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Updating the B+ selector
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nzardosh committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent b0236c3 commit f703342
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Showing 2 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions PWGHF/TableProducer/candidateSelectorBplusToD0Pi.cxx
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/// \author Antonio Palasciano <[email protected]>, Università degli Studi di Bari & INFN, Sezione di Bari
/// \author Deepa Thomas <[email protected]>, UT Austin
/// \author Nima Zardoshti <[email protected]>, CERN

#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
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270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions PWGHF/TableProducer/candidateSelectorBplusToD0PiML.cxx
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@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

/// \file candidateSelectorBplusToD0PiReduced.cxx
/// \brief B+ → D0bar π+ candidate selector
/// \author Antonio Palasciano <[email protected]>, Università degli Studi di Bari

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"

#include "Common/Core/TrackSelectorPID.h"

#include "PWGHF/Core/HfHelper.h"
#include "PWGHF/Core/HfMlResponseBplusToD0Pi.h"
#include "PWGHF/Core/SelectorCuts.h"
#include "PWGHF/DataModel/CandidateReconstructionTables.h"
#include "PWGHF/DataModel/CandidateSelectionTables.h"
#include "PWGHF/D2H/DataModel/ReducedDataModel.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::aod;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::analysis;

struct HfCandidateSelectorBplusToD0PiML {
Produces<aod::HfSelBplusToD0Pi> hfSelBplusToD0PiCandidate; // table defined in CandidateSelectionTables.h
Produces<aod::HfMlBplusToD0Pi> hfMlBplusToD0PiCandidate; // table defined in CandidateSelectionTables.h

Configurable<double> ptCandMin{"ptCandMin", 0., "Lower bound of candidate pT"};
Configurable<double> ptCandMax{"ptCandMax", 50., "Upper bound of candidate pT"};
// Enable PID
Configurable<int> pionPidMethod{"pionPidMethod", 1, "PID selection method for the bachelor pion (0: none, 1: TPC or TOF, 2: TPC and TOF)"};
Configurable<bool> acceptPIDNotApplicable{"acceptPIDNotApplicable", true, "Switch to accept Status::NotApplicable [(NotApplicable for one detector) and (NotApplicable or Conditional for the other)] in PID selection"};
Configurable<double> ptPidTpcMin{"ptPidTpcMin", 0.15, "Lower bound of track pT for TPC PID"};
Configurable<double> ptPidTpcMax{"ptPidTpcMax", 20., "Upper bound of track pT for TPC PID"};
Configurable<double> nSigmaTpcMax{"nSigmaTpcMax", 5., "Nsigma cut on TPC only"};
Configurable<double> nSigmaTpcCombinedMax{"nSigmaTpcCombinedMax", 5., "Nsigma cut on TPC combined with TOF"};
Configurable<double> ptPidTofMin{"ptPidTofMin", 0.15, "Lower bound of track pT for TOF PID"};
Configurable<double> ptPidTofMax{"ptPidTofMax", 20., "Upper bound of track pT for TOF PID"};
Configurable<double> nSigmaTofMax{"nSigmaTofMax", 5., "Nsigma cut on TOF only"};
Configurable<double> nSigmaTofCombinedMax{"nSigmaTofCombinedMax", 5., "Nsigma cut on TOF combined with TPC"};
// topological cuts
Configurable<std::vector<double>> binsPt{"binsPt", std::vector<double>{hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::vecBinsPt}, "pT bin limits"};
Configurable<LabeledArray<double>> cuts{"cuts", {hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::cuts[0], hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::nBinsPt, hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::nCutVars, hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::labelsPt, hf_cuts_bplus_to_d0_pi::labelsCutVar}, "B+ candidate selection per pT bin"};
// D0-meson ML cuts
Configurable<std::vector<double>> binsPtDmesMl{"binsPtDmesMl", std::vector<double>{hf_cuts_ml::vecBinsPt}, "D0-meson pT bin limits for ML cuts"};
Configurable<LabeledArray<double>> cutsDmesMl{"cutsDmesMl", {hf_cuts_ml::cuts[0], hf_cuts_ml::nBinsPt, hf_cuts_ml::nCutScores, hf_cuts_ml::labelsPt, hf_cuts_ml::labelsDmesCutScore}, "D0-meson ML cuts per pT bin"};
// QA switch
Configurable<bool> activateQA{"activateQA", false, "Flag to enable QA histogram"};
// B+ ML inference
Configurable<bool> applyBplusMl{"applyBplusMl", false, "Flag to apply ML selections"};
Configurable<std::vector<double>> binsPtBpMl{"binsPtBpMl", std::vector<double>{hf_cuts_ml::vecBinsPt}, "pT bin limits for ML application"};
Configurable<std::vector<int>> cutDirBpMl{"cutDirBpMl", std::vector<int>{hf_cuts_ml::vecCutDir}, "Whether to reject score values greater or smaller than the threshold"};
Configurable<LabeledArray<double>> cutsBpMl{"cutsBpMl", {hf_cuts_ml::cuts[0], hf_cuts_ml::nBinsPt, hf_cuts_ml::nCutScores, hf_cuts_ml::labelsPt, hf_cuts_ml::labelsCutScore}, "ML selections per pT bin"};
Configurable<int> nClassesBpMl{"nClassesBpMl", static_cast<int>(hf_cuts_ml::nCutScores), "Number of classes in ML model"};
Configurable<std::vector<std::string>> namesInputFeatures{"namesInputFeatures", std::vector<std::string>{"feature1", "feature2"}, "Names of ML model input features"};
// CCDB configuration
Configurable<std::string> ccdbUrl{"ccdbUrl", "", "url of the ccdb repository"};
Configurable<std::vector<std::string>> modelPathsCCDB{"modelPathsCCDB", std::vector<std::string>{"path_ccdb/BDT_BPLUS/"}, "Paths of models on CCDB"};
Configurable<std::vector<std::string>> onnxFileNames{"onnxFileNames", std::vector<std::string>{"ModelHandler_onnx_BPLUSToD0Pi.onnx"}, "ONNX file names for each pT bin (if not from CCDB full path)"};
Configurable<int64_t> timestampCCDB{"timestampCCDB", -1, "timestamp of the ONNX file for ML model used to query in CCDB"};
Configurable<bool> loadModelsFromCCDB{"loadModelsFromCCDB", false, "Flag to enable or disable the loading of models from CCDB"};
// variable that will store the value of selectionFlagD (defined in dataCreatorD0PiReduced.cxx)
int mySelectionFlagD0 = -1;
int mySelectionFlagD0bar = -1;

