Thread 13 (Thread 0x7f1d077fe640 (LWP 559641)): #0 0x00007f1d55b9a46f in poll () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d5234f654 in () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d523389a9 in pa_mainloop_poll () at /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f1d52343281 in pa_mainloop_iterate () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d52343331 in pa_mainloop_run () at /usr/lib/ #5 0x00007f1d523537fe in () at /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007f1d513475fc in () at /usr/lib/pulseaudio/ #7 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 12 (Thread 0x7f1d4d06f640 (LWP 566876)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d9c8 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d56c4f509 in os_event_timedwait (event=0x5633740ffd80, milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=30000) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/util/threading-posix.c:121 ts = {tv_sec = 1612404294, tv_nsec = 850751109} code = 0 #2 0x00007f1d56c4f90f in screensaver_thread (param=0x563374102480) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/util/platform-nix.c:627 info = 0x563374102480 #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 11 (Thread 0x7f1d0f3ff640 (LWP 559636)): #0 0x00007f1d55b9a46f in poll () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d5901af46 in wl_display_dispatch_queue () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d5901b1e0 in wl_display_roundtrip_queue () at /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f1d0c55a124 in () at /usr//lib/obs-plugins/ #4 0x00007f1d56c5c5e9 in obs_source_default_render (source=source@entry=0x5633751a4680) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2124 effect = 0x563374655a00 tech = 0x5633746529c0 passes = 1 i = 0 #5 0x00007f1d56c60f7c in obs_source_main_render (source=0x5633751a4680) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2138 flags = custom_draw = default_effect = true #6 render_video (source=0x5633751a4680) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2195 #7 obs_source_video_render (source=0x5633751a4680) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2215 #8 0x00007f1d56c967fa in render_item (item=0x5633750eb800) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-scene.c:578 remove_items = {da = {array = 0x0, num = 0, capacity = 0}, {array = 0x0, num = 0, capacity = 0}} item = 0x5633750eb800 #9 scene_video_render (data=, effect=) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-scene.c:670 remove_items = {da = {array = 0x0, num = 0, capacity = 0}, {array = 0x0, num = 0, capacity = 0}} item = 0x5633750eb800 #10 0x00007f1d56c60e40 in obs_source_main_render (source=0x5633750e7c20) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2140 flags = custom_draw = default_effect = #11 render_video (source=0x5633750e7c20) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2195 #12 obs_source_video_render (source=0x5633750e7c20) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2215 #13 0x00007f1d56c67b26 in obs_transition_video_render (transition=0x5633751dbc00, callback=0x7f1d0d36ad60 ) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source-transition.c:793 state = {s = {0x4, 0x0}, transitioning_video = 48, transitioning_audio = 230} matrices = {{x = {{{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {1, 0, 0, 0}, m = {1, 0, 0, 0}}}, y = {{{x = 0, y = 1, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 1, 0, 0}, m = {0, 1, 0, 0}}}, z = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 1, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 1, 0}, m = {0, 0, 1, 0}}}, t = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 1}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 1}, m = {0, 0, 0, 1}}}}, {x = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 0}, m = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, y = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 0}, m = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, z = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 0}, m = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, t = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 0}, m = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}}} locked = stopped = false video_stopped = false t = #14 0x00007f1d56c60e40 in obs_source_main_render (source=0x5633751dbc00) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2140 flags = custom_draw = default_effect = #15 render_video (source=0x5633751dbc00) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2195 #16 obs_source_video_render (source=0x5633751dbc00) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-source.c:2215 #17 0x00007f1d56c93285 in obs_view_render (view=0x563374132568) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-view.c:141 source = i = #18 0x00007f1d56c9bb9c in render_main_texture (video=0x563374131fa8) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-video.c:152 clear_color = {{{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0}, ptr = {0, 0, 0, 0}, m = {0, 0, 0, 0}}} video = 0x563374131fa8 frame = {data = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, linesize = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, timestamp = 0} frame_ready = false cur_texture = 1 prev_texture = 0 stop_requested = false frame_start = 41214502328142 frame_time_ns = raw_active = true active = true #19 render_video (cur_texture=1, gpu_active=false, raw_active=true, video=0x563374131fa8) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-video.c:486 video = 0x563374131fa8 frame = {data = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, linesize = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, timestamp = 0} frame_ready = false cur_texture = 1 prev_texture = 0 stop_requested = false frame_start = 41214502328142 frame_time_ns = raw_active = true active = true #20 output_frame (gpu_active=false, raw_active=true) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-video.c:763 video = 0x563374131fa8 frame = {data = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, linesize = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, timestamp = 0} frame_ready = false cur_texture = 1 prev_texture = 0 stop_requested = false frame_start = 41214502328142 frame_time_ns = raw_active = true active = true #21 obs_graphics_thread_loop (context=context@entry=0x7f1d0f3fe900) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-video.c:975 stop_requested = false frame_start = 41214502328142 frame_time_ns = raw_active = true active = true #22 0x00007f1d56c9cfb9 in obs_graphics_thread (param=) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-video.c:1050 interval = 16666666 video_thread_name = 0x7f1d0f3fe900 "eZ\304\377{%" context = {last_time = 41214502263397, interval = 16666666, frame_time_total_ns = 211158493, fps_total_ns = 999999960, fps_total_frames = 60, raw_was_active = true, was_active = true, video_thread_name = 0x7f1d08000bc0 "obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms)"} #23 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #24 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 10 (Thread 0x7f1d0e72d640 (LWP 559637)): #0 0x00007f1d55c80014 in do_futex_wait.constprop () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d55c80118 in __new_sem_wait_slow.constprop.0 () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d0ebe5225 in defer_thread (unused=) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/deps/obs-scripting/obs-scripting.c:89 #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 9 (Thread 0x7f1d29d9f640 (LWP 559633)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d6a2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d35b33b3c in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #2 0x00007f1d35b32308 in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 8 (Thread 0x7f1d28d9d640 (LWP 559635)): #0 0x00007f1d55c80014 in do_futex_wait.constprop () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d55c80118 in __new_sem_wait_slow.constprop.0 () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d56c3b01a in video_thread (param=0x563374ecd380) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/media-io/video-io.c:183 video = 0x563374ecd380 video_thread_name = 0x7f1d14000b80 "video_thread(video)" #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 7 (Thread 0x7f1d2a5a0640 (LWP 559632)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d6a2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d35b33b3c in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #2 0x00007f1d35b32308 in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f1d37fff640 (LWP 559629)): #0 0x00007f1d55b9a46f in poll () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d519df93f in () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d5198a2b1 in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f1d562dd6e1 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d562833fc in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib/ #5 0x00007f1d5609bd22 in QThread::exec() () at /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007f1d4ee86098 in () at /usr/lib/ #7 0x00007f1d5609cf0f in () at /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #9 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f1d34d03640 (LWP 559631)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d6a2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d35b33b3c in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #2 0x00007f1d35b32308 in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f1d35504640 (LWP 559630)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d6a2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d35b33b3c in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #2 0x00007f1d35b32308 in () at /usr/lib/dri/ #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f1d2959e640 (LWP 559634)): #0 0x00007f1d55c80db0 in __lll_lock_wait () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d55c79743 in pthread_mutex_lock () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d56c93159 in obs_view_get_source (view=0x563374132568, channel=channel@entry=0) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-view.c:83 source = #3 0x00007f1d56c72039 in obs_get_output_source (channel=channel@entry=0) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs.c:1418 #4 0x00007f1d56c9a5a3 in audio_callback (param=, start_ts_in=, end_ts_in=, out_ts=0x7f1d2959d6a0, mixers=1, mixes=0x7f1d2959d740) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-audio.c:413 source = i = 0 data = 0x5633741323f0 audio = 0x563374132328 source = sample_rate = 48000 channels = 2 ts = {start = 41214457766764, end = 41214479100097} audio_size = 4096 min_ts = 41214457766764 buffering_name = #5 0x00007f1d56c3c068 in input_and_output (audio=audio@entry=0x563374b8b980, audio_time=audio_time@entry=41214521766764, prev_time=41214500433430) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/media-io/audio-io.c:185 bytes = 4096 data = {{data = {0x563374b8ba28, 0x563374b8ca28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, {data = {0x563374b93a40, 0x563374b94a40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, {data = {0x563374b9ba58, 0x563374b9ca58, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, {data = {0x563374ba3a70, 0x563374ba4a70, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, {data = {0x563374baba88, 0x563374baca88, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, {data = {0x563374bb3aa0, 0x563374bb4aa0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}} active_mixes = 1 new_ts = 0 success = #6 0x00007f1d56c3c3e5 in audio_thread (param=0x563374b8b980) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/media-io/audio-io.c:228 cur_time = 41214520287961 audio = 0x563374b8b980 rate = 48000 samples = 576331776 start_time = 29207609766764 