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Add native polling mode support on Windows
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Signed-off-by: Uma Kothuri <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: nojebar <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
yams-yams authored and nojb committed Feb 15, 2023
1 parent e4c5974 commit 1d824a9
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,030 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ Unreleased
- Auto-detect `dune-workspace` files as `dune` files in Emacs (#7061,

- Add native support for polling mode on Windows (#7010, @yams-yams, @nojb)

3.6.2 (2022-12-21)

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions boot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ let local_libraries =
; ("vendor/ocaml-inotify/src", Some "Ocaml_inotify", false, None)
; ("src/async_inotify_for_dune", Some "Async_inotify_for_dune", false,
; ("src/fswatch_win", Some "Fswatch_win", false, None)
; ("src/dune_file_watcher", Some "Dune_file_watcher", false, None)
; ("src/dune_engine", Some "Dune_engine", false, None)
; ("src/dune_config", Some "Dune_config", false, None)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_file_watcher/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
(synopsis "Internal Dune library, do not use!")
(backend bisect_ppx)))
96 changes: 80 additions & 16 deletions src/dune_file_watcher/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ type kind =
; latency : float
| Inotify of Inotify_lib.t
| Fswatch_win of
{ t : Fswatch_win.t
; scheduler : Scheduler.t

type t =
{ kind : kind
Expand All @@ -156,6 +160,9 @@ let exclude_patterns =
; {|/#[^#]*#$|}
; {|^4913$|} (* *)
; {|/4913$|}
; {|/.git|}
; {|/.hg|}
; {|:/windows|}

module Re = Dune_re
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,6 +210,7 @@ let shutdown t =
Fsevents.stop fsevents.sync;
Watch_trie.to_list fsevents.external_
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (_, fs) -> Fsevents.stop fs))
| Fswatch_win { t; _ } -> `Thunk (fun () -> Fswatch_win.shutdown t)

let buffer_capacity = 65536

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,6 +362,7 @@ let select_watcher_backend () =
assert (Ocaml_inotify.Inotify.supported_by_the_os ());
else if Fsevents.available () then `Fsevents
else if Sys.win32 then `Fswatch_win
else fswatch_backend ()

let prepare_sync () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,6 +591,48 @@ let create_fsevents ?(latency = 0.2) ~(scheduler : Scheduler.t) () =
; sync_table

let fswatch_win_callback ~(scheduler : Scheduler.t) ~sync_table event =
let dir = event in
let filename = Filename.concat dir (Fswatch_win.Event.path event) in
let localized_path =
Path.Expert.try_localize_external (Path.of_string filename)
match localized_path with
| In_build_dir _ -> (
if Fs_sync.is_special_file_fsevents localized_path then
match Fswatch_win.Event.action event with
| Added | Modified -> (
match Fs_sync.consume_event sync_table filename with
| None -> ()
| Some id ->
scheduler.thread_safe_send_emit_events_job (fun () -> [ Sync id ]))
| Removed | Renamed_new | Renamed_old -> ())
| path ->
let normalized_filename =
String.concat ~sep:"/"
(String.split_on_char ~sep:'\\' (String.lowercase_ascii filename))
if not (should_exclude normalized_filename) then
scheduler.thread_safe_send_emit_events_job (fun () ->
let kind =
match Fswatch_win.Event.action event with
| Added | Renamed_new -> Fs_memo_event.Created
| Removed | Renamed_old -> Deleted
| Modified -> File_changed
[ Fs_memo_event { kind; path } ])

let create_fswatch_win ~(scheduler : Scheduler.t) ~debounce_interval:sleep =
let sync_table = Table.create (module String) 64 in
let t = Fswatch_win.create () in
Fswatch_win.add t (Path.to_absolute_filename Path.root);
scheduler.spawn_thread (fun () ->
while true do
let events = Fswatch_win.wait t ~sleep in
List.iter ~f:(fswatch_win_callback ~scheduler ~sync_table) events
{ kind = Fswatch_win { t; scheduler }; sync_table }

let create_external ~root ~debounce_interval ~scheduler ~backend =
match debounce_interval with
| None -> create_no_buffering ~root ~scheduler ~backend
Expand All @@ -597,15 +648,31 @@ let create_default ?fsevents_debounce ~scheduler () =
~debounce_interval:(Some 0.5 (* seconds *)) ~backend
| `Fsevents -> create_fsevents ?latency:fsevents_debounce ~scheduler ()
| `Inotify_lib -> create_inotifylib ~scheduler
| `Fswatch_win ->
create_fswatch_win ~scheduler ~debounce_interval:500 (* milliseconds *)

let wait_for_initial_watches_established_blocking t =
match t.kind with
| Fswatch c -> c.wait_for_watches_established ()
| Fsevents _ | Inotify _ ->
| Fsevents _ | Inotify _ | Fswatch_win _ ->
(* no initial watches needed: all watches should be set up at the time just
before file access *)

