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e,t,n={top:0,left:0},r=this[0];return"fixed"===x.css(r,"position")?t=r.getBoundingClientRect():(e=this.offsetParent(),t=this.offset(),x.nodeName(e[0],"html")||(n=e.offset()),n.top+=x.css(e[0],"borderTopWidth",!0),n.left+=x.css(e[0],"borderLeftWidth",!0)),{top:t.top-n.top-x.css(r,"marginTop",!0),left:t.left-n.left-x.css(r,"marginLeft",!0)}}},offsetParent:function(){return this.map(function(){var e=this.offsetParent||s;while(e&&!x.nodeName(e,"html")&&"static"===x.css(e,"position"))e=e.offsetParent;return e||s})}}),x.each({scrollLeft:"pageXOffset",scrollTop:"pageYOffset"},function(e,n){var r=/Y/.test(n);x.fn[e]=function(i){return x.access(this,function(e,i,o){var a=or(e);return o===t?a?n in a?a[n]:a.document.documentElement[i]:e[i]:(a?a.scrollTo(r?x(a).scrollLeft():o,r?o:x(a).scrollTop()):e[i]=o,t)},e,i,arguments.length,null)}});function or(e){return x.isWindow(e)?e:9===e.nodeType?e.defaultView||e.parentWindow:!1}x.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(e,n){x.each({padding:"inner"+e,content:n,"":"outer"+e},function(r,i){x.fn[i]=function(i,o){var a=arguments.length&&(r||"boolean"!=typeof i),s=r||(i===!0||o===!0?"margin":"border");return x.access(this,function(n,r,i){var o;return x.isWindow(n)?n.document.documentElement["client"+e]:9===n.nodeType?(o=n.documentElement,Math.max(n.body["scroll"+e],o["scroll"+e],n.body["offset"+e],o["offset"+e],o["client"+e])):i===t?x.css(n,r,s):x.style(n,r,i,s)},n,a?i:t,a,null)}})}),x.fn.size=function(){return this.length},x.fn.andSelf=x.fn.addBack,"object"==typeof module&&module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=x:(e.jQuery=e.$=x,"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define("jquery",[],function(){return x}))})(window);
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.map b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc4920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate-vsdoc.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate-vsdoc.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd91257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate-vsdoc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+* This file has been commented to support Visual Studio Intellisense.
+* You should not use this file at runtime inside the browser--it is only
+* intended to be used only for design-time IntelliSense. Please use the
+* standard jQuery library for all production use.
+* Comment version: 1.11.1
+* Note: While Microsoft is not the author of this file, Microsoft is
+* offering you a license subject to the terms of the Microsoft Software
+* License Terms for Microsoft ASP.NET Model View Controller 3.
+* Microsoft reserves all other rights. The notices below are provided
+* for informational purposes only and are not the license terms under
+* which Microsoft distributed this file.
+* jQuery Validation Plugin - v1.11.1 - 2/4/2013
+* https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation
+* Copyright (c) 2013 Jörn Zaefferer; Licensed MIT
+(function($) {
+$.extend($.fn, {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/validate
+ validate: function( options ) {
+ ///
+ /// Validates the selected form. This method sets up event handlers for submit, focus,
+ /// keyup, blur and click to trigger validation of the entire form or individual
+ /// elements. Each one can be disabled, see the onxxx options (onsubmit, onfocusout,
+ /// onkeyup, onclick). focusInvalid focuses elements when submitting a invalid form.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A set of key/value pairs that configure the validate. All options are optional.
+ ///
+ // if nothing is selected, return nothing; can't chain anyway
+ if (!this.length) {
+ options && options.debug && window.console && console.warn( "nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if a validator for this form was already created
+ var validator = $.data(this[0], 'validator');
+ if ( validator ) {
+ return validator;
+ }
+ validator = new $.validator( options, this[0] );
+ $.data(this[0], 'validator', validator);
+ if ( validator.settings.onsubmit ) {
+ // allow suppresing validation by adding a cancel class to the submit button
+ this.find("input, button").filter(".cancel").click(function() {
+ validator.cancelSubmit = true;
+ });
+ // when a submitHandler is used, capture the submitting button
+ if (validator.settings.submitHandler) {
+ this.find("input, button").filter(":submit").click(function() {
+ validator.submitButton = this;
+ });
+ }
+ // validate the form on submit
+ this.submit( function( event ) {
+ if ( validator.settings.debug )
+ // prevent form submit to be able to see console output
+ event.preventDefault();
+ function handle() {
+ if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) {
+ if (validator.submitButton) {
+ // insert a hidden input as a replacement for the missing submit button
+ var hidden = $("
").attr("name", validator.submitButton.name).val(validator.submitButton.value).appendTo(validator.currentForm);
+ }
+ validator.settings.submitHandler.call( validator, validator.currentForm );
+ if (validator.submitButton) {
+ // and clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be referenced
+ hidden.remove();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // prevent submit for invalid forms or custom submit handlers
+ if ( validator.cancelSubmit ) {
+ validator.cancelSubmit = false;
+ return handle();
+ }
+ if ( validator.form() ) {
+ if ( validator.pendingRequest ) {
+ validator.formSubmitted = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return handle();
+ } else {
+ validator.focusInvalid();
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return validator;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/valid
+ valid: function() {
+ ///
+ /// Checks if the selected form is valid or if all selected elements are valid.
+ /// validate() needs to be called on the form before checking it using this method.
+ ///
+ ///
+ if ( $(this[0]).is('form')) {
+ return this.validate().form();
+ } else {
+ var valid = true;
+ var validator = $(this[0].form).validate();
+ this.each(function() {
+ valid &= validator.element(this);
+ });
+ return valid;
+ }
+ },
+ // attributes: space seperated list of attributes to retrieve and remove
+ removeAttrs: function(attributes) {
+ ///
+ /// Remove the specified attributes from the first matched element and return them.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A space-seperated list of attribute names to remove.
+ ///
+ var result = {},
+ $element = this;
+ $.each(attributes.split(/\s/), function(index, value) {
+ result[value] = $element.attr(value);
+ $element.removeAttr(value);
+ });
+ return result;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/rules
+ rules: function(command, argument) {
+ ///
+ /// Return the validations rules for the first selected element.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Can be either "add" or "remove".
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A list of rules to add or remove.
+ ///
+ var element = this[0];
+ if (command) {
+ var settings = $.data(element.form, 'validator').settings;
+ var staticRules = settings.rules;
+ var existingRules = $.validator.staticRules(element);
+ switch(command) {
+ case "add":
+ $.extend(existingRules, $.validator.normalizeRule(argument));
+ staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;
+ if (argument.messages)
+ settings.messages[element.name] = $.extend( settings.messages[element.name], argument.messages );
+ break;
+ case "remove":
+ if (!argument) {
+ delete staticRules[element.name];
+ return existingRules;
+ }
+ var filtered = {};
+ $.each(argument.split(/\s/), function(index, method) {
+ filtered[method] = existingRules[method];
+ delete existingRules[method];
+ });
+ return filtered;
+ }
+ }
+ var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
+ $.extend(
+ {},
+ $.validator.metadataRules(element),
+ $.validator.classRules(element),
+ $.validator.attributeRules(element),
+ $.validator.staticRules(element)
+ ), element);
+ // make sure required is at front
+ if (data.required) {
+ var param = data.required;
+ delete data.required;
+ data = $.extend({required: param}, data);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+// Custom selectors
+$.extend($.expr[":"], {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/blank
+ blank: function(a) {return !$.trim("" + a.value);},
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/filled
+ filled: function(a) {return !!$.trim("" + a.value);},
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/unchecked
+ unchecked: function(a) {return !a.checked;}
+// constructor for validator
+$.validator = function( options, form ) {
+ this.settings = $.extend( true, {}, $.validator.defaults, options );
+ this.currentForm = form;
+ this.init();
+$.validator.format = function(source, params) {
+ ///
+ /// Replaces {n} placeholders with arguments.
+ /// One or more arguments can be passed, in addition to the string template itself, to insert
+ /// into the string.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The string to format.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The first argument to insert, or an array of Strings to insert
+ ///
+ ///
+ if ( arguments.length == 1 )
+ return function() {
+ var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
+ args.unshift(source);
+ return $.validator.format.apply( this, args );
+ };
+ if ( arguments.length > 2 && params.constructor != Array ) {
+ params = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+ }
+ if ( params.constructor != Array ) {
+ params = [ params ];
+ }
+ $.each(params, function(i, n) {
+ source = source.replace(new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "g"), n);
+ });
+ return source;
+$.extend($.validator, {
+ defaults: {
+ messages: {},
+ groups: {},
+ rules: {},
+ errorClass: "error",
+ validClass: "valid",
+ errorElement: "label",
+ focusInvalid: true,
+ errorContainer: $( [] ),
+ errorLabelContainer: $( [] ),
+ onsubmit: true,
+ ignore: [],
+ ignoreTitle: false,
+ onfocusin: function(element) {
+ this.lastActive = element;
+ // hide error label and remove error class on focus if enabled
+ if ( this.settings.focusCleanup && !this.blockFocusCleanup ) {
+ this.settings.unhighlight && this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ this.addWrapper(this.errorsFor(element)).hide();
+ }
+ },
+ onfocusout: function(element) {
+ if ( !this.checkable(element) && (element.name in this.submitted || !this.optional(element)) ) {
+ this.element(element);
+ }
+ },
+ onkeyup: function(element) {
+ if ( element.name in this.submitted || element == this.lastElement ) {
+ this.element(element);
+ }
+ },
+ onclick: function(element) {
+ // click on selects, radiobuttons and checkboxes
+ if ( element.name in this.submitted )
+ this.element(element);
+ // or option elements, check parent select in that case
+ else if (element.parentNode.name in this.submitted)
+ this.element(element.parentNode);
+ },
+ highlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
+ $(element).addClass(errorClass).removeClass(validClass);
+ },
+ unhighlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
+ $(element).removeClass(errorClass).addClass(validClass);
+ }
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/setDefaults
+ setDefaults: function(settings) {
+ ///
+ /// Modify default settings for validation.
+ /// Accepts everything that Plugins/Validation/validate accepts.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Options to set as default.
+ ///
+ $.extend( $.validator.defaults, settings );
+ },
+ messages: {
+ required: "This field is required.",
+ remote: "Please fix this field.",
+ email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ url: "Please enter a valid URL.",
+ date: "Please enter a valid date.",
+ dateISO: "Please enter a valid date (ISO).",
+ number: "Please enter a valid number.",
+ digits: "Please enter only digits.",
+ creditcard: "Please enter a valid credit card number.",
+ equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.",
+ accept: "Please enter a value with a valid extension.",
+ maxlength: $.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0} characters."),
+ minlength: $.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters."),
+ rangelength: $.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long."),
+ range: $.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."),
+ max: $.validator.format("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."),
+ min: $.validator.format("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.")
+ },
+ autoCreateRanges: false,
+ prototype: {
+ init: function() {
+ this.labelContainer = $(this.settings.errorLabelContainer);
+ this.errorContext = this.labelContainer.length && this.labelContainer || $(this.currentForm);
+ this.containers = $(this.settings.errorContainer).add( this.settings.errorLabelContainer );
+ this.submitted = {};
+ this.valueCache = {};
+ this.pendingRequest = 0;
+ this.pending = {};
+ this.invalid = {};
+ this.reset();
+ var groups = (this.groups = {});
+ $.each(this.settings.groups, function(key, value) {
+ $.each(value.split(/\s/), function(index, name) {
+ groups[name] = key;
+ });
+ });
+ var rules = this.settings.rules;
+ $.each(rules, function(key, value) {
+ rules[key] = $.validator.normalizeRule(value);
+ });
+ function delegate(event) {
+ var validator = $.data(this[0].form, "validator"),
+ eventType = "on" + event.type.replace(/^validate/, "");
+ validator.settings[eventType] && validator.settings[eventType].call(validator, this[0] );
+ }
+ $(this.currentForm)
+ .validateDelegate(":text, :password, :file, select, textarea", "focusin focusout keyup", delegate)
+ .validateDelegate(":radio, :checkbox, select, option", "click", delegate);
+ if (this.settings.invalidHandler)
+ $(this.currentForm).bind("invalid-form.validate", this.settings.invalidHandler);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/form
+ form: function() {
+ ///
+ /// Validates the form, returns true if it is valid, false otherwise.
+ /// This behaves as a normal submit event, but returns the result.
+ ///
+ ///
+ this.checkForm();
+ $.extend(this.submitted, this.errorMap);
+ this.invalid = $.extend({}, this.errorMap);
+ if (!this.valid())
+ $(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
+ this.showErrors();
+ return this.valid();
+ },
+ checkForm: function() {
+ this.prepareForm();
+ for ( var i = 0, elements = (this.currentElements = this.elements()); elements[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.check( elements[i] );
+ }
+ return this.valid();
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/element
+ element: function( element ) {
+ ///
+ /// Validates a single element, returns true if it is valid, false otherwise.
+ /// This behaves as validation on blur or keyup, but returns the result.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// An element to validate, must be inside the validated form.
+ ///
+ ///
+ element = this.clean( element );
+ this.lastElement = element;
+ this.prepareElement( element );
+ this.currentElements = $(element);
+ var result = this.check( element );
+ if ( result ) {
+ delete this.invalid[element.name];
+ } else {
+ this.invalid[element.name] = true;
+ }
+ if ( !this.numberOfInvalids() ) {
+ // Hide error containers on last error
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.add( this.containers );
+ }
+ this.showErrors();
+ return result;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/showErrors
+ showErrors: function(errors) {
+ ///
+ /// Show the specified messages.
+ /// Keys have to refer to the names of elements, values are displayed for those elements, using the configured error placement.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// One or more key/value pairs of input names and messages.
+ ///
+ if(errors) {
+ // add items to error list and map
+ $.extend( this.errorMap, errors );
+ this.errorList = [];
+ for ( var name in errors ) {
+ this.errorList.push({
+ message: errors[name],
+ element: this.findByName(name)[0]
+ });
+ }
+ // remove items from success list
+ this.successList = $.grep( this.successList, function(element) {
+ return !(element.name in errors);
+ });
+ }
+ this.settings.showErrors
+ ? this.settings.showErrors.call( this, this.errorMap, this.errorList )
+ : this.defaultShowErrors();
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/resetForm
+ resetForm: function() {
+ ///
+ /// Resets the controlled form.
+ /// Resets input fields to their original value (requires form plugin), removes classes
+ /// indicating invalid elements and hides error messages.
+ ///
+ if ( $.fn.resetForm )
+ $( this.currentForm ).resetForm();
+ this.submitted = {};
+ this.prepareForm();
+ this.hideErrors();
+ this.elements().removeClass( this.settings.errorClass );
+ },
+ numberOfInvalids: function() {
+ ///
+ /// Returns the number of invalid fields.
+ /// This depends on the internal validator state. It covers all fields only after
+ /// validating the complete form (on submit or via $("form").valid()). After validating
+ /// a single element, only that element is counted. Most useful in combination with the
+ /// invalidHandler-option.
+ ///
+ ///
+ return this.objectLength(this.invalid);
+ },
+ objectLength: function( obj ) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for ( var i in obj )
+ count++;
+ return count;
+ },
+ hideErrors: function() {
+ this.addWrapper( this.toHide ).hide();
+ },
+ valid: function() {
+ return this.size() == 0;
+ },
+ size: function() {
+ return this.errorList.length;
+ },
+ focusInvalid: function() {
+ if( this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
+ try {
+ $(this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[0].element || [])
+ .filter(":visible")
+ .focus()
+ // manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find
+ .trigger("focusin");
+ } catch(e) {
+ // ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ findLastActive: function() {
+ var lastActive = this.lastActive;
+ return lastActive && $.grep(this.errorList, function(n) {
+ return n.element.name == lastActive.name;
+ }).length == 1 && lastActive;
+ },
+ elements: function() {
+ var validator = this,
+ rulesCache = {};
+ // select all valid inputs inside the form (no submit or reset buttons)
+ // workaround $Query([]).add until http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2114 is solved
+ return $([]).add(this.currentForm.elements)
+ .filter(":input")
+ .not(":submit, :reset, :image, [disabled]")
+ .not( this.settings.ignore )
+ .filter(function() {
+ !this.name && validator.settings.debug && window.console && console.error( "%o has no name assigned", this);
+ // select only the first element for each name, and only those with rules specified
+ if ( this.name in rulesCache || !validator.objectLength($(this).rules()) )
+ return false;
+ rulesCache[this.name] = true;
+ return true;
+ });
+ },
+ clean: function( selector ) {
+ return $( selector )[0];
+ },
+ errors: function() {
+ return $( this.settings.errorElement + "." + this.settings.errorClass, this.errorContext );
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ this.successList = [];
+ this.errorList = [];
+ this.errorMap = {};
+ this.toShow = $([]);
+ this.toHide = $([]);
+ this.currentElements = $([]);
+ },
+ prepareForm: function() {
+ this.reset();
+ this.toHide = this.errors().add( this.containers );
+ },
+ prepareElement: function( element ) {
+ this.reset();
+ this.toHide = this.errorsFor(element);
+ },
+ check: function( element ) {
+ element = this.clean( element );
+ // if radio/checkbox, validate first element in group instead
+ if (this.checkable(element)) {
+ element = this.findByName(element.name).not(this.settings.ignore)[0];
+ }
+ var rules = $(element).rules();
+ var dependencyMismatch = false;
+ for (var method in rules) {
+ var rule = { method: method, parameters: rules[method] };
+ try {
+ var result = $.validator.methods[method].call( this, element.value.replace(/\r/g, ""), element, rule.parameters );
+ // if a method indicates that the field is optional and therefore valid,
+ // don't mark it as valid when there are no other rules
+ if ( result == "dependency-mismatch" ) {
+ dependencyMismatch = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ dependencyMismatch = false;
+ if ( result == "pending" ) {
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.errorsFor(element) );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !result ) {
+ this.formatAndAdd( element, rule );
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ this.settings.debug && window.console && console.log("exception occured when checking element " + element.id
+ + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method", e);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dependencyMismatch)
+ return;
+ if ( this.objectLength(rules) )
+ this.successList.push(element);
+ return true;
+ },
+ // return the custom message for the given element and validation method
+ // specified in the element's "messages" metadata
+ customMetaMessage: function(element, method) {
+ if (!$.metadata)
+ return;
+ var meta = this.settings.meta
+ ? $(element).metadata()[this.settings.meta]
+ : $(element).metadata();
+ return meta && meta.messages && meta.messages[method];
+ },
+ // return the custom message for the given element name and validation method
+ customMessage: function( name, method ) {
+ var m = this.settings.messages[name];
+ return m && (m.constructor == String
+ ? m
+ : m[method]);
+ },
+ // return the first defined argument, allowing empty strings
+ findDefined: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ if (arguments[i] !== undefined)
+ return arguments[i];
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ defaultMessage: function( element, method) {
+ return this.findDefined(
+ this.customMessage( element.name, method ),
+ this.customMetaMessage( element, method ),
+ // title is never undefined, so handle empty string as undefined
+ !this.settings.ignoreTitle && element.title || undefined,
+ $.validator.messages[method],
+ "
Warning: No message defined for " + element.name + " "
+ );
+ },
+ formatAndAdd: function( element, rule ) {
+ var message = this.defaultMessage( element, rule.method ),
+ theregex = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g;
+ if ( typeof message == "function" ) {
+ message = message.call(this, rule.parameters, element);
+ } else if (theregex.test(message)) {
+ message = jQuery.format(message.replace(theregex, '{$1}'), rule.parameters);
+ }
+ this.errorList.push({
+ message: message,
+ element: element
+ });
+ this.errorMap[element.name] = message;
+ this.submitted[element.name] = message;
+ },
+ addWrapper: function(toToggle) {
+ if ( this.settings.wrapper )
+ toToggle = toToggle.add( toToggle.parent( this.settings.wrapper ) );
+ return toToggle;
+ },
+ defaultShowErrors: function() {
+ for ( var i = 0; this.errorList[i]; i++ ) {
+ var error = this.errorList[i];
+ this.settings.highlight && this.settings.highlight.call( this, error.element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ this.showLabel( error.element, error.message );
+ }
+ if( this.errorList.length ) {
+ this.toShow = this.toShow.add( this.containers );
+ }
+ if (this.settings.success) {
+ for ( var i = 0; this.successList[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.showLabel( this.successList[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.settings.unhighlight) {
+ for ( var i = 0, elements = this.validElements(); elements[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, elements[i], this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ }
+ }
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.toShow );
+ this.hideErrors();
+ this.addWrapper( this.toShow ).show();
+ },
+ validElements: function() {
+ return this.currentElements.not(this.invalidElements());
+ },
+ invalidElements: function() {
+ return $(this.errorList).map(function() {
+ return this.element;
+ });
+ },
+ showLabel: function(element, message) {
+ var label = this.errorsFor( element );
+ if ( label.length ) {
+ // refresh error/success class
+ label.removeClass().addClass( this.settings.errorClass );
+ // check if we have a generated label, replace the message then
+ label.attr("generated") && label.html(message);
+ } else {
+ // create label
+ label = $("<" + this.settings.errorElement + "/>")
+ .attr({"for": this.idOrName(element), generated: true})
+ .addClass(this.settings.errorClass)
+ .html(message || "");
+ if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
+ // make sure the element is visible, even in IE
+ // actually showing the wrapped element is handled elsewhere
+ label = label.hide().show().wrap("<" + this.settings.wrapper + "/>").parent();
+ }
+ if ( !this.labelContainer.append(label).length )
+ this.settings.errorPlacement
+ ? this.settings.errorPlacement(label, $(element) )
+ : label.insertAfter(element);
+ }
+ if ( !message && this.settings.success ) {
+ label.text("");
+ typeof this.settings.success == "string"
+ ? label.addClass( this.settings.success )
+ : this.settings.success( label );
+ }
+ this.toShow = this.toShow.add(label);
+ },
+ errorsFor: function(element) {
+ var name = this.idOrName(element);
+ return this.errors().filter(function() {
+ return $(this).attr('for') == name;
+ });
+ },
+ idOrName: function(element) {
+ return this.groups[element.name] || (this.checkable(element) ? element.name : element.id || element.name);
+ },
+ checkable: function( element ) {
+ return /radio|checkbox/i.test(element.type);
+ },
+ findByName: function( name ) {
+ // select by name and filter by form for performance over form.find("[name=...]")
+ var form = this.currentForm;
+ return $(document.getElementsByName(name)).map(function(index, element) {
+ return element.form == form && element.name == name && element || null;
+ });
+ },
+ getLength: function(value, element) {
+ switch( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
+ case 'select':
+ return $("option:selected", element).length;
+ case 'input':
+ if( this.checkable( element) )
+ return this.findByName(element.name).filter(':checked').length;
+ }
+ return value.length;
+ },
+ depend: function(param, element) {
+ return this.dependTypes[typeof param]
+ ? this.dependTypes[typeof param](param, element)
+ : true;
+ },
+ dependTypes: {
+ "boolean": function(param, element) {
+ return param;
+ },
+ "string": function(param, element) {
+ return !!$(param, element.form).length;
+ },
+ "function": function(param, element) {
+ return param(element);
+ }
+ },
+ optional: function(element) {
+ return !$.validator.methods.required.call(this, $.trim(element.value), element) && "dependency-mismatch";
+ },
+ startRequest: function(element) {
+ if (!this.pending[element.name]) {
+ this.pendingRequest++;
+ this.pending[element.name] = true;
+ }
+ },
+ stopRequest: function(element, valid) {
+ this.pendingRequest--;
+ // sometimes synchronization fails, make sure pendingRequest is never < 0
+ if (this.pendingRequest < 0)
+ this.pendingRequest = 0;
+ delete this.pending[element.name];
+ if ( valid && this.pendingRequest == 0 && this.formSubmitted && this.form() ) {
+ $(this.currentForm).submit();
+ this.formSubmitted = false;
+ } else if (!valid && this.pendingRequest == 0 && this.formSubmitted) {
+ $(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
+ this.formSubmitted = false;
+ }
+ },
+ previousValue: function(element) {
+ return $.data(element, "previousValue") || $.data(element, "previousValue", {
+ old: null,
+ valid: true,
+ message: this.defaultMessage( element, "remote" )
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ classRuleSettings: {
+ required: {required: true},
+ email: {email: true},
+ url: {url: true},
+ date: {date: true},
+ dateISO: {dateISO: true},
+ dateDE: {dateDE: true},
+ number: {number: true},
+ numberDE: {numberDE: true},
+ digits: {digits: true},
+ creditcard: {creditcard: true}
+ },
+ addClassRules: function(className, rules) {
+ ///
+ /// Add a compound class method - useful to refactor common combinations of rules into a single
+ /// class.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The name of the class rule to add
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The compound rules
+ ///
+ className.constructor == String ?
+ this.classRuleSettings[className] = rules :
+ $.extend(this.classRuleSettings, className);
+ },
+ classRules: function(element) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var classes = $(element).attr('class');
+ classes && $.each(classes.split(' '), function() {
+ if (this in $.validator.classRuleSettings) {
+ $.extend(rules, $.validator.classRuleSettings[this]);
+ }
+ });
+ return rules;
+ },
+ attributeRules: function(element) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var $element = $(element);
+ for (var method in $.validator.methods) {
+ var value = $element.attr(method);
+ if (value) {
+ rules[method] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // maxlength may be returned as -1, 2147483647 (IE) and 524288 (safari) for text inputs
+ if (rules.maxlength && /-1|2147483647|524288/.test(rules.maxlength)) {
+ delete rules.maxlength;
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ metadataRules: function(element) {
+ if (!$.metadata) return {};
+ var meta = $.data(element.form, 'validator').settings.meta;
+ return meta ?
+ $(element).metadata()[meta] :
+ $(element).metadata();
+ },
+ staticRules: function(element) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var validator = $.data(element.form, 'validator');
+ if (validator.settings.rules) {
+ rules = $.validator.normalizeRule(validator.settings.rules[element.name]) || {};
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ normalizeRules: function(rules, element) {
+ // handle dependency check
+ $.each(rules, function(prop, val) {
+ // ignore rule when param is explicitly false, eg. required:false
+ if (val === false) {
+ delete rules[prop];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (val.param || val.depends) {
+ var keepRule = true;
+ switch (typeof val.depends) {
+ case "string":
+ keepRule = !!$(val.depends, element.form).length;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ keepRule = val.depends.call(element, element);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (keepRule) {
+ rules[prop] = val.param !== undefined ? val.param : true;
+ } else {
+ delete rules[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // evaluate parameters
+ $.each(rules, function(rule, parameter) {
+ rules[rule] = $.isFunction(parameter) ? parameter(element) : parameter;
+ });
+ // clean number parameters
+ $.each(['minlength', 'maxlength', 'min', 'max'], function() {
+ if (rules[this]) {
+ rules[this] = Number(rules[this]);
+ }
+ });
+ $.each(['rangelength', 'range'], function() {
+ if (rules[this]) {
+ rules[this] = [Number(rules[this][0]), Number(rules[this][1])];
+ }
+ });
+ if ($.validator.autoCreateRanges) {
+ // auto-create ranges
+ if (rules.min && rules.max) {
+ rules.range = [rules.min, rules.max];
+ delete rules.min;
+ delete rules.max;
+ }
+ if (rules.minlength && rules.maxlength) {
+ rules.rangelength = [rules.minlength, rules.maxlength];
+ delete rules.minlength;
+ delete rules.maxlength;
+ }
+ }
+ // To support custom messages in metadata ignore rule methods titled "messages"
+ if (rules.messages) {
+ delete rules.messages;
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ // Converts a simple string to a {string: true} rule, e.g., "required" to {required:true}
+ normalizeRule: function(data) {
+ if( typeof data == "string" ) {
+ var transformed = {};
+ $.each(data.split(/\s/), function() {
+ transformed[this] = true;
+ });
+ data = transformed;
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/addMethod
+ addMethod: function(name, method, message) {
+ ///
+ /// Add a custom validation method. It must consist of a name (must be a legal javascript
+ /// identifier), a javascript based function and a default string message.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The name of the method, used to identify and referencing it, must be a valid javascript
+ /// identifier
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The actual method implementation, returning true if an element is valid
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// (Optional) The default message to display for this method. Can be a function created by
+ /// jQuery.validator.format(value). When undefined, an already existing message is used
+ /// (handy for localization), otherwise the field-specific messages have to be defined.
