diff --git a/AltAnalyze.py b/AltAnalyze.py
index e93e46a..b5ae75e 100755
--- a/AltAnalyze.py
+++ b/AltAnalyze.py
@@ -5108,6 +5108,39 @@ def callWXPython():
app = wx.App(False)
+def rewriteFinalGroups(filename,export_path):
+ eo = export.ExportFile(export_path)
+ eo.write(string.join(['cell_ID','Cluster','Cell-Type-Prediction'],'\t')+'\n')
+ for line in open(filename,'rU').xreadlines():
+ eo.write(line)
+ eo.close()
+def exportMarkersForCellBrowser(marker_file,cluster_names_dir,export_path):
+ eo = export.ExportFile(export_path)
+ cluster_names={}
+ eo.write('cluster\tgene\tavg_diff\tp_val\t_hprdClass\t_expr\t_geneLists\n')
+ for line in open(cluster_names_dir,'rU').xreadlines():
+ data = cleanUpLine(line)
+ cluster,name = string.split(data,'\t')
+ cluster_names[cluster] = name
+ firstRow=True
+ cluster_count={}
+ for line in open(marker_file,'rU').xreadlines():
+ data = cleanUpLine(line)
+ if firstRow: firstRow=False
+ else:
+ try:
+ gene,symbol,rho,ICGS_State = string.split(data,'\t')
+ except Exception:
+ gene,symbol,rho,rho_p,ICGS_State = string.split(data,'\t')
+ name = cluster_names[ICGS_State]
+ try: cluster_count[name]+=1
+ except: cluster_count[name]=1
+ score = str(float(rho)*10.0)
+ if score>2 and cluster_count[name]<101:
+ eo.write(string.join([name,gene,score,rho_p,"NA","NA","AltAnalyze"],'\t')+'\n')
+ eo.close()
def AltAnalyzeSetup(skip_intro):
global apt_location; global root_dir;global log_file; global summary_data_db; summary_data_db={}; reload(UI)
global probability_statistic; global commandLineMode; commandLineMode = 'no'
@@ -6358,7 +6391,9 @@ def commandLineRun():
'downsample=','query=','referenceFull=', 'maskGroups=',
'dataFormat=','geneTPM=','markerPearsonCutoff=', 'additionalAnalyses=',
- 'useExonReads=','ChromiumSparseMatrixDir=','coordinateFile='])
+ 'useExonReads=','ChromiumSparseMatrixDir=','coordinateFile=',
+ 'minimalPlots=','cellBrowser=','cellbrowser='])
except Exception:
print traceback.format_exc()
print "There is an error in the supplied command-line arguments (each flag requires an argument)"; sys.exit()
@@ -6611,6 +6646,7 @@ def commandLineRun():
+ cellBrowser = False
if ChromiumSparseMatrix != '' or ChromiumSparseMatrixDir != '':
rho_cutoff = 0.2
column_metric = 'euclidean'
@@ -6671,6 +6707,9 @@ def commandLineRun():
try: contrast=float(arg)
except Exception: print '--contrast not a valid float';sys.exit()
elif opt == '--vendor': vendor=arg
+ elif opt == '--cellBrowser' or opt == '--cellbrowser':
+ if 'true' in arg.lower() or 'yes' in arg.lower():
+ cellBrowser = True
elif opt == '--display':
if arg=='yes':
@@ -6732,7 +6771,8 @@ def commandLineRun():
print 'Setting output directory to:',output_dir
expFile = output_dir + '/ExpressionInput/'+ 'exp.'+exp_name+'.txt'
if ChromiumSparseMatrix != '':
- exp_name = 'scRNA-Seq'
+ try: exp_name
+ except: exp_name = 'scRNA-Seq'
print 'Setting experiment name to:',exp_name
try: expFile = output_dir + '/ExpressionInput/'+ 'exp.'+exp_name+'.txt'
@@ -6894,6 +6934,20 @@ def commandLineRun():
exp_file_location_db[exp_name+'-ICGS'] = fl
+ if cellBrowser:
+ import shutil
+ ### Export additional formatted results for the UCSC cellbrowser
+ cellbrowser_dir = root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/cellbrowser'
+ try: os.mkdir(cellbrowser_dir)
+ except: pass
+ shutil.move(newExpFile,cellbrowser_dir+'/exp.cellbrowser.txt')
+ shutil.copy(root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/FinalMarkerHeatmap-UMAP_coordinates.txt',cellbrowser_dir+'/FinalMarkerHeatmap-UMAP_coordinates.txt')
+ rewriteFinalGroups(root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/FinalGroups-CellTypesFull.txt',cellbrowser_dir+'/FinalGroups-CellTypesFull.txt')
+ marker_file = root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/MarkerGenes.txt'
+ cluster_names_dir = root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/FinalGroups-CellTypes.txt'
+ marker_export_dir = root_dir+'/ICGS-NMF/cellbrowser/markers.tsv'
+ exportMarkersForCellBrowser(marker_file,cluster_names_dir,marker_export_dir)
### force MarkerFinder to be run
input_exp_file = newExpFile ### Point MarkerFinder to the new ICGS ordered copied expression file
runMarkerFinder=True ### Not necessary for ICGS2 as MarkerFinder will already have been run - but good for other ICGS outputs
@@ -7059,7 +7113,7 @@ def commandLineRun():
#from visualization_scripts import clustering; clustering.outputClusters([input_file_dir],[])
- if 'PCA' in image_export or 't-SNE' in image_export or 'UMAP' in image_export or 'umap' in image_export:
+ if 'PCA' in image_export or 't-SNE' in image_export or 'tsne' in image_export or 'UMAP' in image_export or 'umap' in image_export or 'spring' in image_export or 'SPRING' in image_export:
#AltAnalyze.py --input "/Users/nsalomonis/Desktop/folds.txt" --image PCA --plotType 3D --display True --labels yes
#python AltAnalyze.py --input "/Users/nsalomonis/Desktop/log2_expression.txt" --image "t-SNE" --plotType 2D --display True --labels no --genes "ACTG2 ARHDIA KRT18 KRT8 ATP2B1 ARHGDIB" --species Hs --platform RNASeq --separateGenePlots True --zscore no
#--algorithm "t-SNE"
@@ -7073,10 +7127,12 @@ def commandLineRun():
reimportModelScores = True
maskGroups = None
coordinateFile = None
- if 't-SNE' in image_export:
+ if 't-SNE' in image_export or 'tsne' in image_export:
pca_algorithm = 't-SNE'
- if 'UMAP' in image_export or 'umap' in image_export:
