- Brazilian Portuguese: Admilson
- Chinese Simplified: kgdtuu
- Czech: SniperKittenCZ, chroja
- Danish: o0bonde
- Dutch: Thodor12
- French: Lactic68
- German: Jan2903, RealNeo80
- Hungarian: RedMonster-HUN
- Italian: Roby1164
- Polish: KITT3000
- Portuguese: Admilson, neekavis
- Russian: Gonimy-Vetrom, Kurbackiy
- Spanish: KCHARRO, aorek
- Swedish: piplarsson
- Turkish: HakanGorkem
Logo Design by Finals Farming
- Thomas Gärtner
- Satis
- Jakob Tischler
- Bastian82
- Lautschreier
- Horoman
- Hummel
- Skydancer
- Wolverin0815
- Pops64
Pops64 will continue support for version 5 of CP. This was the version used for FS17. This may be found in this repository. Only bugfixes and refinement of current features will be supported at this time.