Releases: nytimes/ios-360-videos
Releases · nytimes/ios-360-videos
- Exposes the pan gesture recognizer used for manual camera panning so that host applications can properly configure their other gesture recognizers.
- Changes the podspec source to an SSH URL.
- Fixes inaccuracies in the 0.3.1 podspec (it should have support iOS 8.0 or later, missing public headers).
Change name to NYT360Video
- Adds a low-pass noise filter to device motion update processing, which helps prevent spurious input without requiring the user to calibrate their device.
- Exposes playback methods from NYT360ViewController so that users don't have to use the AVPlayer playback controls (which do not work as documented).
- Exposes option to selectively disable panning axes (vertical, horizontal) which will be needed for inline autoplay in a scroll view.
- Fixes a bug that caused visual distortions when resizing NYT360ViewController's view.
- Adds dependency injection for shared CMMotionManager (including a protocol for a shared wrapper around that shared manager) so that host projects can use a single motion manager throughout an application.
- Tidies up existing code for clarity and consistency.