Small utility for manipulating emojis via
fzf's --preview
if you don't have it already to use its preview browser: -
Install the latest release of
from pypi:pip install emoji-fzf
See emoji-fzf --help
for supported commands.
This project allows you to install the tool in an isolated environment:
There's an excellent zsh plugin available, see here (thanks @pschmitt !):
You could add a shell alias like the following to your shell init script:
# if you aren't installing to a virtual env, you may need to add this to path
# (if it wasn't already) to access the tool from a pip installation
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
# add me to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or whatnot
alias emoj="emoji-fzf preview | fzf -m --preview "emoji-fzf get --name {1}" | cut -d " " -f 1 | emoji-fzf get"
# to copy to xclip system keyboard (on mac use pbcopy) after selecting
emoj | xclip -selection c
You can also add the following to a ~/.vimrc
file (apologies for the kludgy
vimscript, I'm not great at it), to enable C-e
to open the emoji picker and
insert the selected emoji:
" Use emoji-fzf and fzf to fuzzy-search for emoji, and insert the result
function! InsertEmoji(emoji)
let @a = system('cut -d " " -f 1 | emoji-fzf get', a:emoji)
normal! "agP
command! -bang Emoj
\ call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'emoji-fzf preview',
\ 'options': '--preview ''emoji-fzf get --name {1}''',
\ 'sink': function('InsertEmoji')
\ })
" Ctrl-e in normal and insert mode will open the emoji picker.
" Unfortunately doesn't bring you back to insert mode 😕
map <C-e> :Emoj<CR>
imap <C-e> <C-o><C-e>
If you prefer not to use fzf's preview feature and have the emojis appear before their aliases you can use the following alias instead:
alias emoj="emoji-fzf preview --prepend | fzf | awk '{ print \$1 }'"
emoji-fzf uses a pre-defined set of aliases for every emoji. If you want to
define your own, ie add custom aliases for some emojis you can do this via the
Please note that these aliases will be appended to the list of pre-defined aliases and not replace them.
First you need to create a JSON file with the following structure:
[ { "👍": ["my-custom-alias", "good-boy"] }, { "💯": ["epic-victory-royale"] } ]
Now you can call
like so:emoji-fzf --custom-aliases /path/to/your-custom-aliases.json preview
This uses a Dockerfile to keep the test build environment relatively clean and locked. The full test infrastructure is:
- Docker container, based on Ubuntu 20.04
- tox to run the tests + build checks
- pre-commit to run isort, black, etc.
- check-wheel-contents for built wheel sanity
To run the test suite in docker just as CI does:
This just uses old timey setuptools:
python sdist bdist_wheel
Use twine
to upload to pypi.