+ ///
+ $.validator.methods[name] = method;
+ $.validator.messages[name] = message != undefined ? message : $.validator.messages[name];
+ if (method.length < 3) {
+ $.validator.addClassRules(name, $.validator.normalizeRule(name));
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/required
+ required: function(value, element, param) {
+ // check if dependency is met
+ if ( !this.depend(param, element) )
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ switch( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
+ case 'select':
+ // could be an array for select-multiple or a string, both are fine this way
+ var val = $(element).val();
+ return val && val.length > 0;
+ case 'input':
+ if ( this.checkable(element) )
+ return this.getLength(value, element) > 0;
+ default:
+ return $.trim(value).length > 0;
+ }
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/remote
+ remote: function(value, element, param) {
+ if ( this.optional(element) )
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ var previous = this.previousValue(element);
+ if (!this.settings.messages[element.name] )
+ this.settings.messages[element.name] = {};
+ previous.originalMessage = this.settings.messages[element.name].remote;
+ this.settings.messages[element.name].remote = previous.message;
+ param = typeof param == "string" && {url:param} || param;
+ if ( this.pending[element.name] ) {
+ return "pending";
+ }
+ if ( previous.old === value ) {
+ return previous.valid;
+ }
+ previous.old = value;
+ var validator = this;
+ this.startRequest(element);
+ var data = {};
+ data[element.name] = value;
+ $.ajax($.extend(true, {
+ url: param,
+ mode: "abort",
+ port: "validate" + element.name,
+ dataType: "json",
+ data: data,
+ success: function(response) {
+ validator.settings.messages[element.name].remote = previous.originalMessage;
+ var valid = response === true;
+ if ( valid ) {
+ var submitted = validator.formSubmitted;
+ validator.prepareElement(element);
+ validator.formSubmitted = submitted;
+ validator.successList.push(element);
+ validator.showErrors();
+ } else {
+ var errors = {};
+ var message = response || validator.defaultMessage(element, "remote");
+ errors[element.name] = previous.message = $.isFunction(message) ? message(value) : message;
+ validator.showErrors(errors);
+ }
+ previous.valid = valid;
+ validator.stopRequest(element, valid);
+ }
+ }, param));
+ return "pending";
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/minlength
+ minlength: function(value, element, param) {
+ return this.optional(element) || this.getLength($.trim(value), element) >= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/maxlength
+ maxlength: function(value, element, param) {
+ return this.optional(element) || this.getLength($.trim(value), element) <= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/rangelength
+ rangelength: function(value, element, param) {
+ var length = this.getLength($.trim(value), element);
+ return this.optional(element) || ( length >= param[0] && length <= param[1] );
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/min
+ min: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || value >= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/max
+ max: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || value <= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/range
+ range: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || ( value >= param[0] && value <= param[1] );
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/email
+ email: function(value, element) {
+ // contributed by Scott Gonzalez: http://projects.scottsplayground.com/email_address_validation/
+ return this.optional(element) || /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/url
+ url: function(value, element) {
+ // contributed by Scott Gonzalez: http://projects.scottsplayground.com/iri/
+ return this.optional(element) || /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/date
+ date: function(value, element) {
+ return this.optional(element) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(value));
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/dateISO
+ dateISO: function(value, element) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^\d{4}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/number
+ number: function(value, element) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/digits
+ digits: function(value, element) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^\d+$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/creditcard
+ // based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn
+ creditcard: function(value, element) {
+ if ( this.optional(element) )
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ // accept only digits and dashes
+ if (/[^0-9-]+/.test(value))
+ return false;
+ var nCheck = 0,
+ nDigit = 0,
+ bEven = false;
+ value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
+ for (var n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
+ var cDigit = value.charAt(n);
+ var nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
+ if (bEven) {
+ if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9)
+ nDigit -= 9;
+ }
+ nCheck += nDigit;
+ bEven = !bEven;
+ }
+ return (nCheck % 10) == 0;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/accept
+ accept: function(value, element, param) {
+ param = typeof param == "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, '|') : "png|jpe?g|gif";
+ return this.optional(element) || value.match(new RegExp(".(" + param + ")$", "i"));
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/equalTo
+ equalTo: function(value, element, param) {
+ // bind to the blur event of the target in order to revalidate whenever the target field is updated
+ // TODO find a way to bind the event just once, avoiding the unbind-rebind overhead
+ var target = $(param).unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
+ $(element).valid();
+ });
+ return value == target.val();
+ }
+ }
+// deprecated, use $.validator.format instead
+$.format = $.validator.format;
+// ajax mode: abort
+// usage: $.ajax({ mode: "abort"[, port: "uniqueport"]});
+// if mode:"abort" is used, the previous request on that port (port can be undefined) is aborted via XMLHttpRequest.abort()
+;(function($) {
+ var pendingRequests = {};
+ // Use a prefilter if available (1.5+)
+ if ( $.ajaxPrefilter ) {
+ $.ajaxPrefilter(function(settings, _, xhr) {
+ var port = settings.port;
+ if (settings.mode == "abort") {
+ if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
+ pendingRequests[port].abort();
+ } pendingRequests[port] = xhr;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Proxy ajax
+ var ajax = $.ajax;
+ $.ajax = function(settings) {
+ var mode = ( "mode" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).mode,
+ port = ( "port" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).port;
+ if (mode == "abort") {
+ if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
+ pendingRequests[port].abort();
+ }
+ return (pendingRequests[port] = ajax.apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return ajax.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+// provides cross-browser focusin and focusout events
+// IE has native support, in other browsers, use event caputuring (neither bubbles)
+// provides delegate(type: String, delegate: Selector, handler: Callback) plugin for easier event delegation
+// handler is only called when $(event.target).is(delegate), in the scope of the jquery-object for event.target
+;(function($) {
+ // only implement if not provided by jQuery core (since 1.4)
+ // TODO verify if jQuery 1.4's implementation is compatible with older jQuery special-event APIs
+ if (!jQuery.event.special.focusin && !jQuery.event.special.focusout && document.addEventListener) {
+ $.each({
+ focus: 'focusin',
+ blur: 'focusout'
+ }, function( original, fix ){
+ $.event.special[fix] = {
+ setup:function() {
+ this.addEventListener( original, handler, true );
+ },
+ teardown:function() {
+ this.removeEventListener( original, handler, true );
+ },
+ handler: function(e) {
+ arguments[0] = $.event.fix(e);
+ arguments[0].type = fix;
+ return $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ function handler(e) {
+ e = $.event.fix(e);
+ e.type = fix;
+ return $.event.handle.call(this, e);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ $.extend($.fn, {
+ validateDelegate: function(delegate, type, handler) {
+ return this.bind(type, function(event) {
+ var target = $(event.target);
+ if (target.is(delegate)) {
+ return handler.apply(target, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a9bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+ * jQuery Validation Plugin 1.11.1
+ *
+ * http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Jörn Zaefferer
+ * Released under the MIT license:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ */
+(function($) {
+$.extend($.fn, {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/validate
+ validate: function( options ) {
+ // if nothing is selected, return nothing; can't chain anyway
+ if ( !this.length ) {
+ if ( options && options.debug && window.console ) {
+ console.warn( "Nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing." );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if a validator for this form was already created
+ var validator = $.data( this[0], "validator" );
+ if ( validator ) {
+ return validator;
+ }
+ // Add novalidate tag if HTML5.
+ this.attr( "novalidate", "novalidate" );
+ validator = new $.validator( options, this[0] );
+ $.data( this[0], "validator", validator );
+ if ( validator.settings.onsubmit ) {
+ this.validateDelegate( ":submit", "click", function( event ) {
+ if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) {
+ validator.submitButton = event.target;
+ }
+ // allow suppressing validation by adding a cancel class to the submit button
+ if ( $(event.target).hasClass("cancel") ) {
+ validator.cancelSubmit = true;
+ }
+ // allow suppressing validation by adding the html5 formnovalidate attribute to the submit button
+ if ( $(event.target).attr("formnovalidate") !== undefined ) {
+ validator.cancelSubmit = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // validate the form on submit
+ this.submit( function( event ) {
+ if ( validator.settings.debug ) {
+ // prevent form submit to be able to see console output
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function handle() {
+ var hidden;
+ if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) {
+ if ( validator.submitButton ) {
+ // insert a hidden input as a replacement for the missing submit button
+ hidden = $("
").attr("name", validator.submitButton.name).val( $(validator.submitButton).val() ).appendTo(validator.currentForm);
+ }
+ validator.settings.submitHandler.call( validator, validator.currentForm, event );
+ if ( validator.submitButton ) {
+ // and clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be referenced
+ hidden.remove();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // prevent submit for invalid forms or custom submit handlers
+ if ( validator.cancelSubmit ) {
+ validator.cancelSubmit = false;
+ return handle();
+ }
+ if ( validator.form() ) {
+ if ( validator.pendingRequest ) {
+ validator.formSubmitted = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return handle();
+ } else {
+ validator.focusInvalid();
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return validator;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/valid
+ valid: function() {
+ if ( $(this[0]).is("form")) {
+ return this.validate().form();
+ } else {
+ var valid = true;
+ var validator = $(this[0].form).validate();
+ this.each(function() {
+ valid = valid && validator.element(this);
+ });
+ return valid;
+ }
+ },
+ // attributes: space seperated list of attributes to retrieve and remove
+ removeAttrs: function( attributes ) {
+ var result = {},
+ $element = this;
+ $.each(attributes.split(/\s/), function( index, value ) {
+ result[value] = $element.attr(value);
+ $element.removeAttr(value);
+ });
+ return result;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/rules
+ rules: function( command, argument ) {
+ var element = this[0];
+ if ( command ) {
+ var settings = $.data(element.form, "validator").settings;
+ var staticRules = settings.rules;
+ var existingRules = $.validator.staticRules(element);
+ switch(command) {
+ case "add":
+ $.extend(existingRules, $.validator.normalizeRule(argument));
+ // remove messages from rules, but allow them to be set separetely
+ delete existingRules.messages;
+ staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;
+ if ( argument.messages ) {
+ settings.messages[element.name] = $.extend( settings.messages[element.name], argument.messages );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "remove":
+ if ( !argument ) {
+ delete staticRules[element.name];
+ return existingRules;
+ }
+ var filtered = {};
+ $.each(argument.split(/\s/), function( index, method ) {
+ filtered[method] = existingRules[method];
+ delete existingRules[method];
+ });
+ return filtered;
+ }
+ }
+ var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
+ $.extend(
+ {},
+ $.validator.classRules(element),
+ $.validator.attributeRules(element),
+ $.validator.dataRules(element),
+ $.validator.staticRules(element)
+ ), element);
+ // make sure required is at front
+ if ( data.required ) {
+ var param = data.required;
+ delete data.required;
+ data = $.extend({required: param}, data);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+// Custom selectors
+$.extend($.expr[":"], {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/blank
+ blank: function( a ) { return !$.trim("" + $(a).val()); },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/filled
+ filled: function( a ) { return !!$.trim("" + $(a).val()); },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/unchecked
+ unchecked: function( a ) { return !$(a).prop("checked"); }
+// constructor for validator
+$.validator = function( options, form ) {
+ this.settings = $.extend( true, {}, $.validator.defaults, options );
+ this.currentForm = form;
+ this.init();
+$.validator.format = function( source, params ) {
+ if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
+ return function() {
+ var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
+ args.unshift(source);
+ return $.validator.format.apply( this, args );
+ };
+ }
+ if ( arguments.length > 2 && params.constructor !== Array ) {
+ params = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+ }
+ if ( params.constructor !== Array ) {
+ params = [ params ];
+ }
+ $.each(params, function( i, n ) {
+ source = source.replace( new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "g"), function() {
+ return n;
+ });
+ });
+ return source;
+$.extend($.validator, {
+ defaults: {
+ messages: {},
+ groups: {},
+ rules: {},
+ errorClass: "error",
+ validClass: "valid",
+ errorElement: "label",
+ focusInvalid: true,
+ errorContainer: $([]),
+ errorLabelContainer: $([]),
+ onsubmit: true,
+ ignore: ":hidden",
+ ignoreTitle: false,
+ onfocusin: function( element, event ) {
+ this.lastActive = element;
+ // hide error label and remove error class on focus if enabled
+ if ( this.settings.focusCleanup && !this.blockFocusCleanup ) {
+ if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) {
+ this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ }
+ this.addWrapper(this.errorsFor(element)).hide();
+ }
+ },
+ onfocusout: function( element, event ) {
+ if ( !this.checkable(element) && (element.name in this.submitted || !this.optional(element)) ) {
+ this.element(element);
+ }
+ },
+ onkeyup: function( element, event ) {
+ if ( event.which === 9 && this.elementValue(element) === "" ) {
+ return;
+ } else if ( element.name in this.submitted || element === this.lastElement ) {
+ this.element(element);
+ }
+ },
+ onclick: function( element, event ) {
+ // click on selects, radiobuttons and checkboxes
+ if ( element.name in this.submitted ) {
+ this.element(element);
+ }
+ // or option elements, check parent select in that case
+ else if ( element.parentNode.name in this.submitted ) {
+ this.element(element.parentNode);
+ }
+ },
+ highlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
+ if ( element.type === "radio" ) {
+ this.findByName(element.name).addClass(errorClass).removeClass(validClass);
+ } else {
+ $(element).addClass(errorClass).removeClass(validClass);
+ }
+ },
+ unhighlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
+ if ( element.type === "radio" ) {
+ this.findByName(element.name).removeClass(errorClass).addClass(validClass);
+ } else {
+ $(element).removeClass(errorClass).addClass(validClass);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/setDefaults
+ setDefaults: function( settings ) {
+ $.extend( $.validator.defaults, settings );
+ },
+ messages: {
+ required: "This field is required.",
+ remote: "Please fix this field.",
+ email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ url: "Please enter a valid URL.",
+ date: "Please enter a valid date.",
+ dateISO: "Please enter a valid date (ISO).",
+ number: "Please enter a valid number.",
+ digits: "Please enter only digits.",
+ creditcard: "Please enter a valid credit card number.",
+ equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.",
+ maxlength: $.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0} characters."),
+ minlength: $.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters."),
+ rangelength: $.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long."),
+ range: $.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."),
+ max: $.validator.format("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."),
+ min: $.validator.format("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.")
+ },
+ autoCreateRanges: false,
+ prototype: {
+ init: function() {
+ this.labelContainer = $(this.settings.errorLabelContainer);
+ this.errorContext = this.labelContainer.length && this.labelContainer || $(this.currentForm);
+ this.containers = $(this.settings.errorContainer).add( this.settings.errorLabelContainer );
+ this.submitted = {};
+ this.valueCache = {};
+ this.pendingRequest = 0;
+ this.pending = {};
+ this.invalid = {};
+ this.reset();
+ var groups = (this.groups = {});
+ $.each(this.settings.groups, function( key, value ) {
+ if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
+ value = value.split(/\s/);
+ }
+ $.each(value, function( index, name ) {
+ groups[name] = key;
+ });
+ });
+ var rules = this.settings.rules;
+ $.each(rules, function( key, value ) {
+ rules[key] = $.validator.normalizeRule(value);
+ });
+ function delegate(event) {
+ var validator = $.data(this[0].form, "validator"),
+ eventType = "on" + event.type.replace(/^validate/, "");
+ if ( validator.settings[eventType] ) {
+ validator.settings[eventType].call(validator, this[0], event);
+ }
+ }
+ $(this.currentForm)
+ .validateDelegate(":text, [type='password'], [type='file'], select, textarea, " +
+ "[type='number'], [type='search'] ,[type='tel'], [type='url'], " +
+ "[type='email'], [type='datetime'], [type='date'], [type='month'], " +
+ "[type='week'], [type='time'], [type='datetime-local'], " +
+ "[type='range'], [type='color'] ",
+ "focusin focusout keyup", delegate)
+ .validateDelegate("[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], select, option", "click", delegate);
+ if ( this.settings.invalidHandler ) {
+ $(this.currentForm).bind("invalid-form.validate", this.settings.invalidHandler);
+ }
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/form
+ form: function() {
+ this.checkForm();
+ $.extend(this.submitted, this.errorMap);
+ this.invalid = $.extend({}, this.errorMap);
+ if ( !this.valid() ) {
+ $(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
+ }
+ this.showErrors();
+ return this.valid();
+ },
+ checkForm: function() {
+ this.prepareForm();
+ for ( var i = 0, elements = (this.currentElements = this.elements()); elements[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.check( elements[i] );
+ }
+ return this.valid();
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/element
+ element: function( element ) {
+ element = this.validationTargetFor( this.clean( element ) );
+ this.lastElement = element;
+ this.prepareElement( element );
+ this.currentElements = $(element);
+ var result = this.check( element ) !== false;
+ if ( result ) {
+ delete this.invalid[element.name];
+ } else {
+ this.invalid[element.name] = true;
+ }
+ if ( !this.numberOfInvalids() ) {
+ // Hide error containers on last error
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.add( this.containers );
+ }
+ this.showErrors();
+ return result;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/showErrors
+ showErrors: function( errors ) {
+ if ( errors ) {
+ // add items to error list and map
+ $.extend( this.errorMap, errors );
+ this.errorList = [];
+ for ( var name in errors ) {
+ this.errorList.push({
+ message: errors[name],
+ element: this.findByName(name)[0]
+ });
+ }
+ // remove items from success list
+ this.successList = $.grep( this.successList, function( element ) {
+ return !(element.name in errors);
+ });
+ }
+ if ( this.settings.showErrors ) {
+ this.settings.showErrors.call( this, this.errorMap, this.errorList );
+ } else {
+ this.defaultShowErrors();
+ }
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/resetForm
+ resetForm: function() {
+ if ( $.fn.resetForm ) {
+ $(this.currentForm).resetForm();
+ }
+ this.submitted = {};
+ this.lastElement = null;
+ this.prepareForm();
+ this.hideErrors();
+ this.elements().removeClass( this.settings.errorClass ).removeData( "previousValue" );
+ },
+ numberOfInvalids: function() {
+ return this.objectLength(this.invalid);
+ },
+ objectLength: function( obj ) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for ( var i in obj ) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ },
+ hideErrors: function() {
+ this.addWrapper( this.toHide ).hide();
+ },
+ valid: function() {
+ return this.size() === 0;
+ },
+ size: function() {
+ return this.errorList.length;
+ },
+ focusInvalid: function() {
+ if ( this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
+ try {
+ $(this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[0].element || [])
+ .filter(":visible")
+ .focus()
+ // manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find
+ .trigger("focusin");
+ } catch(e) {
+ // ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ findLastActive: function() {
+ var lastActive = this.lastActive;
+ return lastActive && $.grep(this.errorList, function( n ) {
+ return n.element.name === lastActive.name;
+ }).length === 1 && lastActive;
+ },
+ elements: function() {
+ var validator = this,
+ rulesCache = {};
+ // select all valid inputs inside the form (no submit or reset buttons)
+ return $(this.currentForm)
+ .find("input, select, textarea")
+ .not(":submit, :reset, :image, [disabled]")
+ .not( this.settings.ignore )
+ .filter(function() {
+ if ( !this.name && validator.settings.debug && window.console ) {
+ console.error( "%o has no name assigned", this);
+ }
+ // select only the first element for each name, and only those with rules specified
+ if ( this.name in rulesCache || !validator.objectLength($(this).rules()) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ rulesCache[this.name] = true;
+ return true;
+ });
+ },
+ clean: function( selector ) {
+ return $(selector)[0];
+ },
+ errors: function() {
+ var errorClass = this.settings.errorClass.replace(" ", ".");
+ return $(this.settings.errorElement + "." + errorClass, this.errorContext);
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ this.successList = [];
+ this.errorList = [];
+ this.errorMap = {};
+ this.toShow = $([]);
+ this.toHide = $([]);
+ this.currentElements = $([]);
+ },
+ prepareForm: function() {
+ this.reset();
+ this.toHide = this.errors().add( this.containers );
+ },
+ prepareElement: function( element ) {
+ this.reset();
+ this.toHide = this.errorsFor(element);
+ },
+ elementValue: function( element ) {
+ var type = $(element).attr("type"),
+ val = $(element).val();
+ if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) {
+ return $("input[name='" + $(element).attr("name") + "']:checked").val();
+ }
+ if ( typeof val === "string" ) {
+ return val.replace(/\r/g, "");
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ check: function( element ) {
+ element = this.validationTargetFor( this.clean( element ) );
+ var rules = $(element).rules();
+ var dependencyMismatch = false;
+ var val = this.elementValue(element);
+ var result;
+ for (var method in rules ) {
+ var rule = { method: method, parameters: rules[method] };
+ try {
+ result = $.validator.methods[method].call( this, val, element, rule.parameters );
+ // if a method indicates that the field is optional and therefore valid,
+ // don't mark it as valid when there are no other rules
+ if ( result === "dependency-mismatch" ) {
+ dependencyMismatch = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ dependencyMismatch = false;
+ if ( result === "pending" ) {
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.errorsFor(element) );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !result ) {
+ this.formatAndAdd( element, rule );
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ if ( this.settings.debug && window.console ) {
+ console.log( "Exception occurred when checking element " + element.id + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method.", e );
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( dependencyMismatch ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( this.objectLength(rules) ) {
+ this.successList.push(element);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ // return the custom message for the given element and validation method
+ // specified in the element's HTML5 data attribute
+ customDataMessage: function( element, method ) {
+ return $(element).data("msg-" + method.toLowerCase()) || (element.attributes && $(element).attr("data-msg-" + method.toLowerCase()));
+ },
+ // return the custom message for the given element name and validation method
+ customMessage: function( name, method ) {
+ var m = this.settings.messages[name];
+ return m && (m.constructor === String ? m : m[method]);
+ },
+ // return the first defined argument, allowing empty strings
+ findDefined: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ if ( arguments[i] !== undefined ) {
+ return arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ defaultMessage: function( element, method ) {
+ return this.findDefined(
+ this.customMessage( element.name, method ),
+ this.customDataMessage( element, method ),
+ // title is never undefined, so handle empty string as undefined
+ !this.settings.ignoreTitle && element.title || undefined,
+ $.validator.messages[method],
+ "
Warning: No message defined for " + element.name + " "
+ );
+ },
+ formatAndAdd: function( element, rule ) {
+ var message = this.defaultMessage( element, rule.method ),
+ theregex = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g;
+ if ( typeof message === "function" ) {
+ message = message.call(this, rule.parameters, element);
+ } else if (theregex.test(message)) {
+ message = $.validator.format(message.replace(theregex, "{$1}"), rule.parameters);
+ }
+ this.errorList.push({
+ message: message,
+ element: element
+ });
+ this.errorMap[element.name] = message;
+ this.submitted[element.name] = message;
+ },
+ addWrapper: function( toToggle ) {
+ if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
+ toToggle = toToggle.add( toToggle.parent( this.settings.wrapper ) );
+ }
+ return toToggle;
+ },
+ defaultShowErrors: function() {
+ var i, elements;
+ for ( i = 0; this.errorList[i]; i++ ) {
+ var error = this.errorList[i];
+ if ( this.settings.highlight ) {
+ this.settings.highlight.call( this, error.element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ }
+ this.showLabel( error.element, error.message );
+ }
+ if ( this.errorList.length ) {
+ this.toShow = this.toShow.add( this.containers );
+ }
+ if ( this.settings.success ) {
+ for ( i = 0; this.successList[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.showLabel( this.successList[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) {
+ for ( i = 0, elements = this.validElements(); elements[i]; i++ ) {
+ this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, elements[i], this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
+ }
+ }
+ this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.toShow );
+ this.hideErrors();
+ this.addWrapper( this.toShow ).show();
+ },
+ validElements: function() {
+ return this.currentElements.not(this.invalidElements());
+ },
+ invalidElements: function() {
+ return $(this.errorList).map(function() {
+ return this.element;
+ });
+ },
+ showLabel: function( element, message ) {
+ var label = this.errorsFor( element );
+ if ( label.length ) {
+ // refresh error/success class
+ label.removeClass( this.settings.validClass ).addClass( this.settings.errorClass );
+ // replace message on existing label
+ label.html(message);
+ } else {
+ // create label
+ label = $("<" + this.settings.errorElement + ">")
+ .attr("for", this.idOrName(element))
+ .addClass(this.settings.errorClass)
+ .html(message || "");
+ if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
+ // make sure the element is visible, even in IE
+ // actually showing the wrapped element is handled elsewhere
+ label = label.hide().show().wrap("<" + this.settings.wrapper + "/>").parent();
+ }
+ if ( !this.labelContainer.append(label).length ) {
+ if ( this.settings.errorPlacement ) {
+ this.settings.errorPlacement(label, $(element) );
+ } else {
+ label.insertAfter(element);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !message && this.settings.success ) {
+ label.text("");
+ if ( typeof this.settings.success === "string" ) {
+ label.addClass( this.settings.success );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.success( label, element );
+ }
+ }
+ this.toShow = this.toShow.add(label);
+ },
+ errorsFor: function( element ) {
+ var name = this.idOrName(element);
+ return this.errors().filter(function() {
+ return $(this).attr("for") === name;
+ });
+ },
+ idOrName: function( element ) {
+ return this.groups[element.name] || (this.checkable(element) ? element.name : element.id || element.name);
+ },
+ validationTargetFor: function( element ) {
+ // if radio/checkbox, validate first element in group instead
+ if ( this.checkable(element) ) {
+ element = this.findByName( element.name ).not(this.settings.ignore)[0];
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ checkable: function( element ) {
+ return (/radio|checkbox/i).test(element.type);
+ },
+ findByName: function( name ) {
+ return $(this.currentForm).find("[name='" + name + "']");
+ },
+ getLength: function( value, element ) {
+ switch( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
+ case "select":
+ return $("option:selected", element).length;
+ case "input":
+ if ( this.checkable( element) ) {
+ return this.findByName(element.name).filter(":checked").length;
+ }
+ }
+ return value.length;
+ },
+ depend: function( param, element ) {
+ return this.dependTypes[typeof param] ? this.dependTypes[typeof param](param, element) : true;
+ },
+ dependTypes: {
+ "boolean": function( param, element ) {
+ return param;
+ },
+ "string": function( param, element ) {
+ return !!$(param, element.form).length;
+ },
+ "function": function( param, element ) {
+ return param(element);
+ }
+ },
+ optional: function( element ) {
+ var val = this.elementValue(element);
+ return !$.validator.methods.required.call(this, val, element) && "dependency-mismatch";
+ },
+ startRequest: function( element ) {
+ if ( !this.pending[element.name] ) {
+ this.pendingRequest++;
+ this.pending[element.name] = true;
+ }
+ },
+ stopRequest: function( element, valid ) {
+ this.pendingRequest--;
+ // sometimes synchronization fails, make sure pendingRequest is never < 0
+ if ( this.pendingRequest < 0 ) {
+ this.pendingRequest = 0;
+ }
+ delete this.pending[element.name];
+ if ( valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted && this.form() ) {
+ $(this.currentForm).submit();
+ this.formSubmitted = false;
+ } else if (!valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted) {
+ $(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
+ this.formSubmitted = false;
+ }
+ },
+ previousValue: function( element ) {
+ return $.data(element, "previousValue") || $.data(element, "previousValue", {
+ old: null,
+ valid: true,
+ message: this.defaultMessage( element, "remote" )
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ classRuleSettings: {
+ required: {required: true},
+ email: {email: true},
+ url: {url: true},
+ date: {date: true},
+ dateISO: {dateISO: true},
+ number: {number: true},
+ digits: {digits: true},
+ creditcard: {creditcard: true}
+ },
+ addClassRules: function( className, rules ) {
+ if ( className.constructor === String ) {
+ this.classRuleSettings[className] = rules;
+ } else {
+ $.extend(this.classRuleSettings, className);
+ }
+ },
+ classRules: function( element ) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var classes = $(element).attr("class");
+ if ( classes ) {
+ $.each(classes.split(" "), function() {
+ if ( this in $.validator.classRuleSettings ) {
+ $.extend(rules, $.validator.classRuleSettings[this]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ attributeRules: function( element ) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var $element = $(element);
+ var type = $element[0].getAttribute("type");
+ for (var method in $.validator.methods) {
+ var value;
+ // support for
in both html5 and older browsers
+ if ( method === "required" ) {
+ value = $element.get(0).getAttribute(method);
+ // Some browsers return an empty string for the required attribute
+ // and non-HTML5 browsers might have required="" markup
+ if ( value === "" ) {
+ value = true;
+ }
+ // force non-HTML5 browsers to return bool
+ value = !!value;
+ } else {
+ value = $element.attr(method);
+ }
+ // convert the value to a number for number inputs, and for text for backwards compability
+ // allows type="date" and others to be compared as strings
+ if ( /min|max/.test( method ) && ( type === null || /number|range|text/.test( type ) ) ) {
+ value = Number(value);
+ }
+ if ( value ) {
+ rules[method] = value;
+ } else if ( type === method && type !== 'range' ) {
+ // exception: the jquery validate 'range' method
+ // does not test for the html5 'range' type
+ rules[method] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // maxlength may be returned as -1, 2147483647 (IE) and 524288 (safari) for text inputs