+ if 'umap' in image_export or 'UMAP' in image_export:
pca_algorithm = 'UMAP'
+ if 'spring' in image_export or 'SPRING' in image_export:
+ pca_algorithm = 'SPRING'
for opt, arg in options: ### Accept user input for these hierarchical clustering variables
#print opt,arg
if opt == '--labels':
@@ -8141,6 +8197,7 @@ def commandLineRun():
pval = 0.05
adjp = True
+ minimalPlots = False
for opt, arg in options: ### Accept user input for these hierarchical clustering variables
if opt == '--fold': FoldDiff=float(arg)
elif opt == '--pval': pval = float(arg)
@@ -8150,6 +8207,7 @@ def commandLineRun():
elif opt == '--labels': labels = arg
elif opt == '--genes': genes = arg
elif opt == '--referenceFull': referenceFull = arg
+ elif opt == '--minimalPlots': minimalPlots = arg
fl = UI.ExpressionFileLocationData('','','','')
@@ -8165,6 +8223,7 @@ def commandLineRun():
+ fl.setMinimalPlots(minimalPlots)
diff --git a/ExpressionBuilder.py b/ExpressionBuilder.py
index 9479146..0bd4de1 100644
--- a/ExpressionBuilder.py
+++ b/ExpressionBuilder.py
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def checkExpressionFileFormat(expFile,reportNegatives=False,filterIDs=False):
def calculate_expression_measures(expr_input_dir,expr_group_dir,experiment_name,comp_group_dir,probeset_db,annotate_db):
print "Processing the expression file:",expr_input_dir
try: expressionDataFormat,increment,convertNonLogToLog = checkExpressionFileFormat(expr_input_dir)
except Exception:
print traceback.format_exc()
@@ -913,19 +913,9 @@ def exportGeneRegulationSummary(filename,headers,system_code):
if log_fold>0:
try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated','protein_coding']+=1
except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated','protein_coding'] = 1
- try:
- if 'miR-1(' in af[mi]:
- try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated','protein_coding',search_miR[:-1]]+=1
- except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated','protein_coding',search_miR[:-1]] = 1
- except Exception: None ### occurs when mi not present
try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated','protein_coding']+=1
except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated','protein_coding'] = 1
- try:
- if 'miR-1(' in af[mi]:
- try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated','protein_coding',search_miR[:-1]]+=1
- except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated','protein_coding',search_miR[:-1]] = 1
- except Exception: None ### occurs when mi not present
if protein_class == 'NULL':
class_name = 'unclassified'
@@ -934,19 +924,9 @@ def exportGeneRegulationSummary(filename,headers,system_code):
if log_fold>0:
try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated',class_name]+=1
except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated',class_name] = 1
- try:
- if 'miR-1(' in af[mi]:
- try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated',class_name,search_miR[:-1]]+=1
- except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'upregulated',class_name,search_miR[:-1]] = 1
- except Exception: None ### occurs when mi not present
try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated',class_name]+=1
except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated',class_name] = 1
- try:
- if 'miR-1(' in af[mi]:
- try: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated',class_name,search_miR[:-1]]+=1
- except KeyError: criterion_db[criterion_name,'downregulated',class_name,search_miR[:-1]] = 1
- except Exception: None ### occurs when mi not present
index += 1
if len(criterion_db)>0:
@@ -1382,7 +1362,7 @@ def exportAnalyzedData(comp_group_list2,expr_group_db):
if 'ENS' in arrayid and Vendor == 'Symbol':
Vendor = 'Ensembl'
- if array_type != "AltMouse" and (array_type != "3'array" or 'Ensembl' in Vendor):
+ if array_type != "AltMouse" and (array_type != "3'array" or 'Ensembl' in Vendor or 'RNASeq' in Vendor):
#annotate_db[gene] = symbol, definition,rna_processing
#probeset_db[gene] = transcluster_string, exon_id_string
title = ['Ensembl_gene','Definition','Symbol','Transcript_cluster_ids','Constitutive_exons_used','Constitutive_IDs_used','Putative microRNA binding sites','Select Cellular Compartments','Select Protein Classes','Chromosome','Strand','Genomic Gene Corrdinates','GO-Biological Process','GO-Molecular Function','GO-Cellular Component','WikiPathways']
@@ -1408,7 +1388,7 @@ def exportAnalyzedData(comp_group_list2,expr_group_db):
symbol = ca.Symbol()
data_val = [arrayid,ca.Description(),ca.Symbol(),ca.Species(),ca.Coordinates()]
data_val = string.join(data_val,'\t')
- elif array_type != 'AltMouse' and (array_type != "3'array" or 'Ensembl' in Vendor):
+ elif array_type != 'AltMouse' and (array_type != "3'array" or 'Ensembl' in Vendor or 'RNASeq' in Vendor):
try: definition = annotate_db[arrayid][0]; symbol = annotate_db[arrayid][1]; rna_processing = annotate_db[arrayid][2]
except Exception: definition=''; symbol=''; rna_processing=''
report = 'all'
@@ -1905,7 +1885,8 @@ def remoteExpressionBuilder(Species,Array_type,dabg_p,expression_threshold,
platform_description = array_type
print "Beginning to process the",species,platform_description,'dataset'
- process_custom = 'no'
+ process_custom = 'no'
if array_type == "custom": ### Keep this code for now, even though not currently used
import_dir = '/AltDatabase/affymetrix/custom'