o2::analysis::HfMlResponseBplusToD0Pi<float> hfMlResponse;
float outputMlNotPreselected = -1.;
std::vector<float> outputMl = {};
o2::ccdb::CcdbApi ccdbApi;

HfHelper hfHelper;
TrackSelectorPi selectorPion;

HistogramRegistry registry{"registry"};

using TracksPion = soa::Join<aod::TracksWExtra, aod::TracksPidPi, aod::TrackSelection>;

void init(InitContext const&)
std::array<bool, 2> doprocess{doprocessSelection, doprocessSelectionWithDmesMl};
if ((std::accumulate(doprocess.begin(), doprocess.end(), 0)) != 1) {
LOGP(fatal, "Only one process function for data should be enabled at a time.");

if (pionPidMethod < 0 || pionPidMethod > 2) {
LOGP(fatal, "Invalid PID option in configurable, please set 0 (no PID), 1 (TPC or TOF), or 2 (TPC and TOF)");

if (pionPidMethod) {
selectorPion.setRangePtTpc(ptPidTpcMin, ptPidTpcMax);
selectorPion.setRangeNSigmaTpc(-nSigmaTpcMax, nSigmaTpcMax);
selectorPion.setRangeNSigmaTpcCondTof(-nSigmaTpcCombinedMax, nSigmaTpcCombinedMax);
selectorPion.setRangePtTof(ptPidTofMin, ptPidTofMax);
selectorPion.setRangeNSigmaTof(-nSigmaTofMax, nSigmaTofMax);
selectorPion.setRangeNSigmaTofCondTpc(-nSigmaTofCombinedMax, nSigmaTofCombinedMax);

if (activateQA) {
constexpr int kNBinsSelections = 1 + SelectionStep::NSelectionSteps;
std::string labels[kNBinsSelections];
labels[0] = "No selection";
labels[1 + SelectionStep::RecoSkims] = "Skims selection";
labels[1 + SelectionStep::RecoTopol] = "Skims & Topological selections";
labels[1 + SelectionStep::RecoPID] = "Skims & Topological & PID selections";
labels[1 + aod::SelectionStep::RecoMl] = "ML selection";
static const AxisSpec axisSelections = {kNBinsSelections, 0.5, kNBinsSelections + 0.5, ""};
registry.add("hSelections", "Selections;;#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c})", {HistType::kTH2F, {axisSelections, {(std::vector<double>)binsPt, "#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c})"}}});
for (int iBin = 0; iBin < kNBinsSelections; ++iBin) {
registry.get<TH2>(HIST("hSelections"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iBin + 1, labels[iBin].data());

if (applyBplusMl) {
hfMlResponse.configure(binsPtBpMl, cutsBpMl, cutDirBpMl, nClassesBpMl);
if (loadModelsFromCCDB) {
hfMlResponse.setModelPathsCCDB(onnxFileNames, ccdbApi, modelPathsCCDB, timestampCCDB);
} else {

