Shaoxing Mo, Yulong Zhong, Ehsan Forootan, Xiaoqing Shi, Wei Feng, Xin Yin, Jichun Wu
This is a PyTorch implementation of Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BCNN) for reconstructing the missing GRACE(-FO) TWSA fields of 2017-2018 from hydroclimatic predictors in an image-to-image (field-to-field) regression manner. It's revised after the repo of Dr. Yinhao Zhu. BCNN can be felxiblely applied to other problems involving complex image-to-image mappings.
- python 3
- PyTorch
- h5py
- matplotlib
- scipy
The BCNN reconstructed data are available at We have also uploaded the datasets used for BCNN training to Google Drive. One can download the datasets and train BCNN to reproduce our results.
The parameter settings can be modified in Two network arechitectures, CBAM and RRDB, are provided. The latter is deeper and slower, but it can generally provide a slightly better performance. The CBAM and RRDB architectures are respectively employed in our JoH paper and WRR paper.
See Mo et al. (2022a) and Mo et al. (2022b) for more information. If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider to cite:
* Mo, S., Zhong, Y., Forootan, E., Shi, X., Feng, W., Yin, X., Wu, J. (2022a). Hydrological droughts of
2017–2018 explained by the Bayesian reconstruction of GRACE(-FO) fields. Water Resources Research, 58,
* Mo, S., Zhong, Y., Forootan, E., Mehrnegar, N., Yin, X., Wu, J., Feng, W., Shi, X. (2022b). Bayesian
convolutional neural networks for predicting the terrestrial water storage anomalies during GRACE and
GRACE-FO gap. Journal of Hydrology, 604, 127244.
Contact Shaoxing Mo ([email protected]) with questions or comments.