+ if ( rules.maxlength && /-1|2147483647|524288/.test(rules.maxlength) ) {
+ delete rules.maxlength;
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ dataRules: function( element ) {
+ var method, value,
+ rules = {}, $element = $(element);
+ for (method in $.validator.methods) {
+ value = $element.data("rule-" + method.toLowerCase());
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ rules[method] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ staticRules: function( element ) {
+ var rules = {};
+ var validator = $.data(element.form, "validator");
+ if ( validator.settings.rules ) {
+ rules = $.validator.normalizeRule(validator.settings.rules[element.name]) || {};
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ normalizeRules: function( rules, element ) {
+ // handle dependency check
+ $.each(rules, function( prop, val ) {
+ // ignore rule when param is explicitly false, eg. required:false
+ if ( val === false ) {
+ delete rules[prop];
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( val.param || val.depends ) {
+ var keepRule = true;
+ switch (typeof val.depends) {
+ case "string":
+ keepRule = !!$(val.depends, element.form).length;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ keepRule = val.depends.call(element, element);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( keepRule ) {
+ rules[prop] = val.param !== undefined ? val.param : true;
+ } else {
+ delete rules[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // evaluate parameters
+ $.each(rules, function( rule, parameter ) {
+ rules[rule] = $.isFunction(parameter) ? parameter(element) : parameter;
+ });
+ // clean number parameters
+ $.each(['minlength', 'maxlength'], function() {
+ if ( rules[this] ) {
+ rules[this] = Number(rules[this]);
+ }
+ });
+ $.each(['rangelength', 'range'], function() {
+ var parts;
+ if ( rules[this] ) {
+ if ( $.isArray(rules[this]) ) {
+ rules[this] = [Number(rules[this][0]), Number(rules[this][1])];
+ } else if ( typeof rules[this] === "string" ) {
+ parts = rules[this].split(/[\s,]+/);
+ rules[this] = [Number(parts[0]), Number(parts[1])];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if ( $.validator.autoCreateRanges ) {
+ // auto-create ranges
+ if ( rules.min && rules.max ) {
+ rules.range = [rules.min, rules.max];
+ delete rules.min;
+ delete rules.max;
+ }
+ if ( rules.minlength && rules.maxlength ) {
+ rules.rangelength = [rules.minlength, rules.maxlength];
+ delete rules.minlength;
+ delete rules.maxlength;
+ }
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ // Converts a simple string to a {string: true} rule, e.g., "required" to {required:true}
+ normalizeRule: function( data ) {
+ if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+ var transformed = {};
+ $.each(data.split(/\s/), function() {
+ transformed[this] = true;
+ });
+ data = transformed;
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/addMethod
+ addMethod: function( name, method, message ) {
+ $.validator.methods[name] = method;
+ $.validator.messages[name] = message !== undefined ? message : $.validator.messages[name];
+ if ( method.length < 3 ) {
+ $.validator.addClassRules(name, $.validator.normalizeRule(name));
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/required
+ required: function( value, element, param ) {
+ // check if dependency is met
+ if ( !this.depend(param, element) ) {
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ }
+ if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
+ // could be an array for select-multiple or a string, both are fine this way
+ var val = $(element).val();
+ return val && val.length > 0;
+ }
+ if ( this.checkable(element) ) {
+ return this.getLength(value, element) > 0;
+ }
+ return $.trim(value).length > 0;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/email
+ email: function( value, element ) {
+ // contributed by Scott Gonzalez: http://projects.scottsplayground.com/email_address_validation/
+ return this.optional(element) || /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/url
+ url: function( value, element ) {
+ // contributed by Scott Gonzalez: http://projects.scottsplayground.com/iri/
+ return this.optional(element) || /^(https?|s?ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/date
+ date: function( value, element ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(value).toString());
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/dateISO
+ dateISO: function( value, element ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/number
+ number: function( value, element ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/digits
+ digits: function( value, element ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || /^\d+$/.test(value);
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/creditcard
+ // based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn
+ creditcard: function( value, element ) {
+ if ( this.optional(element) ) {
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ }
+ // accept only spaces, digits and dashes
+ if ( /[^0-9 \-]+/.test(value) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var nCheck = 0,
+ nDigit = 0,
+ bEven = false;
+ value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
+ for (var n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
+ var cDigit = value.charAt(n);
+ nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
+ if ( bEven ) {
+ if ( (nDigit *= 2) > 9 ) {
+ nDigit -= 9;
+ }
+ }
+ nCheck += nDigit;
+ bEven = !bEven;
+ }
+ return (nCheck % 10) === 0;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/minlength
+ minlength: function( value, element, param ) {
+ var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength($.trim(value), element);
+ return this.optional(element) || length >= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/maxlength
+ maxlength: function( value, element, param ) {
+ var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength($.trim(value), element);
+ return this.optional(element) || length <= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/rangelength
+ rangelength: function( value, element, param ) {
+ var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength($.trim(value), element);
+ return this.optional(element) || ( length >= param[0] && length <= param[1] );
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/min
+ min: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || value >= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/max
+ max: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || value <= param;
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/range
+ range: function( value, element, param ) {
+ return this.optional(element) || ( value >= param[0] && value <= param[1] );
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/equalTo
+ equalTo: function( value, element, param ) {
+ // bind to the blur event of the target in order to revalidate whenever the target field is updated
+ // TODO find a way to bind the event just once, avoiding the unbind-rebind overhead
+ var target = $(param);
+ if ( this.settings.onfocusout ) {
+ target.unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
+ $(element).valid();
+ });
+ }
+ return value === target.val();
+ },
+ // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/remote
+ remote: function( value, element, param ) {
+ if ( this.optional(element) ) {
+ return "dependency-mismatch";
+ }
+ var previous = this.previousValue(element);
+ if (!this.settings.messages[element.name] ) {
+ this.settings.messages[element.name] = {};
+ }
+ previous.originalMessage = this.settings.messages[element.name].remote;
+ this.settings.messages[element.name].remote = previous.message;
+ param = typeof param === "string" && {url:param} || param;
+ if ( previous.old === value ) {
+ return previous.valid;
+ }
+ previous.old = value;
+ var validator = this;
+ this.startRequest(element);
+ var data = {};
+ data[element.name] = value;
+ $.ajax($.extend(true, {
+ url: param,
+ mode: "abort",
+ port: "validate" + element.name,
+ dataType: "json",
+ data: data,
+ success: function( response ) {
+ validator.settings.messages[element.name].remote = previous.originalMessage;
+ var valid = response === true || response === "true";
+ if ( valid ) {
+ var submitted = validator.formSubmitted;
+ validator.prepareElement(element);
+ validator.formSubmitted = submitted;
+ validator.successList.push(element);
+ delete validator.invalid[element.name];
+ validator.showErrors();
+ } else {
+ var errors = {};
+ var message = response || validator.defaultMessage( element, "remote" );
+ errors[element.name] = previous.message = $.isFunction(message) ? message(value) : message;
+ validator.invalid[element.name] = true;
+ validator.showErrors(errors);
+ }
+ previous.valid = valid;
+ validator.stopRequest(element, valid);
+ }
+ }, param));
+ return "pending";
+ }
+ }
+// deprecated, use $.validator.format instead
+$.format = $.validator.format;
+// ajax mode: abort
+// usage: $.ajax({ mode: "abort"[, port: "uniqueport"]});
+// if mode:"abort" is used, the previous request on that port (port can be undefined) is aborted via XMLHttpRequest.abort()
+(function($) {
+ var pendingRequests = {};
+ // Use a prefilter if available (1.5+)
+ if ( $.ajaxPrefilter ) {
+ $.ajaxPrefilter(function( settings, _, xhr ) {
+ var port = settings.port;
+ if ( settings.mode === "abort" ) {
+ if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
+ pendingRequests[port].abort();
+ }
+ pendingRequests[port] = xhr;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Proxy ajax
+ var ajax = $.ajax;
+ $.ajax = function( settings ) {
+ var mode = ( "mode" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).mode,
+ port = ( "port" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).port;
+ if ( mode === "abort" ) {
+ if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
+ pendingRequests[port].abort();
+ }
+ pendingRequests[port] = ajax.apply(this, arguments);
+ return pendingRequests[port];
+ }
+ return ajax.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+// provides delegate(type: String, delegate: Selector, handler: Callback) plugin for easier event delegation
+// handler is only called when $(event.target).is(delegate), in the scope of the jquery-object for event.target
+(function($) {
+ $.extend($.fn, {
+ validateDelegate: function( delegate, type, handler ) {
+ return this.bind(type, function( event ) {
+ var target = $(event.target);
+ if ( target.is(delegate) ) {
+ return handler.apply(target, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3efb648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+/*! jQuery Validation Plugin - v1.11.1 - 3/22/2013\n* https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation
+* Copyright (c) 2013 Jörn Zaefferer; Licensed MIT */(function(t){t.extend(t.fn,{validate:function(e){if(!this.length)return e&&e.debug&&window.console&&console.warn("Nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing."),void 0;var i=t.data(this[0],"validator");return i?i:(this.attr("novalidate","novalidate"),i=new t.validator(e,this[0]),t.data(this[0],"validator",i),i.settings.onsubmit&&(this.validateDelegate(":submit","click",function(e){i.settings.submitHandler&&(i.submitButton=e.target),t(e.target).hasClass("cancel")&&(i.cancelSubmit=!0),void 0!==t(e.target).attr("formnovalidate")&&(i.cancelSubmit=!0)}),this.submit(function(e){function s(){var s;return i.settings.submitHandler?(i.submitButton&&(s=t("
").attr("name",i.submitButton.name).val(t(i.submitButton).val()).appendTo(i.currentForm)),i.settings.submitHandler.call(i,i.currentForm,e),i.submitButton&&s.remove(),!1):!0}return i.settings.debug&&e.preventDefault(),i.cancelSubmit?(i.cancelSubmit=!1,s()):i.form()?i.pendingRequest?(i.formSubmitted=!0,!1):s():(i.focusInvalid(),!1)})),i)},valid:function(){if(t(this[0]).is("form"))return this.validate().form();var e=!0,i=t(this[0].form).validate();return this.each(function(){e=e&&i.element(this)}),e},removeAttrs:function(e){var i={},s=this;return t.each(e.split(/\s/),function(t,e){i[e]=s.attr(e),s.removeAttr(e)}),i},rules:function(e,i){var s=this[0];if(e){var r=t.data(s.form,"validator").settings,n=r.rules,a=t.validator.staticRules(s);switch(e){case"add":t.extend(a,t.validator.normalizeRule(i)),delete a.messages,n[s.name]=a,i.messages&&(r.messages[s.name]=t.extend(r.messages[s.name],i.messages));break;case"remove":if(!i)return delete n[s.name],a;var u={};return t.each(i.split(/\s/),function(t,e){u[e]=a[e],delete a[e]}),u}}var o=t.validator.normalizeRules(t.extend({},t.validator.classRules(s),t.validator.attributeRules(s),t.validator.dataRules(s),t.validator.staticRules(s)),s);if(o.required){var l=o.required;delete o.required,o=t.extend({required:l},o)}return o}}),t.extend(t.expr[":"],{blank:function(e){return!t.trim(""+t(e).val())},filled:function(e){return!!t.trim(""+t(e).val())},unchecked:function(e){return!t(e).prop("checked")}}),t.validator=function(e,i){this.settings=t.extend(!0,{},t.validator.defaults,e),this.currentForm=i,this.init()},t.validator.format=function(e,i){return 1===arguments.length?function(){var i=t.makeArray(arguments);return i.unshift(e),t.validator.format.apply(this,i)}:(arguments.length>2&&i.constructor!==Array&&(i=t.makeArray(arguments).slice(1)),i.constructor!==Array&&(i=[i]),t.each(i,function(t,i){e=e.replace(RegExp("\\{"+t+"\\}","g"),function(){return i})}),e)},t.extend(t.validator,{defaults:{messages:{},groups:{},rules:{},errorClass:"error",validClass:"valid",errorElement:"label",focusInvalid:!0,errorContainer:t([]),errorLabelContainer:t([]),onsubmit:!0,ignore:":hidden",ignoreTitle:!1,onfocusin:function(t){this.lastActive=t,this.settings.focusCleanup&&!this.blockFocusCleanup&&(this.settings.unhighlight&&this.settings.unhighlight.call(this,t,this.settings.errorClass,this.settings.validClass),this.addWrapper(this.errorsFor(t)).hide())},onfocusout:function(t){this.checkable(t)||!(t.name in this.submitted)&&this.optional(t)||this.element(t)},onkeyup:function(t,e){(9!==e.which||""!==this.elementValue(t))&&(t.name in this.submitted||t===this.lastElement)&&this.element(t)},onclick:function(t){t.name in this.submitted?this.element(t):t.parentNode.name in this.submitted&&this.element(t.parentNode)},highlight:function(e,i,s){"radio"===e.type?this.findByName(e.name).addClass(i).removeClass(s):t(e).addClass(i).removeClass(s)},unhighlight:function(e,i,s){"radio"===e.type?this.findByName(e.name).removeClass(i).addClass(s):t(e).removeClass(i).addClass(s)}},setDefaults:function(e){t.extend(t.validator.defaults,e)},messages:{required:"This field is required.",remote:"Please fix this field.",email:"Please enter a valid email address.",url:"Please enter a valid URL.",date:"Please enter a valid date.",dateISO:"Please enter a valid date (ISO).",number:"Please enter a valid number.",digits:"Please enter only digits.",creditcard:"Please enter a valid credit card number.",equalTo:"Please enter the same value again.",maxlength:t.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0} characters."),minlength:t.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters."),rangelength:t.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long."),range:t.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."),max:t.validator.format("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."),min:t.validator.format("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.")},autoCreateRanges:!1,prototype:{init:function(){function e(e){var i=t.data(this[0].form,"validator"),s="on"+e.type.replace(/^validate/,"");i.settings[s]&&i.settings[s].call(i,this[0],e)}this.labelContainer=t(this.settings.errorLabelContainer),this.errorContext=this.labelContainer.length&&this.labelContainer||t(this.currentForm),this.containers=t(this.settings.errorContainer).add(this.settings.errorLabelContainer),this.submitted={},this.valueCache={},this.pendingRequest=0,this.pending={},this.invalid={},this.reset();var i=this.groups={};t.each(this.settings.groups,function(e,s){"string"==typeof s&&(s=s.split(/\s/)),t.each(s,function(t,s){i[s]=e})});var s=this.settings.rules;t.each(s,function(e,i){s[e]=t.validator.normalizeRule(i)}),t(this.currentForm).validateDelegate(":text, [type='password'], [type='file'], select, textarea, [type='number'], [type='search'] ,[type='tel'], [type='url'], [type='email'], [type='datetime'], [type='date'], [type='month'], [type='week'], [type='time'], [type='datetime-local'], [type='range'], [type='color'] ","focusin focusout keyup",e).validateDelegate("[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], select, option","click",e),this.settings.invalidHandler&&t(this.currentForm).bind("invalid-form.validate",this.settings.invalidHandler)},form:function(){return this.checkForm(),t.extend(this.submitted,this.errorMap),this.invalid=t.extend({},this.errorMap),this.valid()||t(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form",[this]),this.showErrors(),this.valid()},checkForm:function(){this.prepareForm();for(var t=0,e=this.currentElements=this.elements();e[t];t++)this.check(e[t]);return this.valid()},element:function(e){e=this.validationTargetFor(this.clean(e)),this.lastElement=e,this.prepareElement(e),this.currentElements=t(e);var i=this.check(e)!==!1;return i?delete this.invalid[e.name]:this.invalid[e.name]=!0,this.numberOfInvalids()||(this.toHide=this.toHide.add(this.containers)),this.showErrors(),i},showErrors:function(e){if(e){t.extend(this.errorMap,e),this.errorList=[];for(var i in e)this.errorList.push({message:e[i],element:this.findByName(i)[0]});this.successList=t.grep(this.successList,function(t){return!(t.name in e)})}this.settings.showErrors?this.settings.showErrors.call(this,this.errorMap,this.errorList):this.defaultShowErrors()},resetForm:function(){t.fn.resetForm&&t(this.currentForm).resetForm(),this.submitted={},this.lastElement=null,this.prepareForm(),this.hideErrors(),this.elements().removeClass(this.settings.errorClass).removeData("previousValue")},numberOfInvalids:function(){return this.objectLength(this.invalid)},objectLength:function(t){var e=0;for(var i in t)e++;return e},hideErrors:function(){this.addWrapper(this.toHide).hide()},valid:function(){return 0===this.size()},size:function(){return this.errorList.length},focusInvalid:function(){if(this.settings.focusInvalid)try{t(this.findLastActive()||this.errorList.length&&this.errorList[0].element||[]).filter(":visible").focus().trigger("focusin")}catch(e){}},findLastActive:function(){var e=this.lastActive;return e&&1===t.grep(this.errorList,function(t){return t.element.name===e.name}).length&&e},elements:function(){var e=this,i={};return t(this.currentForm).find("input, select, textarea").not(":submit, :reset, :image, [disabled]").not(this.settings.ignore).filter(function(){return!this.name&&e.settings.debug&&window.console&&console.error("%o has no name assigned",this),this.name in i||!e.objectLength(t(this).rules())?!1:(i[this.name]=!0,!0)})},clean:function(e){return t(e)[0]},errors:function(){var e=this.settings.errorClass.replace(" ",".");return t(this.settings.errorElement+"."+e,this.errorContext)},reset:function(){this.successList=[],this.errorList=[],this.errorMap={},this.toShow=t([]),this.toHide=t([]),this.currentElements=t([])},prepareForm:function(){this.reset(),this.toHide=this.errors().add(this.containers)},prepareElement:function(t){this.reset(),this.toHide=this.errorsFor(t)},elementValue:function(e){var i=t(e).attr("type"),s=t(e).val();return"radio"===i||"checkbox"===i?t("input[name='"+t(e).attr("name")+"']:checked").val():"string"==typeof s?s.replace(/\r/g,""):s},check:function(e){e=this.validationTargetFor(this.clean(e));var i,s=t(e).rules(),r=!1,n=this.elementValue(e);for(var a in s){var u={method:a,parameters:s[a]};try{if(i=t.validator.methods[a].call(this,n,e,u.parameters),"dependency-mismatch"===i){r=!0;continue}if(r=!1,"pending"===i)return this.toHide=this.toHide.not(this.errorsFor(e)),void 0;if(!i)return this.formatAndAdd(e,u),!1}catch(o){throw this.settings.debug&&window.console&&console.log("Exception occurred when checking element "+e.id+", check the '"+u.method+"' method.",o),o}}return r?void 0:(this.objectLength(s)&&this.successList.push(e),!0)},customDataMessage:function(e,i){return t(e).data("msg-"+i.toLowerCase())||e.attributes&&t(e).attr("data-msg-"+i.toLowerCase())},customMessage:function(t,e){var i=this.settings.messages[t];return i&&(i.constructor===String?i:i[e])},findDefined:function(){for(var t=0;arguments.length>t;t++)if(void 0!==arguments[t])return arguments[t];return void 0},defaultMessage:function(e,i){return this.findDefined(this.customMessage(e.name,i),this.customDataMessage(e,i),!this.settings.ignoreTitle&&e.title||void 0,t.validator.messages[i],"
Warning: No message defined for "+e.name+" ")},formatAndAdd:function(e,i){var s=this.defaultMessage(e,i.method),r=/\$?\{(\d+)\}/g;"function"==typeof s?s=s.call(this,i.parameters,e):r.test(s)&&(s=t.validator.format(s.replace(r,"{$1}"),i.parameters)),this.errorList.push({message:s,element:e}),this.errorMap[e.name]=s,this.submitted[e.name]=s},addWrapper:function(t){return this.settings.wrapper&&(t=t.add(t.parent(this.settings.wrapper))),t},defaultShowErrors:function(){var t,e;for(t=0;this.errorList[t];t++){var i=this.errorList[t];this.settings.highlight&&this.settings.highlight.call(this,i.element,this.settings.errorClass,this.settings.validClass),this.showLabel(i.element,i.message)}if(this.errorList.length&&(this.toShow=this.toShow.add(this.containers)),this.settings.success)for(t=0;this.successList[t];t++)this.showLabel(this.successList[t]);if(this.settings.unhighlight)for(t=0,e=this.validElements();e[t];t++)this.settings.unhighlight.call(this,e[t],this.settings.errorClass,this.settings.validClass);this.toHide=this.toHide.not(this.toShow),this.hideErrors(),this.addWrapper(this.toShow).show()},validElements:function(){return this.currentElements.not(this.invalidElements())},invalidElements:function(){return t(this.errorList).map(function(){return this.element})},showLabel:function(e,i){var s=this.errorsFor(e);s.length?(s.removeClass(this.settings.validClass).addClass(this.settings.errorClass),s.html(i)):(s=t("<"+this.settings.errorElement+">").attr("for",this.idOrName(e)).addClass(this.settings.errorClass).html(i||""),this.settings.wrapper&&(s=s.hide().show().wrap("<"+this.settings.wrapper+"/>").parent()),this.labelContainer.append(s).length||(this.settings.errorPlacement?this.settings.errorPlacement(s,t(e)):s.insertAfter(e))),!i&&this.settings.success&&(s.text(""),"string"==typeof this.settings.success?s.addClass(this.settings.success):this.settings.success(s,e)),this.toShow=this.toShow.add(s)},errorsFor:function(e){var i=this.idOrName(e);return this.errors().filter(function(){return t(this).attr("for")===i})},idOrName:function(t){return this.groups[t.name]||(this.checkable(t)?t.name:t.id||t.name)},validationTargetFor:function(t){return this.checkable(t)&&(t=this.findByName(t.name).not(this.settings.ignore)[0]),t},checkable:function(t){return/radio|checkbox/i.test(t.type)},findByName:function(e){return t(this.currentForm).find("[name='"+e+"']")},getLength:function(e,i){switch(i.nodeName.toLowerCase()){case"select":return t("option:selected",i).length;case"input":if(this.checkable(i))return this.findByName(i.name).filter(":checked").length}return e.length},depend:function(t,e){return this.dependTypes[typeof t]?this.dependTypes[typeof t](t,e):!0},dependTypes:{"boolean":function(t){return t},string:function(e,i){return!!t(e,i.form).length},"function":function(t,e){return t(e)}},optional:function(e){var i=this.elementValue(e);return!t.validator.methods.required.call(this,i,e)&&"dependency-mismatch"},startRequest:function(t){this.pending[t.name]||(this.pendingRequest++,this.pending[t.name]=!0)},stopRequest:function(e,i){this.pendingRequest--,0>this.pendingRequest&&(this.pendingRequest=0),delete this.pending[e.name],i&&0===this.pendingRequest&&this.formSubmitted&&this.form()?(t(this.currentForm).submit(),this.formSubmitted=!1):!i&&0===this.pendingRequest&&this.formSubmitted&&(t(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form",[this]),this.formSubmitted=!1)},previousValue:function(e){return t.data(e,"previousValue")||t.data(e,"previousValue",{old:null,valid:!0,message:this.defaultMessage(e,"remote")})}},classRuleSettings:{required:{required:!0},email:{email:!0},url:{url:!0},date:{date:!0},dateISO:{dateISO:!0},number:{number:!0},digits:{digits:!0},creditcard:{creditcard:!0}},addClassRules:function(e,i){e.constructor===String?this.classRuleSettings[e]=i:t.extend(this.classRuleSettings,e)},classRules:function(e){var i={},s=t(e).attr("class");return s&&t.each(s.split(" "),function(){this in t.validator.classRuleSettings&&t.extend(i,t.validator.classRuleSettings[this])}),i},attributeRules:function(e){var i={},s=t(e),r=s[0].getAttribute("type");for(var n in t.validator.methods){var a;"required"===n?(a=s.get(0).getAttribute(n),""===a&&(a=!0),a=!!a):a=s.attr(n),/min|max/.test(n)&&(null===r||/number|range|text/.test(r))&&(a=Number(a)),a?i[n]=a:r===n&&"range"!==r&&(i[n]=!0)}return i.maxlength&&/-1|2147483647|524288/.test(i.maxlength)&&delete i.maxlength,i},dataRules:function(e){var i,s,r={},n=t(e);for(i in t.validator.methods)s=n.data("rule-"+i.toLowerCase()),void 0!==s&&(r[i]=s);return r},staticRules:function(e){var i={},s=t.data(e.form,"validator");return s.settings.rules&&(i=t.validator.normalizeRule(s.settings.rules[e.name])||{}),i},normalizeRules:function(e,i){return t.each(e,function(s,r){if(r===!1)return delete e[s],void 0;if(r.param||r.depends){var n=!0;switch(typeof r.depends){case"string":n=!!t(r.depends,i.form).length;break;case"function":n=r.depends.call(i,i)}n?e[s]=void 0!==r.param?r.param:!0:delete e[s]}}),t.each(e,function(s,r){e[s]=t.isFunction(r)?r(i):r}),t.each(["minlength","maxlength"],function(){e[this]&&(e[this]=Number(e[this]))}),t.each(["rangelength","range"],function(){var i;e[this]&&(t.isArray(e[this])?e[this]=[Number(e[this][0]),Number(e[this][1])]:"string"==typeof e[this]&&(i=e[this].split(/[\s,]+/),e[this]=[Number(i[0]),Number(i[1])]))}),t.validator.autoCreateRanges&&(e.min&&e.max&&(e.range=[e.min,e.max],delete e.min,delete e.max),e.minlength&&e.maxlength&&(e.rangelength=[e.minlength,e.maxlength],delete e.minlength,delete e.maxlength)),e},normalizeRule:function(e){if("string"==typeof e){var i={};t.each(e.split(/\s/),function(){i[this]=!0}),e=i}return e},addMethod:function(e,i,s){t.validator.methods[e]=i,t.validator.messages[e]=void 0!==s?s:t.validator.messages[e],3>i.length&&t.validator.addClassRules(e,t.validator.normalizeRule(e))},methods:{required:function(e,i,s){if(!this.depend(s,i))return"dependency-mismatch";if("select"===i.nodeName.toLowerCase()){var r=t(i).val();return r&&r.length>0}return this.checkable(i)?this.getLength(e,i)>0:t.trim(e).length>0},email:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||/^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i.test(t)},url:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||/^(https?|s?ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i.test(t)},date:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||!/Invalid|NaN/.test(""+new Date(t))},dateISO:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||/^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}$/.test(t)},number:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||/^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(t)},digits:function(t,e){return this.optional(e)||/^\d+$/.test(t)},creditcard:function(t,e){if(this.optional(e))return"dependency-mismatch";if(/[^0-9 \-]+/.test(t))return!1;var i=0,s=0,r=!1;t=t.replace(/\D/g,"");for(var n=t.length-1;n>=0;n--){var a=t.charAt(n);s=parseInt(a,10),r&&(s*=2)>9&&(s-=9),i+=s,r=!r}return 0===i%10},minlength:function(e,i,s){var r=t.isArray(e)?e.length:this.getLength(t.trim(e),i);return this.optional(i)||r>=s},maxlength:function(e,i,s){var r=t.isArray(e)?e.length:this.getLength(t.trim(e),i);return this.optional(i)||s>=r},rangelength:function(e,i,s){var r=t.isArray(e)?e.length:this.getLength(t.trim(e),i);return this.optional(i)||r>=s[0]&&s[1]>=r},min:function(t,e,i){return this.optional(e)||t>=i},max:function(t,e,i){return this.optional(e)||i>=t},range:function(t,e,i){return this.optional(e)||t>=i[0]&&i[1]>=t},equalTo:function(e,i,s){var r=t(s);return this.settings.onfocusout&&r.unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo",function(){t(i).valid()}),e===r.val()},remote:function(e,i,s){if(this.optional(i))return"dependency-mismatch";var r=this.previousValue(i);if(this.settings.messages[i.name]||(this.settings.messages[i.name]={}),r.originalMessage=this.settings.messages[i.name].remote,this.settings.messages[i.name].remote=r.message,s="string"==typeof s&&{url:s}||s,r.old===e)return r.valid;r.old=e;var n=this;this.startRequest(i);var a={};return a[i.name]=e,t.ajax(t.extend(!0,{url:s,mode:"abort",port:"validate"+i.name,dataType:"json",data:a,success:function(s){n.settings.messages[i.name].remote=r.originalMessage;var a=s===!0||"true"===s;if(a){var u=n.formSubmitted;n.prepareElement(i),n.formSubmitted=u,n.successList.push(i),delete n.invalid[i.name],n.showErrors()}else{var o={},l=s||n.defaultMessage(i,"remote");o[i.name]=r.message=t.isFunction(l)?l(e):l,n.invalid[i.name]=!0,n.showErrors(o)}r.valid=a,n.stopRequest(i,a)}},s)),"pending"}}}),t.format=t.validator.format})(jQuery),function(t){var e={};if(t.ajaxPrefilter)t.ajaxPrefilter(function(t,i,s){var r=t.port;"abort"===t.mode&&(e[r]&&e[r].abort(),e[r]=s)});else{var i=t.ajax;t.ajax=function(s){var r=("mode"in s?s:t.ajaxSettings).mode,n=("port"in s?s:t.ajaxSettings).port;return"abort"===r?(e[n]&&e[n].abort(),e[n]=i.apply(this,arguments),e[n]):i.apply(this,arguments)}}}(jQuery),function(t){t.extend(t.fn,{validateDelegate:function(e,i,s){return this.bind(i,function(i){var r=t(i.target);return r.is(e)?s.apply(r,arguments):void 0})}})}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d11794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+** Unobtrusive validation support library for jQuery and jQuery Validate
+** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+/*jslint white: true, browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: false */
+/*global document: false, jQuery: false */
+(function ($) {
+ var $jQval = $.validator,
+ adapters,
+ data_validation = "unobtrusiveValidation";
+ function setValidationValues(options, ruleName, value) {
+ options.rules[ruleName] = value;
+ if (options.message) {
+ options.messages[ruleName] = options.message;
+ }
+ }
+ function splitAndTrim(value) {
+ return value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(/\s*,\s*/g);
+ }
+ function escapeAttributeValue(value) {
+ // As mentioned on http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
+ return value.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1");
+ }
+ function getModelPrefix(fieldName) {
+ return fieldName.substr(0, fieldName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
+ }
+ function appendModelPrefix(value, prefix) {
+ if (value.indexOf("*.") === 0) {
+ value = value.replace("*.", prefix);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ function onError(error, inputElement) { // 'this' is the form element
+ var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-for='" + escapeAttributeValue(inputElement[0].name) + "']"),
+ replaceAttrValue = container.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),
+ replace = replaceAttrValue ? $.parseJSON(replaceAttrValue) !== false : null;
+ container.removeClass("field-validation-valid").addClass("field-validation-error");
+ error.data("unobtrusiveContainer", container);
+ if (replace) {
+ container.empty();
+ error.removeClass("input-validation-error").appendTo(container);
+ }
+ else {
+ error.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ function onErrors(event, validator) { // 'this' is the form element
+ var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-summary=true]"),
+ list = container.find("ul");
+ if (list && list.length && validator.errorList.length) {
+ list.empty();
+ container.addClass("validation-summary-errors").removeClass("validation-summary-valid");
+ $.each(validator.errorList, function () {
+ $("
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function onSuccess(error) { // 'this' is the form element
+ var container = error.data("unobtrusiveContainer"),
+ replaceAttrValue = container.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),
+ replace = replaceAttrValue ? $.parseJSON(replaceAttrValue) : null;
+ if (container) {
+ container.addClass("field-validation-valid").removeClass("field-validation-error");
+ error.removeData("unobtrusiveContainer");
+ if (replace) {
+ container.empty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function onReset(event) { // 'this' is the form element
+ var $form = $(this);
+ $form.data("validator").resetForm();
+ $form.find(".validation-summary-errors")
+ .addClass("validation-summary-valid")
+ .removeClass("validation-summary-errors");
+ $form.find(".field-validation-error")
+ .addClass("field-validation-valid")
+ .removeClass("field-validation-error")
+ .removeData("unobtrusiveContainer")
+ .find(">*") // If we were using valmsg-replace, get the underlying error
+ .removeData("unobtrusiveContainer");
+ }
+ function validationInfo(form) {
+ var $form = $(form),
+ result = $form.data(data_validation),
+ onResetProxy = $.proxy(onReset, form),
+ defaultOptions = $jQval.unobtrusive.options || {},
+ execInContext = function (name, args) {
+ var func = defaultOptions[name];
+ func && $.isFunction(func) && func.apply(form, args);
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ result = {
+ options: { // options structure passed to jQuery Validate's validate() method
+ errorClass: defaultOptions.errorClass || "input-validation-error",
+ errorElement: defaultOptions.errorElement || "span",
+ errorPlacement: function () {
+ onError.apply(form, arguments);
+ execInContext("errorPlacement", arguments);
+ },
+ invalidHandler: function () {
+ onErrors.apply(form, arguments);
+ execInContext("invalidHandler", arguments);
+ },
+ messages: {},
+ rules: {},
+ success: function () {
+ onSuccess.apply(form, arguments);
+ execInContext("success", arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ attachValidation: function () {
+ $form
+ .off("reset." + data_validation, onResetProxy)
+ .on("reset." + data_validation, onResetProxy)
+ .validate(this.options);
+ },
+ validate: function () { // a validation function that is called by unobtrusive Ajax
+ $form.validate();
+ return $form.valid();
+ }
+ };
+ $form.data(data_validation, result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ $jQval.unobtrusive = {
+ adapters: [],
+ parseElement: function (element, skipAttach) {
+ ///
+ /// Parses a single HTML element for unobtrusive validation attributes.
