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Sven edited this page Aug 13, 2019 · 32 revisions

Feature discussion

Web app directories

Considered alternatives:

Note that it would also be possible to publish on platform app stores, at least with considerable effort:

Keyboard shortcut compatibility

  • Not all characters are available across keyboard layouts, e.g. ¥ with German layout
  • "Alt Graph" characters are produced with different modifiers depending on platform and thus
    • combinations with "Alt Graph" characters are not availabe accross platform, e.g. ß on Windows (would be Alt+Control+ß)
    • combinations with Alt are not available across platform, e.g. Alt+S on macOS (would be Alt+ß)

To ensure combatibility, do not define shortcuts with Alt and only use characters available across keyboard layouts, without "Alt Graph" (e.g. A-Z, 0-9, .,, ...).

Non-Latin keyboard layouts are typically used in combination with a secondary latin layout and users can switch layouts to activate shortcuts. For an improved experience, native software may match shortcuts against all installed layouts (e.g. Ψ and C with Greek layout), but unfortunately there is no adequate web API.

Cancellation of blocking operations

Using signals to interrupt blocking operations is not always possible in Python:

Python signal handlers are always executed in the main Python thread, even if the signal was received in another thread.

Mechanism inspired by AbortSignal:

class CancelSignal:
    cancelled: bool
    on_cancel: Optional[Callable[[], None]]

    def cancel(self):
        self.cancelled = True
        if self.on_cancel:

Example for bzpoptimed():

def bzpoptimed(..., signal: CancelSignal = None):
    if signal:
        signal.on_cancel = partial(r.publish, channel, 'int')
    while True:
        if signal and signal.cancelled:
            raise CancelledError()

Issue types

bug.critical: Bug that disables a substantial feature, use case or the entire app. For non-deterministic / performance bugs, functionality is considered disabled if fail rate > success rate / run time >> expected time.

Error reports

Data (here for client / JavaScript, but should be similar for server / Python):

Store as file in home (too large for log / email and should also work in case of database error) and log error message along with report file name.

UI consent (if needed, depending on data):

  • We'd kindly like to ask your permission to send error reports to help us fix 'em all.
  • An error report contains information about the action(s) that lead to the error (e.g. which button(s) you clicked)
  • Yes, Not now, Never

Data concepts

  • Value object (struct): {__type__}, JSONifiable
    • Temporary
    • Immutable
    • Equality
  • Entity: {__type__, id}, Object(JSONifiable)
    • Persistent
    • Mutable
    • Identity
  • Collection: {count, items, slice}, Collection
    Collection of entities; more precisely, a view to a slice of a collection

API stability

  • Always return objects for REST API:
    • Incompatible change: "meow" -> ["meow", 2]
    • Compatible change: {"a": "meow"} -> {"a": "meow", "b": 2}
  • Use options for functions:
    • Incompatible change: foo(a, x=None) -> foo(a, b, x=None)
    • Compatible change: foo(a, *, x=None) -> foo(a, b, *, x=None)
    • JavaScript: foo(a, {x: null} = {})

Function update path

  • Input change: Overload
  • Behaviour / output change: Overload with feature toggle
class OnType:
On = OnType()

def foo(a: int, *, bar: OnType) -> str:
def foo(a: int, *, bar: None = None) -> int:
def foo(a: int, *, bar: OnType = None) -> Union[str, int]:
    if bar is None:
        return a + 1
    return str(a + 1)

foo(2, bar=On)
foo(2, bar=On if args.get('bar', False) else None)
foo(a, {bar: false} = {}) {};

Object update path

If type of attribute or behaviour of method changes (which we cannot handle otherwise, e.g. conforms to a protocol and cannot be called with an additional feature flag):

  1. Deprecate old name and add new functionality with alternative name
  2. Switch old name over to new functionality
  3. Optional: Remove alternative name (extra cost, requires another change by API user)
class Cat:
    fur: int
    coat: str

class Cat:
    fur: str
    coat: str
{"__type__": "Cat", "fur": 2, "coat": "tabby"}

{"__type__": "Cat", "fur": "tabby", "coat": "tabby"}


Major dependency updates are breaking changes.

If micro and a micro user share the same dependency A 1.* and micro upgrades to A 2.*, we break the user's deployment, because different incompatible versions cannot be installed next to each other. According to the SemVer FAQ, dependency updates should not be considered breaking unless the public API changes. We would however argue that the package is part of the public API.

It may be possible to make a major dependency update non-breaking by supporting both versions for a deprecation period, but this would likely result in a non-justifiable amount of workaround code.

Collection extensions

class WithAuthors:
    def __init__(self):
        self.authors = Collection(RedisSortedSet('{}.authors'.format(self.ids.key),,

    def on_add(self, item):
        """Subclass API.""", time.time(),

    def on_remove(self, item):
        """Subclass API."""
        if not in set( for item in self):

    def json(self, *, slc):
        return {'authors': self.authors.json(slc=slc)}

class Comments(Collection, WithAuthors):
    def __init__(self):

    def comment(self):
        # ...

    def json(self):
        return {
            **WithAuthors.json(self, slc=slice(0:2))

# Maybe trashed count is not so relevant, but nice example of additional collection meta data
class WithTrashable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__key = '{}.meta'.format(self.ids.key)

    def trashed_count(self):
        return int(, 'trashed_count'))

    def on_trash(self, item):, 'trashed_count', 1)

    def on_restore(self, item):, 'trashed_count', -1)

    def json(self):
        return {'trashed_count', self.trashed_count}

Experimental type annotations

We step-by-step introduce type annotations for micro on a provisional bases to see how it works out in a dynamic language like Python.