dir_list = read_directory(import_dir) #send a sub_directory to a function to identify all files in a directory
@@ -1919,7 +1900,7 @@ def remoteExpressionBuilder(Species,Array_type,dabg_p,expression_threshold,
probe_annotation_file = "AltDatabase/"+species+'/'+ array_type+'/'+array_type+"_annotations.txt"
original_annotate_db = import_annotations(probe_annotation_file)
conventional_array_db = []
- elif array_type == "3'array" and 'Ensembl' not in vendor: ### If user supplied IDs are from Ensembl - doesn't matter the vendor
+ elif array_type == "3'array" and 'Ensembl' not in vendor and 'RNASeq' not in vendor: ### If user supplied IDs are from Ensembl - doesn't matter the vendor
original_vendor = vendor
if 'other:' in vendor:
vendor = string.replace(vendor,'other:','')
@@ -1942,8 +1923,10 @@ def remoteExpressionBuilder(Species,Array_type,dabg_p,expression_threshold,
probeset_db = []; annotate_db = []; constitutive_db = []; conventional_array_db = []
### The below function gathers GO annotations from the GO-Elite database (not Affymetrix as the module name implies)
conventional_array_db = BuildAffymetrixAssociations.getEnsemblAnnotationsFromGOElite(species)
- if 'Ensembl' in vendor:
+ if 'Ensembl' in vendor or 'RNASeq' in vendor:
+ robeset_db = []; annotate_db = []; constitutive_db = []; conventional_array_db = []
annotate_db = importGeneAnnotations(species) ### populate annotate_db - mimicking export structure of exon array
+ conventional_array_db = BuildAffymetrixAssociations.getEnsemblAnnotationsFromGOElite(species)
original_platform = array_type
global expr_threshold; global dabg_pval; global gene_exp_threshold; global gene_rpkm_threshold; dabg_pval = dabg_p
diff --git a/LineageProfilerIterate.py b/LineageProfilerIterate.py
index d609c27..4f792ca 100755
--- a/LineageProfilerIterate.py
+++ b/LineageProfilerIterate.py
@@ -2229,6 +2229,9 @@ def harmonizeClassifiedSamples(species,reference_exp_file, query_exp_file, class
try: FoldCutoff = fl.FoldCutoff()
except: FoldCutoff = 1.5
+ try: MinimalPlots = fl.MinimalPlots()
+ except: MinimalPlots = False
customLabels = None
if len(fl.Labels())>0:
@@ -2297,43 +2300,48 @@ def harmonizeClassifiedSamples(species,reference_exp_file, query_exp_file, class
import UI
import warnings
- try:
- try: os.mkdir(fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots')
- except: pass
- """ Output UMAP combined plot colored by reference and query cell identity """
- plot = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
- display=False, geneSetName=None, species=species, zscore=False, reimportModelScores=False,
- separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True)
- plot = plot[-1][-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
- shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-vs-ref.pdf')
- """ Output UMAP combined plot colored by cell tates """
- plot = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
- display=False, geneSetName=None, species='Mm', zscore=False, reimportModelScores=True,
- separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True, forceClusters=True)
- plot = plot[-1][-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
- shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-vs-ref-clusters.pdf')
- """ Output individual UMAP plots colored by cell tates """
- groups_file = string.replace(output_file,'exp.','groups.')
- plots = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
- display=False, geneSetName=None, species='Mm', zscore=False, reimportModelScores=True,
- separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True, forceClusters=True, maskGroups=groups_file)
- for plot in plots:
- plot = plot[-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
- if '-cellHarmony-Reference-' in plot:
- shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-ref-clusters.pdf')
- else:
- shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-clusters.pdf')
- except:
+ if MinimalPlots:
+ print 'Skipping UMAP plot creation!'
+ else:
+ ### Include making UMAP plots (will add significant time)
- print traceback.format_exc()
- print 'UMAP error encountered (dependency not met), trying t-SNE'
- UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 't-SNE', False, None, plotType='2D',
- display=False, geneSetName=None, species=species, zscore=True, reimportModelScores=False,
+ try: os.mkdir(fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots')
+ except: pass
+ """ Output UMAP combined plot colored by reference and query cell identity """
+ plot = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
+ display=False, geneSetName=None, species=species, zscore=False, reimportModelScores=False,
separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True)
- except: pass
+ plot = plot[-1][-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
+ shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-vs-ref.pdf')
+ """ Output UMAP combined plot colored by cell tates """
+ plot = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
+ display=False, geneSetName=None, species='Mm', zscore=False, reimportModelScores=True,
+ separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True, forceClusters=True)
+ plot = plot[-1][-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
+ shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-vs-ref-clusters.pdf')
+ """ Output individual UMAP plots colored by cell tates """
+ groups_file = string.replace(output_file,'exp.','groups.')