+ ///
+ ///
The HTML element to be parsed.
+ ///
[Optional] true to skip attaching the
+ /// validation to the form. If parsing just this single element, you should specify true.
+ /// If parsing several elements, you should specify false, and manually attach the validation
+ /// to the form when you are finished. The default is false.
+ var $element = $(element),
+ form = $element.parents("form")[0],
+ valInfo, rules, messages;
+ if (!form) { // Cannot do client-side validation without a form
+ return;
+ }
+ valInfo = validationInfo(form);
+ valInfo.options.rules[element.name] = rules = {};
+ valInfo.options.messages[element.name] = messages = {};
+ $.each(this.adapters, function () {
+ var prefix = "data-val-" + this.name,
+ message = $element.attr(prefix),
+ paramValues = {};
+ if (message !== undefined) { // Compare against undefined, because an empty message is legal (and falsy)
+ prefix += "-";
+ $.each(this.params, function () {
+ paramValues[this] = $element.attr(prefix + this);
+ });
+ this.adapt({
+ element: element,
+ form: form,
+ message: message,
+ params: paramValues,
+ rules: rules,
+ messages: messages
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $.extend(rules, { "__dummy__": true });
+ if (!skipAttach) {
+ valInfo.attachValidation();
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function (selector) {
+ ///
+ /// Parses all the HTML elements in the specified selector. It looks for input elements decorated
+ /// with the [data-val=true] attribute value and enables validation according to the data-val-*
+ /// attribute values.
+ ///
+ ///
Any valid jQuery selector.
+ // $forms includes all forms in selector's DOM hierarchy (parent, children and self) that have at least one
+ // element with data-val=true
+ var $selector = $(selector),
+ $forms = $selector.parents()
+ .addBack()
+ .filter("form")
+ .add($selector.find("form"))
+ .has("[data-val=true]");
+ $selector.find("[data-val=true]").each(function () {
+ $jQval.unobtrusive.parseElement(this, true);
+ });
+ $forms.each(function () {
+ var info = validationInfo(this);
+ if (info) {
+ info.attachValidation();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ adapters = $jQval.unobtrusive.adapters;
+ adapters.add = function (adapterName, params, fn) {
+ ///
Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation.
+ ///
The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
+ /// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).
+ ///
[Optional] An array of parameter names (strings) that will
+ /// be extracted from the data-val-nnnn-mmmm HTML attributes (where nnnn is the adapter name, and
+ /// mmmm is the parameter name).
+ ///
The function to call, which adapts the values from the HTML
+ /// attributes into jQuery Validate rules and/or messages.
+ ///
+ if (!fn) { // Called with no params, just a function
+ fn = params;
+ params = [];
+ }
+ this.push({ name: adapterName, params: params, adapt: fn });
+ return this;
+ };
+ adapters.addBool = function (adapterName, ruleName) {
+ ///
Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
+ /// the jQuery Validate validation rule has no parameter values.
+ ///
The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
+ /// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).
+ ///
[Optional] The name of the jQuery Validate rule. If not provided, the value
+ /// of adapterName will be used instead.
+ ///
+ return this.add(adapterName, function (options) {
+ setValidationValues(options, ruleName || adapterName, true);
+ });
+ };
+ adapters.addMinMax = function (adapterName, minRuleName, maxRuleName, minMaxRuleName, minAttribute, maxAttribute) {
+ ///
Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
+ /// the jQuery Validate validation has three potential rules (one for min-only, one for max-only, and
+ /// one for min-and-max). The HTML parameters are expected to be named -min and -max.
+ ///
The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
+ /// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).
+ ///
The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you only
+ /// have a minimum value.
+ ///
The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you only
+ /// have a maximum value.
+ ///
The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you
+ /// have both a minimum and maximum value.
+ ///
[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that
+ /// contains the minimum value. The default is "min".
+ ///
[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that
+ /// contains the maximum value. The default is "max".
+ ///
+ return this.add(adapterName, [minAttribute || "min", maxAttribute || "max"], function (options) {
+ var min = options.params.min,
+ max = options.params.max;
+ if (min && max) {
+ setValidationValues(options, minMaxRuleName, [min, max]);
+ }
+ else if (min) {
+ setValidationValues(options, minRuleName, min);
+ }
+ else if (max) {
+ setValidationValues(options, maxRuleName, max);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ adapters.addSingleVal = function (adapterName, attribute, ruleName) {
+ ///
Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
+ /// the jQuery Validate validation rule has a single value.
+ ///
The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
+ /// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute(where nnnn is the adapter name).
+ ///
[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that contains the value.
+ /// The default is "val".
+ ///
[Optional] The name of the jQuery Validate rule. If not provided, the value
+ /// of adapterName will be used instead.
+ ///
+ return this.add(adapterName, [attribute || "val"], function (options) {
+ setValidationValues(options, ruleName || adapterName, options.params[attribute]);
+ });
+ };
+ $jQval.addMethod("__dummy__", function (value, element, params) {
+ return true;
+ });
+ $jQval.addMethod("regex", function (value, element, params) {
+ var match;
+ if (this.optional(element)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ match = new RegExp(params).exec(value);
+ return (match && (match.index === 0) && (match[0].length === value.length));
+ });
+ $jQval.addMethod("nonalphamin", function (value, element, nonalphamin) {
+ var match;
+ if (nonalphamin) {
+ match = value.match(/\W/g);
+ match = match && match.length >= nonalphamin;
+ }
+ return match;
+ });
+ if ($jQval.methods.extension) {
+ adapters.addSingleVal("accept", "mimtype");
+ adapters.addSingleVal("extension", "extension");
+ } else {
+ // for backward compatibility, when the 'extension' validation method does not exist, such as with versions
+ // of JQuery Validation plugin prior to 1.10, we should use the 'accept' method for
+ // validating the extension, and ignore mime-type validations as they are not supported.
+ adapters.addSingleVal("extension", "extension", "accept");
+ }
+ adapters.addSingleVal("regex", "pattern");
+ adapters.addBool("creditcard").addBool("date").addBool("digits").addBool("email").addBool("number").addBool("url");
+ adapters.addMinMax("length", "minlength", "maxlength", "rangelength").addMinMax("range", "min", "max", "range");
+ adapters.addMinMax("minlength", "minlength").addMinMax("maxlength", "minlength", "maxlength");
+ adapters.add("equalto", ["other"], function (options) {
+ var prefix = getModelPrefix(options.element.name),
+ other = options.params.other,
+ fullOtherName = appendModelPrefix(other, prefix),
+ element = $(options.form).find(":input").filter("[name='" + escapeAttributeValue(fullOtherName) + "']")[0];
+ setValidationValues(options, "equalTo", element);
+ });
+ adapters.add("required", function (options) {
+ // jQuery Validate equates "required" with "mandatory" for checkbox elements
+ if (options.element.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "INPUT" || options.element.type.toUpperCase() !== "CHECKBOX") {
+ setValidationValues(options, "required", true);
+ }
+ });
+ adapters.add("remote", ["url", "type", "additionalfields"], function (options) {
+ var value = {
+ url: options.params.url,
+ type: options.params.type || "GET",
+ data: {}
+ },
+ prefix = getModelPrefix(options.element.name);
+ $.each(splitAndTrim(options.params.additionalfields || options.element.name), function (i, fieldName) {
+ var paramName = appendModelPrefix(fieldName, prefix);
+ value.data[paramName] = function () {
+ return $(options.form).find(":input").filter("[name='" + escapeAttributeValue(paramName) + "']").val();
+ };
+ });
+ setValidationValues(options, "remote", value);
+ });
+ adapters.add("password", ["min", "nonalphamin", "regex"], function (options) {
+ if (options.params.min) {
+ setValidationValues(options, "minlength", options.params.min);
+ }
+ if (options.params.nonalphamin) {
+ setValidationValues(options, "nonalphamin", options.params.nonalphamin);
+ }
+ if (options.params.regex) {
+ setValidationValues(options, "regex", options.params.regex);
+ }
+ });
+ $(function () {
+ $jQval.unobtrusive.parse(document);
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db91044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+** Unobtrusive validation support library for jQuery and jQuery Validate
+** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+(function(a){var d=a.validator,b,e="unobtrusiveValidation";function c(a,b,c){a.rules[b]=c;if(a.message)a.messages[b]=a.message}function j(a){return a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").split(/\s*,\s*/g)}function f(a){return a.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~])/g,"\\$1")}function h(a){return a.substr(0,a.lastIndexOf(".")+1)}function g(a,b){if(a.indexOf("*.")===0)a=a.replace("*.",b);return a}function m(c,e){var b=a(this).find("[data-valmsg-for='"+f(e[0].name)+"']"),d=b.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),g=d?a.parseJSON(d)!==false:null;b.removeClass("field-validation-valid").addClass("field-validation-error");c.data("unobtrusiveContainer",b);if(g){b.empty();c.removeClass("input-validation-error").appendTo(b)}else c.hide()}function l(e,d){var c=a(this).find("[data-valmsg-summary=true]"),b=c.find("ul");if(b&&b.length&&d.errorList.length){b.empty();c.addClass("validation-summary-errors").removeClass("validation-summary-valid");a.each(d.errorList,function(){a("
").html(this.message).appendTo(b)})}}function k(d){var b=d.data("unobtrusiveContainer"),c=b.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),e=c?a.parseJSON(c):null;if(b){b.addClass("field-validation-valid").removeClass("field-validation-error");d.removeData("unobtrusiveContainer");e&&b.empty()}}function n(){var b=a(this);b.data("validator").resetForm();b.find(".validation-summary-errors").addClass("validation-summary-valid").removeClass("validation-summary-errors");b.find(".field-validation-error").addClass("field-validation-valid").removeClass("field-validation-error").removeData("unobtrusiveContainer").find(">*").removeData("unobtrusiveContainer")}function i(b){var c=a(b),f=c.data(e),i=a.proxy(n,b),g=d.unobtrusive.options||{},h=function(e,d){var c=g[e];c&&a.isFunction(c)&&c.apply(b,d)};if(!f){f={options:{errorClass:g.errorClass||"input-validation-error",errorElement:g.errorElement||"span",errorPlacement:function(){m.apply(b,arguments);h("errorPlacement",arguments)},invalidHandler:function(){l.apply(b,arguments);h("invalidHandler",arguments)},messages:{},rules:{},success:function(){k.apply(b,arguments);h("success",arguments)}},attachValidation:function(){c.off("reset."+e,i).on("reset."+e,i).validate(this.options)},validate:function(){c.validate();return c.valid()}};c.data(e,f)}return f}d.unobtrusive={adapters:[],parseElement:function(b,h){var d=a(b),f=d.parents("form")[0],c,e,g;if(!f)return;c=i(f);c.options.rules[b.name]=e={};c.options.messages[b.name]=g={};a.each(this.adapters,function(){var c="data-val-"+this.name,i=d.attr(c),h={};if(i!==undefined){c+="-";a.each(this.params,function(){h[this]=d.attr(c+this)});this.adapt({element:b,form:f,message:i,params:h,rules:e,messages:g})}});a.extend(e,{__dummy__:true});!h&&c.attachValidation()},parse:function(c){var b=a(c),e=b.parents().addBack().filter("form").add(b.find("form")).has("[data-val=true]");b.find("[data-val=true]").each(function(){d.unobtrusive.parseElement(this,true)});e.each(function(){var a=i(this);a&&a.attachValidation()})}};b=d.unobtrusive.adapters;b.add=function(c,a,b){if(!b){b=a;a=[]}this.push({name:c,params:a,adapt:b});return this};b.addBool=function(a,b){return this.add(a,function(d){c(d,b||a,true)})};b.addMinMax=function(e,g,f,a,d,b){return this.add(e,[d||"min",b||"max"],function(b){var e=b.params.min,d=b.params.max;if(e&&d)c(b,a,[e,d]);else if(e)c(b,g,e);else d&&c(b,f,d)})};b.addSingleVal=function(a,b,d){return this.add(a,[b||"val"],function(e){c(e,d||a,e.params[b])})};d.addMethod("__dummy__",function(){return true});d.addMethod("regex",function(b,c,d){var a;if(this.optional(c))return true;a=(new RegExp(d)).exec(b);return a&&a.index===0&&a[0].length===b.length});d.addMethod("nonalphamin",function(c,d,b){var a;if(b){a=c.match(/\W/g);a=a&&a.length>=b}return a});if(d.methods.extension){b.addSingleVal("accept","mimtype");b.addSingleVal("extension","extension")}else b.addSingleVal("extension","extension","accept");b.addSingleVal("regex","pattern");b.addBool("creditcard").addBool("date").addBool("digits").addBool("email").addBool("number").addBool("url");b.addMinMax("length","minlength","maxlength","rangelength").addMinMax("range","min","max","range");b.addMinMax("minlength","minlength").addMinMax("maxlength","minlength","maxlength");b.add("equalto",["other"],function(b){var i=h(b.element.name),j=b.params.other,d=g(j,i),e=a(b.form).find(":input").filter("[name='"+f(d)+"']")[0];c(b,"equalTo",e)});b.add("required",function(a){(a.element.tagName.toUpperCase()!=="INPUT"||a.element.type.toUpperCase()!=="CHECKBOX")&&c(a,"required",true)});b.add("remote",["url","type","additionalfields"],function(b){var d={url:b.params.url,type:b.params.type||"GET",data:{}},e=h(b.element.name);a.each(j(b.params.additionalfields||b.element.name),function(i,h){var c=g(h,e);d.data[c]=function(){return a(b.form).find(":input").filter("[name='"+f(c)+"']").val()}});c(b,"remote",d)});b.add("password",["min","nonalphamin","regex"],function(a){a.params.min&&c(a,"minlength",a.params.min);a.params.nonalphamin&&c(a,"nonalphamin",a.params.nonalphamin);a.params.regex&&c(a,"regex",a.params.regex)});a(function(){d.unobtrusive.parse(document)})})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbfe1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton; http://www.modernizr.com/license/
+ *
+ * Includes matchMedia polyfill; Copyright (c) 2010 Filament Group, Inc; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ *
+ * Includes material adapted from ES5-shim https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-shim.js; Copyright 2009-2012 by contributors; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ *
+ * Includes material from css-support; Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Diego Perini; https://github.com/dperini/css-support/blob/master/LICENSE
+ *
+ * Modernizr v2.6.2
+ * www.modernizr.com
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
+ * Available under the BSD and MIT licenses: www.modernizr.com/license/
+ */
+ * Modernizr tests which native CSS3 and HTML5 features are available in
+ * the current UA and makes the results available to you in two ways:
+ * as properties on a global Modernizr object, and as classes on the
+ * element. This information allows you to progressively enhance
+ * your pages with a granular level of control over the experience.
+ *
+ * Modernizr has an optional (not included) conditional resource loader
+ * called Modernizr.load(), based on Yepnope.js (yepnopejs.com).
+ * To get a build that includes Modernizr.load(), as well as choosing
+ * which tests to include, go to www.modernizr.com/download/
+ *
+ * Authors Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
+ * Contributors Ryan Seddon, Ben Alman
+ */
+window.Modernizr = (function( window, document, undefined ) {
+ var version = '2.6.2',
+ Modernizr = {},
+ /*>>cssclasses*/
+ // option for enabling the HTML classes to be added
+ enableClasses = true,
+ /*>>cssclasses*/
+ docElement = document.documentElement,
+ /**
+ * Create our "modernizr" element that we do most feature tests on.
+ */
+ mod = 'modernizr',
+ modElem = document.createElement(mod),
+ mStyle = modElem.style,
+ /**
+ * Create the input element for various Web Forms feature tests.
+ */
+ inputElem /*>>inputelem*/ = document.createElement('input') /*>>inputelem*/ ,
+ /*>>smile*/
+ smile = ':)',
+ /*>>smile*/
+ toString = {}.toString,
+ // TODO :: make the prefixes more granular
+ /*>>prefixes*/
+ // List of property values to set for css tests. See ticket #21
+ prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '),
+ /*>>prefixes*/
+ /*>>domprefixes*/
+ // Following spec is to expose vendor-specific style properties as:
+ // elem.style.WebkitBorderRadius
+ // and the following would be incorrect:
+ // elem.style.webkitBorderRadius
+ // Webkit ghosts their properties in lowercase but Opera & Moz do not.
+ // Microsoft uses a lowercase `ms` instead of the correct `Ms` in IE8+
+ // erik.eae.net/archives/2008/03/10/21.48.10/
+ // More here: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/21
+ omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms',
+ cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '),
+ domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(' '),
+ /*>>domprefixes*/
+ /*>>ns*/
+ ns = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'},
+ /*>>ns*/
+ tests = {},
+ inputs = {},
+ attrs = {},
+ classes = [],
+ slice = classes.slice,
+ featureName, // used in testing loop
+ /*>>teststyles*/
+ // Inject element with style element and some CSS rules
+ injectElementWithStyles = function( rule, callback, nodes, testnames ) {
+ var style, ret, node, docOverflow,
+ div = document.createElement('div'),
+ // After page load injecting a fake body doesn't work so check if body exists
+ body = document.body,
+ // IE6 and 7 won't return offsetWidth or offsetHeight unless it's in the body element, so we fake it.
+ fakeBody = body || document.createElement('body');
+ if ( parseInt(nodes, 10) ) {
+ // In order not to give false positives we create a node for each test
+ // This also allows the method to scale for unspecified uses
+ while ( nodes-- ) {
+ node = document.createElement('div');
+ node.id = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1);
+ div.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ }
+ // '].join('');
+ div.id = mod;
+ // IE6 will false positive on some tests due to the style element inside the test div somehow interfering offsetHeight, so insert it into body or fakebody.
+ // Opera will act all quirky when injecting elements in documentElement when page is served as xml, needs fakebody too. #270
+ (body ? div : fakeBody).innerHTML += style;
+ fakeBody.appendChild(div);
+ if ( !body ) {
+ //avoid crashing IE8, if background image is used
+ fakeBody.style.background = '';
+ //Safari 5.13/5.1.4 OSX stops loading if ::-webkit-scrollbar is used and scrollbars are visible
+ fakeBody.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ docOverflow = docElement.style.overflow;
+ docElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ docElement.appendChild(fakeBody);
+ }
+ ret = callback(div, rule);
+ // If this is done after page load we don't want to remove the body so check if body exists
+ if ( !body ) {
+ fakeBody.parentNode.removeChild(fakeBody);
+ docElement.style.overflow = docOverflow;
+ } else {
+ div.parentNode.removeChild(div);
+ }
+ return !!ret;
+ },
+ /*>>teststyles*/
+ /*>>mq*/
+ // adapted from matchMedia polyfill
+ // by Scott Jehl and Paul Irish
+ // gist.github.com/786768
+ testMediaQuery = function( mq ) {
+ var matchMedia = window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia;
+ if ( matchMedia ) {
+ return matchMedia(mq).matches;
+ }
+ var bool;
+ injectElementWithStyles('@media ' + mq + ' { #' + mod + ' { position: absolute; } }', function( node ) {
+ bool = (window.getComputedStyle ?
+ getComputedStyle(node, null) :
+ node.currentStyle)['position'] == 'absolute';
+ });
+ return bool;
+ },
+ /*>>mq*/
+ /*>>hasevent*/
+ //
+ // isEventSupported determines if a given element supports the given event
+ // kangax.github.com/iseventsupported/
+ //
+ // The following results are known incorrects:
+ // Modernizr.hasEvent("webkitTransitionEnd", elem) // false negative
+ // Modernizr.hasEvent("textInput") // in Webkit. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/333
+ // ...