prev_time = audio_time = 41214521766764 Python Exception That operation is not available on integers of more than 8 bytes.: #7 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f1d4c86e640 (LWP 559628)): #0 0x00007f1d55c7d9c8 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d56c4f509 in os_event_timedwait (event=0x56337412cea0, milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=25) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/util/threading-posix.c:121 ts = {tv_sec = 1612404265, tv_nsec = 760444196} code = 0 #2 0x00007f1d56c83df5 in obs_hotkey_thread (arg=) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/libobs/obs-hotkey.c:1381 hotkey_thread_name = 0x7f1d3c000b80 "obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms)" #3 0x00007f1d55c773e9 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d55ba5293 in clone () at /usr/lib/ Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f1d4f3585c0 (LWP 559621)): #0 0x00007f1d55ae2615 in raise () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f1d55acb862 in abort () at /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f1d5605f9ac in () at /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f1d4ef570fa in () at /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f1d4ef5c41a in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandShmBackingStore::resize(QSize const&) () at /usr/lib/ #5 0x00007f1d4ef5c67a in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandShmBackingStore::beginPaint(QRegion const&) () at /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007f1d56826983 in QBackingStore::beginPaint(QRegion const&) () at /usr/lib/ #7 0x00007f1d56e3e142 in () at /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f1d56e6f25b in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #9 0x00007f1d56e2d752 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #10 0x00007f1d56284a7a in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #11 0x00007f1d56287573 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () at /usr/lib/ #12 0x00007f1d562de0a4 in () at /usr/lib/ #13 0x00007f1d5198ba84 in g_main_context_dispatch () at /usr/lib/ #14 0x00007f1d519df9b1 in () at /usr/lib/ #15 0x00007f1d5198a2b1 in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib/ #16 0x00007f1d562dd6e1 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib/ #17 0x00007f1d562833fc in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib/ #18 0x00007f1d5628b894 in QCoreApplication::exec() () at /usr/lib/ #19 0x0000563372830df7 in run_program (argv=0x7ffeb5de24b8, argc=, logFile=...) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/UI/obs-app.cpp:2054 created_log = true translator = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f1d5651ca00 }, stringdata = 0x5633729c0140 , data = 0x5633729c0100 , static_metacall = 0x5633728352f0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}} crosDir = ret = -1 prof_release = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x563372a4a64a } prof = {name = , enabled = false} program = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f1d57337900 }, stringdata = 0x5633729c0040 , data = 0x5633729bffc0 , static_metacall = 0x563372835940 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, locale = "en-US", theme = "Dark", globalConfig = {config = 0x56337413b840}, textLookup = {lookup = 0x563374128660}, mainWindow = {wp = {d = 0x56337413a120, value = 0x563374135ff0}}, profilerNameStore = 0x5633740ee7e0, libobs_initialized = true, sleepInhibitor = 0x563374102480, sleepInhibitRefs = 1, enableHotkeysInFocus = true, enableHotkeysOutOfFocus = true, translatorHooks = std::deque with 0 elements, defaultPalette = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f1d56b224a0, data = 0x7f1d56b22340, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x563374106920, {data = {current_group = 0, resolve_mask = 0}, for_faster_swapping_dont_use = 0}}} sig_handler = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x56337284d810 , sa_sigaction = 0x56337284d810 }, sa_mask = {__val = {0, 140731949652528, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994618352, 140731949652560, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994617072, 140731949652592, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994615808, 140731949652624, 140731949653032, 327681}}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x7ffeb5de1ab0} sigpipe_mask = {__val = {4096, 139764024351240, 140731949652272, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973415872, 140731949652304, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973414608, 140731949652336, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973413344, 140731949652368, 139764024227187}} saved_mask = {__val = {0, 139763973412080, 140731949652400, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973410816, 140731949652432, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994622160, 140731949652464, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994620896, 140731949652496, 139764024227187}} logFile = { >> = { >> = { >> = { = {_vptr.ios_base = 0x7f1d55fc3188 >+104>, static boolalpha = std::_S_boolalpha, static dec = std::_S_dec, static fixed = std::_S_fixed, static hex = std::_S_hex, static internal = std::_S_internal, static left = std::_S_left, static oct = std::_S_oct, static right = std::_S_right, static scientific = std::_S_scientific, static showbase = std::_S_showbase, static showpoint = std::_S_showpoint, static showpos = std::_S_showpos, static skipws = std::_S_skipws, static unitbuf = std::_S_unitbuf, static uppercase = std::_S_uppercase, static adjustfield = std::_S_adjustfield, static basefield = std::_S_basefield, static floatfield = std::_S_floatfield, static badbit = std::_S_badbit, static eofbit = std::_S_eofbit, static failbit = std::_S_failbit, static goodbit = std::_S_goodbit, static app = std::_S_app, static ate = std::_S_ate, static binary = std::_S_bin, static