+ plots = UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 'UMAP', False, None, plotType='2D',
+ display=False, geneSetName=None, species='Mm', zscore=False, reimportModelScores=True,
+ separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True, forceClusters=True, maskGroups=groups_file)
+ for plot in plots:
+ plot = plot[-1][:-4]+'.pdf'
+ if '-cellHarmony-Reference-' in plot:
+ shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-ref-clusters.pdf')
+ else:
+ shutil.copy(plot,fl.OutputDir()+'/UMAP-plots/UMAP-query-clusters.pdf')
+ except:
+ try:
+ print traceback.format_exc()
+ print 'UMAP error encountered (dependency not met), trying t-SNE'
+ UI.performPCA(output_file, 'no', 't-SNE', False, None, plotType='2D',
+ display=False, geneSetName=None, species=species, zscore=True, reimportModelScores=False,
+ separateGenePlots=False, returnImageLoc=True)
+ except: pass
@@ -3977,11 +3985,11 @@ def createMetaICGSResults(ICGS_files,outputDir,CenterMethod='median',
# re-cluster this merged file with HOPACH to produce the final combined medoid reference
from visualization_scripts import clustering
row_method = None; row_metric = 'correlation'; column_method = None; column_metric = 'cosine'; color_gradient = 'yellow_black_blue'
- transpose = False; Normalize=False
+ transpose = False; Normalize='median'
graphics = clustering.runHCexplicit(query_output_file, [], row_method, row_metric,
column_method, column_metric, color_gradient, transpose, Normalize=Normalize,
- contrast=3, display=False)
+ contrast=4, display=False)
print 'Completed clustering'
revised_cellHarmony_reference = graphics[-1][-1][:-4]+'.txt'
final_output_dir = outputDir+'/CellHarmonyReference/ICGS-merged-reference.txt'
@@ -4168,7 +4176,7 @@ def collapseSimilarMedoids(outputfile,cutoff=0.9):
return collapsed_dir, unclustered_collapsed
def convertICGSClustersToExpression(heatmap_file,query_exp_file,returnCentroids=False,
- CenterMethod='median',geneOverride=None,combineFullDatasets=True,species='Hs',fl=None):
+ CenterMethod='mean',geneOverride=None,combineFullDatasets=True,species='Hs',fl=None):
"""This function will import an ICGS row normalized heatmap and return raw
expression values substituted for the values. """
@@ -4389,6 +4397,7 @@ def convertICGSClustersToExpression(heatmap_file,query_exp_file,returnCentroids=
eo.write(string.join(['column_clusters-flat','']+map(lambda x: string.replace(x,'cluster-',''),group_index_db),'\t')+'\n')
from stats_scripts import statistics
+ print 'CenterMethod:',CenterMethod
for uid in reference_matrix:
diff --git a/UI.py b/UI.py
index bed6182..2e2ec96 100755
--- a/UI.py
+++ b/UI.py
@@ -1152,6 +1152,19 @@ def performPCA(filename, pca_labels, pca_algorithm, transpose, root, plotType='3
if zscore=='yes': zscore = True
elif zscore=='no': zscore = False
+ """
+ print 'start'
+ print filename
+ print transpose
+ print pca_labels
+ print species
+ print zscore
+ print colorByGene
+ print reimportModelScores
+ print separateGenePlots
+ print forceClusters
+ print maskGroups
+ print coordinateFile"""
pca_graphical_links = clustering.runPCAonly(filename, graphics, transpose, showLabels=pca_labels,
plotType=plotType,display=display, algorithm=pca_algorithm, geneSetName=geneSetName,
@@ -1769,27 +1782,31 @@ def viewPNGFile(self,tl):
except Exception:
from PIL import ImageTk
png_file_dir = self.graphic_link['WP']
- img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=png_file_dir)
- sf = PmwFreeze.ScrolledFrame(tl, labelpos = 'n', label_text = '',
- usehullsize = 1, hull_width = 800, hull_height = 550)
- sf.pack(padx = 0, pady = 0, fill = 'both', expand = 1)
- frame = sf.interior()
- tl.title(png_file_dir)
- can = Canvas(frame)
- can.pack(fill=BOTH, padx = 0, pady = 0)
- w = img.width()
- h = height=img.height()
- can.config(width=w, height=h)
- can.create_image(2, 2, image=img, anchor=NW)
- if 'quit' in self.graphic_link:
- tl.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.tldeleteWindow(tl))
- tl.mainloop()
+ if '.svg' in png_file_dir:
+ try: webbrowser.open(png_file_dir)
+ except Exception: pass
- tl.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.tldeleteWindow(tl))
- tl.mainloop()
+ img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=png_file_dir)
+ sf = PmwFreeze.ScrolledFrame(tl, labelpos = 'n', label_text = '',
+ usehullsize = 1, hull_width = 800, hull_height = 550)
+ sf.pack(padx = 0, pady = 0, fill = 'both', expand = 1)
+ frame = sf.interior()
+ tl.title(png_file_dir)
+ can = Canvas(frame)
+ can.pack(fill=BOTH, padx = 0, pady = 0)
+ w = img.width()
+ h = height=img.height()
+ can.config(width=w, height=h)
+ can.create_image(2, 2, image=img, anchor=NW)
+ if 'quit' in self.graphic_link:
+ tl.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.tldeleteWindow(tl))
+ tl.mainloop()
+ else:
+ tl.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.tldeleteWindow(tl))
+ tl.mainloop()
def openPNGImage(self):
png_file_dir = self.graphic_link['WP']
@@ -4577,6 +4594,15 @@ def UseAdjPvalue(self):
return True
def setLabels(self,labels): self.labels = labels
+ def setMinimalPlots(self,minimalPlots): self.minimalPlots = minimalPlots
+ def MinimalPlots(self):
+ try:
+ if 'rue' in self.minimalPlots or 'es' in self.minimalPlots:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ except:
+ return False
def Labels(self): return self.labels
def setFoldCutoff(self, foldCutoff): self.foldCutoff = foldCutoff
def FoldCutoff(self): return self.foldCutoff
diff --git a/gene_associations.py b/gene_associations.py
index 68e4b26..fdcdf01 100644
--- a/gene_associations.py
+++ b/gene_associations.py
@@ -304,6 +304,75 @@ def exportCustomPathwayMappings(gene_to_custom,mod,system_codes,custom_sets_fold
#print relationships,'Custom pathway-to-ID relationships exported...'
+def visualizeWikiPathways(species_code,gpml_data,pathway_db,pathway_id,mod='Ensembl'):
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ #styles = mpatches.ArrowStyle.get_styles()
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots() #fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 2))
+ #fig.suptitle(pathway_id, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
+ """
+ an1 = ax.annotate("Test 1", xy=(0.5, 0.5), xycoords="data",
+ va="center", ha="center",
+ bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"))
+ an2 = ax.annotate("Test 2", xy=(0.5, 1.), xycoords=an1,
+ xytext=(0.5, 1.1), textcoords=(an1, "axes fraction"),
+ va="bottom", ha="center",
+ bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"),
+ arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
+ """
+ try: gene_to_symbol_db = getGeneToUid(species_code,('hide',mod+'-Symbol.txt')); #print mod_source, 'relationships imported.'