+ isEventSupported = (function() {
+ var TAGNAMES = {
+ 'select': 'input', 'change': 'input',
+ 'submit': 'form', 'reset': 'form',
+ 'error': 'img', 'load': 'img', 'abort': 'img'
+ };
+ function isEventSupported( eventName, element ) {
+ element = element || document.createElement(TAGNAMES[eventName] || 'div');
+ eventName = 'on' + eventName;
+ // When using `setAttribute`, IE skips "unload", WebKit skips "unload" and "resize", whereas `in` "catches" those
+ var isSupported = eventName in element;
+ if ( !isSupported ) {
+ // If it has no `setAttribute` (i.e. doesn't implement Node interface), try generic element
+ if ( !element.setAttribute ) {
+ element = document.createElement('div');
+ }
+ if ( element.setAttribute && element.removeAttribute ) {
+ element.setAttribute(eventName, '');
+ isSupported = is(element[eventName], 'function');
+ // If property was created, "remove it" (by setting value to `undefined`)
+ if ( !is(element[eventName], 'undefined') ) {
+ element[eventName] = undefined;
+ }
+ element.removeAttribute(eventName);
+ }
+ }
+ element = null;
+ return isSupported;
+ }
+ return isEventSupported;
+ })(),
+ /*>>hasevent*/
+ // TODO :: Add flag for hasownprop ? didn't last time
+ // hasOwnProperty shim by kangax needed for Safari 2.0 support
+ _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProp;
+ if ( !is(_hasOwnProperty, 'undefined') && !is(_hasOwnProperty.call, 'undefined') ) {
+ hasOwnProp = function (object, property) {
+ return _hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */
+ return ((property in object) && is(object.constructor.prototype[property], 'undefined'));
+ };
+ }
+ // Adapted from ES5-shim https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-shim.js
+ // es5.github.com/#x15.3.4.5
+ if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
+ Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) {
+ var target = this;
+ if (typeof target != "function") {
+ throw new TypeError();
+ }
+ var args = slice.call(arguments, 1),
+ bound = function () {
+ if (this instanceof bound) {
+ var F = function(){};
+ F.prototype = target.prototype;
+ var self = new F();
+ var result = target.apply(
+ self,
+ args.concat(slice.call(arguments))
+ );
+ if (Object(result) === result) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return self;
+ } else {
+ return target.apply(
+ that,
+ args.concat(slice.call(arguments))
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ return bound;
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * setCss applies given styles to the Modernizr DOM node.
+ */
+ function setCss( str ) {
+ mStyle.cssText = str;
+ }
+ /**
+ * setCssAll extrapolates all vendor-specific css strings.
+ */
+ function setCssAll( str1, str2 ) {
+ return setCss(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' ));
+ }
+ /**
+ * is returns a boolean for if typeof obj is exactly type.
+ */
+ function is( obj, type ) {
+ return typeof obj === type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * contains returns a boolean for if substr is found within str.
+ */
+ function contains( str, substr ) {
+ return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr);
+ }
+ /*>>testprop*/
+ // testProps is a generic CSS / DOM property test.
+ // In testing support for a given CSS property, it's legit to test:
+ // `elem.style[styleName] !== undefined`
+ // If the property is supported it will return an empty string,
+ // if unsupported it will return undefined.
+ // We'll take advantage of this quick test and skip setting a style
+ // on our modernizr element, but instead just testing undefined vs
+ // empty string.
+ // Because the testing of the CSS property names (with "-", as
+ // opposed to the camelCase DOM properties) is non-portable and
+ // non-standard but works in WebKit and IE (but not Gecko or Opera),
+ // we explicitly reject properties with dashes so that authors
+ // developing in WebKit or IE first don't end up with
+ // browser-specific content by accident.
+ function testProps( props, prefixed ) {
+ for ( var i in props ) {
+ var prop = props[i];
+ if ( !contains(prop, "-") && mStyle[prop] !== undefined ) {
+ return prefixed == 'pfx' ? prop : true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*>>testprop*/
+ // TODO :: add testDOMProps
+ /**
+ * testDOMProps is a generic DOM property test; if a browser supports
+ * a certain property, it won't return undefined for it.
+ */
+ function testDOMProps( props, obj, elem ) {
+ for ( var i in props ) {
+ var item = obj[props[i]];
+ if ( item !== undefined) {
+ // return the property name as a string
+ if (elem === false) return props[i];
+ // let's bind a function
+ if (is(item, 'function')){
+ // default to autobind unless override
+ return item.bind(elem || obj);
+ }
+ // return the unbound function or obj or value
+ return item;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*>>testallprops*/
+ /**
+ * testPropsAll tests a list of DOM properties we want to check against.
+ * We specify literally ALL possible (known and/or likely) properties on
+ * the element including the non-vendor prefixed one, for forward-
+ * compatibility.
+ */
+ function testPropsAll( prop, prefixed, elem ) {
+ var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1),
+ props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
+ // did they call .prefixed('boxSizing') or are we just testing a prop?
+ if(is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) {
+ return testProps(props, prefixed);
+ // otherwise, they called .prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window[, elem])
+ } else {
+ props = (prop + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
+ return testDOMProps(props, prefixed, elem);
+ }
+ }
+ /*>>testallprops*/
+ /**
+ * Tests
+ * -----
+ */
+ // The *new* flexbox
+ // dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox
+ tests['flexbox'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('flexWrap');
+ };
+ // The *old* flexbox
+ // www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css3-flexbox-20090723/
+ tests['flexboxlegacy'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('boxDirection');
+ };
+ // On the S60 and BB Storm, getContext exists, but always returns undefined
+ // so we actually have to call getContext() to verify
+ // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/97/
+ tests['canvas'] = function() {
+ var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
+ return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));
+ };
+ tests['canvastext'] = function() {
+ return !!(Modernizr['canvas'] && is(document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText, 'function'));
+ };
+ // webk.it/70117 is tracking a legit WebGL feature detect proposal
+ // We do a soft detect which may false positive in order to avoid
+ // an expensive context creation: bugzil.la/732441
+ tests['webgl'] = function() {
+ return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
+ };
+ /*
+ * The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports
+ * touch events, which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen
+ * device, as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or, alas,
+ * the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones.
+ *
+ * Additionally, Chrome (desktop) used to lie about its support on this,
+ * but that has since been rectified: crbug.com/36415
+ *
+ * We also test for Firefox 4 Multitouch Support.
+ *
+ * For more info, see: modernizr.github.com/Modernizr/touch.html
+ */
+ tests['touch'] = function() {
+ var bool;
+ if(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) {
+ bool = true;
+ } else {
+ injectElementWithStyles(['@media (',prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('),mod,')','{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''), function( node ) {
+ bool = node.offsetTop === 9;
+ });
+ }
+ return bool;
+ };
+ // geolocation is often considered a trivial feature detect...
+ // Turns out, it's quite tricky to get right:
+ //
+ // Using !!navigator.geolocation does two things we don't want. It:
+ // 1. Leaks memory in IE9: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/513
+ // 2. Disables page caching in WebKit: webk.it/43956
+ //
+ // Meanwhile, in Firefox < 8, an about:config setting could expose
+ // a false positive that would throw an exception: bugzil.la/688158
+ tests['geolocation'] = function() {
+ return 'geolocation' in navigator;
+ };
+ tests['postmessage'] = function() {
+ return !!window.postMessage;
+ };
+ // Chrome incognito mode used to throw an exception when using openDatabase
+ // It doesn't anymore.
+ tests['websqldatabase'] = function() {
+ return !!window.openDatabase;
+ };
+ // Vendors had inconsistent prefixing with the experimental Indexed DB:
+ // - Webkit's implementation is accessible through webkitIndexedDB
+ // - Firefox shipped moz_indexedDB before FF4b9, but since then has been mozIndexedDB
+ // For speed, we don't test the legacy (and beta-only) indexedDB
+ tests['indexedDB'] = function() {
+ return !!testPropsAll("indexedDB", window);
+ };
+ // documentMode logic from YUI to filter out IE8 Compat Mode
+ // which false positives.
+ tests['hashchange'] = function() {
+ return isEventSupported('hashchange', window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7);
+ };
+ // Per 1.6:
+ // This used to be Modernizr.historymanagement but the longer
+ // name has been deprecated in favor of a shorter and property-matching one.
+ // The old API is still available in 1.6, but as of 2.0 will throw a warning,
+ // and in the first release thereafter disappear entirely.
+ tests['history'] = function() {
+ return !!(window.history && history.pushState);
+ };
+ tests['draganddrop'] = function() {
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div);
+ };
+ // FF3.6 was EOL'ed on 4/24/12, but the ESR version of FF10
+ // will be supported until FF19 (2/12/13), at which time, ESR becomes FF17.
+ // FF10 still uses prefixes, so check for it until then.
+ // for more ESR info, see: mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/
+ tests['websockets'] = function() {
+ return 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window;
+ };
+ // css-tricks.com/rgba-browser-support/
+ tests['rgba'] = function() {
+ // Set an rgba() color and check the returned value
+ setCss('background-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)');
+ return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba');
+ };
+ tests['hsla'] = function() {
+ // Same as rgba(), in fact, browsers re-map hsla() to rgba() internally,
+ // except IE9 who retains it as hsla
+ setCss('background-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)');
+ return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba') || contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'hsla');
+ };
+ tests['multiplebgs'] = function() {
+ // Setting multiple images AND a color on the background shorthand property
+ // and then querying the style.background property value for the number of
+ // occurrences of "url(" is a reliable method for detecting ACTUAL support for this!
+ setCss('background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)');
+ // If the UA supports multiple backgrounds, there should be three occurrences
+ // of the string "url(" in the return value for elemStyle.background
+ return (/(url\s*\(.*?){3}/).test(mStyle.background);
+ };
+ // this will false positive in Opera Mini
+ // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/396
+ tests['backgroundsize'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('backgroundSize');
+ };
+ tests['borderimage'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('borderImage');
+ };
+ // Super comprehensive table about all the unique implementations of
+ // border-radius: muddledramblings.com/table-of-css3-border-radius-compliance
+ tests['borderradius'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('borderRadius');
+ };
+ // WebOS unfortunately false positives on this test.
+ tests['boxshadow'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('boxShadow');
+ };
+ // FF3.0 will false positive on this test
+ tests['textshadow'] = function() {
+ return document.createElement('div').style.textShadow === '';
+ };
+ tests['opacity'] = function() {
+ // Browsers that actually have CSS Opacity implemented have done so
+ // according to spec, which means their return values are within the
+ // range of [0.0,1.0] - including the leading zero.
+ setCssAll('opacity:.55');
+ // The non-literal . in this regex is intentional:
+ // German Chrome returns this value as 0,55
+ // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/#issue/59/comment/516632
+ return (/^0.55$/).test(mStyle.opacity);
+ };
+ // Note, Android < 4 will pass this test, but can only animate
+ // a single property at a time
+ // daneden.me/2011/12/putting-up-with-androids-bullshit/
+ tests['cssanimations'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('animationName');
+ };
+ tests['csscolumns'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('columnCount');
+ };
+ tests['cssgradients'] = function() {
+ /**
+ * For CSS Gradients syntax, please see:
+ * webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/
+ * developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-linear-gradient
+ * developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-radial-gradient
+ * dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#gradients-
+ */
+ var str1 = 'background-image:',
+ str2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));',
+ str3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);';
+ setCss(
+ // legacy webkit syntax (FIXME: remove when syntax not in use anymore)
+ (str1 + '-webkit- '.split(' ').join(str2 + str1) +
+ // standard syntax // trailing 'background-image:'
+ prefixes.join(str3 + str1)).slice(0, -str1.length)
+ );
+ return contains(mStyle.backgroundImage, 'gradient');
+ };
+ tests['cssreflections'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('boxReflect');
+ };
+ tests['csstransforms'] = function() {
+ return !!testPropsAll('transform');
+ };
+ tests['csstransforms3d'] = function() {
+ var ret = !!testPropsAll('perspective');
+ // Webkit's 3D transforms are passed off to the browser's own graphics renderer.
+ // It works fine in Safari on Leopard and Snow Leopard, but not in Chrome in
+ // some conditions. As a result, Webkit typically recognizes the syntax but
+ // will sometimes throw a false positive, thus we must do a more thorough check:
+ if ( ret && 'webkitPerspective' in docElement.style ) {
+ // Webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled.
+ // `@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){ ... }`
+ injectElementWithStyles('@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function( node, rule ) {
+ ret = node.offsetLeft === 9 && node.offsetHeight === 3;
+ });
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ tests['csstransitions'] = function() {
+ return testPropsAll('transition');
+ };
+ /*>>fontface*/
+ // @font-face detection routine by Diego Perini
+ // javascript.nwbox.com/CSSSupport/
+ // false positives:
+ // WebOS github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/342
+ // WP7 github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/538
+ tests['fontface'] = function() {
+ var bool;
+ injectElementWithStyles('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function( node, rule ) {
+ var style = document.getElementById('smodernizr'),
+ sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet,
+ cssText = sheet ? (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules[0] ? sheet.cssRules[0].cssText : sheet.cssText || '') : '';
+ bool = /src/i.test(cssText) && cssText.indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0;
+ });
+ return bool;
+ };
+ /*>>fontface*/
+ // CSS generated content detection
+ tests['generatedcontent'] = function() {
+ var bool;
+ injectElementWithStyles(['#',mod,'{font:0/0 a}#',mod,':after{content:"',smile,'";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(''), function( node ) {
+ bool = node.offsetHeight >= 3;
+ });
+ return bool;
+ };
+ // These tests evaluate support of the video/audio elements, as well as
+ // testing what types of content they support.
+ //
+ // We're using the Boolean constructor here, so that we can extend the value
+ // e.g. Modernizr.video // true
+ // Modernizr.video.ogg // 'probably'
+ //
+ // Codec values from : github.com/NielsLeenheer/html5test/blob/9106a8/index.html#L845
+ // thx to NielsLeenheer and zcorpan
+ // Note: in some older browsers, "no" was a return value instead of empty string.
+ // It was live in FF3.5.0 and 3.5.1, but fixed in 3.5.2
+ // It was also live in Safari 4.0.0 - 4.0.4, but fixed in 4.0.5
+ tests['video'] = function() {
+ var elem = document.createElement('video'),
+ bool = false;
+ // IE9 Running on Windows Server SKU can cause an exception to be thrown, bug #224
+ try {
+ if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
+ bool = new Boolean(bool);
+ bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
+ // Without QuickTime, this value will be `undefined`. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/546
+ bool.h264 = elem.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
+ bool.webm = elem.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
+ }
+ } catch(e) { }
+ return bool;
+ };
+ tests['audio'] = function() {
+ var elem = document.createElement('audio'),
+ bool = false;
+ try {
+ if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
+ bool = new Boolean(bool);
+ bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
+ bool.mp3 = elem.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;') .replace(/^no$/,'');
+ // Mimetypes accepted:
+ // developer.mozilla.org/En/Media_formats_supported_by_the_audio_and_video_elements
+ // bit.ly/iphoneoscodecs
+ bool.wav = elem.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
+ bool.m4a = ( elem.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') ||
+ elem.canPlayType('audio/aac;')) .replace(/^no$/,'');
+ }
+ } catch(e) { }
+ return bool;
+ };
+ // In FF4, if disabled, window.localStorage should === null.
+ // Normally, we could not test that directly and need to do a
+ // `('localStorage' in window) && ` test first because otherwise Firefox will
+ // throw bugzil.la/365772 if cookies are disabled
+ // Also in iOS5 Private Browsing mode, attempting to use localStorage.setItem
+ // will throw the exception:
+ // Peculiarly, getItem and removeItem calls do not throw.
+ // Because we are forced to try/catch this, we'll go aggressive.
+ // Just FWIW: IE8 Compat mode supports these features completely:
+ // www.quirksmode.org/dom/html5.html
+ // But IE8 doesn't support either with local files
+ tests['localstorage'] = function() {
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
+ localStorage.removeItem(mod);
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ tests['sessionstorage'] = function() {
+ try {
+ sessionStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
+ sessionStorage.removeItem(mod);
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ tests['webworkers'] = function() {
+ return !!window.Worker;
+ };
+ tests['applicationcache'] = function() {
+ return !!window.applicationCache;
+ };
+ // Thanks to Erik Dahlstrom
+ tests['svg'] = function() {
+ return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'svg').createSVGRect;
+ };
+ // specifically for SVG inline in HTML, not within XHTML
+ // test page: paulirish.com/demo/inline-svg
+ tests['inlinesvg'] = function() {
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.innerHTML = '
+ return (div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI) == ns.svg;
+ };
+ // SVG SMIL animation
+ tests['smil'] = function() {
+ return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'animate')));
+ };
+ // This test is only for clip paths in SVG proper, not clip paths on HTML content
+ // demo: srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/svg/newstuff/clipPath4.svg
+ // However read the comments to dig into applying SVG clippaths to HTML content here:
+ // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/213#issuecomment-1149491
+ tests['svgclippaths'] = function() {
+ return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'clipPath')));
+ };
+ /*>>webforms*/
+ // input features and input types go directly onto the ret object, bypassing the tests loop.
+ // Hold this guy to execute in a moment.
+ function webforms() {
+ /*>>input*/
+ // Run through HTML5's new input attributes to see if the UA understands any.
+ // We're using f which is the
element created early on
+ // Mike Taylr has created a comprehensive resource for testing these attributes
+ // when applied to all input types:
+ // miketaylr.com/code/input-type-attr.html
+ // spec: www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-input-element.html#input-type-attr-summary
+ // Only input placeholder is tested while textarea's placeholder is not.
+ // Currently Safari 4 and Opera 11 have support only for the input placeholder
+ // Both tests are available in feature-detects/forms-placeholder.js
+ Modernizr['input'] = (function( props ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ attrs[ props[i] ] = !!(props[i] in inputElem);
+ }
+ if (attrs.list){
+ // safari false positive's on datalist: webk.it/74252
+ // see also github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/146
+ attrs.list = !!(document.createElement('datalist') && window.HTMLDataListElement);
+ }
+ return attrs;
+ })('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' '));
+ /*>>input*/
+ /*>>inputtypes*/
+ // Run through HTML5's new input types to see if the UA understands any.
+ // This is put behind the tests runloop because it doesn't return a
+ // true/false like all the other tests; instead, it returns an object
+ // containing each input type with its corresponding true/false value
+ // Big thanks to @miketaylr for the html5 forms expertise. miketaylr.com/
+ Modernizr['inputtypes'] = (function(props) {
+ for ( var i = 0, bool, inputElemType, defaultView, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ inputElem.setAttribute('type', inputElemType = props[i]);
+ bool = inputElem.type !== 'text';
+ // We first check to see if the type we give it sticks..
+ // If the type does, we feed it a textual value, which shouldn't be valid.
+ // If the value doesn't stick, we know there's input sanitization which infers a custom UI
+ if ( bool ) {
+ inputElem.value = smile;
+ inputElem.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;';
+ if ( /^range$/.test(inputElemType) && inputElem.style.WebkitAppearance !== undefined ) {
+ docElement.appendChild(inputElem);
+ defaultView = document.defaultView;
+ // Safari 2-4 allows the smiley as a value, despite making a slider
+ bool = defaultView.getComputedStyle &&
+ defaultView.getComputedStyle(inputElem, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' &&
+ // Mobile android web browser has false positive, so must
+ // check the height to see if the widget is actually there.
+ (inputElem.offsetHeight !== 0);
+ docElement.removeChild(inputElem);
+ } else if ( /^(search|tel)$/.test(inputElemType) ){
+ // Spec doesn't define any special parsing or detectable UI
+ // behaviors so we pass these through as true
+ // Interestingly, opera fails the earlier test, so it doesn't
+ // even make it here.
+ } else if ( /^(url|email)$/.test(inputElemType) ) {
+ // Real url and email support comes with prebaked validation.
+ bool = inputElem.checkValidity && inputElem.checkValidity() === false;
+ } else {
+ // If the upgraded input compontent rejects the :) text, we got a winner
+ bool = inputElem.value != smile;
+ }
+ }
+ inputs[ props[i] ] = !!bool;
+ }
+ return inputs;
+ })('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' '));
+ /*>>inputtypes*/
+ }
+ /*>>webforms*/
+ // End of test definitions
+ // -----------------------
+ // Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA.
+ // todo: hypothetically we could be doing an array of tests and use a basic loop here.
+ for ( var feature in tests ) {
+ if ( hasOwnProp(tests, feature) ) {
+ // run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr,
+ // then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className
+ // and push it into an array of classes we'll join later.
+ featureName = feature.toLowerCase();
+ Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature]();
+ classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName);
+ }
+ }
+ /*>>webforms*/
+ // input tests need to run.
+ Modernizr.input || webforms();
+ /*>>webforms*/
+ /**
+ * addTest allows the user to define their own feature tests
+ * the result will be added onto the Modernizr object,
+ * as well as an appropriate className set on the html element
+ *
+ * @param feature - String naming the feature
+ * @param test - Function returning true if feature is supported, false if not
+ */
+ Modernizr.addTest = function ( feature, test ) {
+ if ( typeof feature == 'object' ) {
+ for ( var key in feature ) {
+ if ( hasOwnProp( feature, key ) ) {
+ Modernizr.addTest( key, feature[ key ] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ feature = feature.toLowerCase();
+ if ( Modernizr[feature] !== undefined ) {
+ // we're going to quit if you're trying to overwrite an existing test
+ // if we were to allow it, we'd do this:
+ // var re = new RegExp("\\b(no-)?" + feature + "\\b");
+ // docElement.className = docElement.className.replace( re, '' );
+ // but, no rly, stuff 'em.
+ return Modernizr;
+ }
+ test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test;
+ if (typeof enableClasses !== "undefined" && enableClasses) {
+ docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature;
+ }
+ Modernizr[feature] = test;
+ }
+ return Modernizr; // allow chaining.
+ };
+ // Reset modElem.cssText to nothing to reduce memory footprint.
+ setCss('');
+ modElem = inputElem = null;
+ /*>>shiv*/
+ /*! HTML5 Shiv v3.6.1 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed */
+ ;(function(window, document) {
+ /*jshint evil:true */
+ /** Preset options */
+ var options = window.html5 || {};
+ /** Used to skip problem elements */
+ var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
+ /** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
+ var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
+ /** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
+ var supportsHtml5Styles;
+ /** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
+ var expando = '_html5shiv';
+ /** The id for the the documents expando */
+ var expanID = 0;
+ /** Cached data for each document */
+ var expandoData = {};
+ /** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
+ var supportsUnknownElements;
+ (function() {
+ try {
+ var a = document.createElement('a');
+ a.innerHTML = '
+ //if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
+ supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
+ supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
+ // assign a false positive if unable to shiv
+ (document.createElement)('a');
+ var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ return (
+ typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
+ );
+ }());
+ } catch(e) {
+ supportsHtml5Styles = true;
+ supportsUnknownElements = true;
+ }
+ }());
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+ * Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
+ * @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
+ * @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
+ */
+ function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
+ var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
+ parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
+ p.innerHTML = 'x';
+ return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
+ * @private
+ * @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
+ */
+ function getElements() {
+ var elements = html5.elements;
+ return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the data associated to the given document
+ * @private
+ * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
+ * @returns {Object} An object of data.
+ */
+ function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
+ var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
+ if (!data) {
+ data = {};
+ expanID++;
+ ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
+ expandoData[expanID] = data;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
+ * @memberOf html5
+ * @param {String} nodeName name of the element
+ * @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
+ * @returns {Object} The shived element.
+ */
+ function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
+ if (!ownerDocument) {
+ ownerDocument = document;
+ }
+ if(supportsUnknownElements){
+ return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
+ }
+ if (!data) {
+ data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
+ }
+ var node;
+ if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
+ node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
+ } else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
+ node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
+ } else {
+ node = data.createElem(nodeName);
+ }
+ // Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
+ // * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
+ // is inserted into a document/fragment
+ // * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
+ // a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
+ // * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
+ // or `text` property is set
+ return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
+ * @memberOf html5
+ * @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
+ * @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
+ */
+ function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
+ if (!ownerDocument) {
+ ownerDocument = document;
+ }
+ if(supportsUnknownElements){
+ return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
+ }
+ data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
+ var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
+ i = 0,
+ elems = getElements(),
+ l = elems.length;
+ for(;i
+ // Assign private properties to the return object with prefix
+ Modernizr._version = version;
+ // expose these for the plugin API. Look in the source for how to join() them against your input
+ /*>>prefixes*/
+ Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes;
+ /*>>prefixes*/
+ /*>>domprefixes*/
+ Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes;
+ Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes;
+ /*>>domprefixes*/
+ /*>>mq*/
+ // Modernizr.mq tests a given media query, live against the current state of the window
+ // A few important notes:
+ // * If a browser does not support media queries at all (eg. oldIE) the mq() will always return false
+ // * A max-width or orientation query will be evaluated against the current state, which may change later.
+ // * You must specify values. Eg. If you are testing support for the min-width media query use:
+ // Modernizr.mq('(min-width:0)')
+ // usage:
+ // Modernizr.mq('only screen and (max-width:768)')
+ Modernizr.mq = testMediaQuery;
+ /*>>mq*/
+ /*>>hasevent*/
+ // Modernizr.hasEvent() detects support for a given event, with an optional element to test on
+ // Modernizr.hasEvent('gesturestart', elem)
+ Modernizr.hasEvent = isEventSupported;
+ /*>>hasevent*/
+ /*>>testprop*/
+ // Modernizr.testProp() investigates whether a given style property is recognized
+ // Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
+ // Modernizr.testProp('pointerEvents')
+ Modernizr.testProp = function(prop){
+ return testProps([prop]);
+ };
+ /*>>testprop*/
+ /*>>testallprops*/
+ // Modernizr.testAllProps() investigates whether a given style property,
+ // or any of its vendor-prefixed variants, is recognized
+ // Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
+ // Modernizr.testAllProps('boxSizing')
+ Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll;
+ /*>>testallprops*/
+ /*>>teststyles*/
+ // Modernizr.testStyles() allows you to add custom styles to the document and test an element afterwards
+ // Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr { position:absolute }', function(elem, rule){ ... })
+ Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles;
+ /*>>teststyles*/
+ /*>>prefixed*/
+ // Modernizr.prefixed() returns the prefixed or nonprefixed property name variant of your input
+ // Modernizr.prefixed('boxSizing') // 'MozBoxSizing'
+ // Properties must be passed as dom-style camelcase, rather than `box-sizing` hypentated style.
+ // Return values will also be the camelCase variant, if you need to translate that to hypenated style use:
+ //
+ // str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
+ // If you're trying to ascertain which transition end event to bind to, you might do something like...
+ //
+ // var transEndEventNames = {
+ // 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
+ // 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
+ // 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd',
+ // 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd',
+ // 'transition' : 'transitionend'
+ // },
+ // transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ];
+ Modernizr.prefixed = function(prop, obj, elem){
+ if(!obj) {
+ return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx');
+ } else {
+ // Testing DOM property e.g. Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window) // 'mozRequestAnimationFrame'
+ return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem);
+ }
+ };
+ /*>>prefixed*/
+ /*>>cssclasses*/
+ // Remove "no-js" class from element, if it exists:
+ docElement.className = docElement.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, '$1$2') +
+ // Add the new classes to the element.
