder in this repository, as shown:

module "policies" {
  source = ""
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
  policies_configuration = var.policies_configuration

For referring to a specific module version, append ref=<version> to the source attribute value, as in:

  source = ""

The module operates in two non-exclusive modes:

  • Supplied policies: a map of policies is explicitly supplied to the module.
  • Template policies: At the tenancy level (Root compartment), for group principals, policies are driven off supplied roles assigned to groups that must be passed to the module. For OCI service principals, policies can be enabled for all services or to specific ones. At the compartment level (excluding the Root compartment), policies are driven off metadata that must passed to the module.

Regardless the mode, the module checks policy statements against CIS OCI Foundations Benchmark recommendations. For example, the module would not allow a statement like allow group to manage all-resources in tenancy.

In this mode, policies are provided as an input parameter and can supplement or completely override the template policies.

Supplied policies are defined using the supplied_policies attribute.

Check the Supplied Policies example for how to supply your own policies.

In this mode, policies are pre-configured, automatically providing Separation of Duties across a set of pre-defined group roles. Template policies are specified with template_policies attribute. The module distinguishes between tenancy level and compartment level policies. Tenancy level policies are specified via tenancy_level_settings attribute, while compartment level policies are specified via compartment_level_settings.

Tenancy level policies (policies attached to Root compartment) for groups principals are generated based on groups_with_tenancy_level_roles attribute within tenancy_level_settings attribute.

Supported tenancy level roles:

  • iam: grants IAM related admin permissions at the tenancy level.
  • cost: grants cost related admin permissions at the tenancy level.
  • cred: grants credential related admin permissions at the tenancy level.
  • security: grants security related admin permissions at the tenancy level.
  • application: grants (read-only) application related permissions at the tenancy level.
  • auditor: grants (read-only) auditing permissions at the tenancy level.
  • announcement-reader: grants announcement reading permissions at the tenancy level.
  • basic: grants simple basic permissions at the tenancy level, specifically the ability to use cloud-shell and read usage-budgets.

As OCI supports 50 statements per policy, tenancy level grants are split into two policies: one for all groups with manage/use permissions over at least one resource and one for groups with only read/inspect and basic role permissions.

Tenancy level policies (policies attached to Root compartment) for OCI service principals are generated based on oci_services attribute within tenancy_level_settings attribute. Policies can be enabled for all services at once or on a per service basis. The following attributes of oci_services control the behavior:

  • enable_all_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for all services. Default is false.
  • enable_scanning_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for VSS service. Default is false.
  • enable_cloud_guard_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for Cloud Guard service.
  • enable_os_management_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for OS Management service. Default is false.
  • enable_block_storage_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for Block Storage service. Default is false.
  • enable_file_storage_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for File Storage service. Default is false.
  • enable_oke_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for OKE service. Default is false.
  • enable_streaming_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for Streaming service. Default is false.
  • enable_object_storage_policies: when set to true, policies are enabled for Object Storage service in all tenancy subscribed regions. Default is false.
Policy Naming

At the tenancy level, two policies are generated, named as:

  • policy_name_prefixroot-adminpolicy_name_suffix: for all groups with manage/use permissions over at least one resource
  • policy_name_prefixroot-non-adminpolicy_name_suffix: for groups with only read/inspect and basic role permissions.

You can tweak policy names by changing policy_name_prefix and policy_name_suffix atributes. Default values are:

  • policy_name_prefix : ""
  • policy_name_suffix : "-policy"
Policy Attachment

Tenancy level policies are always attached to the Root compartment.

Putting it Together - An Example

As an example, let's assume the following groups_with_tenancy_level_roles attribute is passed to the module:

groups_with_tenancy_level_roles = [
    {"name"="vision-iam-admin-group",     "roles"="iam"},
    {"name"="vision-cred-admin-group",    "roles"="cred"},
    {"name"="vision-cost-admin-group",    "roles"="cost"},
    {"name"="vision-app-admin-group",     "roles"="application"},
    {"name"="vision-auditor-group",       "roles"="auditor"},
    {"name"="vision-storage-admin-group", "roles"="basic"}

The following two policies would be attached to the Root compartment.