+ except Exception: gene_to_symbol_db={}
+ wpd = pathway_db[pathway_id]
+ for gi in wpd.PathwayGeneData():
+ #print gi.YCoord()/1000
+ y = (-1*gi.YCoord()/1000)+1
+ #print [gi.Height(), gi.Width(), gi.XCoord(), gi.YCoord(), gi.Label(), gi.GraphID()]
+ ax.annotate(gi.Label(), xy=(gi.XCoord()/1000, y), xycoords="data",
+ va="center", ha="center", size = 4,
+ bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"))
+ for intd in wpd.Interactions():
+ gi1 = intd.GeneObject1()
+ gi2 = intd.GeneObject2()
+ coord = intd.Coordinates()
+ x = coord[0][0]
+ y = coord[0][1]
+ dx = coord[1][0] - x
+ dy = coord[1][1] - y #(y+(y*0.1))
+ x = x/1000
+ y = (-1*y/1000)+1
+ dx = dx/1000
+ dy = dy/1000
+ ax.arrow(x, y, dx, dy)
+ ### Gene ID mapping below for color-based visualization
+ if len(gene_to_symbol_db)>0:
+ try:
+ if gi1.ModID()[0] in gene_to_symbol_db:
+ symbol = gene_to_symbol_db[gi1.ModID()[0]][0]
+ if len(symbol)>0:
+ gi1.setLabel(symbol) ### Replace the WikiPathways user annnotated symbol with a MOD symbol
+ except Exception:
+ None
+ try:
+ if gi2.ModID()[0] in gene_to_symbol_db:
+ symbol = gene_to_symbol_db[gi2.ModID()[0]][0]
+ if len(symbol)>0:
+ gi2.setLabel(symbol) ### Replace the WikiPathways user annnotated symbol with a MOD symbol
+ except Exception:
+ None
+ #gi1.Label()
+ #gi2.Label()
+ ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)
+ ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)
+ fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.83)
+ plt.show()
def exportNodeInteractions(pathway_db,mod,custom_sets_folder):
import GO_Elite
@@ -1365,6 +1434,15 @@ def setLabel(self,label): self.label = label
def Label(self): return self.label
def setModID(self,mod_list): self.mod_list = mod_list
def ModID(self): return self.mod_list
+ def setXCoord(self,xCoord): self.xCoord = xCoord
+ def setYCoord(self,yCoord): self.yCoord = yCoord
+ def setWidth(self,width): self.width = width
+ def setHeight(self,height): self.height = height
+ def XCoord(self): return self.xCoord
+ def YCoord(self): return self.yCoord
+ def Height(self): return self.height
+ def Width(self): return self.width
def Report(self):
try: output = self.GeneID()+'|'+self.System()
except Exception: print self.Label()
@@ -1453,7 +1531,7 @@ def convertAllGPML(specific_species,all_species):
### Download all species GPML from .zip
#url = 'http://wikipathways.org//wpi/cache/wikipathways_'+species+'_Curation-AnalysisCollection__gpml.zip'
- url = 'http://data.wikipathways.org/20200510/gpml/wikipathways-20200510-gpml-'+species+'.zip'
+ url = 'http://data.wikipathways.org/20210110/gpml/wikipathways-20210110-gpml-'+species+'.zip'
print url
fln,status = update.download(url,'GPML/','')
@@ -1559,21 +1637,25 @@ def Join(self,ls): return string.join(unique.unique(ls),',')
def Count(self): return str(self.count)
def __repr__(self): return self.Report()
-class InteractionData:
- def __init__(self, gene1,gene2,int_type):
- self.gene1 = gene1; self.gene2 = gene2; self.int_type = int_type
- def GeneObject1(self): return self.gene1
- def GeneObject2(self): return self.gene2
- def InteractionType(self): return self.int_type
class EdgeData:
def __init__(self, graphid1,graphid2,int_type):
self.graphid1 = graphid1; self.graphid2 = graphid2; self.int_type = int_type
def GraphID1(self): return self.graphid1
def GraphID2(self): return self.graphid2
+ def setCoordinates(self,coordinates): self.coordinates = coordinates
+ def Coordinates(self): return self.coordinates
def InteractionType(self): return self.int_type
+ def __repr__(self): print 'EdgeData repr'
-def parseGPML(custom_sets_folder):
+class InteractionData(EdgeData):
+ def __init__(self, gene1,gene2,int_type):
+ self.gene1 = gene1; self.gene2 = gene2; self.int_type = int_type
+ def GeneObject1(self): return self.gene1
+ def GeneObject2(self): return self.gene2
+ def InteractionType(self): return self.int_type
+ def __repr__(self): print self.edgeData()
+def parseGPML(custom_sets_folder,includeGraphicElements=True):
import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
@@ -1610,11 +1692,24 @@ def parseGPML(custom_sets_folder):
### Store internal graph data for pathway edges to build gene interaction networks later
graphid = ed.getAttribute("GraphRef")
edge_type = ed.getAttribute("ArrowHead")
- if edge_type == '': edge_pair = [graphid] ### either just a graphical line or the begining of a node-node edge
+ if edge_type == '':
+ edge_pair = [graphid] ### either just a graphical line or the begining of a node-node edge
+ try:
+ graphX1 = ed.getAttribute("X")
+ graphY1 = ed.getAttribute("Y")
+ except: pass
+ try:
+ graphX2 = ed.getAttribute("X")
+ graphY2 = ed.getAttribute("Y")
+ edge_coord = [(float(graphX1),float(graphY1)),(float(graphX2),float(graphY2))]
+ except: pass
edd = EdgeData(str(edge_pair[0]),str(edge_pair[1]),str(edge_type))
+ try:
+ edd.setCoordinates(edge_coord)
+ except: pass
except Exception:
None ### Can happen with some pathways
@@ -1645,6 +1740,13 @@ def parseGPML(custom_sets_folder):
if x.nodeName == 'Xref': ### Since the attributes we want are children of these nodes, must find the parents first
system_name = x.getAttribute("Database") ### System Code
id = x.getAttribute("ID") ### Gene or metabolite ID
+ if x.nodeName == 'Graphics' and includeGraphicElements: ### Positional location of the same gene ID as above
+ xCoord = x.getAttribute("CenterX") ### X coordinate
+ yCoord = x.getAttribute("CenterY") ### Y coordinate
+ width = x.getAttribute("Width") ### X coordinate
+ height = x.getAttribute("Height") ### Y coordinate
label = i.getAttribute("TextLabel") ### Gene or metabolite label
type = i.getAttribute('Type') #E.g.', GeneProduct, Metabolite
graphID = i.getAttribute("GraphId") ### WikiPathways graph ID
@@ -1655,6 +1757,13 @@ def parseGPML(custom_sets_folder):
gi.setGroupID(str(groupID)) ### Include internal graph IDs for determining edges
+ try:
+ gi.setXCoord(float(xCoord))
+ gi.setYCoord(float(yCoord))
+ gi.setWidth(float(width))
+ gi.setHeight(float(height))
+ except:
+ pass
if len(id)>0 or 'Tissue' in pathway_name: ### Applies to the Lineage Profiler pathway which doesn't have IDs
@@ -1689,6 +1798,7 @@ def getInteractions(complexes_data,edge_data,wpd):
for gi1 in gi_list1:
for gi2 in gi_list2:
intd = InteractionData(gi1,gi2,eed.InteractionType())
+ intd.setCoordinates(eed.Coordinates())
except KeyError: null=[] ### Typically occurs for interactions with Labels and similar objects
return interaction_data
@@ -1981,7 +2091,7 @@ def IDconverter(filename,species_code,input_system_name, output_system_name,anal
for i in gene_annotations:
print i, gene_annotations[i].Symbol(); break
print len(gene_annotations)
- sys.exit()
+ #sys.exit()
import GO_Elite
system_codes,source_types,mod_types = GO_Elite.getSourceData()
#custom_sets_folder = '/test'
@@ -1995,6 +2105,13 @@ def IDconverter(filename,species_code,input_system_name, output_system_name,anal
gpml_data,pathway_db = parseGPML(custom_sets_folder)
gene_to_WP = unifyGeneSystems(gpml_data,species_code,mod)
+ for pathway in pathway_db:
+ print pathway
+ #### Use Matplotlib to visualize a WikiPathway (poorly)
+ visualizeWikiPathways(species_code,gpml_data,pathway_db,pathway,mod='Ensembl')
+ sys.exit()
biopax_data = parseBioPax('/test'); sys.exit()
diff --git a/import_scripts/ChromiumProcessing.py b/import_scripts/ChromiumProcessing.py
index 11daf8b..bf26bdb 100755
--- a/import_scripts/ChromiumProcessing.py
+++ b/import_scripts/ChromiumProcessing.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ def import10XSparseMatrix(matrices_dir, genome, dataset_name, expFile=None, log=
print 'Processing:',matrices_dir
start_time = time.time()
if dataset_name == '10X_filtered':
matrix_fn = os.path.basename(string.replace(matrices_dir,'\\','/'))
if '.gz' in matrix_fn:
@@ -59,15 +58,18 @@ def import10XSparseMatrix(matrices_dir, genome, dataset_name, expFile=None, log=
if os.path.isfile(genes_path)==False:
genes_path = string.replace(matrix_dir,'matrix.mtx','features.tsv')
genes_path = string.replace(matrix_dir,'counts.mtx','features.tsv')
- if 'matrix' in genes_path:
- genes_path = string.replace(genes_path,'matrix','features')
+ if 'matrix.' in genes_path:
+ genes_path = string.replace(genes_path,'matrix.','features.')
genes_path = string.replace(genes_path,'.mtx','.tsv')
if os.path.isfile(genes_path)==False:
- genes_path = string.replace(genes_path,'features','genes')
+ genes_path = string.replace(genes_path,'features.','genes.')
if os.path.isfile(genes_path)==False:
- incorrectGenePathError
- if 'matrix' in barcodes_path:
- barcodes_path = string.replace(barcodes_path,'matrix','barcodes')
+ try: incorrectGenePathError
+ except:
+ print 'WARNING!!!!! incorrectGenePathError'
+ print genes_path
+ if 'matrix.' in barcodes_path:
+ barcodes_path = string.replace(barcodes_path,'matrix.','barcodes.')
barcodes_path = string.replace(barcodes_path,'.mtx','.tsv')
if os.path.isfile(barcodes_path)==False:
@@ -83,7 +85,12 @@ def import10XSparseMatrix(matrices_dir, genome, dataset_name, expFile=None, log=
barcodes = [row[0] for row in csv.reader(open(barcodes_path), delimiter="\t")]
if geneIDs:
- gene_names = gene_ids
+ gene_names = gene_ids
+ else:
+ for i in gene_names:
+ if ':' in i:
+ gene_names = gene_ids ### Occurs for species such as Zebrafish - can break AltAnalyze
+ break
#barcodes = map(lambda x: string.replace(x,'-1',''), barcodes) ### could possibly cause issues with comparative analyses
matrices_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(matrices_dir, os.pardir))
diff --git a/visualization_scripts/SashimiPlot.py b/visualization_scripts/SashimiPlot.py
index 1aa86cf..2b325cc 100644
--- a/visualization_scripts/SashimiPlot.py
+++ b/visualization_scripts/SashimiPlot.py
@@ -609,13 +609,13 @@ def justConvertFilenames(species,outputdir):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- ExportCountsSummary('/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/SalomonisLab/Anukana/Breast-Cancer/counts.TCGA-BRCA.txt');sys.exit()
- Sashimiplottting(bamdir,countsin,PSIFilename,eventsToVisualizeFilename,events=None)
- root_dir = '/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/SalomonisLab/BreastCancerDemo/FASTQs/all/'
+ #ExportCountsSummary('/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/SalomonisLab/Anukana/Breast-Cancer/counts.TCGA-BRCA.txt');sys.exit()
+ #Sashimiplottting(bamdir,countsin,PSIFilename,eventsToVisualizeFilename,events=None)
+ root_dir = '/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/Collaborative/Theodosia/CDA/'
events = ['Psip1:ENSMUSG00000028484:E10.2-I10.1|ENSMUSG00000028484:E10.1-E12.1']
events = None
eventsToVisualizeFilename = None
- eventsToVisualizeFilename = '/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/SalomonisLab/BreastCancerDemo/FASTQs/all/AltResults/AlternativeOutput/top50/MultiPath-PSI.txt'
+ eventsToVisualizeFilename = '/Users/saljh8/Desktop/dataAnalysis/Collaborative/Theodosia/CDA/AltResults/AlternativeOutput/Events-dPSI_0.1_rawp/events.txt'
bamdir = root_dir
remoteSashimiPlot('Hs', root_dir, bamdir, eventsToVisualizeFilename, events=events, show=False)
diff --git a/visualization_scripts/WikiPathways_webservice.py b/visualization_scripts/WikiPathways_webservice.py
index 9196585..27b823c 100755
--- a/visualization_scripts/WikiPathways_webservice.py
+++ b/visualization_scripts/WikiPathways_webservice.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def Report(self):
return output
def __repr__(self): return self.Report()
-def getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod):
+def getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod,keepGPML=True):
begin_time = time.time()
for wpid in pathway_db:
#print [wpid],'pathway_db',len(pathway_db)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ def getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod):