+ (enableClasses ? ' js ' + classes.join(' ') : '');
+ /*>>cssclasses*/
+ return Modernizr;
+})(this, this.document);
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/respond.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/respond.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378d773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/respond.js
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas. Dual MIT/BSD license */
+/*! NOTE: If you're already including a window.matchMedia polyfill via Modernizr or otherwise, you don't need this part */
+window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function(doc, undefined){
+ var bool,
+ docElem = doc.documentElement,
+ refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
+ // fakeBody required for
+ fakeBody = doc.createElement('body'),
+ div = doc.createElement('div');
+ div.id = 'mq-test-1';
+ div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:-100em";
+ fakeBody.style.background = "none";
+ fakeBody.appendChild(div);
+ return function(q){
+ div.innerHTML = '';
+ docElem.insertBefore(fakeBody, refNode);
+ bool = div.offsetWidth == 42;
+ docElem.removeChild(fakeBody);
+ return { matches: bool, media: q };
+ };
+/*! Respond.js v1.2.0: min/max-width media query polyfill. (c) Scott Jehl. MIT/GPLv2 Lic. j.mp/respondjs */
+(function( win ){
+ //exposed namespace
+ win.respond = {};
+ //define update even in native-mq-supporting browsers, to avoid errors
+ respond.update = function(){};
+ //expose media query support flag for external use
+ respond.mediaQueriesSupported = win.matchMedia && win.matchMedia( "only all" ).matches;
+ //if media queries are supported, exit here
+ if( respond.mediaQueriesSupported ){ return; }
+ //define vars
+ var doc = win.document,
+ docElem = doc.documentElement,
+ mediastyles = [],
+ rules = [],
+ appendedEls = [],
+ parsedSheets = {},
+ resizeThrottle = 30,
+ head = doc.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || docElem,
+ base = doc.getElementsByTagName( "base" )[0],
+ links = head.getElementsByTagName( "link" ),
+ requestQueue = [],
+ //loop stylesheets, send text content to translate
+ ripCSS = function(){
+ var sheets = links,
+ sl = sheets.length,
+ i = 0,
+ //vars for loop:
+ sheet, href, media, isCSS;
+ for( ; i < sl; i++ ){
+ sheet = sheets[ i ],
+ href = sheet.href,
+ media = sheet.media,
+ isCSS = sheet.rel && sheet.rel.toLowerCase() === "stylesheet";
+ //only links plz and prevent re-parsing
+ if( !!href && isCSS && !parsedSheets[ href ] ){
+ // selectivizr exposes css through the rawCssText expando
+ if (sheet.styleSheet && sheet.styleSheet.rawCssText) {
+ translate( sheet.styleSheet.rawCssText, href, media );
+ parsedSheets[ href ] = true;
+ } else {
+ if( (!/^([a-zA-Z:]*\/\/)/.test( href ) && !base)
+ || href.replace( RegExp.$1, "" ).split( "/" )[0] === win.location.host ){
+ requestQueue.push( {
+ href: href,
+ media: media
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ makeRequests();
+ },
+ //recurse through request queue, get css text
+ makeRequests = function(){
+ if( requestQueue.length ){
+ var thisRequest = requestQueue.shift();
+ ajax( thisRequest.href, function( styles ){
+ translate( styles, thisRequest.href, thisRequest.media );
+ parsedSheets[ thisRequest.href ] = true;
+ makeRequests();
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ //find media blocks in css text, convert to style blocks
+ translate = function( styles, href, media ){
+ var qs = styles.match( /@media[^\{]+\{([^\{\}]*\{[^\}\{]*\})+/gi ),
+ ql = qs && qs.length || 0,
+ //try to get CSS path
+ href = href.substring( 0, href.lastIndexOf( "/" )),
+ repUrls = function( css ){
+ return css.replace( /(url\()['"]?([^\/\)'"][^:\)'"]+)['"]?(\))/g, "$1" + href + "$2$3" );
+ },
+ useMedia = !ql && media,
+ //vars used in loop
+ i = 0,
+ j, fullq, thisq, eachq, eql;
+ //if path exists, tack on trailing slash
+ if( href.length ){ href += "/"; }
+ //if no internal queries exist, but media attr does, use that
+ //note: this currently lacks support for situations where a media attr is specified on a link AND
+ //its associated stylesheet has internal CSS media queries.
+ //In those cases, the media attribute will currently be ignored.
+ if( useMedia ){
+ ql = 1;
+ }
+ for( ; i < ql; i++ ){
+ j = 0;
+ //media attr
+ if( useMedia ){
+ fullq = media;
+ rules.push( repUrls( styles ) );
+ }
+ //parse for styles
+ else{
+ fullq = qs[ i ].match( /@media *([^\{]+)\{([\S\s]+?)$/ ) && RegExp.$1;
+ rules.push( RegExp.$2 && repUrls( RegExp.$2 ) );
+ }
+ eachq = fullq.split( "," );
+ eql = eachq.length;
+ for( ; j < eql; j++ ){
+ thisq = eachq[ j ];
+ mediastyles.push( {
+ media : thisq.split( "(" )[ 0 ].match( /(only\s+)?([a-zA-Z]+)\s?/ ) && RegExp.$2 || "all",
+ rules : rules.length - 1,
+ hasquery: thisq.indexOf("(") > -1,
+ minw : thisq.match( /\(min\-width:[\s]*([\s]*[0-9\.]+)(px|em)[\s]*\)/ ) && parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) + ( RegExp.$2 || "" ),
+ maxw : thisq.match( /\(max\-width:[\s]*([\s]*[0-9\.]+)(px|em)[\s]*\)/ ) && parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) + ( RegExp.$2 || "" )
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ applyMedia();
+ },
+ lastCall,
+ resizeDefer,
+ // returns the value of 1em in pixels
+ getEmValue = function() {
+ var ret,
+ div = doc.createElement('div'),
+ body = doc.body,
+ fakeUsed = false;
+ div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;font-size:1em;width:1em";
+ if( !body ){
+ body = fakeUsed = doc.createElement( "body" );
+ body.style.background = "none";
+ }
+ body.appendChild( div );
+ docElem.insertBefore( body, docElem.firstChild );
+ ret = div.offsetWidth;
+ if( fakeUsed ){
+ docElem.removeChild( body );
+ }
+ else {
+ body.removeChild( div );
+ }
+ //also update eminpx before returning
+ ret = eminpx = parseFloat(ret);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ //cached container for 1em value, populated the first time it's needed
+ eminpx,
+ //enable/disable styles
+ applyMedia = function( fromResize ){
+ var name = "clientWidth",
+ docElemProp = docElem[ name ],
+ currWidth = doc.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && docElemProp || doc.body[ name ] || docElemProp,
+ styleBlocks = {},
+ lastLink = links[ links.length-1 ],
+ now = (new Date()).getTime();
+ //throttle resize calls
+ if( fromResize && lastCall && now - lastCall < resizeThrottle ){
+ clearTimeout( resizeDefer );
+ resizeDefer = setTimeout( applyMedia, resizeThrottle );
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ lastCall = now;
+ }
+ for( var i in mediastyles ){
+ var thisstyle = mediastyles[ i ],
+ min = thisstyle.minw,
+ max = thisstyle.maxw,
+ minnull = min === null,
+ maxnull = max === null,
+ em = "em";
+ if( !!min ){
+ min = parseFloat( min ) * ( min.indexOf( em ) > -1 ? ( eminpx || getEmValue() ) : 1 );
+ }
+ if( !!max ){
+ max = parseFloat( max ) * ( max.indexOf( em ) > -1 ? ( eminpx || getEmValue() ) : 1 );
+ }
+ // if there's no media query at all (the () part), or min or max is not null, and if either is present, they're true
+ if( !thisstyle.hasquery || ( !minnull || !maxnull ) && ( minnull || currWidth >= min ) && ( maxnull || currWidth <= max ) ){
+ if( !styleBlocks[ thisstyle.media ] ){
+ styleBlocks[ thisstyle.media ] = [];
+ }
+ styleBlocks[ thisstyle.media ].push( rules[ thisstyle.rules ] );
+ }
+ }
+ //remove any existing respond style element(s)
+ for( var i in appendedEls ){
+ if( appendedEls[ i ] && appendedEls[ i ].parentNode === head ){
+ head.removeChild( appendedEls[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ //inject active styles, grouped by media type
+ for( var i in styleBlocks ){
+ var ss = doc.createElement( "style" ),
+ css = styleBlocks[ i ].join( "\n" );
+ ss.type = "text/css";
+ ss.media = i;
+ //originally, ss was appended to a documentFragment and sheets were appended in bulk.
+ //this caused crashes in IE in a number of circumstances, such as when the HTML element had a bg image set, so appending beforehand seems best. Thanks to @dvelyk for the initial research on this one!
+ head.insertBefore( ss, lastLink.nextSibling );
+ if ( ss.styleSheet ){
+ ss.styleSheet.cssText = css;
+ }
+ else {
+ ss.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( css ) );
+ }
+ //push to appendedEls to track for later removal
+ appendedEls.push( ss );
+ }
+ },
+ //tweaked Ajax functions from Quirksmode
+ ajax = function( url, callback ) {
+ var req = xmlHttp();
+ if (!req){
+ return;
+ }
+ req.open( "GET", url, true );
+ req.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if ( req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200 && req.status != 304 ){
+ return;
+ }
+ callback( req.responseText );
+ }
+ if ( req.readyState == 4 ){
+ return;
+ }
+ req.send( null );
+ },
+ //define ajax obj
+ xmlHttp = (function() {
+ var xmlhttpmethod = false;
+ try {
+ xmlhttpmethod = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ catch( e ){
+ xmlhttpmethod = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
+ }
+ return function(){
+ return xmlhttpmethod;
+ };
+ })();
+ //translate CSS
+ ripCSS();
+ //expose update for re-running respond later on
+ respond.update = ripCSS;
+ //adjust on resize
+ function callMedia(){
+ applyMedia( true );
+ }
+ if( win.addEventListener ){
+ win.addEventListener( "resize", callMedia, false );
+ }
+ else if( win.attachEvent ){
+ win.attachEvent( "onresize", callMedia );
+ }
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/respond.min.js b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Scripts/respond.min.js
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+ *
+ * Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
+ * purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
+ * website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
+ * terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
+ * to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
+ * files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
+ * or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
+ * Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
+ * under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
+ * below are for informational purposes only.
+ *
+/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas. Dual MIT/BSD license */
+/*! NOTE: If you're already including a window.matchMedia polyfill via Modernizr or otherwise, you don't need this part */
+window.matchMedia=window.matchMedia||(function(e,f){var c,a=e.documentElement,b=a.firstElementChild||a.firstChild,d=e.createElement("body"),g=e.createElement("div");g.id="mq-test-1";g.style.cssText="position:absolute;top:-100em";d.style.background="none";d.appendChild(g);return function(h){g.innerHTML='';a.insertBefore(d,b);c=g.offsetWidth==42;a.removeChild(d);return{matches:c,media:h}}})(document);
+/*! Respond.js v1.2.0: min/max-width media query polyfill. (c) Scott Jehl. MIT/GPLv2 Lic. j.mp/respondjs */
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Startup.cs b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Startup.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e2ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Startup.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Microsoft.Owin;
+using Owin;
+[assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(ContactManager.Startup))]
+namespace ContactManager
+ public partial class Startup
+ {
+ public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
+ {
+ ConfigureAuth(app);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ConfirmEmail.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ConfirmEmail.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed02ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ConfirmEmail.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Confirm Email";
+ Thank you for confirming your email. Please @Html.ActionLink("Click here to Log in", "Login", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink" })
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ce043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Register";
+Associate your @ViewBag.LoginProvider account.
+@using (Html.BeginForm("ExternalLoginConfirmation", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl }, FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Association Form
+ @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+ You've successfully authenticated with @ViewBag.LoginProvider .
+ Please enter a user name for this site below and click the Register button to finish
+ logging in.
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be4ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Login Failure";
+ @ViewBag.Title.
+ Unsuccessful login with service.
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPassword.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPassword.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9074f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPassword.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ForgotPasswordViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Forgot your password?";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("ForgotPassword", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Enter your email.
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPasswordConfirmation.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPasswordConfirmation.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7af8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ForgotPasswordConfirmation.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Forgot Password Confirmation";
+ @ViewBag.Title.
+ Please check your email to reset your password.
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Login.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Login.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e213c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Login.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+@using ContactManager.Models
+@model LoginViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Log in";
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Register.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Register.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f79dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/Register.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.RegisterViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Register";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("Register", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Create a new account.
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPassword.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPassword.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf96af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPassword.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ResetPasswordViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Reset password";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("ResetPassword", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Reset your password.
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+ @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Code)
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPasswordConfirmation.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPasswordConfirmation.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3804516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/ResetPasswordConfirmation.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Reset password confirmation";
+ @ViewBag.Title.
+ Your password has been reset. Please @Html.ActionLink("click here to log in", "Login", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink" })
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/SendCode.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/SendCode.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2549d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/SendCode.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.SendCodeViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Send";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("SendCode", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = Model.ReturnUrl }, FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" })) {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @Html.Hidden("rememberMe", @Model.RememberMe)
+ Send verification code
+ Select Two-Factor Authentication Provider:
+ @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedProvider, Model.Providers)
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/VerifyCode.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/VerifyCode.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a77f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/VerifyCode.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.VerifyCodeViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Verify";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("VerifyCode", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = Model.ReturnUrl }, FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" })) {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @Html.Hidden("provider", @Model.Provider)
+ @Html.Hidden("rememberMe", @Model.RememberMe)
+ Enter verification code
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/_ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/_ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a9b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Account/_ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ExternalLoginListViewModel
+@using Microsoft.Owin.Security
+Use another service to log in.
+ var loginProviders = Context.GetOwinContext().Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes();
+ if (loginProviders.Count() == 0) {
+ There are no external authentication services configured. See this article
+ for details on setting up this ASP.NET application to support logging in via external services.
+ }
+ else {
+ using (Html.BeginForm("ExternalLogin", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = Model.ReturnUrl })) {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @foreach (AuthenticationDescription p in loginProviders) {
+ @p.AuthenticationType
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/About.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/About.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2d9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/About.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "About";
+Use this area to provide additional information.
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4327e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Contact";
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052-6399
+ P:
+ 425.555.0100
+ Support: Support@example.com
+ Marketing: Marketing@example.com
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Index.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6301a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
ASP.NET and Azure
ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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+ ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/AddPhoneNumber.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/AddPhoneNumber.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2387a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/AddPhoneNumber.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.AddPhoneNumberViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Phone Number";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("AddPhoneNumber", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Add a phone number
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ChangePassword.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ChangePassword.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4772c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ChangePassword.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ChangePasswordViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Change Password";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("ChangePassword", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Change Password Form
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/Index.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/Index.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4931de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/Index.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.IndexViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Manage";
Change your account settings
+ Password:
+ [
+ @if (Model.HasPassword)
+ {
+ @Html.ActionLink("Change your password", "ChangePassword")
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @Html.ActionLink("Create", "SetPassword")
+ }
+ ]
+ External Logins:
+ @Model.Logins.Count [
+ @Html.ActionLink("Manage", "ManageLogins") ]
+ @*
+ Phone Numbers can used as a second factor of verification in a two-factor authentication system.
+ See this article
+ for details on setting up this ASP.NET application to support two-factor authentication using SMS.
+ Uncomment the following block after you have set up two-factor authentication
+ *@
+ @*
+ Phone Number:
+ @(Model.PhoneNumber ?? "None") [
+ @if (Model.PhoneNumber != null)
+ {
+ @Html.ActionLink("Change", "AddPhoneNumber")
+ @: |
+ @Html.ActionLink("Remove", "RemovePhoneNumber")
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @Html.ActionLink("Add", "AddPhoneNumber")
+ }
+ ]
+ *@
+ Two-Factor Authentication:
+ There are no two-factor authentication providers configured. See this article
+ for details on setting up this ASP.NET application to support two-factor authentication.
+ @*@if (Model.TwoFactor)
+ {
+ using (Html.BeginForm("DisableTwoFactorAuthentication", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Enabled
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using (Html.BeginForm("EnableTwoFactorAuthentication", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Disabled
+ }
+ }*@
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ManageLogins.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ManageLogins.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa1eff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/ManageLogins.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.ManageLoginsViewModel
+@using Microsoft.Owin.Security
+ ViewBag.Title = "Manage your external logins";
+ var loginProviders = Context.GetOwinContext().Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes();
+ if (loginProviders.Count() == 0) {
+ There are no external authentication services configured. See this article
+ for details on setting up this ASP.NET application to support logging in via external services.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Model.CurrentLogins.Count > 0)
+ {
+ Registered Logins
+ }
+ if (Model.OtherLogins.Count > 0)
+ {
+ using (Html.BeginForm("LinkLogin", "Manage"))
+ {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @foreach (AuthenticationDescription p in Model.OtherLogins)
+ {
+ @p.AuthenticationType
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/SetPassword.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/SetPassword.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b1134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/SetPassword.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.SetPasswordViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Create Password";
+ You do not have a local username/password for this site. Add a local
+ account so you can log in without an external login.
+@using (Html.BeginForm("SetPassword", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ Create Local Login
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/VerifyPhoneNumber.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/VerifyPhoneNumber.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65d8124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Manage/VerifyPhoneNumber.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+@model ContactManager.Models.VerifyPhoneNumberViewModel
+ ViewBag.Title = "Verify Phone Number";
+@using (Html.BeginForm("VerifyPhoneNumber", "Manage", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @Html.Hidden("phoneNumber", @Model.PhoneNumber)
+ Enter verification code
+ @ViewBag.Status
+ @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
+@section Scripts {
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be55b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo
+ ViewBag.Title = "Error";
+An error occurred while processing your request.
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Lockout.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Lockout.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8658ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/Lockout.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo
+ ViewBag.Title = "Locked Out";
+ Locked out.
+ This account has been locked out, please try again later.
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae31cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ @ViewBag.Title - My ASP.NET Application
+ @Styles.Render("~/Content/css")
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/modernizr")
+ @Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")
+ @Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")
+ @Html.ActionLink("Contact", "Contact", "Home")
+ @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial")
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")
+ @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/bootstrap")
+ @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml
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+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+@using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
+@if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
+ using (Html.BeginForm("LogOff", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "logoutForm", @class = "navbar-right" }))
+ {
+ @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
+ @Html.ActionLink("Hello " + User.Identity.GetUserName() + "!", "Index", "Manage", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "Manage" })
+ Log off
+ }
+ @Html.ActionLink("Register", "Register", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "registerLink" })
+ @Html.ActionLink("Log in", "Login", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink" })
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Web.config b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/Web.config
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diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Web.Debug.config b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Web.Debug.config
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Web.Release.config b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Web.Release.config
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/Web.Release.config
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a7999
Binary files /dev/null and b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87eaa43
Binary files /dev/null and b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot differ
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be784dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
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Binary files /dev/null and b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff differ
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/packages.config b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/ContactManager/packages.config
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/AzureWebsitePublishModule.psm1 b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/AzureWebsitePublishModule.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cbf8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/AzureWebsitePublishModule.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+# AzureWebSitePublishModule.psm1 is a Windows PowerShell script module. This module exports Windows PowerShell functions that automate life cycle management for web applications. You can use the functions as is or customize them for your application and publishing environment.
+Set-StrictMode -Version 3
+# A variable to save original subscription.
+$Script:originalCurrentSubscription = $null
+# A variable to save original storage account.
+$Script:originalCurrentStorageAccount = $null
+# A variable to save storage account of user specified subscription.
+$Script:originalStorageAccountOfUserSpecifiedSubscription = $null
+# A variable to save subscription name.
+$Script:userSpecifiedSubscription = $null
+Prepends the date and time to a message.
+Prepends the date and time to a message. This function is designed for messages written to the Error and Verbose streams.
+Specifies the messages without the date.
+PS C:\> Format-DevTestMessageWithTime -Message "Adding file $filename to the directory"
+2/5/2014 1:03:08 PM - Adding file $filename to the directory
+function Format-DevTestMessageWithTime
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Message
+ )
+ return ((Get-Date -Format G) + ' - ' + $Message)
+Writes an error message prefixed with the current time.
+Writes an error message prefixed with the current time. This function calls the Format-DevTestMessageWithTime function to prepend the time before writing the message to the Error stream.
+Specifies the message in the error message call. You can pipe the message string to the function.
+None. The function writes to the Error stream.
+PS C:> Write-ErrorWithTime -Message "Failed. Cannot find the file."
+Write-Error: 2/6/2014 8:37:29 AM - Failed. Cannot find the file.
+ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException
+function Write-ErrorWithTime
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Message
+ )
+ $Message | Format-DevTestMessageWithTime | Write-Error
+Writes a verbose message prefixed with the current time.
+Writes a verbose message prefixed with the current time. Because it calls Write-Verbose, the message displays only when the script runs with the Verbose parameter or when the VerbosePreference preference is set to Continue.
+Specifies the message in the verbose message call. You can pipe the message string to the function.
+None. The function writes to the Verbose stream.
+PS C:> Write-VerboseWithTime -Message "The operation succeeded."
+PS C:>
+PS C:\> Write-VerboseWithTime -Message "The operation succeeded." -Verbose
+VERBOSE: 1/27/2014 11:02:37 AM - The operation succeeded.
+PS C:\ps-test> "The operation succeeded." | Write-VerboseWithTime -Verbose
+VERBOSE: 1/27/2014 11:01:38 AM - The operation succeeded.
+function Write-VerboseWithTime
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Message
+ )
+ $Message | Format-DevTestMessageWithTime | Write-Verbose
+Writes a host message prefixed with the current time.
+This function writes a message to the host program (Write-Host) prefixed with the current time. The effect of writing to the host program varies. Most programs that host Windows PowerShell write these messages to standard output.
+Specifies the base message without the date. You can pipe the message string to the function.
+None. The function writes the message to the host program.
+PS C:> Write-HostWithTime -Message "The operation succeeded."
+1/27/2014 11:02:37 AM - The operation succeeded.
+function Write-HostWithTime
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Message
+ )
+ if ((Get-Variable SendHostMessagesToOutput -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $Global:SendHostMessagesToOutput)
+ {
+ if (!(Get-Variable -Scope Global AzureWebAppPublishOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or !$Global:AzureWebAppPublishOutput)
+ {
+ New-Variable -Name AzureWebAppPublishOutput -Value @() -Scope Global -Force
+ }
+ $Global:AzureWebAppPublishOutput += $Message | Format-DevTestMessageWithTime
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $Message | Format-DevTestMessageWithTime | Write-Host
+ }
+Returns $true if a property or method is a member of the object. Otherwise, $false.
+Returns $true if the property or method is a member of the object. This function returns $false for static methods of the class and for views, such as PSBase and PSObject.
+Specifies the object in the test. Enter a variable that contains an object or an expression that returns an object. You cannot specify types, such as [DateTime] or pipe objects to this function.
+Specifies the name of the property or method in the test. When specifying a method, omit parentheses that follow the method name.
+None. This function does not take input from the pipeline.
+PS C:\> Test-Member -Object (Get-Date) -Member DayOfWeek
+PS C:\> $date = Get-Date
+PS C:\> Test-Member -Object $date -Member AddDays
+PS C:\> [DateTime]::IsLeapYear((Get-Date).Year)
+PS C:\> Test-Member -Object (Get-Date) -Member IsLeapYear
+function Test-Member
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [Object]
+ $Object,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Member
+ )
+ return $null -ne ($Object | Get-Member -Name $Member)
+Returns $true if the version of the Azure module is 0.7.4 or later. Else, $false.
+Test-AzureModuleVersion returns $true if the version of the Azure module is 0.7.4 or later. It returns $false if the module isn't installed or is an earlier version. This function has no parameters.
+PS C:\> Get-Module Azure -ListAvailable
+PS C:\> #No module
+PS C:\> Test-AzureModuleVersion
+PS C:\> (Get-Module Azure -ListAvailable).Version
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+0 7 4 -1
+PS C:\> Test-AzureModuleVersion
+PSModuleInfo object (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psmoduleinfo(v=vs.85).aspx)
+function Test-AzureModuleVersion
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [System.Version]
+ $Version
+ )
+ return ($Version.Major -gt 0) -or ($Version.Minor -gt 7) -or ($Version.Minor -eq 7 -and $Version.Build -ge 4)
+Returns $true if the installed Azure module version is 0.7.4 or later.
+Test-AzureModule returns $true if the installed Azure module version is 0.7.4 or later. Returns $false if the module isn't installed or is an earlier version. This function has no parameters.
+PS C:\> Get-Module Azure -ListAvailable
+PS C:\> #No module
+PS C:\> Test-AzureModule
+PS C:\> (Get-Module Azure -ListAvailable).Version
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+ 0 7 4 -1
+PS C:\> Test-AzureModule
+PSModuleInfo object (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psmoduleinfo(v=vs.85).aspx)
+function Test-AzureModule
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ $module = Get-Module -Name Azure
+ if (!$module)
+ {
+ $module = Get-Module -Name Azure -ListAvailable
+ if (!$module -or !(Test-AzureModuleVersion $module.Version))
+ {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
+ Import-Module -Name Azure -Global -Verbose:$false
+ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+ return $true
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (Test-AzureModuleVersion $module.Version)
+ }
+Saves the current Microsoft Azure subscription in the $Script:originalSubscription variable in script scope.
+The Backup-Subscription function saves the current Microsoft Azure subscription (Get-AzureSubscription -Current) and its storage account, and the subscription that is changed by this script ($UserSpecifiedSubscription) and its storage account, in script scope. By saving the values, you can use a function, such as Restore-Subscription, to restore the original current subscription and storage account to current status if the current status has changed.
+.PARAMETER UserSpecifiedSubscription
+Specifies the name of the subscription in which the new resources will be created and published. The function saves the names of the subscription and its storage accounts in script scope. This parameter is required.
+PS C:\> Backup-Subscription -UserSpecifiedSubscription Contoso
+PS C:\>
+PS C:\> Backup-Subscription -UserSpecifiedSubscription Contoso -Verbose
+VERBOSE: Backup-Subscription: Start
+VERBOSE: Backup-Subscription: Original subscription is Microsoft Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate
+VERBOSE: Backup-Subscription: End
+function Backup-Subscription
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [AllowEmptyString()]
+ [string]
+ $UserSpecifiedSubscription
+ )
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Backup-Subscription: Start'
+ $Script:originalCurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($Script:originalCurrentSubscription)
+ {
+ Write-VerboseWithTime ('Backup-Subscription: Original subscription is ' + $Script:originalCurrentSubscription.SubscriptionName)
+ $Script:originalCurrentStorageAccount = $Script:originalCurrentSubscription.CurrentStorageAccountName
+ }
+ $Script:userSpecifiedSubscription = $UserSpecifiedSubscription
+ if ($Script:userSpecifiedSubscription)
+ {
+ $userSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $Script:userSpecifiedSubscription -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($userSubscription)
+ {
+ $Script:originalStorageAccountOfUserSpecifiedSubscription = $userSubscription.CurrentStorageAccountName
+ }
+ }
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Backup-Subscription: End'
+Restores to "current" status the Microsoft Azure subscription that is saved in the $Script:originalSubscription variable in script scope.
+The Restore-Subscription function makes the subscription that is saved in the $Script:originalSubscription variable the current subscription (again). If the original subscription has a storage account, this function makes that storage account current for the current subscription. The function restores the subscription only if there is a non-null $SubscriptionName variable in the environment. Otherwise, it exits. If the $SubscriptionName is populated, but $Script:originalSubscription is $null, Restore-Subscription uses the Select-AzureSubscription cmdlet to clear the Current and Default settings for subscriptions in Microsoft Azure PowerShell. This function doesn't have parameters, it takes no input, and it returns nothing (void). You can use -Verbose to write messages to the Verbose stream.
+PS C:\> Restore-Subscription
+PS C:\>
+PS C:\> Restore-Subscription -Verbose
+VERBOSE: Restore-Subscription: Start
+VERBOSE: Restore-Subscription: End
+function Restore-Subscription
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Restore-Subscription: Start'
+ if ($Script:originalCurrentSubscription)
+ {
+ if ($Script:originalCurrentStorageAccount)
+ {
+ Set-AzureSubscription `
+ -SubscriptionName $Script:originalCurrentSubscription.SubscriptionName `
+ -CurrentStorageAccountName $Script:originalCurrentStorageAccount
+ }
+ Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $Script:originalCurrentSubscription.SubscriptionName
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Select-AzureSubscription -NoCurrent
+ Select-AzureSubscription -NoDefault
+ }
+ if ($Script:userSpecifiedSubscription -and $Script:originalStorageAccountOfUserSpecifiedSubscription)
+ {
+ Set-AzureSubscription `
+ -SubscriptionName $Script:userSpecifiedSubscription `
+ -CurrentStorageAccountName $Script:originalStorageAccountOfUserSpecifiedSubscription
+ }
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Restore-Subscription: End'
+Validates the config file and returns a hashtable of config file values.
+The Read-ConfigFile function validates the JSON configuration file and returns a hash table of selected values.
+-- It begins by converting the JSON file to a PSCustomObject. The website hash table has the following keys:
+-- Location: Website location
+-- Databases: Website SQL databases
+.PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
+Specifies the path and name of the JSON configuration file for your web project. Visual Studio generates the JSON file automatically when you create a web project and stores it in the PublishScripts folder in your solution.
+.PARAMETER HasWebDeployPackage
+Indicates that there is a web deploy package ZIP file for the web application. To specify a value of $true, use -HasWebDeployPackage or HasWebDeployPackage:$true. To specify a value of false, use HasWebDeployPackage:$false.This parameter is required.
