- Fixed redirect bug if redirectURL was empty
- Changed the plugin logo
- Added the ability to choose a redirect URL, to redirect visitors after form submission
- Removed support for MaxMind GeoIP
- Added support for ipstack geolocation
- Added more (and better defined) tags and classes to the form, for your styling pleasure
- Made sure the banner works with all site urls
- Corrected the documentation URL
- Added the ability to change the plugin's name
- Changed the custom Vue tag to use a hyphen, as stated by https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/custom-elements.html#valid-custom-element-name
- Added a secondary button to the banner, with the ability to link this button to an entry or url of your liking
- Fix minor bugs
- Fixed a bug where setting geolocation method to 'none' was impossible
- Added GeoIpLite as a geolocation method
- Changed the way consent settings are loaded, allowing for static page caching
- The plugin can now be used combined with static page caching
- Added a choice between Implied and Explicit consent
- Added a service and variable, to provide templates with consent info
- Changed the default CSS to give the banner a fixed position
- Added the plugin to Github