Official repository containing information for instructing annotators on subjectivity detection on news articles
Our objective is to collect and annotate sentences from news articles to build a secret test set for the CLEF shared task on subjectivity detection.
We kindly invite you and your team to help us collect and annotate a small dataset (~300 sentences) in a specific language where you have proficiency (e.g. your native one).
- Read
for collecting data for annotation. - Read
for annotation.
Contact our team via email (see Contact section) and specificy how many annotators you have available and the language you aim to cover. Please, use the following template to contact us:
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: [CheckThat! 2025 - Task 1] Annotation Proposal
Dear organizers,
We would like to contribute to the shared task as follows:
Language: XXX
Name Surname Affiliation
Name Surname Affiliation
Your signature
Internal deadline for corpus annotation: 17 March 2025. CheckThat! 2025 deadline for test data release: Mid-April 2025.
If you have no experience in crawling news articles or programming, send us an email with the list of identified news articles and their URL. We will provide you with the crawled news articles for annotation.