+None. You cannot pipe input to this function.
+PS C:\> Read-ConfigFile -ConfigurationFile -HasWebDeployPackage
+Name Value
+---- -----
+databases {@{connectionStringName=; databaseName=; serverName=; user=; password=}}
+website @{name="mysite"; location="West US";}
+function Read-ConfigFile
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
+ [String]
+ $ConfigurationFile
+ )
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Read-ConfigFile: Start'
+ # Get the contents of the JSON file (-raw ignores line breaks) and convert it to a PSCustomObject
+ $config = Get-Content $ConfigurationFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ if (!$config)
+ {
+ throw ('Read-ConfigFile: ConvertFrom-Json failed: ' + $error[0])
+ }
+ # Determine whether the environmentSettings object has 'webSite' properties (regardless of the property value)
+ $hasWebsiteProperty = Test-Member -Object $config.environmentSettings -Member 'webSite'
+ if (!$hasWebsiteProperty)
+ {
+ throw 'Read-ConfigFile: The configuration file does not have a webSite property.'
+ }
+ # Build a hash table from the values in the PSCustomObject
+ $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
+ $returnObject.Add('name', $config.environmentSettings.webSite.name)
+ $returnObject.Add('location', $config.environmentSettings.webSite.location)
+ if (Test-Member -Object $config.environmentSettings -Member 'databases')
+ {
+ $returnObject.Add('databases', $config.environmentSettings.databases)
+ }
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Read-ConfigFile: End'
+ return $returnObject
+Creates a Microsoft Azure Website.
+Creates a Microsoft Azure Website with the specific name and location. This function calls the New-AzureWebsite cmdlet in the Azure module. If the subscription does not yet have a website with the specified name, this function creates the website and returns a website object. Otherwise, it returns the existing website.
+Specifies a name for the new website. The name must be unique in Microsoft Azure. This parameter is required.
+.PARAMETER Location
+Specifies the location of the website. Valid values are the Microsoft Azure locations, such as "West US". This parameter is required.
+Add-AzureWebsite -Name TestSite -Location "West US"
+Name : contoso
+State : Running
+Host Names : contoso.azurewebsites.net
+function Add-AzureWebsite
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Name,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Location
+ )
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureWebsite: Start'
+ $website = Get-AzureWebsite -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($website)
+ {
+ Write-HostWithTime ('Add-AzureWebsite: An existing website ' +
+ $website.Name + ' was found')
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Test-AzureName -Website -Name $Name)
+ {
+ Write-ErrorWithTime ('Website {0} already exists' -f $Name)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $website = New-AzureWebsite -Name $Name -Location $Location
+ }
+ }
+ $website | Out-String | Write-VerboseWithTime
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureWebsite: End'
+ return $website
+Returns $True when the URL is absolute and its scheme is https.
+The Test-HttpsUrl function converts the input URL to a System.Uri object. Returns $True when the URL is absolute (not relative) and its scheme is https. If either is false, or the input string cannot be converted to a URL, the function returns $false.
+Specifies the URL to test. Enter a URL string,
+PS C:\>$profile.publishUrl
+PS C:\>Test-HttpsUrl -Url 'waws-prod-bay-001.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net:443'
+function Test-HttpsUrl
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Url
+ )
+ # If $uri cannot be converted to a System.Uri object, Test-HttpsUrl returns $false
+ $uri = $Url -as [System.Uri]
+ return $uri.IsAbsoluteUri -and $uri.Scheme -eq 'https'
+Creates a string that lets you connect to a Microsoft Azure SQL database.
+The Get-AzureSQLDatabaseConnectionString function assembles a connection string to connect to a Microsoft Azure SQL database.
+.PARAMETER DatabaseServerName
+Specifies the name of an existing database server in the Microsoft Azure subscription. All Microsoft Azure SQL databases must be associated with a SQL database server. To get the server name, use the Get-AzureSqlDatabaseServer cmdlet (Azure module). This parameter is required.
+.PARAMETER DatabaseName
+Specifies the name for the SQL database. This can be an existing SQL database or a name used for a new SQL database. This parameter is required.
+.PARAMETER Username
+Specifies the name of the SQL database administrator. The username will be $Username@DatabaseServerName. This parameter is required.
+.PARAMETER Password
+Specifies a password for the SQL database administrator. Enter a password in plain text. Secure strings are not permitted. This parameter is required.
+PS C:\> $ServerName = (Get-AzureSqlDatabaseServer).ServerName[0]
+PS C:\> Get-AzureSQLDatabaseConnectionString -DatabaseServerName $ServerName `
+ -DatabaseName 'testdb' -UserName 'admin' -Password 'password'
+Server=tcp:testserver.database.windows.net,1433;Database=testdb;User ID=admin@testserver;Password=password;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=20;
+function Get-AzureSQLDatabaseConnectionString
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $DatabaseServerName,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $DatabaseName,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $UserName,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [String]
+ $Password
+ )
+ return ('Server=tcp:{0}.database.windows.net,1433;Database={1};' +
+ 'User ID={2}@{0};' +
+ 'Password={3};' +
+ 'Trusted_Connection=False;' +
+ 'Encrypt=True;' +
+ 'Connection Timeout=20;') `
+ -f $DatabaseServerName, $DatabaseName, $UserName, $Password
+Creates Microsoft Azure SQL databases from the values in the JSON configuation file that Visual Studio generates.
+The Add-AzureSQLDatabases function takes information from the databases section of the JSON file. This function, Add-AzureSQLDatabases (plural), calls the Add-AzureSQLDatabase (singular) function for each SQL database in the JSON file. Add-AzureSQLDatabase (singular) calls the New-AzureSqlDatabase cmdlet (Azure module), which creates the SQL databases. This function does not return a database object. It returns a hashtable of values that were used to create the databases.
+.PARAMETER DatabaseConfig
+ Takes an array of PSCustomObjects that originate in the JSON file that the Read-ConfigFile function returns when the JSON file has a website property. It includes the environmentSettings.databases properties. You can pipe the list to this function.
+PS C:\> $config = Read-ConfigFile .json
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig = $config.databases| where {$_.connectionStringName}
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig
+connectionStringName: Default Connection
+databasename : TestDB1
+edition :
+size : 1
+collation : SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
+servertype : New SQL Database Server
+servername : r040tvt2gx
+user : dbuser
+password : Test.123
+location : West US
+.PARAMETER DatabaseServerPassword
+Specifies the password for the SQL database server administrator. Enter a hashtable with Name and Password keys. The value of Name is the name of the SQL database server. The value of Password is the administrator password. For example: @Name = "TestDB1"; Password = "password" This parameter is optional. If you omit it or the SQL database server name doesn't match the value of the serverName property of the $DatabaseConfig object, the function uses the Password property of the $DatabaseConfig object for the SQL database in the connection string.
+.PARAMETER CreateDatabase
+Verifies that you want to create a database. This parameter is optional.
+PS C:\> $config = Read-ConfigFile .json
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig = $config.databases| where {$_.connectionStringName}
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig | Add-AzureSQLDatabases
+Name Value
+---- -----
+ConnectionString Server=tcp:testdb1.database.windows.net,1433;Database=testdb;User ID=admin@testdb1;Password=password;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=20;
+Name Default Connection
+Type SQLAzure
+function Add-AzureSQLDatabases
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+ [PSCustomObject]
+ $DatabaseConfig,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [AllowNull()]
+ [Hashtable[]]
+ $DatabaseServerPassword,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [Switch]
+ $CreateDatabase = $false
+ )
+ begin
+ {
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureSQLDatabases: Start'
+ }
+ process
+ {
+ Write-VerboseWithTime ('Add-AzureSQLDatabases: Creating ' + $DatabaseConfig.databaseName)
+ if ($CreateDatabase)
+ {
+ # Creates a new SQL database with the DatabaseConfig values (unless one already exists)
+ # The command output is suppressed.
+ Add-AzureSQLDatabase -DatabaseConfig $DatabaseConfig | Out-Null
+ }
+ $serverPassword = $null
+ if ($DatabaseServerPassword)
+ {
+ foreach ($credential in $DatabaseServerPassword)
+ {
+ if ($credential.Name -eq $DatabaseConfig.serverName)
+ {
+ $serverPassword = $credential.password
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$serverPassword)
+ {
+ $serverPassword = $DatabaseConfig.password
+ }
+ return @{
+ Name = $DatabaseConfig.connectionStringName;
+ Type = 'SQLAzure';
+ ConnectionString = Get-AzureSQLDatabaseConnectionString `
+ -DatabaseServerName $DatabaseConfig.serverName `
+ -DatabaseName $DatabaseConfig.databaseName `
+ -UserName $DatabaseConfig.user `
+ -Password $serverPassword }
+ }
+ end
+ {
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureSQLDatabases: End'
+ }
+Creates a new Microsoft Azure SQL database.
+The Add-AzureSQLDatabase function creates a Microsoft Azure SQL database from the data in the JSON configuration file that Visual Studio generates and returns the new database. If the subscription already has a SQL database with the specified database name in the specified SQL database server, the function returns the existing database. This function calls the New-AzureSqlDatabase cmdlet (Azure module), which actually creates the SQL database.
+.PARAMETER DatabaseConfig
+Takes a PSCustomObject that originates in the JSON configuration file that the Read-ConfigFile function returns when the JSON file has a website property. It includes the environmentSettings.databases properties. You cannot pipe the object to this function. Visual Studio generates a JSON configuration file for all web projects and stores it in the PublishScripts folder of your solution.
+None. This function does not take input from the pipeline
+PS C:\> $config = Read-ConfigFile .json
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig = $config.databases | where connectionStringName
+PS C:\> $DatabaseConfig
+connectionStringName : Default Connection
+databasename : TestDB1
+edition :
+size : 1
+collation : SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
+servertype : New SQL Database Server
+servername : r040tvt2gx
+user : dbuser
+password : Test.123
+location : West US
+PS C:\> Add-AzureSQLDatabase -DatabaseConfig $DatabaseConfig
+function Add-AzureSQLDatabase
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [Object]
+ $DatabaseConfig
+ )
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureSQLDatabase: Start'
+ # Fail if the parameter value doesn't have the serverName property, or the serverName property value isn't populated.
+ if (-not (Test-Member $DatabaseConfig 'serverName') -or -not $DatabaseConfig.serverName)
+ {
+ throw 'Add-AzureSQLDatabase: The database serverName (required) is missing from the DatabaseConfig value.'
+ }
+ # Fail if the parameter value doesn't have the databasename property, or the databasename property value isn't populated.
+ if (-not (Test-Member $DatabaseConfig 'databaseName') -or -not $DatabaseConfig.databaseName)
+ {
+ throw 'Add-AzureSQLDatabase: The databasename (required) is missing from the DatabaseConfig value.'
+ }
+ $DbServer = $null
+ if (Test-HttpsUrl $DatabaseConfig.serverName)
+ {
+ $absoluteDbServer = $DatabaseConfig.serverName -as [System.Uri]
+ $subscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($subscription -and $subscription.ServiceEndpoint -and $subscription.SubscriptionId)
+ {
+ $absoluteDbServerRegex = 'https:\/\/{0}\/{1}\/services\/sqlservers\/servers\/(.+)\.database\.windows\.net\/databases' -f `
+ $subscription.serviceEndpoint.Host, $subscription.SubscriptionId
+ if ($absoluteDbServer -match $absoluteDbServerRegex -and $Matches.Count -eq 2)
+ {
+ $DbServer = $Matches[1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$DbServer)
+ {
+ $DbServer = $DatabaseConfig.serverName
+ }
+ $db = Get-AzureSqlDatabase -ServerName $DbServer -DatabaseName $DatabaseConfig.databaseName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($db)
+ {
+ Write-HostWithTime ('Create-AzureSQLDatabase: Using existing database ' + $db.Name)
+ $db | Out-String | Write-VerboseWithTime
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $param = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
+ $param.Add('serverName', $DbServer)
+ $param.Add('databaseName', $DatabaseConfig.databaseName)
+ if ((Test-Member $DatabaseConfig 'size') -and $DatabaseConfig.size)
+ {
+ $param.Add('MaxSizeGB', $DatabaseConfig.size)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $param.Add('MaxSizeGB', 1)
+ }
+ # If the $DatabaseConfig object has a collation property and it's not null or empty
+ if ((Test-Member $DatabaseConfig 'collation') -and $DatabaseConfig.collation)
+ {
+ $param.Add('Collation', $DatabaseConfig.collation)
+ }
+ # If the $DatabaseConfig object has an edition property and it's not null or empty
+ if ((Test-Member $DatabaseConfig 'edition') -and $DatabaseConfig.edition)
+ {
+ $param.Add('Edition', $DatabaseConfig.edition)
+ }
+ # Write the hash table to the Verbose stream
+ $param | Out-String | Write-VerboseWithTime
+ # Call New-AzureSqlDatabase with splatting (suppress the output)
+ $db = New-AzureSqlDatabase @param
+ }
+ Write-VerboseWithTime 'Add-AzureSQLDatabase: End'
+ return $db
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Configurations/ContactManager-WAWS-dev.json b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Configurations/ContactManager-WAWS-dev.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd9256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Configurations/ContactManager-WAWS-dev.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "environmentSettings": {
+ "webSite": {
+ "name": "ContactManager4501",
+ "location": "East US 2"
+ },
+ "databases": [
+ {
+ "connectionStringName": "DefaultConnection",
+ "databaseName": "ContactManager4501_db",
+ "serverName": "",
+ "user": "dbUser",
+ "password": "",
+ "edition": "",
+ "size": "",
+ "collation": "",
+ "location": "Southeast Asia"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Publish-WebApplicationWebsite.ps1 b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Publish-WebApplicationWebsite.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d819da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/EndSolution/ContactManager/PublishScripts/Publish-WebApplicationWebsite.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#Requires -Version 3.0
+Creates and deploys a Microsoft Azure Website for a Visual Studio web project.
+For more detailed documentation go to: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394471
+PS C:\> .\Publish-WebApplicationWebSite.ps1 `
+-Configuration .\Configurations\WebApplication1-WAWS-dev.json `
+-WebDeployPackage ..\WebApplication1\WebApplication1.zip `
+[CmdletBinding(HelpUri = 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391696')]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
+ [String]
+ $Configuration,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [String]
+ $SubscriptionName,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
+ [String]
+ $WebDeployPackage,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [ValidateScript({ !($_ | Where-Object { !$_.Contains('Name') -or !$_.Contains('Password')}) })]
+ [Hashtable[]]
+ $DatabaseServerPassword,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [Switch]
+ $SendHostMessagesToOutput = $false
+function New-WebDeployPackage
+ #Write a function to build and package your web application
+ #To build your web application, use MsBuild.exe. For help, see MSBuild Command-Line Reference at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391339
+function Test-WebApplication
+ #Edit this function to run unit tests on your web application
+ #Write a function to run unit tests on your web application, use VSTest.Console.exe. For help, see VSTest.Console Command-Line Reference at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391340
+function New-AzureWebApplicationWebsiteEnvironment
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [Object]
+ $Configuration,
+ [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
+ [AllowNull()]
+ [Hashtable[]]
+ $DatabaseServerPassword
+ )
+ Add-AzureWebsite -Name $Config.name -Location $Config.location | Out-String | Write-HostWithTime
+ # Create the SQL databases. The connection string is used for deployment.
+ $connectionString = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
+ if ($Config.Contains('databases'))
+ {
+ @($Config.databases) |
+ Where-Object {$_.connectionStringName -ne ''} |
+ Add-AzureSQLDatabases -DatabaseServerPassword $DatabaseServerPassword -CreateDatabase |
+ ForEach-Object { $connectionString.Add($_.Name, $_.ConnectionString) }
+ }
+ return @{ConnectionString = $connectionString}
+function Publish-AzureWebApplicationToWebsite
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [Object]
+ $Configuration,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
+ [AllowNull()]
+ [Hashtable]
+ $ConnectionString,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
+ [String]
+ $WebDeployPackage
+ )
+ if ($ConnectionString -and $ConnectionString.Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Publish-AzureWebsiteProject `
+ -Name $Config.name `
+ -Package $WebDeployPackage `
+ -ConnectionString $ConnectionString
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Publish-AzureWebsiteProject `
+ -Name $Config.name `
+ -Package $WebDeployPackage
+ }
+# Script main routine
+Set-StrictMode -Version 3
+Remove-Module AzureWebSitePublishModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Import-Module ($scriptDirectory + '\AzureWebSitePublishModule.psm1') -Scope Local -Verbose:$false
+New-Variable -Name VMWebDeployWaitTime -Value 30 -Option Constant -Scope Script
+New-Variable -Name AzureWebAppPublishOutput -Value @() -Scope Global -Force
+New-Variable -Name SendHostMessagesToOutput -Value $SendHostMessagesToOutput -Scope Global -Force
+ $originalErrorActionPreference = $Global:ErrorActionPreference
+ $originalVerbosePreference = $Global:VerbosePreference
+ if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])
+ {
+ $Global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
+ }
+ $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ':'
+ Write-VerboseWithTime ($scriptName + ' Start')
+ $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+ Write-VerboseWithTime ('{0} $ErrorActionPreference is set to {1}' -f $scriptName, $ErrorActionPreference)
+ Write-Debug ('{0}: $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName = {1}' -f $scriptName, $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
+ # Save the current subscription. It will be restored to Current status later in the script
+ Backup-Subscription -UserSpecifiedSubscription $SubscriptionName
+ # Verify that you have the Azure module, Version 0.7.4 or later.
+ if (-not (Test-AzureModule))
+ {
+ throw 'You have an outdated version of Microsoft Azure PowerShell. To install the latest version, go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=320552 .'
+ }
+ if ($SubscriptionName)
+ {
+ # If you provided a subscription name, verify that the subscription exists in your account.
+ if (!(Get-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName))
+ {
+ throw ("{0}: Cannot find the subscription name $SubscriptionName" -f $scriptName)
+ }
+ # Set the specified subscription to current.
+ Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName | Out-Null
+ Write-VerboseWithTime ('{0}: Subscription is set to {1}' -f $scriptName, $SubscriptionName)
+ }
+ $Config = Read-ConfigFile $Configuration
+ #Build and package your web application
+ New-WebDeployPackage
+ #Run unit tests on your web application
+ Test-WebApplication
+ #Create Azure environment described in the JSON configuration file
+ $newEnvironmentResult = New-AzureWebApplicationWebsiteEnvironment -Configuration $Config -DatabaseServerPassword $DatabaseServerPassword
+ #Deploy Web Application package if $WebDeployPackage is specified by the user
+ if($WebDeployPackage)
+ {
+ Publish-AzureWebApplicationToWebsite `
+ -Configuration $Config `
+ -ConnectionString $newEnvironmentResult.ConnectionString `
+ -WebDeployPackage $WebDeployPackage
+ }
+ $Global:ErrorActionPreference = $originalErrorActionPreference
+ $Global:VerbosePreference = $originalVerbosePreference
+ # Restore the original current subscription to Current status
+ Restore-Subscription
+ Write-Output $Global:AzureWebAppPublishOutput
+ $Global:AzureWebAppPublishOutput = @()
diff --git a/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/README.md b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0699429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Get started with Azure Websites and ASP.NET
+This lab shows how to create an ASP.NET web application and deploy it to an Azure Website by using Visual Studio 2015 Preview. It assumes that you have no prior experience using Azure or ASP.NET. On completing the lab, you will have a simple web application up and running in the cloud.
+This lab includes the following sections:
+1. [Create an ASP.NET web application in Visual Studio](#create-an-aspnet-web-application)
+1. [Deploy the application to Azure](#deploy-the-application-to-azure)
+1. [Make a change and redeploy](#make-a-change-and-redeploy)
+1. [Monitor and manage the site in the management portal](#monitor-and-manage-the-site-in-the-management-portal)
+## Create an ASP.NET web application
+In this task you will create the web application that is going to be used throughout this lab.
+1. Open Visual Studio. From the **File** menu, hover over the **New** option and click **Project**.
+ ![New Project in File menu](./images/newProject.png)
+ _New Project in File menu_
+2. In the **New Project** dialog box, expand **C#** and select **Web** under **Installed Templates**, and then select **ASP.NET Web Application**.
+3. Name the application **ContactManager** and click **OK**.
+ ![New Project dialog box](./images/newProject-dialog.png)
+ _New Project dialog box_
+ >**Note:** Make sure you enter "ContactManager". Code blocks that you will be copying later assume that the project name is ContactManager.
+4. In the **New ASP.NET Project** dialog box, select the **MVC** template. Verify **Authentication** is set to **Individual User Accounts**, **Host in the cloud** is checked and **Website** is selected. Then, click **OK**.
+ ![New ASP.NET Project dialog box](./images/newProject-dialog-2.png)
+ _New ASP.NET Project dialog box_
+5. If you haven't already signed in to Azure, Visual Studio prompts you to do so. Click **Sign In**.
+ ![Sign in to Azure](./images/sign-to-Azure.png)
+ _Sign in to Azure_
+6. The configuration wizard will suggest a unique name based on *ContactManager* (see the image below). Select a region near you. You can use [azurespeed.com](http://www.azurespeed.com/ "AzureSpeed.com") to find the lowest latency data center.
+7. If you haven't created a database server before, select **Create new server**, enter a database user name and password.
+ ![Configure Azure Website](./images/configure-azure1.png)
+ _Configure Azure Website_
+ If you have a database server, use that to create a new database. Database servers are a precious resource, and you generally want to create multiple databases on the same server for testing and development rather than creating a database server per database. Make sure your web site and database are in the same region.
+ ![Configure Azure Website](./images/configure-azure2.png)
+ _Configure Azure Website_
+8. Click **OK**.
+ In a few seconds, Visual Studio creates the web project in the folder you specified, and it creates the website in the Azure region you specified.
+ The **Solution Explorer** window shows the files and folders in the new project.
+ ![Solution Explorer](./images/solution-explorer.png)
+ _Solution Explorer_
+ The **Web Publish Activity** window shows that the site has been created.
+ ![Web site created](./images/web-publish-view.png)
+ _Web site created_
+ And you can see the site and database in **Server Explorer**.
+ > **Note:** if the Server Explorer window is not open, you can open it from the **View** menu.
+ ![Web site created](./images/server-explorer.png)
+ _Web site created_
+## Deploy the application to Azure
+1. In the **Web Publish Activity** window, click **Publish ContactManager to this site now**.
+ ![Web site created](./images/web-publish-view-2.png)
+ _Web Publish Activity Window_
+ In a few seconds the **Publish Web** wizard appears.
+ The settings that Visual Studio needs to deploy your project to Azure have been saved in a *publish profile*. The wizard enables you to review and change those settings.
+2. In the **Connection** tab of the **Publish Web** wizard, click **Validate Connection** to make sure that Visual Studio can connect to Azure in order to deploy the web project.
+ ![Validate connection](./images/validate-connection.png)
+ _Validating the connection_
+ When the connection has been validated, a green check mark is shown next to the **Validate Connection** button.
+3. Click **Next**.
+ ![Successfully validated connection](./images/validate-connection-2.png)
+ _Successfully validated connection_
+4. In the **Settings** tab, click **Next**.
+ ![Settings tab](./images/publishing-settings.png)
+ _Settings tab_
+ You can accept the default values for **Configuration** and **File Publish Options**.
+ If you expand **File Publish Options** you will see several settings that enable you to handle scenarios that don't apply to this lab:
+ * **Remove additional files at destination**.
+ Deletes any files at the server that aren't in your project. You might need this if you were deploying a project to a site that you had deployed a different project to earlier.
+ * **Precompile during publishing**.
+ Can reduce first-request warm up times for large sites.
+ * **Exclude files from the App_Data folder**.
+ For testing you sometimes have a SQL Server database file in App_Data which you don't want to deploy to production.
+5. In the **Preview** tab, click **Start Preview**.
+ ![StartPreview button in the Preview tab](./images/start-preview.png)
+ _Start Preview button - Preview tab_
+ The tab displays a list of the files that will be copied to the server. Displaying the preview isn't required to publish the application but it's a useful function to be aware of.
+6. Click **Publish**.
+ ![StartPreview file output](./images/click-publish.png)
+ _File Preview_
+ Visual Studio begins the process of copying the files to the Azure server.
+ The **Output** and **Web Publish Activity** windows show what deployment actions were taken and report successful completion of the deployment.
+ ![Output window reporting successful deployment](./images/publish-output.png)
+ _Output window reporting successful deployment_
+ Upon successful deployment, the default browser automatically opens to the URL of the deployed website, and the application that you created is now running in the cloud. The URL in the browser address bar shows that the site is being loaded from the Internet.
+ ![Web site running in Azure](./images/publish-success.png)
+ _Web site running in Azure_
+7. Close the browser.
+## Make a change and redeploy
+In this task, you will change the **h1** heading of the home page, run the project locally on your development computer to verify the change, and then deploy the change to Azure.
+1. Open the *Views/Home/Index.cshtml* file in **Solution Explorer**, change the **h1** heading from "ASP.NET" to "ASP.NET and Azure", and save the file.
+ ![MVC index.cshtml](./images/solution-explorer-index.png)
+ _Index.cshtml_
+ ![MVC h1 change](./images/index-modification.png)
+ _Changing the page's heading_
+2. Press **CTRL+F5** to see the updated heading by running the site on your local computer.
+ ![Web site running locally](./images/running-localhost.png)
+ _Web site running locally_
+ The **http://localhost** URL shows that it's running on your local computer. By default it's running in IIS Express, which is a lightweight version of IIS designed for use during web application development.
+3. Close the browser.
+4. In **Solution Explorer**, right-click the project, and choose **Publish**.
+ ![Chooose Publish](./images/second-publish.png)
+ _Preparing a new deployment_
+ The Preview tab of the **Publish Web** wizard appears. If you needed to change any publish settings you could choose a different tab, but now all you want to do is redeploy with the same settings.
+5. In the **Publish Web** wizard, click **Publish**.
+ ![Click Publish](./images/click-publish-no-preview.png)
+ _Publish Web Wizard_
+ Visual Studio deploys the project to Azure and opens the site in the default browser.
+ ![Changed site deployed](./images/aspnet-and-azure.png)
+ _Changes deployed_
+ >**Tip:** You can enable the **Web One Click Publish** toolbar for even quicker deployment. Click **View** > **Toolbars**, and then select **Web One Click Publish**. The toolbar enables you to select a profile, click a button to publish, or click a button to open the **Publish Web** wizard.
+ ![Web One Click Publish Toolbar](./images/publish-toolbar.png)
+ _Web One Click Publish Toolbar_
+## Monitor and manage the site in the management portal
+The [Azure Management Portal](https://manage.windowsazure.com/) is a web interface that enables you to manage and monitor your Azure services, such as the website you just created. In this task you will look at some of what you can do in the portal.
+1. In your browser, go to [http://manage.windowsazure.com](http://manage.windowsazure.com), and sign in with your Azure credentials.
+ The portal displays a list of your Azure services.
+2. Click the name of your website.
+ ![Portal home page with new web site called out](./images/select-website.png)
+ _Portal Home Page_
+3. Click the **Dashboard** tab.
+ The **Dashboard** tab displays an overview of usage statistics and link for a number of commonly used site management functions. Under **Quick Glance** you will also find a link to your application's home page.
+ ![Portal web site dashboard tab](./images/website-dashboard.png)
+ _Website's Dashboard_
+ At this point your site hasn't had much traffic and may not show anything in the graph. If you browse to your application, refresh the page a few times, and then refresh the portal **Dashboard** page, you will see some statistics show up. You can click the **Monitor** tab for more details.
+4. Click the **Configure** tab.
+ The [Configure](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-configure/) tab enables you to control the .NET version used for the site, enable features such as [WebSockets](http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2013/11/14/introduction-to-websockets-on-windows-azure-web-sites/) and [diagnostic logging](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-enable-diagnostic-log/), set [connection string values](http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2013/07/17/windows-azure-web-sites-how-application-strings-and-connection-strings-work/), and more.