Policy with manage or use permissions:

define tenancy usage-report as ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaned4fkpkisbwjlr56u7cj63lf3wffbilvqknstgtvzub7vhqkggq
endorse group vision-cost-admin-group to read objects in tenancy usage-report
allow group vision-cost-admin-group to manage usage-report in tenancy
allow group vision-cost-admin-group to manage usage-budgets in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to inspect users in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to inspect groups in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to read policies in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage groups in tenancy where all { != 'Administrators', != 'vision-cred-admin-group'}
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to inspect identity-providers in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage identity-providers in tenancy where any {request.operation = 'AddIdpGroupMapping', request.operation = 'DeleteIdpGroupMapping'}
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage dynamic-groups in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage authentication-policies in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage network-sources in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage quota in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to read audit-events in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage tag-defaults in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage tag-namespaces in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage orm-stacks in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage orm-jobs in tenancy
allow group vision-iam-admin-group to manage orm-config-source-providers in tenancy
allow group vision-cred-admin-group to inspect users in tenancy
allow group vision-cred-admin-group to inspect groups in tenancy
allow group vision-cred-admin-group to manage users in tenancy  where any {request.operation = 'ListApiKeys',request.operation = 'ListAuthTokens',request.operation = 'ListCustomerSecretKeys',request.operation = 'UploadApiKey',request.operation = 'DeleteApiKey',request.operation = 'UpdateAuthToken',request.operation = 'CreateAuthToken',request.operation = 'DeleteAuthToken',request.operation = 'CreateSecretKey',request.operation = 'UpdateCustomerSecretKey',request.operation = 'DeleteCustomerSecretKey',request.operation = 'UpdateUserCapabilities'}
allow group vision-security-admin-group to manage cloudevents-rules in tenancy
allow group vision-security-admin-group to manage cloud-guard-family in tenancy
allow group vision-security-admin-group to read tenancies in tenancy
allow group vision-security-admin-group to read objectstorage-namespaces in tenancy

Policy with read, inspect, and basic role permissions:

allow group vision-announcement_reader-group,vision-app-admin-group,vision-auditor-group,vision-cost-admin-group,vision-cred-admin-group,vision-database-admin-group,vision-exainfra-admin-group,vision-iam-admin-group,vision-security-admin-group,vision-storage-admin-group to use cloud-shell in tenancy
allow group vision-announcement_reader-group,vision-app-admin-group,vision-auditor-group,vision-cost-admin-group,vision-cred-admin-group,vision-database-admin-group,vision-exainfra-admin-group,vision-iam-admin-group,vision-security-admin-group,vision-storage-admin-group to read usage-budgets in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to inspect all-resources in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read instances in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read load-balancers in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read buckets in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read nat-gateways in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read public-ips in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read file-family in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read instance-configurations in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read network-security-groups in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read resource-availability in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read audit-events in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read users in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read vss-family in tenancy
allow group vision-auditor-group to read data-safe-family in tenancy
allow group vision-announcement_reader-group to read announcements in tenancy

A fully functional example is provided in Template policies example.

At the compartment level, compartment metadata attributes drive policy creation. These metadata define the compartment types and consumer groups.

The compartments to which policies are applied must be provided to the module using supplied_compartments attribute within compartment_level_settings attribute. supplied_compartments is a map of objects, where each object is composed of the following attributes:

  • name : the compartment name, determining the target compartment in each policy statement.
  • id : the compartment where the policy is attached to. This attribute is overloaded, i.e., it can be either a literal compartment OCID, or a reference (a key) to an OCID. See External Dependencies for more information.
  • cislz_metadata : the metadata attributes, determining the policy statements for each compartment policy.

The module supports the following metadata attributes (cislz_metadata):

  • cislz-cmp-type
  • cislz-consumer-groups-read
  • cislz-consumer-groups-iam
  • cislz-consumer-groups-security
  • cislz-consumer-groups-network
  • cislz-consumer-groups-application
  • cislz-consumer-groups-database
  • cislz-consumer-groups-exainfra
  • cislz-consumer-groups-storage
  • cislz-consumer-groups-dyn-database-kms
  • cislz-consumer-groups-dyn-compute-agent
cislz-cmp-type Attribute

Defines the compartment's intent, in other words, it communicates the OCI resource types the compartment is intended to hold. For instance, a compartment can be created with the objective of holding network resources, or security resources, or both.