wp_id_data = wikipathways_api_client_instance.get_pathway_as(file_format = file_type,identifier = wpid, version = 0)
#wp_id_data = base64.b64decode(wp_id_data)
gpml_path = filepath('BuildDBs/WPs/'+processor_time+'/'+wpid+'.gpml')
+ gpml_path = filepath('BuildDBs/WPs/'+wpid+'.gpml') ### Used in version 2.1.5 and later
#print gpml_path
outfile = export.ExportFile(gpml_path)
outfile.write(wp_id_data); outfile.close()
@@ -84,18 +85,19 @@ def getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod):
parent_path = export.findParentDir(gpml_path)
pathway_db = gene_associations.getGPMLGraphData(parent_path,species_code,mod) ### get GPML data back
- #os.remove(gpml_path) ### Only store the file temporarily
- try: export.deleteFolder('BuildDBs/WPs/'+processor_time) ### clear any remaining pathway files
- except Exception: pass
+ if keepGPML:
+ #os.remove(gpml_path) ### Only store the file temporarily
+ try: export.deleteFolder('BuildDBs/WPs/'+processor_time) ### clear any remaining pathway files
+ except Exception: pass
end_time = time.time(); time_diff = float(end_time-begin_time)
try: print "WikiPathways data imported in %d seconds" % time_diff
except Exception: null=None ### Occurs when transitioning back from the Official Database download window (not sure why) -- TclError: can't invoke "update" command
- return pathway_db
+ return pathway_db,gpml_path
-def getHexadecimalColorRanges(fold_db,analysis_type):
+def getHexadecimalColorRanges(fold_db,analysis_type,includeHash=False):
for gene in fold_db:
@@ -159,7 +161,10 @@ def getHexadecimalColorRanges(fold_db,analysis_type):
hex = '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
#print f,n,rgb,hex
for gene in genes:
- fold_db[gene] = hex[1:]
+ if includeHash:
+ fold_db[gene] = hex
+ else:
+ fold_db[gene] = hex[1:]
return fold_db
def getColorRange(x):
@@ -170,7 +175,8 @@ def getColorRange(x):
vmin = -1*vmax
return vmax,vmin
-def getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,key_by):
+def getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,key_by,exportGraphID=True):
+ ### Export EITHER the differentially expresed gene Hex code for the WP GraphID OR the Source System/UID from the GPML for gpml2svg
for pathway in pathway_db:
wpi = pathway_db[pathway] ### all data for the pathway is stored in this single object - wpi.Pathway() is the pathway name
@@ -188,7 +194,11 @@ def getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,key_by):
for mod_id in gi.ModID():
if mod_id in id_color_db:
hex_color = id_color_db[mod_id]
- graphID_pathway_db[pathway,wpi.Pathway()][gi.GraphID()] = hex_color ### set the key,value of the child dictionary
+ if exportGraphID: ### Used by the legacy WP Webservice getColoredPathway
+ graphID_pathway_db[pathway,wpi.Pathway()][gi.GraphID()] = hex_color ### set the key,value of the child dictionary
+ else:
+ ### Export by the tuple of System and ID from the GPML source
+ graphID_pathway_db[gi.System(), gi.GeneID()] = [hex_color,1]
except Exception: None ### No MOD translation for this ID
return graphID_pathway_db
@@ -211,7 +221,7 @@ def viewLineageProfilerResults(filename,graphic_links):
pathway_db['WP2062'] = PathwayData('TissueFateMap')
### MOD and species are not particularly important for Lineage analysis
- pathway_db = getPathwayAs(pathway_db,'Hs','Ensembl')
+ pathway_db,gpml_path = getPathwayAs(pathway_db,'Hs','Ensembl')
log_report.write('Pathway data imported from GPML files obtained from webservice\n')
group_id_db={} ### store the results separately for each sample
@@ -224,7 +234,7 @@ def viewLineageProfilerResults(filename,graphic_links):
for biological_group in group_id_db:
group_specific = group_id_db[biological_group]
analysis_type = 'Lineage'
- id_color_db = getHexadecimalColorRanges(group_specific,analysis_type) ### example "id_db" is key:tissue, value:z-score
+ id_color_db = getHexadecimalColorRanges(group_specific,analysis_type,includeHash=True) ### example "id_db" is key:tissue, value:z-score
graphID_db = getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,'Label')
file_type = 'png' ### svg, pdf, png
@@ -234,8 +244,40 @@ def viewLineageProfilerResults(filename,graphic_links):
log_report.write('Pathways colored and images saved to disk. Exiting webservice.\n')
return graphic_link
+def exportGPML2SVG(pathway_db,gpml_path,output=None):
+ #### Use gpml2svg to export the gpml with colors
+ from visualization_scripts import gpml2svg
+ svg_path = gpml2svg.remote(gpml_path,pathway_db,output=output)
+ print [svg_path]
-def visualizePathwayAssociations(filename,species,mod_type,wpid,imageExport=True):
+ #The below code - in different permutations - fails due to various issues
+ """
+ from visualization_scripts.svglib import svg2rlg
+ from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
+ from svglib.svglib import SvgRenderer
+ from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
+ svgRenderer = SvgRenderer(svg_path)
+ renderPDF.drawToFile(svgRenderer, svg_path.replace('.svg','.pdf'))"""
+ """
+ import xml
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(svg_path)
+ svg = doc.documentElement
+ from svglib.svglib import SvgRenderer
+ svgRenderer = SvgRenderer(svg_path)
+ svgRenderer.render(svg)
+ drawing = svgRenderer.finish()
+ renderPDF.drawToFile(drawing, svg_path.replace('.svg','.pdf'))
+ """
+ import cairosvg ### This option kinda works - produces a pdf/png with black backgrounds and text offsets - non-vector (local directory code)
+ cairosvg.svg2png(url=svg_path, write_to=svg_path.replace('.svg','.png'))
+ cairosvg.svg2pdf(url=svg_path, write_to=svg_path.replace('.svg','.pdf'))
+ return svg_path[:-4]+'.png'
+def visualizePathwayAssociations(filename,species,mod_type,wpid,imageExport=True,gpml2svg=True):
### Log any potential problems
log_file = filepath('webservice.log')
log_report = open(log_file,'w')