Some stumbling blocks:

Annotate micro as typed:

SVG icons

Cloned content of <use> is placed and layed out in the current container with the given width, height and preserveAspectRatio of the referenced symbol. If width and height are set to 100%, the cloned content scales to the container (centered to keep the aspect ratio). The container size is not influenced by the cloned content and must be explicitly set, either for each icon (e.g. with .fa-w-X) or for all icons to the same size.

<svg class="svg-inline--fa"><use href="{{ icons_url }}#angle-down"></use></svg>

Type hints

Type hints may further improve code quality, but we should first investigate how they interact with the dynamic nature of Python. Experimental branch:

Auto-Disabled button

If the button is triggered, it will suspend (disable), then after the promise resume (enable). If the button disabled property is modified inbetween (e.g. by the promise itself), we lose this change.

// Suspend:
this.suspended = true;
this.disabledResume = false;
// Resume:
this.suspended = false;
this.disabled = this.disabledResume;

class Button {
    set disabled(value) {
        if (this.suspended) {
            this.disabledResume = value;
        } else {
            super.disabled = value;

Generalized data binding transforms

At the moment transforms are special functions that receive ctx as first argument. We could rather make ctx available as special variable, which can be passed to transforms that really need it.

let stack = [null].concat(data, micro.bind.transforms);
// ...
stack[0] = {ctx};
// data-content="list ctx posts 'post'"

Event templates

Object.assign(this.eventTemplates, {
    "purr": ".foo-purr-event-template"
this.eventData = {makeURL: foo.makeURL};
let elem = document.importNode(ui.querySelector(ui.eventTemplates[event.type]).content, true);
micro.bind.bind(elem, Object.assign({event}, this.eventData));

Roadmap outline

  1. MVP / Beta 1:
    • Target: App is usable in a minimal form. User mistakes are correctable.
    • Audience: Groups the developers are themselves part of
    • Feedback channel: Direct
  2. Beta 2:
    • Target: App is usable on a daily basis. Core functionality is implemented. Purpose is clearly apparent to first time users. Feedback from Beta 1 is incorporated.
    • Audience: Social networks of the developers
    • Feedback channel: Social networks / App
  3. Beta 3:
    • Target: App monitoring is available. Feedback from Beta 2 is incorporated.
    • Audience: Public, announced on various platforms, e.g.:
    • Feedback channel: App / Platforms
  4. Stable:
    • Target: Features expected from a self-contained app are implemented. Feedback from Beta 3 is incorporated.


unwatch(prop, onUpdate) {
    let i = (watchers[prop] || []).findIndex(f => f === onUpdate);
    if (i === -1) {
        throw new Error();
    watchers.splice(i, 1);

Data binding

Sophisticated user listing:

<p data-title="joinText list.authors ', ' map 'name'">
    <span class="fa fa-pencil"></span>
    <span data-content="join list.authors 'user' ', ' 3">
        <template data-name="overflow">
            + <span data-content="sub list.authors.length 3"></span>


<span data-content="format 'Hello {user}!' 'user'">
<span data-content="format 'Hello {user}!'">
    <template name="user"><micro-user data-user="user"></micro-user></template>

Translate (calls format):

<span data-content="translate 'hello' 'user'">

Advanced translation example:

    <span data-content="translateEditedBy list.authors">
        <template data-name="authors">
            <span data-content="join list.authors 'user' ', ' 3">
<script> = (ctx, authors) => {
        let n = authors.length;
        return micro.bind.translate(ctx, n > 3 ? "edited-by-overflow" : "edited-by", "n", n);
        "edited-by": "edited by {authors}",
        "edited-by-overflow": ["edited by {authors} and {n} other", "edited by {authors} and {n} others"]

Update strategies

  • Python / JavaScript API:
    • Breaking changes okay
    • User decides update time
    • Sometimes non-breaking changes are not possible or only with disproportionate effort:
      • (JavaScript) Convert <custom-element> from/to <div is="custom-element"> (can only be registered once)
  • Web API:
    • Breaking changes only after deprecation period
    • Service provider decides update time, user needs time to make adjustments

New features and API stability

Assume that micro introduces a new announcement feature with the following API:

  • type Announcement
  • Attribute Application.announcements
  • DB key announcements
  • endpoint /api/announcements
  • page /announcements
  • ...

If an existing micro application already makes use of any of those names, this could lead to breaking behavior (e.g. micro code modifies Application.announcements or posts to /api/announcements and they have different, unexpected semantics).

How can we solve this? New features that involve the extendable API could be major releases. New features could be introduced behind a feature toggle with a minor release and enabled by default with a major release. DB keys could be prefixed with micro.

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