Currently supported values:

  • security: compartment´s intent to hold security related resources, hence this value drives the creation of security related policies.
  • network: compartment´s intent to hold network related resources, hence this value drives the creation of network related policies.
  • application: compartment´s intent to hold application related resources, hence this value drives the creation of application related policies.
  • database: compartment´s intent to hold database related resources, hence this value drives the creation of database related policies.
  • exainfra: compartment´s intent to hold Exatada Cloud Service Infrastructure related resources, hence this value drives the creation of Exatada Cloud Service infrastructure policies.
  • enclosing: drives the creation of policies that are scoped to more than one compartment, as a compartment tagged as enclosing is intended to be the parent of above compartment types.

Note: Multiple values can be assigned to cislz-cmp-type, as a comma separated string of values.

cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> Attribute

The cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> metadata attributes define the groups that use (or consume) resources from the compartment, denoting the groups' interest in the resources. For instance, a tag cislz-consumer-groups-database: database-admin-group indicates database-admin-group consumes resources in the compartment from a database admin perspective. This results in policy statements granting specific database related permissions to the group in the compartment.

Note: The cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> metadata attributes support a comma-separated string of values, which allows for communicating the interest of multiple groups in a single compartment. This is important in scenarios where a compartment provides shared services, must be managed by different administrators and is used (consumed) by roles with other responsibilities.

Picture the use case where a single compartment provide network and security services. It might be the case it requires distinct administrators for network and security resources. Moreover, distinct database administrators (Dev admin and Prod admin) may need access to those resources. In this scenario, the compartment metadata would be like:

cislz-cmp-type: "network,security"
cislz-consumer-groups-network: "network-admin"
cislz-consumer-groups-security: "security-admin"
cislz-consumer-groups-database: "dev-database-admin", "prod-database-admin"

These are the currently supported metadata attributes for consumer groups:

  • cislz-consumer-groups-read: defines the groups that can only read from the compartment.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-iam: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from an IAM admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-security: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from a security admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-network: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from a network admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-application: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from an application admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-database: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from a database admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-exainfra: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from an Exadata Cloud Service infrastructure admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-storage: defines the groups that manage or consume compartment resources from a storage admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-dyn-database-kms: defines the dynamic groups that consume key management services (KMS) from the perspective of a database system. This typically applies to compartments tagged with cislz-cmp-type:security, as security compartments are an adequate container for KMS.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-dyn-compute-agent: defines the dynamic groups allowed to execute Compute agent plugin in the compartment.
Policy Generation Logic

The actual applied policies are the combined result of cislz-cmp-type and cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> values. cislz-cmp-type defines the greater set of OCI resource types available for the compartment, while cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> defines the grantees and their access levels (manage,use,read,inspect) on a subset of those resource types. Whenever cislz-cmp-type matches <suffix>, manage permissions in compartment resources are granted to cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix>.

IMPORTANT: There is an implied relationship between cislz-cmp-type and <suffix> in cislz-consumer-groups-<suffix> as far as manage permissions are concerned, according to table below:

cislz-cmp-type cislz-consumer-groups' <suffix> Policy Outcome
security security manage permissions are granted over security related resources to groups names assigned to cislz-consumer-groups-security.
network network manage permissions are granted over network related resources to groups names assigned to cislz-consumer-groups-network.
application application manage permissions are granted over application related resources to groups names assigned to cislz-consumer-groups-application.
database database manage permissions are granted over database related resources to groups names assigned to cislz-consumer-groups-database.
exainfra exainfra manage permissions are granted over Exadata Cloud Service Infrastructure related resources to groups names assigned to cislz-consumer-groups-exainfra.
Policy Naming

At the compartments level, policies are generated for each selected compartment. As such they are named after compartment names, following the pattern policy_name_prefix<compartment_name>policy_name_suffix.

You can tweak policy names by changing policy_name_prefix and policy_name_suffix atributes. Default values are:

  • policy_name_prefix : ""
  • policy_name_suffix : "-policy"
Policy Attachment

The id attribute within supplied_compartments attribute defines the compartment to which the policy is attached.

