- Darcy Clarke (@darcyclarke)
- Nathan LaFreniere (@nlf)
- Philip Harrison (@feelepxyz)
- Rick Markins (@rxmarbles)
- Ruy Adorno (@ruyadorno)
- Jordan Harband (@ljharb)
- Gar (@wraithgar)
- Brian DeHamer (@bdehamer)
- Zach Steindler (@steiza)
- Owen Buckley (@thescientist13)
- Housekeeping
- Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
- Outline Intentions & Desired Outcomes
- Announcements
- Introduction(s)
- Issue: #622 [RRFC] include context that a module is overridden in npm ls - @bnb
- PR: #593 RFC: Only Registry Dependencies - @thescientist13
- PR: #626 RFC for linking packages to their source and build - @feelepxyz
- PR: #23 Add Singleton Packages RFC. - @usergenic
- @nlf
- have now added this context
PR: #593 RFC: Only Registry Dependencies - @thescientist13
- @darcyclarke
- Audit Policies (WIP) RFC: https://hackmd.io/RxIFqXTaRPeqKp9xokZZMA
- @thescients13
- updated RFC to use
npm query
- can be re-reviewed
- will ensure they can follow up
- updated RFC to use
PR: #626 RFC for linking packages to their source and build - @feelepxyz
- @feelepxyz
- many comments asking about how to allow personal machines to sign packages
- also, people have asked about pre-built binaries
- @mylesborins
- there is an existing RFC for "Distributions"
- supporting pre-built binaries seems out of scope because this usecases are for things that happen post-install (ref. #519 Package Distributions is a separate, orthogonal)
- requirements for building in CI
- @ljharb
- getting conflicting messages in the conversation on the RFC
- assuming that the process must be built on a trusted system for the provance to be considered a
- things like pre-builds would also have to be trusted prior
- what thought has been put into server-side behaivour approach (vs. putting this infront of the end-user)
- @mylesborins
- do not want vendor lock-in
- want to work with third-parties
- want to help solve the auditability of the build/source of the package
- this does not prevent malicious software from being published
- this work makes auditing streamlined/easy to do
- what's important is the third-party
- @ljharb
- want to propose an altered order of prioritization
- put something in sigstore about the package today
- unresolve: how do you trust the claim is correct
- then work on way to allow people to self-sign
- then work on gradular backfill for top
impactful packages - goal here seems to be, find a way to reliably measure if the code in the tarball is accurate to the repo
- why is "how" it was created important?
- @mylesborins
- most packages aren't 1:1 with their source counterpart
- @steiza
- seems like 3 goals:
- create public audit log as to how something was built
- linking a package back to it's source
- distributing package signatures to a third-party
- do need to consider what happens when the link/sourcer is deleted
- not sure who is responsible for validating this
- seems like 3 goals:
- @feelepxyz
- have been thinking about how to create this signature outside of npm (ex. publishes machine)
- seems to guarantee if npm is compromised
- this work also outlines how identities are handled
- this also lays the groundwork for any future
- creates a vendor neutral space
- want to also bubble up the idea of expanding the types of events we add into the ledger
- OpenSSF is looking at standardizing the types of events
- @steiza
- not super familiar with Rekor but the OpenSSF/Sigstore teams are looking into how to mask data for security/safety/compliance with GDPR/DMCS-type requests
PR: #23 Add Singleton Packages RFC. - @usergenic
- Will keep this on our radar