For information about checking out and building Fuchsia see Getting Started and Soure Code. Image needs to be configured with sshd support:
fx set x64 --packages garnet/packages/products/sshd
fx full-build
You need to build fuchsia for both arm64 and amd64:
fx set arm64 --packages garnet/packages/products/sshd
fx full-build
Syscall descriptions live in the sys/fuchsia
folder. To update a syscall, you need to modify the .txt
file that contains it, make sure your new definition matches the one in zircon's syscalls.abigen file. If the syscall was used in executor/common_fuchsia.h
, you need to update the usages there as well. FIDL definitions do not need manual updating because they are extracted automatically with the commands below.
Once you updated the syscalls definitions, everything can be regenerated by running:
make extract TARGETOS=fuchsia SOURCEDIR=/path/to/fuchsia/checkout
make generate
To build binaries:
make TARGETOS=fuchsia TARGETARCH=amd64 SOURCEDIR=/path/to/fuchsia/checkout
Run syz-manager
with a config along the lines of:
"name": "fuchsia",
"target": "fuchsia/amd64",
"http": ":12345",
"workdir": "/workdir.fuchsia",
"kernel_obj": "/fuchsia/out/build-zircon/build-x64",
"syzkaller": "/syzkaller",
"image": "/fuchsia/out/x64/out/build/images/fvm.blk",
"sshkey": "/fuchsia/out/x64/ssh-keys/id_ed25519",
"reproduce": false,
"cover": false,
"procs": 8,
"type": "qemu",
"vm": {
"count": 10,
"cpu": 4,
"mem": 2048,
"kernel": "/fuchsia/out/build-zircon/build-x64/zircon.bin",
"initrd": "/fuchsia/out/x64/bootdata-blob.bin"
Syscall descriptions for FIDL are automatically generated as part of make extract
as described above.
However, if you wish to manually generate syscall descriptions for a given .fidl
file, do the following.
FIDL files should first be compiled into FIDL intermediate representation (JSON) files using fidlc
/fuchsia/out/x64/host_x64/fidlc --json /tmp/io.json --files /fuchsia/zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-io/io.fidl
Then run FIDL compiler backend fidlgen
with syzkaller generator, which compiles a FIDL IR file into a syscall description file:
/fuchsia/out/x64/host_x64/fidlgen -generators syzkaller -json /tmp/io.json -output-base fidl_io -include-base fidl_io
To run syz-ci
locally for Fuchsia, you need:
- Go 1.12 toolchain (in
dir in the example below) - bootstrapped Fuchsia checkout (in
dir in the example below) - bootstrap
binary (in the current dir, build withmake ci
) syz-ci
config similar to the one below (inci.cfg
file in the current dir)
"name": "testci",
"http": ":50000",
"manager_port_start": 50001,
"goroot": "/go1.12",
"syzkaller_repo": "",
"managers": [
"name": "fuchsia",
"repo": "",
"manager_config": {
"target": "fuchsia/amd64",
"type": "qemu",
"cover": false,
"procs": 8,
"vm": {
"count": 4,
"cpu": 4,
"mem": 1024
Run syz-ci
SOURCEDIR=/bootstrap/fuchsia ./syz-ci -config ci.cfg
While running the make extract
step, it's possible that the fidl definitions
are not up to date. It could happen that they have been removed or renamed.
If this is the case, you would see an error mentioning that the fidl.json file could not be found:
go generate ./sys/fuchsia
cannot find /path-to-fuchsia/out/x64/fidling/gen/zircon/public/fidl/zircon-ethernet/zircon-ethernet.fidl.json
exit status 1
You can search for the string in the fuchsia repos or in the code-review tool to
see what happened to it. If the fidl interface was renamed or removed, you
should update sys/fuchsia/fidlgen/main.go
to reflect this change, and remove the
stale autogenerated files.