in = std::_S_in, static out = std::_S_out, static trunc = std::_S_trunc, static beg = std::_S_beg, static cur = std::_S_cur, static end = std::_S_end, _M_precision = 6, _M_width = 0, _M_flags = 4098, _M_exception = std::_S_goodbit, _M_streambuf_state = std::_S_goodbit, _M_callbacks = 0x0, _M_word_zero = {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, _M_local_word = {{_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}}, _M_word_size = 8, _M_word = 0x7ffeb5de1eb8, _M_ios_locale = {static none = 0, static ctype = 1, static numeric = 2, static collate = 4, static time = 8, static monetary = 16, static messages = 32, static all = 63, _M_impl = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_classic = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_global = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_categories = 0x7f1d55fbd6c0 <__gnu_cxx::category_names>, static _S_once = 2, static _S_twinned_facets = {0x7f1d55fcc718 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6f0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc728 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc720 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc738 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc730 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc658 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc640 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7b0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc650 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc668 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc660 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc678 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc670 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc648 ::id>, 0x0, 0x0}}}, _M_tie = 0x0, _M_fill = 0 '\000', _M_fill_init = false, _M_streambuf = 0x7ffeb5de1d88, _M_ctype = 0x7f1d55fcb700 <(anonymous namespace)::ctype_c>, _M_num_put = 0x7f1d55fcb690 <(anonymous namespace)::num_put_c>, _M_num_get = 0x7f1d55fcb6a0 <(anonymous namespace)::num_get_c>}, _vptr.basic_istream = 0x7f1d55fc3138 >+24>, _M_gcount = 0}, >> = {_vptr.basic_ostream = 0x7f1d55fc3160 >+64>}, }, _M_filebuf = { >> = {_vptr.basic_streambuf = 0x7f1d55fc2dc8 >+16>, _M_in_beg = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_in_cur = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_in_end = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_beg = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_cur = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_end = 0x563374131e5f "x;\n heA\036", _M_buf_locale = {static none = 0, static ctype = 1, static numeric = 2, static collate = 4, static time = 8, static monetary = 16, static messages = 32, static all = 63, _M_impl = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_classic = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_global = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_categories = 0x7f1d55fbd6c0 <__gnu_cxx::category_names>, static _S_once = 2, static _S_twinned_facets = {0x7f1d55fcc718 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6f0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc728 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc720 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc738 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc730 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc658 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc640 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7b0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc650 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc668 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc660 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc678 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc670 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc648 ::id>, 0x0, 0x0}}}, _M_lock = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}, _M_file = {_M_cfile = 0x56337412b860, _M_cfile_created = true}, _M_mode = 56, _M_state_beg = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_state_cur = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_state_last = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_buf = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_buf_size = 8192, _M_buf_allocated = true, _M_reading = false, _M_writing = true, _M_pback = 0 '\000', _M_pback_cur_save = 0x0, _M_pback_end_save = 0x0, _M_pback_init = false, _M_codecvt = 0x7f1d55fcb670 <(anonymous namespace)::codecvt_c>, _M_ext_buf = 0x0, _M_ext_buf_size = 0, _M_ext_next = 0x0, _M_ext_end = 0x0}} ret = #20 main(int, char**) (argc=, argv=0x7ffeb5de24b8) at /usr/src/debug/obs-studio-26.0.2/UI/obs-app.cpp:2694 sig_handler = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x56337284d810 , sa_sigaction = 0x56337284d810 }, sa_mask = {__val = {0, 140731949652528, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994618352, 140731949652560, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994617072, 140731949652592, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994615808, 140731949652624, 140731949653032, 327681}}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x7ffeb5de1ab0} sigpipe_mask = {__val = {4096, 139764024351240, 140731949652272, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973415872, 140731949652304, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973414608, 140731949652336, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973413344, 140731949652368, 139764024227187}} saved_mask = {__val = {0, 139763973412080, 140731949652400, 139764024227187, 1, 139763973410816, 140731949652432, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994622160, 140731949652464, 139764024227187, 1, 139763994620896, 140731949652496, 139764024227187}} logFile = { >> = { >> = { >> = { = {_vptr.ios_base = 0x7f1d55fc3188 >+104>, static boolalpha = std::_S_boolalpha, static dec = std::_S_dec, static