- Answer Questions - What am I building? - Who am I building it for? - What features do I need to have?
- User Stories
- Model my Data
- Think through the pages I need in my app
What am I building? I am building a personal site. A place where I can blog, share examples of my work, and have people contact me.
Who am I building it for? I am building it for myself, but also the community. Sharing what I am learning by blogging is a great way to learn for myself, but I will teach others in the process. Show potential employers that I know what I am doing.
What features do I want to have? - Posts
- Create / Edit / Destroy
- Markdown
- Syntax highlighting
- Comments (Disqus)
- Projects
- Create / Edit / Destroy
- Contact
- Contact form
- Sendgrid
- User (Devise)
As a User I want to be able to create posts So that I can share what I am learning on my blog
As a User I want to be able to edit & destroy Posts So that I can manage my blog
As a User I want to be able to write posts in markdown format So that it's easy for me to write posts
As a User I want to be able to highlight the various syntax of code blocks So that I can share code nicely on my blog
As a User I want to show the visitors and potential employers examples of my work So that I can inform potential employers
As a Visitor I want to be able to contact the blogger through a form on the site So that I can communicate with the blogger
As a Visitor I want to be able to leave comments to posts So that I can give my opinions on the posts
- Home
- Posts#index
- Posts#show
- Projects#index
- Projects#show
- Contact