Traditional static manhattan plots are slow and ugly. Let's fix that with a little d3 and R!
Here's a live example (or just look in the gh-pages
branch of this repo).
#Load in package data to test.
d = sampleVals
#Draw it!
#If you don't want a significance line:
manhattanPlot(d, sigLine = FALSE)
#If you want it to load fast and forgo silly animations
manhattanPlot(d, animationSpeed = 50)
Make sure your data is a dataframe with one column with the SNP names and another with their corresponding p-values. You can then specify these to the plotting function. If you have already -log10-ed your p-values then set the option logged = TRUE
manhattanPlot(d, snps_col = "SNP", pvals_col = "PVal")
Two datasets have been included for ease of testing:
are real data from Klein et al.'s 2005 science paper (run?sampleVals
for more info and citation).random
which is randomly generated values with one significant snp (according to a bonferroni correction).