(* Return the parent directory of [ext] if [ext] denotes a file. *)
let parent_directory ext =
let rec loop p =
if Path.is_directory (Path.external_ p) then Some ext
match Path.External.parent p with
| None ->
[ Pp.textf "Refusing to watch %s" (Path.External.to_string ext) ];
| Some ext -> loop ext
loop ext

let add_watch t path =
match t.kind with
| Fsevents f -> (
Expand All @@ -614,21 +681,7 @@ let add_watch t path =
| In_build_dir _ ->
Code_error.raise "attempted to watch a directory in build" []
| External ext -> (
let ext =
let rec loop p =
if Path.is_directory (Path.external_ p) then Some ext
match Path.External.parent p with
| None ->
[ Pp.textf "Refusing to watch %s" (Path.External.to_string ext)
| Some ext -> loop ext
loop ext
match ext with
match parent_directory ext with
| None -> Ok ()
| Some ext -> (
let watch =
Expand All @@ -652,5 +705,16 @@ let add_watch t path =
| Inotify inotify -> (
try Ok (Inotify_lib.add inotify (Path.to_string path))
with Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error `Does_not_exist)
| Fswatch_win fswatch -> (
match path with
| In_build_dir _ ->
Code_error.raise "attempted to watch a directory in build" []
| Path.In_source_tree _ -> Ok ()
| External ext -> (
match parent_directory ext with
| None -> Ok ()
| Some _ ->
Fswatch_win.add fswatch.t (Path.to_absolute_filename path);
Ok ()))

let emit_sync = Fs_sync.emit
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/fswatch_win/bin/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; A little binary to test out Windows file watcher library

(name dune_fswatch_win)
(libraries fswatch_win stdune dyn))
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/fswatch_win/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
open! Stdune

let paths =
let paths = ref [] in
let anon p = paths := p :: !paths in
Arg.parse [] anon "dune_fswatch_win [path]+";
List.rev !paths

let () =
let t = Fswatch_win.create () in
List.iter ~f:(Fswatch_win.add t) paths;
let f event =
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Dyn.to_string (Fswatch_win.Event.to_dyn event))
while true do
List.iter ~f (Fswatch_win.wait t ~sleep:500)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/fswatch_win/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(name fswatch_win)
(libraries stdune dune_util)
(language c)
(names fswatch_win_stubs)))
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/fswatch_win/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module Event = struct
type action =
| Added
| Removed
| Modified
| Renamed_old
| Renamed_new

type t =
{ directory : string
; path : string
; action : action

let directory t =

let path t = t.path

let action t = t.action

let dyn_of_action = function
| Added -> Dyn.variant "Added" []
| Removed -> Dyn.variant "Removed" []
| Modified -> Dyn.variant "Modified" []
| Renamed_old -> Dyn.variant "Renamed_old" []
| Renamed_new -> Dyn.variant "Renamed_new" []

let to_dyn t =
[ ("directory", Dyn.string
; ("path", Dyn.String t.path)
; ("action", dyn_of_action t.action)

type t

external create : unit -> t = "fswatch_win_create"

external wait : t -> sleep:int -> Event.t list = "fswatch_win_wait"

external add : t -> string -> unit = "fswatch_win_add"

let wait t ~sleep =
| { Event.action = Modified; path; directory } -> (
try not (Sys.is_directory (Filename.concat directory path))
with Sys_error _ -> true)
| _ -> true)
(wait t ~sleep)

external shutdown : t -> unit = "fswatch_win_shutdown"
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/fswatch_win/fswatch_win.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(** File-watching support under Windows *)

module Event : sig
(** The type of events *)
type action =
| Added (** The file was added. *)
| Removed (** The file was removed. *)
| Modified (** The file was modified. *)
| Renamed_old
(** The file was renamed. This corresponds to the old name. *)
| Renamed_new
(** The file was renamed. This corresponds to the new name. *)

type t

(** The directory being watched. *)
val directory : t -> string

(** The path to the file relevant to the event. Relative to the directory
being watched (see {!directory}). *)
val path : t -> string

(** The description of the event action. *)
val action : t -> action

(** For debugging. *)
val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

(** The type of file watchers. Each file watcher can watch an arbitrary
collection of directories. Multiple file watchers can be used
simultaneously, if needed. *)
type t

(** Create a file watcher. This creates a native thread that will monitor for
changes in the background. *)
val create : unit -> t

(** Start watching a directory for changes. The watching is recursive: all
subdirectories are watched as well. Watching a single file is not possible. *)
val add : t -> string -> unit

(** Wait for events. This function will block until it receives some file change
notifications. After it receives a notification, it will wait for [sleep]
milliseconds before retrieving them and returning them to the user. This is
done to avoid triggering multiple rebuilds in close succession. *)
val wait : t -> sleep:int -> Event.t list

(** Shutdown the file watcher. This tears down the background thread and frees
all allocated resources. It is an error to call [add] or [wait] after this
function returns. *)
val shutdown : t -> unit

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