+ ![Portal web site configure tab](./images/website-configure.png)
+ _Website's Configuration Panel_
+5. Click the **Scale** tab.
+ For the paid tiers of the Websites service, the [Scale](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-scale/) tab enables you to control the size and number of machines that service your web application in order to handle variations in traffic.
+ You can scale manually or configure criteria or schedules for automatic scaling.
+ ![Portal website scale tab](./images/website-scale.png)
+ _Website's Scale Options_
+ These are just a few of the management portal features. You can also create new websites, delete existing sites, stop and restart sites, and manage other kinds of Azure services, such as databases and virtual machines.
+ **Tip:** There is a new management portal in preview which will eventually replace the one you've been using. For more information, see [Azure Preview Portal](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/preview-portal/).
+## Summary
+In this lab you have seen how to create a simple web application and deploy it to an Azure Website. You also made a quick tour around the Azure Management Portal.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/get-started-with-websites-and-asp-net/images/click-publish.png differ
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index 0000000..57b67ed
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql-database/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+Get Started with Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale
+Growing and shrinking capacity on demand is one of the key cloud computing promises. Delivering on this promise has historically been tedious and complex for the database tier of cloud applications. Over the last few years, the industry has converged on well-established design patterns commonly known as sharding. While the general sharding pattern addresses the challenge, building and managing applications using sharding requires significant infrastructure investments independent of the application’s business logic.
+Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale (in preview) enables the data-tier of an application to scale in and out via industry-standard sharding practices, while significantly streamlining the development and management of your sharded cloud applications. Elastic Scale delivers both developer and management functionality which are provided through a set of .Net libraries and Azure service templates that you can host in your own Azure subscription to manage your highly scalable applications. Azure DB Elastic Scale implements the infrastructure aspects of sharding and thus allows you to focus on the business logic of your application instead.
+In this lab, you will be introduced to the developer experience for Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale.
+This lab includes the following tasks:
+* [Creating a Microsoft Azure SQL Database Server](#creating-a-sql-server)
+* [Walking through the sample](#walking-through-the-sample)
+## Creating a Microsoft Azure SQL Database Server ##
+In this task you will create a new Microsoft Azure SQL Database Server and configure the firewall so that connections from applications running on your computer are allowed to access the databases on your SQL Database server.
+1. Sign in to the [Management Portal](http://manage.windowsazure.com).
+1. On the sidebar, click **SQL DATABASES**. Then click the **SERVERS** tab.
+ ![Navigating to the SQL Database Servers tab](./images/navigating-to-the-sql-servers-tab.png)
+ _Navigating to the SQL Database Server tab_
+1. Click **ADD** in the bottom bar in order to create a new SQL Database Server.
+ ![Adding a new SQL Database Server](./images/adding-a-new-sql-server.png)
+ _Adding a new SQL Database Server_
+1. In the **CREATE SERVER** dialog box, fill out the Server Settings as follows:
+ * **Login Name**: enter an administrator name as one word with no spaces. SQL Database uses SQL Authentication over an encrypted connection to validate user identity. A new SQL Server authentication login that has administrator permissions will be created using the name you provide. The administrator name cannot be a Windows user, nor should it be a Live ID user name. Windows authentication is not supported on SQL Database.
+ * **Login Password**: provide a strong password that is at least eight characters, using a combination of upper and lower case values, and a number or symbol. Use the help bubble for details about password complexity.
+ * **Region**: choose a region. The region determines the geographical location of the server. Regions cannot be easily switched, so choose one that makes sense for this server. Keeping your Azure application and database in the same region saves on egress bandwidth cost and data latency.
+ * Be sure to keep the **Allow Azure Services to access this server** checkbox selected so that you can connect to this database using the Management Portal for SQL Database, Excel in Office 365, or Azure SQL Reporting.
+ Finally, click the checkmark button at the bottom of the dialog box to create the server.
+ Notice that you did not specify a server name. Because the SQL Database server must be accessible worldwide, SQL Database configures the appropriate DNS entries when the server is created. The generated name ensures that there are no name collisions with other DNS entries. You cannot change the name of your SQL Database server.
+ ![Creating a new SQL Database Server](./images/creating-a-sql-database-server.png)
+ _Creating a new SQL Database Server_
+1. Wait until the server has been created. You will see a notification like the one below and also an entry added to the **SQL databases** page.
+ ![SQL Database Server created](images/sql-database-server-created.png?raw=true)
+ _SQL Database Server created_
+ Now you will configure the firewall so that connections from applications running on your computer are allowed to access the databases on your SQL Database server.
+ To configure the firewall so that connections are allowed through, you will enter information on the server page.
+ > **Note:** The SQL Database service is only available with TCP port 1433 used by the TDS protocol, so make sure that the firewall on your network and local computer allows outgoing TCP communication on port 1433. For more information, see [SQL Database Firewall](http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2677.sql-azure-firewall-en-us.aspx).
+1. Click the server you just created to open the server page.
+ ![Navigating to the new server page](./images/navigating-to-the-new-server-page.png)
+ _Navigating to the new server page_
+1. On the server page, click **Configure** to open the **Allowed IP Addresses** settings. Then click **Add to the allowed IP Addresses** link.
+ This will create a new firewall rule to allow connection requests from the router or proxy server your device is listening on.
+ ![Adding a firewall rule to the server](./images/adding-a-firewall-rule.png)
+ _Adding a firewall rule to the server_
+ > **Note:** You can create additional firewall rules by specifying a rule name and the start and end IP range values.
+1. To save your changes, click **SAVE** at the bottom of the page.
+ ![Saving the allowed ip changes](./images/saving-the-allowed-ip-changes.png)
+ _Saving the allowed ip changes_
+1. Take note of the name of the SQL Database server (e.g.: _z754axd2q8_), as you will need it in the following task.
+You now have a SQL Database server on Azure, a firewall rule that enables access to the server, and an administrator login.
+## Walking through the sample ##
+The **Elastic Scale with Azure SQL Database - Getting Started** sample application illustrates the most important aspects of the development experience for sharded applications using Azure SQL DB Elastic Scale. It focuses on key use cases for [Shard Map Management](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862595), [Data Dependent Routing](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862596) and [Multi-Shard Querying](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862597).
+In this task, you will download and run this sample.
+1. Open Visual Studio and select **File -> New -> Project**.
+ ![Creating a new project](./images/creating-a-new-project.png)
+ _Creating a new project_
+1. In the _New Project_ dialog box, click **Online**.
+ ![Clicking Online](./images/clicking-online.png)
+ _Clicking Online_
+1. Then click **Visual C#** under **Samples**.
+ ![Navigating to online C# samples](./images/navigating-to-online-csharp-samples.png)
+ _Navigating to online C# samples_
+1. In the search box, type **Elastic Scale** to search for the sample. The title **Elastic Scale with Azure SQL Database-Getting Started** appears.
+1. Select the sample, choose a name and a location for the new project and click **OK** to create the project.
+ ![Creating the sample project](./images/creating-the-sample-project.png)
+ _Creating the sample project_
+1. If the **Download and Install** dialog comes up, click **Install**.
+ ![Download and Install Sample dialog](images/download-and-install-sample-dialog.png?raw=true)
+ _Clicking Install in the Download and Install dialog_
+1. Open the **App.config** file in the solution for the sample project and replace the _MyServerName_ placeholder with your Azure SQL database server name and the _MyUserName_ and _MyPassword_ placeholders with your login information (user name and password).
+ ![Configuring the sample project](./images/configuring-the-sample.png)
+ _Configuring the sample project_
+1. Build and run the application. If asked, please allow Visual Studio to restore the NuGet packages of the solution. This will download the latest version of the Elastic Scale client libraries from NuGet.
+ ![Running the sample](./images/running-the-sample.png)
+ _Running the sample_
+1. In the application, type **1** and press **_enter_** in order to create the shard map manager and add several shards.
+ > **Note:** The code illustrates how to work with shards, ranges, and mappings in file **ShardMapManagerSample.cs**. You can find more information about this topic here: [Shard Map Management](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862595).
+ The output will look like this:
+ ![Creating the shard map manager and adding a couple of shards](./images/creating-the-shard-map-manager.png)
+ _Creating the shard map manager and adding several shards_
+1. Switch to the [Management Portal](http://manage.windowsazure.com), navigate to the SQL Database server page and click the **DATABASES** tab.
+ Notice that you have three new databases: the shard manager and one for each shard.
+ ![Navigating to the SQL Database server page ](./images/navigating-to-the-server-in-the-portal.png)
+ _Navigating to the SQL Database server page_
+1. Switch back to the application, type **3** and then press **_enter_**. This will insert a sample row using Data-Dependent routing.
+ > **Note:** Routing of transactions to the right shard is shown in **DataDependentRoutingSample.cs**. For more details, see [Data Dependent Routing](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862596).
+ ![Inserting sample row](./images/inserting-sample-data.png)
+ _Inserting sample row_
+1. Repeat the last step at least three more times so that you have at least four rows.
+1. Now, type **4** and press **_enter_** in the application to execute a sample Multi-Shard Query.
+ Notice the _$ShardName_ column. It should show that the rows with a _CustomerId_ from 0 to 99 are located in the _ElasticScaleStarterKit_Shard0_ shard and those with a _CustomerId_ from 100 to 199 are located in the _ElasticScaleStarterKit_Shard1_ shard.
+ > **Note:** Querying across shards is illustrated in the file **MultiShardQuerySample.cs**. For more information, see [Multi-Shard Querying](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862597).
+ ![Executing a Multi-Shard Query](./images/executing-a-multi-shard-query.png)
+ _Executing a Multi-Shard Query_
+1. Type **2** and press **_enter_** in the application to add another shard. When prompted for the higher key of the new range, press **_enter_** to use the default value of _300_.
+ > **Note:** The iterative adition of new empty shards is performed by the code in
+file **AddNewShardsSample.cs**. For more information see [Shard Map Management](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862595).
+ ![Adding a new shard](./images/adding-a-new-shard.png)
+ _Adding a new shard_
+1. Switch back to the **Management Portal**. You should see a new database for the new shard named _ElasticScaleStarterKit_Shard2_.
+ ![Viewing the new database in the portal ](./images/seeing-the-new-database-in-the-portal.png)
+ _Viewing the new database in the portal_
+1. Switch back to the application, type **5** and press **_enter_**. This will drop all the shards and the map manager database.
+ ![Removing the shards and the map manager](./images/removing-the-shards.png)
+ _Removing the shards and the map manager_
+1. Stop debugging.
+You have successfully built and run your first Elastic Scale application on Azure SQL DB. You can find information on other Elastic Scale operations in the following links:
+* **Splitting an existing shard**: The capability to split shards is provided through the **Split/Merge service**. You can find more information about this service here: [Split/Merge Service](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862795).
+* **Merging existing shards**: Shard merges are also performed using the **Split/Merge service**. For more information, see [Split/Merge Service](http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9862795).
+By completing this lab you have learned the basic concepts of Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale: Shard Map Management, Data Dependent Routing and Multi-Shard Querying.
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/sql-database/images/navigating-to-the-server-in-the-portal.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..336857a
Binary files /dev/null and b/sql-database/images/navigating-to-the-sql-servers-tab.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/sql-database/images/running-the-sample.png differ
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index 0000000..15ef785
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Binary files /dev/null and b/sql-database/images/sql-database-server-created.png differ
diff --git a/working-with-the-management-portal/README.md b/working-with-the-management-portal/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09fddc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-with-the-management-portal/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+Working with the Management Portal
+The Azure Management Portal is your one-stop-shop for creating and managing new cloud resources, like websites, virtual machines, and storage accounts. Once you get started, the portal will be your home to configure, monitor, and scale your resources with ease and agility.
+This lab includes the following tasks:
+1. [Portal Overview](#Task1)
+1. [Creating new elements](#Task2)
+1. [Managing existing elements](#Task3)
+In this lab, you will learn how to:
+- Work with the Azure Management Portal
+- Create new elements and services
+- Manage allocated resources
+##Portal Overview
+In this task you will walk through the different pieces of the Azure Management Portal.
+1. Open you browser and navigate to [http://manage.windowsazure.com](http://manage.windowsazure.com).
+2. Enter your credentials to access your _Azure Subscription_.
+ You will land on the portal's home view. By default this view will show all the items you have ever created under your subcription.
+ ![Management Portal - Landing Page](images/portal-landing-page.png?raw=true)
+ _Management Portal - Landing Page_
+3. On the left side, notice the sidebar displaying all the available services and tools. Clicking any of these items will filter the list by that specific type.
+ ![Left Sidebar](images/portal-left-sidebar.png?raw=true)
+ _Left Sidebar_
+4. Look at the portal's footer and notice the **NEW** button on the left and the **Help** button on the right. You will see more about these two items as you move on to the other tasks.
+ ![New Button](images/portal-new-button.png?raw=true)
+ _NEW and Help Buttons_
+##Creating new elements and services
+In this task you will go through the process of creating a new element for your subscription. In particular, you will create a new website using the **Create Wizard**.
+1. Click the **NEW** button located at the bottom left part of the screen.
+ ![New Button Click](images/new-button-clicked.png?raw=true)
+ _NEW Button Clicked_
+ This will display the _Create Wizard_. In this section you can select the type of element, service or resource we want to create. In this case you will create a _Website_.
+2. Click **COMPUTE**. The compute services will be displayed alongside.
+3. Click **WEBSITE**.
+ Three options will be shown.
+ - **QUICK CREATE**: This option will allow you to setup your website with the minimum amount of steps.
+ - **CUSTOM CREATE**: You will have the chance to create a SQL Database to attach to this website and setup a continuous deployment source.
+ - **FROM GALLERY**: The gallery features a list of templates ready to jumpstart your website.
+ ![Website Creation Options](images/create-flow.png?raw=true)
+ _Website Creation Options_
+4. Click **QUICK CREATE**.
+ The creation form is presented. Here you will select the URL for your website and the region where you would like to deploy. It is recommended to select the region which is closest to your audience; for this task leave the field as is.
+5. Enter the **URL** for your website, and click **CREATE WEBSITE**.
+ > **Note:** The website URL has to be unique since it will be of public access.
+ ![Creating the Website](images/create-flow-quick-create-clicked.png?raw=true)
+ _Creating the Website_
+6. After a few minutes the website will be created and you will see a notification on the status bar. The **WEBSITES** item is selected on the sidebar, and the asset just created is displayed.
+ ![Website Create](images/website-listing.png?raw=true)
+ _Website Created_
+7. Click the site name you have just created to navigate to the website's _Quick Start Management_ page.
+ ![Entering the site's management](images/website-clicked.png?raw=true)
+ _Entering the site's management page_
+1. Click **BROWSE**, located at the bottom of the page, to navigate to the site.
+ ![Clicking Browse to view the site](images/clicking-browse-to-view-the-site.png?raw=true)
+ _Clicking Browse_
+ ![Browsing the Website](images/browsing-the-website.png?raw=true)
+ _Browsing the Website_
+1. Close the website and return to the **Management Portal**.
+##Managing allocated resources
+In this task you will go through the available options for managing the recently created website.
+1. If not already in the _Quick Start Management_ page, click the website's name to display it.
+ This page provides quick access to important actions related to managing the deployment of a site in Windows Azure. This is also the default landing page in the portal for a newly created website.
+ ![_Website's Landing Page](images/website-quickstart.png?raw=true)
+ _Website's Quickstart Management page_
+2. Notice the commands located at the bottom of the page. These are:
+ - **BROWSE**: To navigate to the current deployed version of the website
+ - **STOP**: To stop the website's deployment
+ - **RESTART**: To restart the website's deployment
+ - **DELETE**: To delete the website
+ - **WEBMATRIX**: Allows to install WebMatrix, Microsoft's new one-stop website authoring tool that lets you create, edit, and publish websites easily.
+3. Look at the top bar to see the different sections available. These sections are:
+ - Dashboard
+ - Monitor
+ - Webjobs
+ - Configure
+ - Scale
+ - Linked Resources
+ - Backups
+ The rest of the task will describe the more important ones.
+ > **Note**: For more information about all these options, see [Manage websites through the Azure Management Portal](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-manage/).
+4. Click **DASHBOARD**.
+ The website's dashboard will show. This view will provide you with the most important information at a glance. Ranging from a health report to usage statistics, this view provides the core details of your service.
+ ![Website Clicked](images/website-dashboard-view.png?raw=true)
+ _The Dashboard view_
+5. On the top bar, click **MONITOR**.
+ This view allows the setup of tests to check the availability of HTTP or HTTPS endpoints, from up to three geo-distributed locations. A monitoring test fails if the HTTP response code is an error (4xx or 5xx) or the response takes more than 30 seconds. An endpoint is considered available if the monitoring tests succeed from all the specified locations.
+ ![Website Clicked](images/website-monitor-view.png?raw=true)
+ _The Monitor view_
+6. On the top bar, click **WEBJOBS**.
+ The WebJobs management page lets you create tasks for your website that can run on-demand, on a schedule or continuously.
+ > **Note**: For more information regarding the use of Webjobs, see [How to Use the WebJobs feature in Microsoft Azure Web Sites](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-create-web-jobs/).
+ ![Website Clicked](images/website-webjobs-view.png?raw=true)
+ _The Webjobs view_
+7. Lastly, click **SCALE** on the top bar, to go to the scaling options.
+ For increased performance and throughput for your websites on Microsoft Azure, you can scale your Web Hosting Plan mode from Free to _Shared_, _Basic_, or _Standard_. Scaling up on Azure Websites involves two related actions: changing your _Web Hosting Plan_ mode to a higher level of service, and configuring certain settings after you have switched to the higher level of service. You can scale up or down as required. These changes take only seconds to apply and affect all websites in your Web Hosting Plan. They do not require your code to be changed or your applications to be redeployed.
+ ![Website Clicked](images/website-scale-view.png?raw=true)
+ _The Scale view_
+ >**Note:** It is good practice to cleanup any resources that will not be used. To delete the demo website just created, follow these steps:
+ >
+ >1. Click **DASHBOARD** at the top of the page.
+ >
+ >1. Click **DELETE** at the bottom of the page.
+ >
+ >![Clicking Delete website](images/clicking-delete-website.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >_Clicking Delete_
+ >
+ >1. In the **Delete Confirmation** dialog that pops up, click the **checkmark** button.
+ >
+ >![Delete Confirmation dialog](images/delete-confirmation-dialog.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >_Delete Confirmation_
+ >
+ >After a few moments you should see a notification indicating the website was deleted. The website will not be listed under **WEBSITES** either.
+## Summary
+In this lab you have seen the _Azure Management Portal_, starting by the basic layout of the hub page, moving to the creation and management of resources. Finally you have explored some of the features that the portal provides.
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Introduction to the Azure Preview Portal
+The new Azure Preview portal is an all-in-one, work-anywhere experience. Now you can manage websites, databases and Visual Studio Online team projects in a reimagined UX personalized to your work style. It was built from the ground up to put your _applications_ at the center of the experience.
+This unified hub radically simplifies building, deploying, and managing your cloud resources. Imagine a single, easy-to-use console built just for you, your team, your projects. It brings together all of the cloud resources, team members, and lifecycle stages of your application and provides you with a centralized place to plan, develop, test, provision, deploy, scale, and monitor those applications. This approach can help teams embrace a DevOps culture by bringing both development and operations capabilities and perspectives together in a meaningful way.
+The new portal allows each user to transform the portal home page (called the _Startboard_) into their own customized dashboard. Stay on top of the things that matter most by pinning them to your **Startboard**. Resize parts to show more or less data. Drill in for all the details. And see insights (and opportunities) across apps and resources. New components include the following:
+* **Simplified Resource Management**. Rather than managing standalone resources such as Microsoft Azure Websites, Visual Studio Projects or databases, customers can now create, manage and analyze their entire application as a single resource group in a unified, customized experience, greatly reducing complexity while enabling scale. Today, the new Azure Manager is also being released through the latest Azure SDK for customers to automate their deployment and management from any client or device.
+* **Integrated billing**. A new integrated billing experience enables developers and IT pros to take control of their costs and optimize their resources for maximum business advantage.
+* **Gallery**. A rich gallery of application and services from Microsoft and the open source community, this integrated marketplace of free and paid services enables customers to leverage the ecosystem to be more agile and productive.
+* **Visual Studio Online**. Microsoft announced key enhancements through the Microsoft Azure Preview Portal. This includes Team Projects supporting greater agility for application lifecycle management and the lightweight editor code-named "Monaco" for modifying and committing Web project code changes without leaving Azure. Also included is Application Insights, an analytics solution that collects telemetry data such as availability, performance and usage information to track an application's health. Visual Studio integration enables developers to surface this data from new applications with a single click.
+## Creating a Web Site + SQL ##
+Historically, managing a resource (a user-managed entity such as a database server, database or web site) in Microsoft Azure required you to perform operations against one resource at a time. When developing for the cloud today, we are often managing _individual resources_ (databases, storage, cloud services, virtual machines, and so on). It is left up to us, as cloud developers and IT professionals, to piece these resources together in a meaningful way and manage them over time. The Microsoft Azure Preview portal was designed to bring together all of the individual resources of an application into a consolidated view. Resource group is a new concept in Azure that serves as the lifecycle boundary for all of its resources.
+In this task, you will learn about the preview portal and how to create a new Web Site and a SQL Server using it.
+1. Open a browser and browse to http://portal.azure.com and log in using your credentials.
+2. The first thing you will see is the **Startboard**. This is your home page, where you can see dynamic data from your resources and all the details you care about. You can customize it as you see fit.
+ > **Note:** You can right-click the tiles of the Startboard to customize it. You can pin or unpin tiles and change their size.
+ ![Startboard](Images/startboard.png?raw=true)
+ _Your Home Page: The Startboard_
+3. On the left side, you will see the **Hub Menu**. This is the navigation menu where you can access all of your resources and options. Click the **New** button at the bottom of the **Hub Menu**.
+ ![Creating a new resource](Images/creating-a-new-resource.png?raw=true)
+ _Creating a new resource_
+4. A panel is displayed with different options. You can choose one of the options to create a new resource. Click the **Everything** button to see all the available options.
+ ![Displaying every resource type](Images/displaying-resource-types.png?raw=true)
+ _Displaying every resource type_
+5. Scroll down to the **Web** category, and select **Website +SQL**. Then click **Create**.
+ ![Selecting Website](Images/selecting-website-sql.png?raw=true)
+ _Selecting Website + SQL_
+ A _blade_ is opened. Blades are your entry point to discovering insights, performing actions and building applications. This particular _blade_ collects input from you to create a new **Website**.
+ > **Note:** For more information about _blades_, you can click the **Tour** tile on your **Startboard**. On the **Tour** blade, scroll down to the bottom and click **Learn more**. A new blade is opened with further information. You can continue the **Tour** to learn the basics of Blades, Commands, Lenses and more.
+ > ![Tour](Images/tour.png?raw=true)
+6. When you create an application that consists of several resources working together (like in this example, a Website + SQL), it is always created in its own resource group so that you can manage the lifecycle of all related assets. Choose a name for the **Resource Group**, for example _MyResourceGroup_, and click the **Website** option.
+ > **Note:** Resource group names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, underscores and dashes.
+ ![New Website](Images/new-resource-group.png?raw=true)
+ _New Resource Group_
+7. Another blade is opened which displays the options to create a new **Website**. Select a URL for your Website, for example _myMSAzureWebsite_. Take into account that this name must be unique. Click the **Web Hosting Plan** option.
+ ![Changing the Web Hosting Plan](Images/changing-the-web-hosting-plan.png?raw=true)
+ _Changing the Web Hosting Plan_
+8. Scroll to the bottom of the **Web hosting plan** blade, and click **Browse all pricing tiers**. In the _Choose your pricing tier_ blade, you can choose the hosting plan that fits your needs.
+ Web hosting plans represent a set of features and capacity that you can share across your Websites. Web hosting plans support several pricing tiers (e.g. Free, Shared, Basic and Standard), each with its own capabilities. There are a couple of differences among these tiers. Plans in the Free and Shared tier provide sites with a shared infrastructure, meaning that your sites share resources with other customers' sites. Web hosting plans in the Basic and Standard tiers provider sites with a dedicated infrastructure, meaning that only the site or sites you choose to associate with this plan will be running on those resources. In this tier you can configure your web hosting plan to use one or more virtual machine instances. As we are going to use the default web hosting plan, just close this blade.
+ > **Note:** For all tiers (except 'Shared') you pay one price for the web hosting plan based on the tier and your chosen capacity with no additional charge for each site that uses the plan. Shared web hosting plans are different; due to the nature of the shared infrastructure, you are charged separately for each site in the plan.
+ ![_Selecting a Web Hosting Plan](Images/selecting-a-web-hosting-plan.png?raw=true)
+ _Selecting a Web Hosting Plan_
+9. Click **Ok** to go back to the **Website** blade. You can change or leave the default location for the Website. Click **OK** to go to the previous blade.
+10. Click **Database** to change the settings for your new database.
+ >**Note:** If there are any existing databases asociated to the user, the **Database** blade will show up. Select **Create a new Database**.
+ ![Changing your database settings](Images/changing-your-database-settings.png?raw=true)
+ _Changing your database settings_
+11. Set a name for the database, e.g. _mywebsite-db_, and click the **Server** option.
+ > **Note:** You can also enter in the **Pricing Tier** section and explore the different pricing tiers.
+ ![Database Settings](Images/database-settings.png?raw=true)
+ _Database Settings_
+12. Enter the **Server Name**, **Server admin login** and a **Password**. Click **OK** to go back to the **New Database** blade, and click **OK** to close it.
+ ![Configuring the Database Server](Images/configuring-the-database-server.png?raw=true)
+ _Configuring the Database Server_
+13. Now you are ready to create your resource group. Click **Create**.
+ ![Configured Resource Group](Images/configured-resource-group.png?raw=true)
+ _Configured Resource Group_
+14. You can see when the new resource group is created by accessing the **Notifications** tool. On the **Hub Menu**, click **Notifications**.
+ ![Notifications](Images/notifications.png?raw=true)
+ _Notifications_
+15. Once completed, you can click the notification to open the resource group blade.
+ ![Created Resource Group Notification](Images/created-resource-group-notification.png?raw=true)
+ _Created Resource Group Notification_
+16. You created your new resource group, which includes a Website and SQL Server database.
+ ![New Resource Group Blade](Images/new-resource-group-blade.png?raw=true)
+ _New Resource Group Blade_
+ > **Note:** Notice that the recently created resource group was automatically added to the Startboard for easy access.
+ ![Resource Group added to Startboard](Images/resource-group-added-to-startboard.png?raw=true)
+ >**Note 2:** It is good practice to cleanup any resources that will not be used. To delete the demo resources just created, follow these steps:
+ >
+ >1. In the Resource Group, click **DELETE** at the top of the page.
+ >
+ >![Clicking Delete Resource Group](Images/clicking-delete-resource-group.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >_Clicking Delete_
+ >
+ >1. In the Confirmation blade that opens, type the name of the resource group and click the **Delete** button.
+ >
+ >![Deleting Resource Group Confirmation](Images/deleting-resource-group-confirmation.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >_Delete Confirmation_
+ >
+ >After a few moments you should see a notification in the Notifications Hub indicating the resource group was deleted.
+ >
+ >![Notification after Resource Group was deleted](Images/notification-after-resource-group-was-deleted.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >1. Click **Home** to navigate to the StartBoard. Once there, find and right-click the tile for the resource group. Click **unpin from Startboard**.
+ >
+ >![Unpin Resource Group from StartBoard](Images/unpin-resource-group-from-startboard.png?raw=true)
+ >
+ >_Unpinning Resource Group from StartBoard_
+ >The tile is removed.
+## Summary ##
+The new Azure Preview portal offers an exciting look into the future of DevOps. This is a first-of-its-kind experience which brings together all of the individual resources, people, and lifecycle stages of your application into a unified portal. In this lab, you learned about the preview portal and how to create a new resource group by building a Website.
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