@@ -261,10 +303,23 @@ def visualizePathwayAssociations(filename,species,mod_type,wpid,imageExport=True
log_report.write('%d IDs imported\n' % len(id_db))
pathway_db[wpid] = PathwayData(None) ### only need to analyze object (method allows for analysis of any number)
- pathway_db = getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod)
+ pathway_db,gpml_path = getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod,keepGPML=True)
log_report.write('Pathway data imported from GPML files obtained from webservice\n')
- id_color_db = getHexadecimalColorRanges(id_db,analysis_type) ### example id_db" is key:gene, value:fold
- graphID_db = getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,'MOD')
+ id_color_db = getHexadecimalColorRanges(id_db,analysis_type,includeHash=True) ### example id_db" is key:gene, value:fold
+ if gpml2svg:
+ exportGraphID = False
+ graphID_db = getGraphIDAssociations(id_color_db,pathway_db,'MOD',exportGraphID=exportGraphID)
+ if gpml2svg:
+ for pathway in pathway_db: wpi = pathway_db[pathway]; name = wpi.Pathway()
+ try: os.mkdir(root_dir)
+ except: pass
+ output_filename = str(root_dir+wpid+'_'+name+'-'+criterion_name)
+ svg_path = exportGPML2SVG(graphID_db,gpml_path,output=output_filename)
+ graphic_link['WP'] = svg_path
+ return graphic_link
if imageExport != 'png':
file_type = 'pdf' ### svg, pdf, png
@@ -403,14 +458,15 @@ def getAllSpeciesPathways(species_full):
return pathway_db
if __name__ == '__main__':
- pathway_db = getAllSpeciesPathways('Homo sapiens');
- for i in pathway_db:
- print i
+ import webbrowser
+ filename = "/Users/saljh8/Documents/GitHub/altanalyze/GPML/GE.EB_ESC.txt"
+ visualizePathwayAssociations(filename,'Hs','Ensembl','WP399')
+ sys.exit()
+ pathway_db = getAllSpeciesPathways('Homo sapiens');
- filename = "/Users/saljh8/Desktop/PCBC_MetaData_Comparisons/AltAnalyzeExon/Methylation_Variance/GO-Elite_adjp-2fold/regulated/GE.poor_vs_good-fold2.0_adjp0.05.txt"
- visualizePathwayAssociations(filename,'Hs','Ensembl','WP2857')
#viewLineageProfilerResults(filename,[]); sys.exit()
filename = "/Users/nsalomonis/Desktop/code/AltAnalyze/datasets/3'Array/Merrill/GO-Elite/input/GE.ko_vs_wt.txt"
pathway_db = getAllSpeciesPathways('Homo sapiens')
diff --git a/visualization_scripts/cairosvg.py b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f81566d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of CairoSVG
+# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
+# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with CairoSVG. If not, see .
+CairoSVG entry point.
+import cairosvg
diff --git a/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/__init__.py b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ac0ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of CairoSVG
+# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
+# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with CairoSVG. If not, see .
+CairoSVG - A simple SVG converter for Cairo.
+import os
+import sys
+import optparse
+from . import surface
+VERSION = '0.5'
+ 'SVG': surface.SVGSurface, # Tell us if you actually use this one!
+ 'PNG': surface.PNGSurface,
+ 'PDF': surface.PDFSurface,
+ 'PS': surface.PSSurface}
+# Generate the svg2* functions from SURFACES
+for _output_format, _surface_type in SURFACES.items():
+ _function = (
+ # Two lambdas needed for the closure
+ lambda surface_type: lambda *args, **kwargs: # pylint: disable=W0108
+ surface_type.convert(*args, **kwargs))(_surface_type)
+ _name = 'svg2%s' % _output_format.lower()
+ _function.__name__ = _name
+ _function.__doc__ = surface.Surface.convert.__doc__.replace(
+ 'the format for this class', _output_format)
+ setattr(sys.modules[__name__], _name, _function)
+def main():
+ """Entry-point of the executable."""
+ # Get command-line options
+ option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ usage="usage: %prog filename [options]", version=VERSION)
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-f", "--format", help="output format")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-d", "--dpi", help="svg resolution", default=96)
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-o", "--output",
+ default="", help="output filename")
+ options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
+ # Print help if no argument is given
+ if not args:
+ option_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit()
+ kwargs = {'dpi': float(options.dpi)}
+ if not options.output or options.output == '-':
+ # Python 2/3 hack
+ bytes_stdout = getattr(sys.stdout, "buffer", sys.stdout)
+ kwargs['write_to'] = bytes_stdout
+ else:
+ kwargs['write_to'] = options.output
+ url = args[0]
+ if url == "-":
+ # Python 2/3 hack
+ bytes_stdin = getattr(sys.stdin, "buffer", sys.stdin)
+ kwargs['file_obj'] = bytes_stdin
+ else:
+ kwargs['url'] = url
+ output_format = (
+ options.format or
+ os.path.splitext(options.output)[1].lstrip(".") or
+ "pdf")
+ SURFACES[output_format.upper()].convert(**kwargs)
diff --git a/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/css.py b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/css.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e925b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/visualization_scripts/cairosvg/css.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of CairoSVG
+# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
+# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with CairoSVG. If not, see .
+Optionally handle CSS stylesheets.
+from .parser import HAS_LXML
+# Detect optional depedencies
+# pylint: disable=W0611
+ import tinycss
+ import cssselect
+except ImportError:
+# pylint: enable=W0611
+# Python 2/3 compat
+iteritems = getattr(dict, "iteritems", dict.items) # pylint: disable=C0103
+def find_stylesheets(tree):
+ """Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
+ # TODO: support contentStyleType on