Make sure each of these things are done in sequence before a release.
- 1.
git checkout master
andgit pull
- make sure you are on master and have the latest changes - 2. Check
to make sure you are publishing the intended version - 3. Update
to list version being published and update links - 4. Update
with the version to be published - 5.
git push origin master
- make sure everything is pushed - 6.
git status
- nothing to commit, working directory clean - 7.
cargo package
- check which files are being included in the build - 8.
cargo test --features "test unstable"
- all tests should pass - 9.
cargo run --example runtest
- runtest should exit successfully - 10.
cargo build --examples
- all examples should build - 11.
cargo doc --open
- spot check the documentation for any issues - 12.
cargo publish --dry-run
- everything should pass - 13.
cargo publish
- this will upload the package and is NOT reversible - 14.
git tag v1.2.3
- create a tag with the correct version - 15.
git push origin --tags
- push the new tags to the repository - 17. Update the version in
in master to the next version to be released - 18. Add a new
with relevant section headings from - 19.
git push origin master
- push anything new