fixed = std::_S_fixed, static hex = std::_S_hex, static internal = std::_S_internal, static left = std::_S_left, static oct = std::_S_oct, static right = std::_S_right, static scientific = std::_S_scientific, static showbase = std::_S_showbase, static showpoint = std::_S_showpoint, static showpos = std::_S_showpos, static skipws = std::_S_skipws, static unitbuf = std::_S_unitbuf, static uppercase = std::_S_uppercase, static adjustfield = std::_S_adjustfield, static basefield = std::_S_basefield, static floatfield = std::_S_floatfield, static badbit = std::_S_badbit, static eofbit = std::_S_eofbit, static failbit = std::_S_failbit, static goodbit = std::_S_goodbit, static app = std::_S_app, static ate = std::_S_ate, static binary = std::_S_bin, static in = std::_S_in, static out = std::_S_out, static trunc = std::_S_trunc, static beg = std::_S_beg, static cur = std::_S_cur, static end = std::_S_end, _M_precision = 6, _M_width = 0, _M_flags = 4098, _M_exception = std::_S_goodbit, _M_streambuf_state = std::_S_goodbit, _M_callbacks = 0x0, _M_word_zero = {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, _M_local_word = {{_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}, {_M_pword = 0x0, _M_iword = 0}}, _M_word_size = 8, _M_word = 0x7ffeb5de1eb8, _M_ios_locale = {static none = 0, static ctype = 1, static numeric = 2, static collate = 4, static time = 8, static monetary = 16, static messages = 32, static all = 63, _M_impl = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_classic = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_global = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_categories = 0x7f1d55fbd6c0 <__gnu_cxx::category_names>, static _S_once = 2, static _S_twinned_facets = {0x7f1d55fcc718 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6f0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc728 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc720 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc738 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc730 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc658 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc640 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7b0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc650 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc668 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc660 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc678 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc670 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc648 ::id>, 0x0, 0x0}}}, _M_tie = 0x0, _M_fill = 0 '\000', _M_fill_init = false, _M_streambuf = 0x7ffeb5de1d88, _M_ctype = 0x7f1d55fcb700 <(anonymous namespace)::ctype_c>, _M_num_put = 0x7f1d55fcb690 <(anonymous namespace)::num_put_c>, _M_num_get = 0x7f1d55fcb6a0 <(anonymous namespace)::num_get_c>}, _vptr.basic_istream = 0x7f1d55fc3138 >+24>, _M_gcount = 0}, >> = {_vptr.basic_ostream = 0x7f1d55fc3160 >+64>}, }, _M_filebuf = { >> = {_vptr.basic_streambuf = 0x7f1d55fc2dc8 >+16>, _M_in_beg = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_in_cur = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_in_end = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_beg = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_cur = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_out_end = 0x563374131e5f "x;\n heA\036", _M_buf_locale = {static none = 0, static ctype = 1, static numeric = 2, static collate = 4, static time = 8, static monetary = 16, static messages = 32, static all = 63, _M_impl = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_classic = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_global = 0x7f1d55fcbce0 <(anonymous namespace)::c_locale_impl>, static _S_categories = 0x7f1d55fbd6c0 <__gnu_cxx::category_names>, static _S_once = 2, static _S_twinned_facets = {0x7f1d55fcc718 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6f0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5d0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc728 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc720 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc738 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc730 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc6e8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc5c8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7d8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc658 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc640 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7b0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc650 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e8 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc668 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7e0 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc660 > >::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc678 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7f0 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc670 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc7a8 ::id>, 0x7f1d55fcc648 ::id>, 0x0, 0x0}}}, _M_lock = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}, _M_file = {_M_cfile = 0x56337412b860, _M_cfile_created = true}, _M_mode = 56, _M_state_beg = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_state_cur = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_state_last = {__count = 0, __value = {__wch = 0, __wchb = "\000\000\000"}}, _M_buf = 0x56337412fe60 "06:08:58 PM.930: \ndding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)\nNo such file or directory\n/\t\251\023H0", _M_buf_size = 8192, _M_buf_allocated = true, _M_reading = false, _M_writing = true, _M_pback = 0 '\000', _M_pback_cur_save = 0x0, _M_pback_end_save = 0x0, _M_pback_init = false, _M_codecvt = 0x7f1d55fcb670 <(anonymous namespace)::codecvt_c>, _M_ext_buf = 0x0, _M_ext_buf_size = 0, _M_ext_next = 0x0, _M_ext_end = 0x0}} ret =