/// Main function to perform B+ candidate creation
/// \param withDmesMl is the flag to use the table with ML scores for the D- daughter (only possible if present in the derived data)
/// \param hfCandsBp B+ candidates
/// \param pionTracks pion tracks
/// \param configs config inherited from the D0pi data creator
template <bool withDmesMl, typename Cands, typename DCands>
void runSelection(Cands const& hfCandsBp,
DCands const& hfCandsD0,
TracksPion const& /*pionTracks*/,
HfCandBpConfigs const& configs)
// get D0Pi creator configurable
for (const auto& config : configs) {
mySelectionFlagD0 = config.mySelectionFlagD0();
mySelectionFlagD0bar = config.mySelectionFlagD0bar();

for (const auto& hfCandBp : hfCandsBp) {
int statusBplus = 0;
auto ptCandBplus =;

SETBIT(statusBplus, SelectionStep::RecoSkims); // RecoSkims = 0 --> statusBplus = 1
if (activateQA) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelections"), 2 + SelectionStep::RecoSkims, ptCandBplus);

// topological cuts
if (!hfHelper.selectionBplusToD0PiTopol(hfCandBp, cuts, binsPt)) {
if (applyBplusMl) {
// LOGF(info, "B+ candidate selection failed at topology selection");

if constexpr (withDmesMl) { // we include it in the topological selections

std::vector<float> mlScoresD0, mlScoresD0bar;
std::copy(candidate.mlProbD0().begin(), candidate.mlProbD0().end(), std::back_inserter(mlScoresD0));
std::copy(candidate.mlProbD0bar().begin(), candidate.mlProbD0bar().end(), std::back_inserter(mlScoresD0bar));

auto ptC = RecoDecay::pt(candB.pxProng0(), candB.pyProng0()); // the first daughter is the charm hadron
int pTBin = o2::analysis::findBin(binsPtC, ptC);
if (pTBin != -1 && candB.prong0MlScoreBkg() <= cuts->get(pTBin, "ML score charm bkg") &&candB.prong0MlScorePrompt() <= cuts->get(pTBin, "ML score charm prompt") && candB.prong0MlScoreNonprompt() >= cuts->get(pTBin, "ML score charm nonprompt")) {

if (applyBplusMl) {
// LOGF(info, "B+ candidate selection failed at D0-meson ML selection");

SETBIT(statusBplus, SelectionStep::RecoTopol); // RecoTopol = 1 --> statusBplus = 3
if (activateQA) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelections"), 2 + SelectionStep::RecoTopol, ptCandBplus);

// track-level PID selection
auto trackPi = hfCandBp.template prong1_as<TracksPion>();
if (pionPidMethod) {
int pidTrackPi{TrackSelectorPID::Status::NotApplicable};
if (pionPidMethod == 1) {
pidTrackPi = selectorPion.statusTpcOrTof(trackPi);
} else {
pidTrackPi = selectorPion.statusTpcAndTof(trackPi);
if (!hfHelper.selectionBplusToD0PiPid(pidTrackPi, acceptPIDNotApplicable.value)) {
// LOGF(info, "B+ candidate selection failed at PID selection");
if (applyBplusMl) {
SETBIT(statusBplus, SelectionStep::RecoPID); // RecoPID = 2 --> statusBplus = 7
if (activateQA) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelections"), 2 + SelectionStep::RecoPID, ptCandBplus);
if (applyBplusMl) {
// B+ ML selections
std::vector<float> inputFeatures = hfMlResponse.getInputFeatures<withDmesMl>(hfCandBp, trackPi);
bool isSelectedMl = hfMlResponse.isSelectedMl(inputFeatures, ptCandBplus, outputMl);
hfMlBplusToD0PiCandidate(outputMl[1]); // storing ML score for signal class

if (!isSelectedMl) {
SETBIT(statusBplus, SelectionStep::RecoMl); // RecoML = 3 --> statusBplus = 15 if pionPidMethod, 11 otherwise
if (activateQA) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelections"), 2 + SelectionStep::RecoMl, ptCandBplus);

// LOGF(info, "B+ candidate selection passed all selections");

void processSelection(HfCandBplus const& hfCandsBp,
soa::Join<aod::HfCand2ProngWPid, aod::HfMlD0> const& hfCandsD0,
TracksPion const& pionTracks,
HfCandBpConfigs const& configs)
runSelection<false>(hfCandsBp, hfCandsD0, pionTracks, configs);
} // processSelection

PROCESS_SWITCH(HfCandidateSelectorBplusToD0PiML, processSelection, "Process selection without ML scores of D mesons", true);

void processSelectionWithDmesMl(HfCandBplus const& hfCandsBp,
soa::Join<aod::HfCand2ProngWPid, aod::HfMlD0> const& hfCandsD0,
TracksPion const& pionTracks,
HfCandBpConfigs const& configs)
runSelection<true>(hfCandsBp, hfCandsD0, pionTracks, configs);
} // processSelectionWithDmesMl

PROCESS_SWITCH(HfCandidateSelectorBplusToD0PiML, processSelectionWithDmesMl, "Process selection with ML scores of D mesons", false);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
return WorkflowSpec{adaptAnalysisTask<HfCandidateSelectorBplusToD0PiML>(cfgc)};

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