There are 3 types of plugins:
- Input plugin
- Provides an entrance of events. It usually creates a thread and listen socket. Or pull data from data sources periodically.
- Output plugin
- Provides an exit of events. Output plugins are usually buffered that accumulates events in the buffer and write out to file or network. Buffers are provided by buffer plugins. Some output plugins are fully customized plugin that doesn't use buffer plugins.
- Buffer plugin
- Provides a buffer implementation. Buffer plugin manages performance and reliability.
You can add your own plugin. See :ref:`devel`.
http input plugin listens HTTP clients. The URL is a tag of events and event body is included on the POST parameter.
Parameter | Description | Required? |
json | body of the event in JSON format | either 'msgpack' or 'json' |
msgpack | body of the event in MessagePack format | either 'msgpack' or 'json' |
time | time of the event in integer (UNIX time) | no |
POST /myapp.access HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 21 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded json={"event":"body"}
<source> type http port 9880 bind </source>
- port
- port to listen on. Default is 9880.
- bind
- bind address to listen on. Default is (all addresses).
tail input plugin reads events from the tail of text files, like tail -f
<source> type tail path /var/log/httpd-access.log tag apache.access format apache </source>
- path (required)
- Paths separated with ',' to read. This parameter is required.
- tag (required)
- Tag of the event. This parameter is required.
- format (required)
Format of the log. It's name of a template or regexp surround by '/'.
Regexp must have at least one named captures (?<NAME>PATTERN). If the regexp has capture named 'time', it is used as a time of the event. You can specify format of the time using time_format parameter. If the regexp has capture named 'tag', tag parameter + captured tag is used as the tag of the event.
Following templates are supported:
- apache
Reads apache's log file host, user, time, method, path, code, size, referer and agent fields. This template is same as following configuration:
format /^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^ ]*) +\S*)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)(?: "(?<referer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)")?$/ time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
- syslog
Reads syslog's output file (e.g. /var/log/syslog) time, host, ident, message fields. This template is same as following configuration:
format /^(?<time>[^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?[^\:]*\: *(?<message>.*)$/ time_format %b %d %H:%M:%S
- time_format
- Format of the time field. This parameter is required only if the format includes 'time' capture and it can't be parsed automatically. See Time#strptime.
tcp input plugin listens MessagePack stream on a TCP socket. This is used by fluent-cat
command or other language bindings.
Protocol format:
stream: message... message: [tag, time, record] or [tag, [[time,record], [time,record], ...]] example: ["myapp.access", [1308466941, {"a"=>1}], [1308466942, {"b"=>2}]]
<source> type tcp port 24224 bind </source>
- port
- port to listen on. Default is 24224.
- bind
- bind address to listen on. Default is (all addresses).
unix input plugin listens MessagePack stream on a UNIX socket. This is used by fluent-cat
command or other language bindings.
The format is same as tcp
<source> type unix path /var/run/fluent.sock </source>
- path
- Path of the socket. Default is $install_prefix/var/run/fluent.sock.
Most of output plugins are buffered which accumulates new events on memory or files.
The structure of the buffer is a queue of chunks like following:
queue +---------+ | | | chunk <-- write events to the top chunk | | | chunk | | | | chunk | | | | chunk --> wirte out the bottom chunk | | +---------+
When chunk size exceeds limit (buffer_chunk_limit) or specified time elapsed (flush_interval), new empty chunk is pushed. The bottom chunk is wirtten out immediately when new chunk is pushed.
If it failed to write, the chunk is left in the queue and retried to write after seconds (retry_wait). If the retry count is exceeds limit (retry_limit), the chunk is trashed. The wait time before retrying increases twice and twice (1.0sec, 2.0sec, 4.0sec, ...). If the length of the queue exceeds limit (buffer_queue_limit), new events are rejected.
All buffered output plugins supports following parameters described above:
<match pattern> buffer_type memory buffer_chunk_limit 1m buffer_queue_limit 100 flush_interval 60s retry_limit 8 retry_wait 1.0s </match>
buffer_type specifies the type of buffer plugin. Default is memory
Suffixes "s" (seconds), "m" (minutes), "h" (hours) can be used for flush_interval and retry_wait. retry_wait can be a decimal.
Suffixes "k" (KB), "m" (MB), "g" (GB) can be used for buffer_chunk_limit.
file buffered output plugin writes events to files.
<match pattern> type file path /var/log/fluent/myapp time_format %Y%m%d time_wait 10m compress gzip utc </match>
- path (required)
- Path of the file. Actual path becomes path + time + ".log". See also
option descried below. - time_format
- Format of the time in the file path. Following characters are replaced with values:
%Y Year with century %m Month of the year (01..12) %d Day of the month (01..31) %H Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23) %M Minute of the hour (00..59) %S Second of the minute (00..60)
Default is
which splits files every day. Use%Y%m%d%H
to split files every hour.- utc
- Uses UTC for path formatting. Default is localtime.
- time_wait
- Wait time before flushing the buffer. Default is 10 minutes.
- compress
- Compress flushed files. Supported algorithm is gzip. Default is no-compression.
Note that this output plugin uses file buffer by default.
file buffered output plugin forwards events to another fluent server.
<match pattern> type tcp host port 24224 send_timeout 10s <secondary> host port 24224 </secondary> </match>
- host (required)
- IP address or host name to send events. This parameters is required.
- port
- Port number of the host to send. Default is 24224.
- <secondary>
- Backup destination whch is used when the primary destination is failed.
unix buffered output plugin forwards events to another fluent process on the same host.
<match pattern> type unix path /var/run/fluent.sock </match>
- path (required)
- Path to the UNIX domain socket. This parameters is required.
copy output plugin copies events to multiple outputs.
<match pattern> type copy <store> type file path /var/log/fluent/myapp1 ... </store> <store> ... </store> <store> ... </store> </match>
- <store>
- Specifies output plugin. The format is same as <match> directive.
roundrobin output plugin distributes events to multiple outputs using round-robin algorithm.
<match pattern> type roundrobin <store> type file path /var/log/fluent/myapp1 ... </store> <store> ... </store> <store> ... </store> </match>
- <store>
- Specifies output plugin. The format is same as <match> directive.
stdout output plugin prints event to the console.
<match pattern> type stdout </match>
This output plugin is for debugging.
roundrobin output plugin just throw away events.
<match pattern> type null </match>
memory buffer plugin provides fast buffer implementation. It uses memory to store buffer chunks. Buffered events which can't be written soon are deleted when fluent is shut down.
<match pattern> buffer_type memory </match pattern>
file buffer plugin provides persistent buffer implementation. It uses file to store buffer chunks.
<match pattern> buffer_type file buffer_path /var/log/fluent/myapp.*.buffer </match pattern>
- buffer_path (required)
- Path to store buffer chunks. '*' is replaced with random characters. This parameter is required.
You can use following command to search plugins released on RubyGems:
$ fluent-gem search -r fluent-plugin
Type following command to install it:
$ sudo fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-scribe
Next step: :ref:`devel`