Putting it Together - An Example

As an example, assume the following metadata is associated with the vision-network-cmp compartment:

  • cislz-cmp-type: "network": the value communicates this compartment is about network resource types, hence network policy statements should be pulled from the template.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-network: "vision-network-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that effectively manages compartment resources, because the tag name <suffix> matches cislz-cmp-type value, per table above.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-security: "vision-security-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that consumes compartment resources from a security admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-application: "vision-app-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that consumes compartment resources from an application admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-database: "vision-database-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that consumes compartment resources from a database admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-storage: "vision-storage-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that consumes compartment resources from a storage admin perspective.
  • cislz-consumer-groups-exainfra: "vision-exainfra-admin-group": the value communicates the group name that consumes compartment resources from an exainfra (Exadata Cloud Service Infrastructure) admin perspective.

Per defined metadata, the module attaches the following policy to vision-network-cmp compartment:

allow group vision-network-admin-group to read all-resources in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage virtual-network-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage dns in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage load-balancers in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage alarms in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage metrics in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage ons-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage orm-stacks in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage orm-jobs in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage orm-config-source-providers in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to read audit-events in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to read work-requests in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage instance-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage volume-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where all{request.permission != 'VOLUME_BACKUP_DELETE', request.permission != 'VOLUME_DELETE', request.permission != 'BOOT_VOLUME_BACKUP_DELETE'}
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage object-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where all{request.permission != 'OBJECT_DELETE', request.permission != 'BUCKET_DELETE'}
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage file-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where all{request.permission != 'FILE_SYSTEM_DELETE', request.permission != 'MOUNT_TARGET_DELETE', request.permission != 'EXPORT_SET_DELETE', request.permission != 'FILE_SYSTEM_DELETE_SNAPSHOT', request.permission != 'FILE_SYSTEM_NFSv3_UNEXPORT'}
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage bastion-session in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage cloudevents-rules in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage alarms in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to manage metrics in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-network-admin-group to read instance-agent-plugins in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-security-admin-group to read virtual-network-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-security-admin-group to use subnets in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-security-admin-group to use network-security-groups in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-security-admin-group to use vnics in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-app-admin-group to read virtual-network-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-app-admin-group to use subnets in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-app-admin-group to use network-security-groups in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-app-admin-group to use vnics in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-app-admin-group to use load-balancers in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-database-admin-group to read virtual-network-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-database-admin-group to use vnics in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-database-admin-group to use subnets in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-database-admin-group to use network-security-groups in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-exainfra-admin-group to read virtual-network-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to read bucket in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to inspect object in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to manage object-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where any {request.permission = 'OBJECT_DELETE', request.permission = 'BUCKET_DELETE'}
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to read volume-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to manage volume-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where any {request.permission = 'VOLUME_DELETE', request.permission = 'VOLUME_BACKUP_DELETE', request.permission = 'BOOT_VOLUME_BACKUP_DELETE'}
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to read file-family in compartment vision-network-cmp
allow group vision-storage-admin-group to manage file-family in compartment vision-network-cmp where any {request.permission = 'FILE_SYSTEM_DELETE', request.permission = 'MOUNT_TARGET_DELETE', request.permission = 'VNIC_DELETE', request.permission = 'SUBNET_DETACH', request.permission = 'VNIC_DETACH', request.permission = 'PRIVATE_IP_DELETE', request.permission = 'PRIVATE_IP_UNASSIGN', request.permission = 'VNIC_UNASSIGN', request.permission = 'EXPORT_SET_UPDATE', request.permission = 'FILE_SYSTEM_NFSv3_UNEXPORT', request.permission = 'EXPORT_SET_DELETE', request.permission = 'FILE_SYSTEM_DELETE_SNAPSHOT'}

A fully functional example is provided in Template policies example.

An optional feature, external dependencies are resources managed elsewhere that resources managed by this module may depend on. The following dependencies are supported:

  • compartments_dependency: A map of objects containing the externally managed compartments this module may depend on. All map objects must have the same type and must contain at least an id attribute with the compartment OCID. This mechanism allows for the usage of referring keys (instead of OCIDs) when referring to compartments (within supplied_policies and supplied_compartments attributes). The module replaces the keys by the OCIDs provided within compartments_dependency map. Contents of compartments_dependency is typically the output of a Compartments module client.
