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Gatekeeper Proxy Server


Gatekeeper is a proxy server application that ensures secure and controlled access to backend services. It enforces rate limiting, HTTP header key validation against a database before forwarding requests to a target URL. If a request key cannot be validated, Gatekeeper will return a 401 Unauthorized response.


  • HTTP Header Key Validation: Ensures only requests with valid keys in the HTTP header are allowed to connect to the proxied target address.
  • Load Balancing: Uses configurable load balancing via round-robin(default) and ip hash principles. Always on - depends on PROXY_TARGET_URL configuration.
  • Rate Limiting: Controls the rate of incoming requests, either globally or per individual request key.
  • Caching: Allows for validated values to be cached in app memory. On by default.
  • Environment Validation: Verifies required environment variables are set before starting the application.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Maven


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd gatekeeper
  2. Configure your docker-compose.yml via the provided template.
  3. Build and deploy the application:


Configure the following environment variables before starting the application:

  • PROXY_TARGET_URL: The URL to which requests will be forwarded.
  • DB_TYPE: Database type (e.g., mariadb, mysql, postgres, db2, mssql, sqlite).
  • DB_HOST: Database host.
  • DB_PORT: Database port.
  • DB_NAME: Database name.
  • DB_USERNAME: Database username.
  • DB_PASSWORD: Database password.
  • TABLE_NAME: Database table name containing keys for validation.
  • COLUMN_NAME: Column name in the table containing keys for validation.


This application supports multiple databases including MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, MSSQL, and SQLite. The provided ddl-gatekeeper-example.sql file provides an example of the required baseline database structure against which user key tokens will be validated.

Additional Configurations

  • LOAD_BALANCE_MODE: Optional. On by default. Load balancing will be distributed among targeted URLs via the PROXY_TARGET_URL configuration. String: round-robin|ip-hash. Default: round-robin.

  • RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED: Optional. Determines whether the rate limiter is enabled. String: "true"|"false". Default: "false".

  • RATE_LIMIT_RATE: Optional. Rate limit threshold. Int value. Default: 100.

  • RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT: Optional. Rate limit timeout period (seconds). Int value. Default: 10.

  • RATE_LIMIT_MODE: Optional. The mode at which rate limiting works - supports global and individual values.

    • global - Default value. Establishes a global rate for all keys, based on RATE_LIMIT_RATE and RATE_LIMIT_MODE.
    • individual - Establishes a rate limit per individual key, based on RATE_LIMIT_RATE and RATE_LIMIT_MODE.
  • ENABLE_CACHING: Optional. Determines whether the caching feature is enabled, where user key tokens are stored in a memory cache once validated. String: "true"|"false". Default: true.

  • CACHE_MAX_SIZE: Optional. The maximum number of keys that can be stored in cache at once. Only taken into account if caching is enabled. Int value. Default: 100.

  • CACHE_MAX_DURATION_M: Optional. The maximum duration (in minutes) that individual keys are stored in the cache. Only taken into account if caching is enabled. Int value. Default: 10.


You can attach a volume for application logs which, in the container, are stored in /var/log/gatekeeper. Refer to


Once the application has been built, start the application using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

The application will be available at the configured port and will start proxying requests to the target URL after validating the environment and rate limits.

HTTP Header for Validation

Remote clients need to submit the HTTP header x-gate-key for validation. This header contains the key that the server will validate.

Example Request with x-gate-key Header

GET /some-protected-resource HTTP/1.1
x-gate-key: abc123xyz456


  • GET /some-protected-resource HTTP/1.1: The HTTP method and resource path the client is requesting.
  • Host: The host header specifying the server.
  • x-gate-key: abc123xyz456: The custom HTTP header key abc123xyz456 for proxy validation.

In this example, the key string abc123xyz456 is sent via the HTTP x-gate-key header. The server will use this key to validate the client's request against the database and/or cache. If the key is valid, the server will forward the request towards the target address; otherwise, it will return a 401 UNAUTHORIZED response.


Maybe tests someday. Maybe.
